The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come!

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2020/12/14 12:11:00 (permalink)

Typing this with the 3080 still installed because I want to take my time & document this momentous occasion, it is not too often I get to fiddle with an Apex-level GPU like this (yes I know, Kingpin, but I didn't want to wait or spend even more money lol).
I will try to compile most of the information on this post as I add it below as well so that those curious can simply view the first post & get the general information they would want.
Unboxarinoing part uno (some of the pictures are the smol versions because the full versions are several megabytes each because phone camera):

She thicc O_O I thought the box on my 1080 Ti FTW3 Hybrid was thick. lol

Everyone can appreciate a nice box, gigidity.

More to come including comparison (to the 3080 FTW3 Ultra, size wise), installation pictures, and of course, your standard benchmark & game numeros as I have time to do them!
Edit 1: current Port Royal peaks:
+105 core, +200 vRAM (just messing around not pushing it yet): 14178 link: https://www.3dmark.com/pr/643611
Undervolting testing, set at 2040MHz @ .981mV (+200 vRAM), no power limiting here: 14119 link: https://www.3dmark.com/pr/643637 
Lil' preview of what comes later in the thread:

Edit 3: Highest results so far, custom a-f voltage curve gave me this:

Edit 4: she's on ModRigs now, feel free to give me a +1 :-D https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42454
Edit 5: We pushin' it now bwois!

Edit 6: My current Port Royal recordo with this card puts me in 30th place on the Leaderboards with my CPU/GPU combination, 14728, screenshot & link: https://www.3dmark.com/pr/651793 

Review Notes so far:
  • The included eVGA fans move a lot of air, RGB on them is actually nice, not too bright, good accenting, the RGB cables are compatible with other 5V aRGB header cords (connected to my Vardars no problem) - but they are L O U D at anything over about 60%.  They are LOUDER than my Vardars at 100% vs 100%.
  • The card performs exceptionally well at Folding at Home so far, one type of WU only saw 51C, the other only got up to 44-45C, looking like it will average between 6.5M-7M PPD if I actually folded on it full time. 
  • The air coming out of the GPU's exhaust area (at the back of the case, from the actual card itself) actually does it get fairly warm too, saw it get up to 32C on the thermocouple I have there during some gaming sessions - proof there are heatsinks in the card that are helping cool the VRMs & Memory - apparently the heatsinks inside the Kingpin card are, unsurprisingly, better & have slightly better temperatures.
post edited by Dabadger84 - 2020/12/18 07:36:43

ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891  
5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor

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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 13:01:08 (permalink)
    Congratulations on your beast, Christmas came early this year   Now you should be able to push that ultra-wide monitor a bit harder now.
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 13:03:59 (permalink)
    3 questions.
    1. Is your card idling correctly?
    2. Does the card fan stop on idle?
    3 Pump noise?  How bad...
    Cool GTX
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 13:08:43 (permalink)

    Learn your way around the EVGA Forums, Rules & limits on new accounts Ultimate Self-Starter Thread For New Members

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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 14:46:59 (permalink)
    3 questions.
    1. Is your card idling correctly?
    2. Does the card fan stop on idle?
    3 Pump noise?  How bad...

    1st question's answer:

    I assume that qualifies as a yes, for most people ^_^
    2nd question answer: the fan will auto-stop on the GPU itself when at idle on the Normal BIOS, that's how it's supposed to function - I am not on the OC BIOS (yet) - also I immediately removed the eVGA fans & replaced them with EK Vardar RGB goodness, so I can't answer whether or not the radiator fans would auto-stop as well or not.
    3rd question answer:
    I put my ear literally right next to the GPU (glass is not currently on the side of my case) and I don't hear any noise coming from it what so ever over the hum of the 3 fans near it (which are only at 50%, 50% & 60% respectively, so they're not "loud" either.  So if it is making noise, it's pretty quiet.
    I'll add a decent locale of pictures when I can, right now I'm working on the fresh install of programs related to the GPU, uninstalled all of them before uninstalling the drivers & using DDU, just to make sure everything is as wiped and fresh as humanly possible even though I was going from one NVidia card to another.

    ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891  
    5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
    Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 15:02:00 (permalink)
    Most of the pictures are "preview" quality, not full resolution as I don't want it merc-ing people's phone bandwidth etc.

