My 7' Tall Evaporative Water Cooling Tower

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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/03 21:11:16 (permalink)
that looks friggin sweet cade
question, how deep is the water in the bottem res where the pump is?

just wondering if by chance a small whirlpool is forming and grabbing some bubbles into the loop at that spot


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/03 21:26:14 (permalink)

heh... show off!   :P

I should have painted mine.  Mine looks like garbage, or like someone said.. a sewer pipe in my room!

Looks sweet man! 

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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/03 21:50:03 (permalink)
Haha thanks for the compliments guys. Nateman, I hope I have temporarily satiated your voyeuristic urges! Str1d3r, the pics are deceptive re the water level. It looks almost empty but there is at least 6 gallons in the res. I can pretty much submerge my whole hand in there. Anyways, I don't know wut I'm gonna do. My temps will gradually climb into the upper 40's. There just isn't any flow to speak of. If I can't get it figured out I will prolly just spring for a 360 rad this weekend and there will be a big black bong in the dumpster with two 120mm fans gorilla glued to it. Hittin the sack, I was up till 3 am last night fighting with this thing. Oh yeah, sweet pics on page 6 of that missle silo looking thing and also several of the others before it, interesting ideas.


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/04 00:18:17 (permalink)

And a few older chiller systems I've worked on
the ring has a series of very  small holes drilled on the inside edge facing down to center at about 45 degree angle
where the water enters the can.
that fan blade is not to scale at all and is a fixed non-motorized blade to swirl the incomming air.
been scrapping some sprayer versions, this one seems to work ok. the vapor pump pipe diameters are what I'm toying around with now.

If you've seen a JT8 burner can, you would know the striking resemblance.  The burner can has the same shape and has similar stationary blades to create a swirling air flow around the fuel nozzle.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/04 02:55:28 (permalink)

Haha thanks for the compliments guys. Nateman, I hope I have temporarily satiated your voyeuristic urges! Str1d3r, the pics are deceptive re the water level. It looks almost empty but there is at least 6 gallons in the res. I can pretty much submerge my whole hand in there. Anyways, I don't know wut I'm gonna do. My temps will gradually climb into the upper 40's. There just isn't any flow to speak of. If I can't get it figured out I will prolly just spring for a 360 rad this weekend and there will be a big black bong in the dumpster with two 120mm fans gorilla glued to it. Hittin the sack, I was up till 3 am last night fighting with this thing. Oh yeah, sweet pics on page 6 of that missle silo looking thing and also several of the others before it, interesting ideas.

dont you dare give up?!  You just got started.  I fiddled with mine for a week at least.  Do you have an MCP 655 pump?  Why don't you try a regular shower head instead of the mister?  I swear I spend $5.00 on it.  At least try it before you scrap the project.  Then try out the MCP 655 pump!  its actually pretty sweet since its a DC pump, so if you wire up the fans and the pump on a speaker wire, you can have everything turn on at the same time!

Peerless  Chrome Standard Showerhead

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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/04 04:37:36 (permalink)
If you've seen a JT8 burner can, you would know the striking resemblance.  The burner can has the same shape and has similar stationary blades to create a swirling air flow around the fuel nozzle.

probably ridden a few but never worked on one.

Man that cart looks fast ;)
post edited by str1d3r - 2010/02/04 04:41:52


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/04 05:54:16 (permalink)
I would bet that little cart would probably have a good power to weight ratio
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/04 06:16:56 (permalink)

nate, going back a few pages you had a pic of the collected condensation in the drier vent.
if I remember right you said it was winshield washer fluid or some anti-freeze of sorts

was wondering if you ever considered or tried a duel loop with a water to water home made heat exchanger instead.

-existing loop would remain as is through the tower. (just plain h20)

-second (closed) loop would pump anti-freeze to a  rad located outside. the loop could pump the chilled anti-freeze to a submerged rad inside the res of your tower.
        both of these rads could just be fanless copper coils made by rolling  1/4" copper tubing around a spray can.

the reason for this suggestion is the question of possible health issue's. You're breathing those vapours. not to mention......freezin ur @ss off with the window open.  
maybe bury the outside loop in the spring and get some geothermal action.
65 degrees or so year round
post edited by str1d3r - 2010/02/04 06:22:37


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/04 06:25:15 (permalink)
I noticed the harmful vapors within the first few hours, and that was one of the biggest reasons for venting everything outside.  The more water I add to the mix, the alcohol is evaporating and being displaced by the water.  A gallon a day is not longer evaporating.

It was only 58°F in the room last night, which isn't terrible, so I don't mind the windows open.

If anything, I would go the route of a radiator located outside.  BUT, I am only cooling the NB/Vregs with the bong at the moment.  I have been using my chiller full time since I have been benching all week.  If I ran the radiator outside, I would probably have to subzero prep the chipsets... and that would be SUCH a pain, especially around the Vregs.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/04 06:47:16 (permalink)
yep, I understand.

 cheapo solution= regulate the outside loop pump with a window a/c units t stat. 

was just a thought.  


