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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/07 20:45:20
looking good cade good luck
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/07 20:48:06
reggiesanchez looking good cade good luck Thank you! My real name is Chris, you (all) can call me that. Long story....
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/08 05:55:58
reggiesanchez looking good cade good luck Is there a new pic?! I can't see at work :( Chris, before you booger up your expensive waterblock, why not MAKE a waterblock? Use Copper sweat caps and 1/2" pipe? The flow will be considerably faster then any other waterblock.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/08 12:10:25
nateman_doo Is there a new pic?! I can't see at work :( Chris, before you booger up your expensive waterblock, why not MAKE a waterblock? Use Copper sweat caps and 1/2" pipe? The flow will be considerably faster then any other waterblock. The pic is just my res with filter material over it. I will try to get it to show tonite. Reading about copper sweat caps and 1/2" pipe I am reminded of the 3 stooges episode where they try to plumb a house and wind up with water coming out of light fixtures. I would definitely need some guidance, but I am willing to give it a shot. There is a plumbing/home supply house nearby so if I can get a general idea of what to do, they can help me out. They are old school independant and know a lot of tricks.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/08 19:40:40
cade121  Man you have GALLONS of water in there!
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/08 20:44:38
Yeah, if I ever get it working right I want to be able to go to work/bed etc. and let my system fold without worrying about it going dry, hehe. I looked up copper sweat caps. Would you mount the cap onto a block and install pipes into the top of the cap? Also trying to see how you would hold it down. Would you make your own hold down apparatus, sort of like you did in the "blockman" thread, or utilize an existing backplate and screws? Maybe you could demonstrate your paint skillz and post us a diagram?
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/09 07:30:22
nevermind, I saw the pic in the get it colder thread. slowly getting up to speed here. nate is dragging me into the abyss...
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/09 08:35:00
ha! I'll throw you a life preserver whenever you need.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/20 13:42:52
pretty interesting... why not use a single 1.5" sweat cap for the base, and a 1.25" sweat cap for the block? Keep the pictures comeing no matter what you do! Looks like you will have quite some capacitiy to hold liquid in there.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/25 20:22:09
looks great cade definitley worthy of its own post.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/25 20:31:30
reggiesanchez looks great cade definitley worthy of its own post. Thanks! Once I get it completely finished, and assuming it is not an epic fail as far as cooling goes, I may do that.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/25 20:43:20
im dying to see your mounting solution. keep the pics coming!
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/02/25 21:01:24
nateman_doo im dying to see your mounting solution. keep the pics coming! I know, I know, laughter is the best medicine heh. I left the mounting plate at work, of course, but will hopefully be able to post some pics of the block mounted to the board this weekend.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/08 10:19:03
well dont leave us hanging
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/08 10:34:18
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/08 10:48:29
UPDATES UPDATES UPDATES UPDATES UPDATES UPDATES I say you put a crap load of copper BB's in that block before you try it out too
[22:00:32] NordicJedi: the only way i can read this chatroom is if i imagine you're all dead 
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/08 21:05:03
Sorry, I didn't realize anyone was still interested in this lol. A lot of "stuff" (the kind that hits the fan) has happened the last two or so weeks. I finished the block and mounting plate and installed it (painted it black, see pic). Looked pretty good in my case but didn't cool worth a darn. It was open/bare on the inside. Soooo, I made another one ( did it at work so no pics  ). This time I extended the two top pipes down into the block all the way to the bottom and soldered them. I also installed two more sections of same size copper pipe in there. All four pieces were flared so they would solder better. I used an air powered cutting disk and cut slices in all the pipes for water flow, and to increase surface area. Man, sounds freakin awesome doesn't it?! Underwater heatpipes! Didnt cool worth a crap. I'm thinking you would need to use some type of tool to cut some grooves inside the block or a drill/press to tap lots of tiny holes to increase surface area that way. I have a dremel but it is buried in a box somewhere and I'm not sure if it can do what I want it to (not that I have the skillz anyway lol). I did some research and found     the Martin Liquid Labs spreadsheet and determined that the Danger Den 1366 block has just about the highest flow around. An older design but should suffice