    Had a guest during the majority of the process... she was very curious why there was so much racket of air cans & such going on but still conked out several times.

    Quick size comparison - out with the not-very-old, in with the still-in-it's-wrapper new!

    Rat's nest of cords confirmed... one of these days I'll find out how those eVGA fans perform, but for now:

    BYE FELICIA - replacing them with EK Vardar RGB fans that push a pretty amazing amount of static air at 50-60% whilst being almost completely silent.
    Part of me wishes they'd kept the translucent shroud they had on some of the previous generation Hybrids, but the texture look to it is kind of neat, understated, matches pretty much any build.
    Also, no red lips, for those wondering. 
    Easy part done, she's in Jim!
    Then came the fun of realizing I had correctly calculated that both radiators would fit up top... what I didn't calculate is that the mounting hole areas would not line up to screw holes... Sooooooooooooooooo I spent a good 45 minutes trying different arrangements, ended up with basically what looks like a tubing-mess, but seems to be functioning just fine, until such time as I get my CPU on an open loop so I can properly mount the 3090's radiator etc.

    Yes. Those are twistie times - It's screwed in with 3 screws on the other side in the 140mm-designed mounting slots, it'll do for now ^_^

    ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891  
    5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
    Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 15:04:08 (permalink)
    First boot was the real moment of truth, would I suffer the doom of instant red-lights or...

    Nah we gud 
    One more, then it's time for some good stuff later today/tomorrow!

    Idle temp at the moment is... 22C, GPU Radiator fans are at 50%, GPU on board fan is on auto-stop mode so it's off, here's the full iCX readouts:

    post edited by Dabadger84 - 2020/12/14 15:06:31

    ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891  
    5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
    Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 15:24:16 (permalink)
    Damn boi.. that looks awesome!
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 15:31:45 (permalink)
    Here's some of the information more people are probably really interested in.  Temperature, clocks, voltage, and power draw readouts from a Port Royal run (everything in the system is at stock so the score is only 13.3k):

    Very happy to see the power draw is pretty darn evenly split between my 8-pins, so I don't seem to be encountering that issue a lot of the early FTW3 Ultras had.
    I can certainly bring that temperature down further, both with undervolting & high fan speeds under load.  For that run, I had the GPU's on board fan set to 50%, and the GPU radiator EK Vardar fans were just set to the motherboard profile, which is 50% ramping to 65% when the VRM of the motherboard reaches a certain temp.  I'll have to adjust that particular set of fans so it reacts based on GPU temperature, if my motherboard will allow that via it's weird software.
    GPU load was actually at 98% the majority of the benchmark instead of 99%, so I'm assuming my CPU/RAM being at stock put a bit of a kink on that score result, but I spent part of last night troubleshooting a crashing problem with Cyberpunk 2077 and never reset back to my OC after I resolved the issue to see if the OC caused it again, got tired.

    ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891  
    5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
    Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 16:13:33 (permalink)
    Wow your whole build looks great, congrats on getting it so soon! Early Christmas lol

    You can receive up to 10% off purchases (B-Stock included) at evga.com with my associate's code:

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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 16:36:19 (permalink)
    Hi there! May i see a screenshot of your icx sensors running furmark for a bit? I want to see how my hybrid kit installation performs in comparison.
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 17:21:21 (permalink)
    Here's some of the information more people are probably really interested in.  Temperature, clocks, voltage, and power draw readouts from a Port Royal run (everything in the system is at stock so the score is only 13.3k):

    Very happy to see the power draw is pretty darn evenly split between my 8-pins, so I don't seem to be encountering that issue a lot of the early FTW3 Ultras had.
    I can certainly bring that temperature down further, both with undervolting & high fan speeds under load.  For that run, I had the GPU's on board fan set to 50%, and the GPU radiator EK Vardar fans were just set to the motherboard profile, which is 50% ramping to 65% when the VRM of the motherboard reaches a certain temp.  I'll have to adjust that particular set of fans so it reacts based on GPU temperature, if my motherboard will allow that via it's weird software.
    GPU load was actually at 98% the majority of the benchmark instead of 99%, so I'm assuming my CPU/RAM being at stock put a bit of a kink on that score result, but I spent part of last night troubleshooting a crashing problem with Cyberpunk 2077 and never reset back to my OC after I resolved the issue to see if the OC caused it again, got tired.

    why does it read NVIDIA RTX 3080?