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/04 07:05:45 (permalink)

dont you dare give up?!  You just got started.  I fiddled with mine for a week at least.  Do you have an MCP 655 pump?  Why don't you try a regular shower head instead of the mister?  I swear I spend $5.00 on it.  At least try it before you scrap the project.  Then try out the MCP 655 pump!  its actually pretty sweet since its a DC pump, so if you wire up the fans and the pump on a speaker wire, you can have everything turn on at the same time!

Peerless  Chrome Standard Showerhead

Nah, not giving up yet. I do have the 655 pump and extended the wire like you did. It worked fine at first. I think it is an airlock issue. Just had a plumber in our shop and quizzed him . He said to install an inline air bleeder at the lowest point and the highest point, similar to a hot water heater system. Since water doesn't compress it just stops at the point where it has compressed the air in the line. I guess that explains all the empty places in the hosing. So I will give that a shot and see what happens. I did see some cool spray attachements at Lowes in the garden section that go with the pond pumps. They come in kits with usually 3 or 4 attachments for different spray patterns. They are very narrow and should fit right in the bong


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/04 07:42:39 (permalink)
I didn't even think of looking in the pond section for spray attachments.  I think that all of the spray from mine, goes down the sides of the water.  Still works, but I don't think it is as efficient as falling water droplets. 
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/04 10:50:01 (permalink)
cade, as for the air purgers that may be a good solution
look also @ the air scoops. just for the design and impliment it in a way that works for the smaller pipe size.
auto vents came to my mind last night  as well but I quickly dismissed the idea when I remembered how they tend to allow air into a system at low pressure. I totally forgot about key vents.

nate disregard my last post. 2 minutes after I posted, I hit the road and got about 3 miles when I had a forhead slapping realization.
condensation. yep, I doo understand what you meant by a pita.

like I said a few posts back, I'm a bit preoccupied in the head and running on empty. need some zzzzzzzzz's


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/04 11:30:48 (permalink)
heh.  go to sleep.  I am going to buy more dryer vents, and those flappy things that you can install and they automatically close.  I will put them in a board, and put that in the window.  It will draw in that COLD fresh air, and vent right back outside.  the condensation trap is totally worth it for future bong builders.  Just let it run for a couple of hours and you will see the collection of it in your pipe.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 00:18:08 (permalink)

cleaned up and made a few improvements!  I picked up reducers (4-5" for the top, and 4-6" for the fans)  and some of those one way flappy valves, and stuck them in a cardboard cutout so now it takes in COLD outside air, and vents everything outside!  didn't try it out yet, working on something else at the moment, but stay tuned...

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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 09:36:14 (permalink)


cleaned up and made a few improvements!  I picked up reducers (4-5" for the top, and 4-6" for the fans)  and some of those one way flappy valves, and stuck them in a cardboard cutout so now it takes in COLD outside air, and vents everything outside!  didn't try it out yet, working on something else at the moment, but stay tuned...

You're insane. 
It would be interesting to know -- off the record -- what your wife thinks about all of this.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 10:55:35 (permalink)
Have you thought about maybe using a wet sump system and submerging a radiator into the sump.  To separate your cooling system waters.  Pull your evap water from below the rad and returning water dumps in above it.  By design you the Evap water is going to get very dirty and eventually start to clog the smaller passages in your blocks.  By using a heat exchange system in your evap cooler you will lose a small amount of efficiency.  You gain in a couple other ways, first you keep your clean water in the PC, saftey, if you run low on water and the evap system stops your still going to move water through your blocks.  plus you can move your noisy evap cooler outside.
Just throwing it out there


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 15:43:46 (permalink)

You're insane. 
It would be interesting to know -- off the record -- what your wife thinks about all of this.

i think he's crazy... but i much enjoy this pipe thingy over running 2 air conditioners in 20 degree weather. has he told you about our electric bill .
post edited by nateman_doo - 2010/02/06 16:21:48
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 16:20:35 (permalink)
^ my wife felt the need to post her own reply
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 20:07:08 (permalink)
You mean you don't have an extension chord coming from the neighbors house Why don't you get some long tubes throw a 3x3 rad outside with some fans on it and run the tubes in through the window to you water blocks. That would get some low temps in the winter.

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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 20:54:24 (permalink)
Nateman, what kind of cpu block are you using? I am beginning to think my XT is the restriction. The copper portion is very raspy, like an amd cpu whose pins have been shaved down almost, but not quite flush. I have taken it apart about 3 or 4 times now and it is gunked up. I have changed res water and made sure it is clean but I guess it is dust or something. I wonder if the humidifier additive is not agreeing with it. Anyways, just wondering which one you are using since you don't seem to be having the problems I am. I installed to snifter valves and got rid of air. When I first clean block water flow is pretty good but gradually deteriorates. Right now it has stopped altogether. I can go to microcenter tomorrow and get an apogee gtz but I don't want to waste the trip or the money if it has the same design on the inside.