for bonging. Microcenter just happened to have a couple in stock so I bought one over the weekend. I have good flow and temps are about 8-10 degrees above ambient. Not bad but not what I went through all this for  . I suspect my submerged pump is adding heat to the water. Why didn't I think of that before, seems like common sense now. This has been my first foray into water cooling so I have been like a blind man trying to shoot skeet. I broke out my 655 pump again, since I have a higher flowing block, in order to get the pump out of the reservoir, but it wouldn't pump. I must have run it dry at some point and messed it up. Hehe, tragi/comedy par excellence. So, I gotta come up with another outboard pump I reckon. I also, um, did away with my first bong. 3 inch pvc isn't large enough. I went with 4 inch this time. No paint for bong this time either. Plastic paint flecks off in water and contaminates it. I shortened the pipe the shower head connects to in order to bring it back up near the top of the bong which helped cooling a little. All in all it has been a frustrating but fun project, and I ain't giving up till I get ambient/sub temps. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Today I ordered that Easy Mister Rudster posted a link to on page five. May not do any good but I am gonna confirm or eliminate it as a possibilty in the quest to get it a little bit colder lol. Sorry for the book, but this is several minor updates in one. P.S. I don't know how the pics landed in the middle of the message. The curser was blinking below the text. Oh well, pretty much how this whole project has gone heh.
post edited by cade121 - 2010/03/08 21:08:12
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/08 21:16:16
Sorry to hear it didnt meat your expectations but if it helps it looked awsome. Looks like your on the right track im sure you will get the results your looking for one day.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/09 05:08:06
may I suggest drawing in air from the outside? I am really curious about the BB approach. Your internal surface area would go through the roof. Just haven't built a new block to try it out on. I will probably try it with a GPU block or something. This way we can tell what the temps are with just a sweat cap, and what the temps are with the BB's.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/09 05:55:17
Thanks for the encouraging words Reggie. I will give bb's a shot, why not. The mount system is pretty much the same as with my Danger Den block so it won't take long to swap em out. As far as drawing air from outside, I currently live in an apartment so probably wont do that. I put an offer on a house so if I get it I may be able to swing something like that. Time will tell, I will post up anything I am able to try out.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/09 18:58:32
In order for the BB's to work, they have to be pure copper, and soldered on the inside. Then it becomes one with the block. Let me know if u want a link to some pure copper BB's. use the force-err... McMaster-Carr... ;)
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/09 19:01:25
cade121   Honestly... yours looks way better then mine. And your Waterblock looks pretty sweet too! I wouldn't give up on it just yet... try these Click Copper>Shape>Balls. Then pick a size & get busy.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/10 07:57:32
Ok, thanks for the link (and the encouraging words : ) Nate. I will order some of those, they are cheap enough. Also looking at one of eheim inline water pumps.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/10 09:36:44
your pump should work, I am not sure why it doesn't.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/10 09:44:04
I have thought of doing this Bong cooler idea, but i think im going to opt with pulling a heater core outta the f 250 at the junk yard down the highway :D
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/10 10:35:47
gnfnr100 I have thought of doing this Bong cooler idea, but i think im going to opt with pulling a heater core outta the f 250 at the junk yard down the highway :D Lol. Well, the bong is simple and cheap and very effective once you get it working. Most report getting down to ambient temps even a little below ambient. Nate, my 655 is running, water is gurgling, it just won't take up the water pump it through the system. If I tap it you can hear a knocking sound like something loose in there.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/11 10:12:36
cade121 gnfnr100 I have thought of doing this Bong cooler idea, but i think im going to opt with pulling a heater core outta the f 250 at the junk yard down the highway :D Lol. Well, the bong is simple and cheap and very effective once you get it working. Most report getting down to ambient temps even a little below ambient. Nate, my 655 is running, water is gurgling, it just won't take up the water pump it through the system. If I tap it you can hear a knocking sound like something loose in there. take it apart and maybe you will find a broken impeller?
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler
2010/03/11 10:42:24
nateman_doo cade121 gnfnr100 take it apart and maybe you will find a broken impeller? I took it partially apart and couldn't tell anything. Sounds like the noise is coming from the rear/motor area, not sure if I can get in there.