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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 17:36:17 (permalink)
    This thread delivers!  Thanks Badger!
    Btw: that lonely 3080 looks like in needs a home...  Hit me up.  I can help it.😎

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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 17:41:43 (permalink)
    I want to know the difference between ftw3 and kingpin
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 18:17:33 (permalink)
    I want to know the difference between ftw3 and kingpin

    1. Binning(all but admitted to)
    2. PCB Quality/Components: Able to be evaluated objectively, but whether performance to be gained remains to be ratified.
    There is at least one anecdotal example on this forum of a founders edition 3090 surpassing OOTB Kingpin performance.
    Kingpin has always been for the 'lift the hood' enthusiasts, but Ampere may be a challenge to market segmentation for EVGA.
    3. OC Enthusiast hardware-level features and exclusive software.
    4. Appeal of water-blocking.

    All of these (my subjective) selling points are in the Kingpin's favor. The degree to which they're in your favor as a wavering-consumer remains to be seen, and influenced by cost:value.

    Case: --InWin LE S-Frame #111/500--
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 18:32:26 (permalink)
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 20:21:05 (permalink)
    First boot was the real moment of truth, would I suffer the doom of instant red-lights or...

    Nah we gud 
    One more, then it's time for some good stuff later today/tomorrow!

    Idle temp at the moment is... 22C, GPU Radiator fans are at 50%, GPU on board fan is on auto-stop mode so it's off, here's the full iCX readouts:

    Nice! Looks good and congrats! :)

    Corsair Obsidian 900D
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    3DMark Port Royal: http://www.3dmark.com/pr/715577
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/14 22:33:09 (permalink)
    That is one hell of a case!

    Intel i9 10850k (4.9)
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 01:01:37 (permalink)
    Jesus badger thats an abomination case setup  
    Lets try VF OC' ing with good ambient and proper chip you can hit 2200 hold. Looking foward to your answer and hit me up if u want to do 2200 HOLD oc with this baby

    3080 FTW3  Ultra 2012-Chinese First Batch.| 2300-2250 Air Hold  World record  Ambient 7C >https://www.3dmark.com/pr/628547
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 01:19:56 (permalink)
    Wow, looks awesome
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 01:22:42 (permalink)
    3rd question answer:
    I put my ear literally right next to the GPU (glass is not currently on the side of my case) and I don't hear any noise coming from it what so ever over the hum of the 3 fans near it (which are only at 50%, 50% & 60% respectively, so they're not "loud" either.  So if it is making noise, it's pretty quiet.

    That makes me want to squeal with glee!

    ||  CPU: Intel 10700k   ||  GPU:  evga 3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid ||  MB: Gigabyte z490 UD AC  || RAM: 2 x 16GB 3000mhz DDR4 SDRAM  || Samsung EVO 970 Plus 2TB   ||    Dell S2417DG Monitor    ||  Soundblaster AE-7  ||  Phanteks p400a Case  ||   be Quiet! Dark Rock Slim CPU Cooler  ||  Corsair AX1600i PSU  ||  9 Fans total in system ||
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 01:26:37 (permalink)
    Here's some of the information more people are probably really interested in.  Temperature, clocks, voltage, and power draw readouts from a Port Royal run (everything in the system is at stock so the score is only 13.3k):

    Very happy to see the power draw is pretty darn evenly split between my 8-pins, so I don't seem to be encountering that issue a lot of the early FTW3 Ultras had.
    I can certainly bring that temperature down further, both with undervolting & high fan speeds under load.  For that run, I had the GPU's on board fan set to 50%, and the GPU radiator EK Vardar fans were just set to the motherboard profile, which is 50% ramping to 65% when the VRM of the motherboard reaches a certain temp.  I'll have to adjust that particular set of fans so it reacts based on GPU temperature, if my motherboard will allow that via it's weird software.
    GPU load was actually at 98% the majority of the benchmark instead of 99%, so I'm assuming my CPU/RAM being at stock put a bit of a kink on that score result, but I spent part of last night troubleshooting a crashing problem with Cyberpunk 2077 and never reset back to my OC after I resolved the issue to see if the OC caused it again, got tired.