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 21:19:18 (permalink)
It could very well be some of the additives not agreeing with each other I know if you mix different types of anti-freeze in a cars radiator sometimes they can create a sort of sludge that will stay in the rad unless flushed.

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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 21:45:58 (permalink)
Ok, I pulled the shower head assembly up and out of the tower and bent it backwards looking at the shower head. When I did it made a spewing/hissing sound and started flowing. Not great but flowing. Right now I got 2 cores slightly below ambient and 2 cores slightly above ambient. Flow has slowed a little and temps have gone up a couple of degrees. So, I think I am going to reconfigure the spray assembly and maybe try one of the pond type spray heads that go with the pump and see what happens. I will try to do that tomorrow and post back results. @dlb134, I think I will go to pet store and get some of that bio-killer type stuff they use in aquariums. It is supposedly the same thing as one of the products packaged for liquid cooling systems and should be ok for water pumps/blocks etc.


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 22:01:48 (permalink)

Nateman, what kind of cpu block are you using? I am beginning to think my XT is the restriction. The copper portion is very raspy, like an amd cpu whose pins have been shaved down almost, but not quite flush. I have taken it apart about 3 or 4 times now and it is gunked up. I have changed res water and made sure it is clean but I guess it is dust or something. I wonder if the humidifier additive is not agreeing with it. Anyways, just wondering which one you are using since you don't seem to be having the problems I am. I installed to snifter valves and got rid of air. When I first clean block water flow is pretty good but gradually deteriorates. Right now it has stopped altogether. I can go to microcenter tomorrow and get an apogee gtz but I don't want to waste the trip or the money if it has the same design on the inside.

Still using my secret home made block  
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 22:14:35 (permalink)

Still using my secret home made block  

Egads not fair! Make another and I will buy it, or trade u a 655 pump. Really, I hope I have figured out my headache. I'm hoping to have good news tomorrow about a new spray head. We shall see.


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/06 22:16:04 (permalink)


cleaned up and made a few improvements!  I picked up reducers (4-5" for the top, and 4-6" for the fans)  and some of those one way flappy valves, and stuck them in a cardboard cutout so now it takes in COLD outside air, and vents everything outside!  didn't try it out yet, working on something else at the moment, but stay tuned...

Danger Will Robinson!


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/07 00:43:46 (permalink)
You people are nuts and I say that with the utmost respect.

So gentlemen, have we discovered a way to recollect some of the evaporated bong water and recycle it?
Has anyone tried the original design?


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/07 06:38:46 (permalink)
I can collect the runoff, but it doesn't evaporate as much since I am mixing in water then just the Prestone.   Also I ran more tests last night, and my chiller goes over ten degrees below ambient.  I think it should be much more, but I think the traditional radiators are actually adding heat into the system.  I plan to isolate today and just run the bong to the chipsets without the radiators in the mix. 

Also on a side note, by putting the chiller in the window, the chiller can pull down to -40°C and it is SO much quieter now.  The cooler helps to insulate (pun intended) the noise from the unit.
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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/07 19:36:20 (permalink)
Well I bought the pond sprayer kit, but once I compared them with the shower head, and with good flow, the shower head had better dispersion. I flushed the system and ran the pump with the hoses off the block. Water was jetting out of the inlet hose. I then attached the hose to the inlet on the block and ran the pump. The water coming out of the outlet barb on the block was moving much slower. I took the block apart again, cleaned it, changed the water in the res, and put some air filter material over the top of the res. I have been running all day but temps have slowly climbed up to around air cooling temps. Started off just below ambient. I think the block is simply outputing the water too slowly to travel through the length and height of hose to be effective. Also, the XT is very very sensitive to contamination. Maybe all blocks are since they are designed for closed loops. Time to mod : ). I am gonna try to get rid of the millions of raspy pins on the copper part of the block and make it smooth. Hopefully it will speed up flow and make it harder for tiny debris to get trapped in the block. I include a pic of my res with the filter material. Nothing special but I would like to keep the water as clean as possible.


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Re:My 7' tall Evaporative Cooler 2010/02/07 19:37:26 (permalink)

Well I bought the pond sprayer kit, but once I compared them with the shower head, and with good flow, the shower head had better dispersion. I flushed the system and ran the pump with the hoses off the block. Water was jetting out of the inlet hose. I then attached the hose to the inlet on the block and ran the pump. The water coming out of the outlet barb on the block was moving much slower. I took the block apart again, cleaned it, changed the water in the res, and put some air filter material over the top of the res. I have been running all day but temps have slowly climbed up to around air cooling temps. Started off just below ambient. I think the block is simply outputing the water too slowly to travel through the length and height of hose to be effective. Also, the XT is very very sensitive to contamination. Maybe all blocks are since they are designed for closed loops. Time to mod : ). I am gonna try to get rid of the millions of raspy pins on the copper part of the block and make it smooth. Hopefully it will speed up flow and make it harder for tiny debris to get trapped in the block. I include a pic of my res with the filter material. Nothing special but I would like to keep the water as clean as possible.
Forgot to mention I also bought pre-made filters at Microcenter to go over the intake fans.


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