    What resolution was your Port Royal bench and what does GPU2 represent?

    ||  CPU: Intel 10700k   ||  GPU:  evga 3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid ||  MB: Gigabyte z490 UD AC  || RAM: 2 x 16GB 3000mhz DDR4 SDRAM  || Samsung EVO 970 Plus 2TB   ||    Dell S2417DG Monitor    ||  Soundblaster AE-7  ||  Phanteks p400a Case  ||   be Quiet! Dark Rock Slim CPU Cooler  ||  Corsair AX1600i PSU  ||  9 Fans total in system ||
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 04:46:16 (permalink)
    I'm alive!
    Conked out for way longer than I planned to, but after 2 days of being up over or about 24 hours in a row, guess my body needed the sleep.
    why does it read NVIDIA RTX 3080?

    LUL I just noticed that myself.  I custom labeled it when I got the 3080 & haven't renamed it yet.
    Wow your whole build looks great, congrats on getting it so soon! Early Christmas lol

    Thanks, and indeed it is ^_^
    Hi there! May i see a screenshot of your icx sensors running furmark for a bit? I want to see how my hybrid kit installation performs in comparison.

    I don't do Furmark. :-P Sorry.
    This thread delivers!  Thanks Badger!
    Btw: that lonely 3080 looks like in needs a home...  Hit me up.  I can help it.😎

    Mayhaps, the 3080 FTW3 Ultra is definitely going to a new home in about 2 weeks or so.  I'm either going to keep this 3090 or get a 3080 FTW3 Hybrid - either way the air-cooled card is goneski.  I loved it, it is a great performer & a solid undervolter/overclocker, but that heat being exhausted in to the case is just no bueno in my view.
    I want to know the difference between ftw3 and kingpin

    As Schulmaster said, there's actually a lot of differences, the Kingpin is a completely customized PCB intended to be used for extreme/LN2 OCing, the FTW3 is just a higher end custom PCB, and it's actually not THAT special, compared to previous generation FTW3s vs their FE counterparts.
    That is one hell of a case!

    She thicc, and heavy, and solid, and roomy... I cannot stand working in smaller cases, to be honest.  My previous case was an Enermax Fulmo GT (which is huge but not as big as this thing).
    Jesus badger thats an abomination case setup  
    Lets try VF OC' ing with good ambient and proper chip you can hit 2200 hold. Looking foward to your answer and hit me up if u want to do 2200 HOLD oc with this baby

    What is VF OCing?  BIOS mod stuff or what?
    That makes me want to squeal with glee!

    I'm going to do a more "unbiased" check of the pump noise at some point (turn ALL of my case fans on SILENT mode so they're barely making any noise then just listen), but as far as I can tell, this pump makes even less noise than my CPU AIO's pump does at full speed.  I actually turned my CPU AIO pump down so that it's only running maximum speed when the CPU is under load... at idle it only runs ~1390RPM, at which it makes no noticeable "noise"... at full speed, there's definitely a bit of pump whine - But I'm fairly certain the Gen2 Thermaltake Floe like what I have is a Gen5 Acetek pump, so that's sort of to be expected.
    What resolution was your Port Royal bench and what does GPU2 represent?

    Whatever resolution the benchmark runs at default, I think 1440p right?  I believe GPU2 is a readout that is right near the edge of the GPU, towards the VRM that's at the "front" or exhaust-end of the PCB, meaning it's squeezed between the GPU & the warmest VRM that's closest to the GPU's exhaust exit.  That would make sense given the temperature it saw.
    I'll be running more tests & some gaming today, got my CPU back at 5GHz with my RAM at stock, as I think my 4000MHz settings were possibly causing some issues - I'll retest those later when I'm not fiddling with the GPU as much.
    Now that I'm done eating, check'er out, I re-integrated some Riing fans (the fan under the GPU that's cooling the M.2s is now a 140mm instead of a 120mm, previously with the FTW3 Ultra 3080 present I couldn't FIT a 140mm cuz she was too thicc).  The GPU expansion slot exhaust has been removed, rear exhaust fan is set to 50% so it's just making sure the air that might be "stuck" there is going out, I'm going to adjust the intakes upward slightly to compensate for having 5 exhaust fans now, but, visually I think it looks neat.
    Thermaltake fans are set to "Aurora" mode, it looks quite neat:

    Gonna do some power draw checking to see how much, if any significant power, that light bar draws (that is off in that pic)

    ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891  
    5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 04:55:44 (permalink)

    Full build, 12 total fans, huge GPU..... can still fit a toddler. That case rocks!

    Gigabyte Aorus Master x570 * AMD 5900X * 32GB G.SKILL Trident 3600 * Arctic Liquid Freezer II 420 * GeForce 4090 FE  * Corsair RM1000x PSU * 1TB Samsung 970 EVO NVMe * 2x 2TB Samsung 870 QVO SSDs * LG OLED48CXPUB * Fractal Design Meshify 2 XL
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 05:16:04 (permalink)
    Full build, 12 total fans, huge GPU..... can still fit a toddler. That case rocks!

    It's actually still 14, not including the PSU fan.  There's 1 fan you can't see on the backside blowing are over the SSDs/HDDs back there... well, you can see a sliver of it, where the red arrow is (and there's one on top of the CPU radiator that's holding it in it's currently weird place with 4 screws):

    That 200mm is very surprising in just how much air it moves, and it's only on 60%... which isn't "silent" but it's not notably loud either.

    ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891  
    5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
    Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 05:26:38 (permalink)
    After listening to the pump closely again, there is a very, very quiet "pump noise", it's so quiet that I'm not 100% sure if it's my CPU pump or my GPU pump, or a combination of both.  It's not of the obnoxious sort at all, it's just that general click-purring most AIO pumps making, very quiet though.

    ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891  
    5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 05:35:19 (permalink)
    I just installed my Hybrid kit on my FTW3 Ultra 3090 last night. I had some high temps at first but after moving my radiator up top like you did and having the fans exhaust heat out the top of the case I'm back in the high 50s low 60s with temps. The card is also clocking higher so while the temp decrease isn't as dramatic as I hoped, it's throwing more power so it's a win win all around. I see your GPU2 temp is also slightly high like mine, I thought I did something wrong but I guess not. Does anyone know what GPU2 represents? 

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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 05:38:49 (permalink)
    I just installed my Hybrid kit on my FTW3 Ultra 3090 last night. I had some high temps at first but after moving my radiator up top like you did and having the fans exhaust heat out the top of the case I'm back in the high 50s low 60s with temps. The card is also clocking higher so while the temp decrease isn't as dramatic as I hoped, it's throwing more power so it's a win win all around. I see your GPU2 temp is also slightly high like mine, I thought I did something wrong but I guess not. Does anyone know what GPU2 represents? 

    I could be wrong, but I believe GPU Temp 2 is a measurement that is edge of GPU die, towards the VRM & vRAM that is at the "front" (exhaust end) of the GPU PCB, meaning the warmest area given the blower-style of the card itself.  So it's sandwiched between the GPU's heat, front VRM heat, and the vRAM - which would explain why it's usually the warmest readout on the card. 

    ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891  
    5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 05:59:04 (permalink)
    Ahh ok, thank you. I may need to mount another fan like you did to blow some air in that area of my case. I think I have a pocket of dead air that gets stuck around the top of my GPU. 

    Affiliate Code = I6E6SHELAX
    ASUS Z690 Strix E
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    Re: The Arrival - RTX 3090 FTW3 Hybrid Unboxing, installation & review to come! 2020/12/15 06:08:28 (permalink)
    Ahh ok, thank you. I may need to mount another fan like you did to blow some air in that area of my case. I think I have a pocket of dead air that gets stuck around the top of my GPU. 

    Yeah I originally put the 200mm fan in that  sandwiched area between the back of the GPU & my front intake to make sure air was moving all around the GPU when I had my 3080 FTW3 Ultra installed, to make sure air wasn't recirculating too much & keep temps down.  It makes a big difference.  Not as much of one with a Hybrid card, but still, the back having some airflow over it on these 3090s probably does help the back vRAM stay a bit cooler.
    Just did another Port Royal run with less background applications open, still on Normal BIOS, no overclock applied, CPU at 5GHz is the only thing OCed at all on the system:
    https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/54904033 13561
    and here's the GPUz readouts, I was hitting PWR & occasionally VRel as PerfCap reasons during the test:

    People aren't kidding when they say this thing is sucking a good amount of power through the PCIe slot compared to the 3080.  But, that does confirm the power limit on the stock Normal BIOS is about 420W give or take.
    Time to flip to the OC BIOS switch position & see if I gain anything before messing with sliders.

    ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891  
    5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14
    Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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