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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/05 18:18:47
Jacob are we going to see the dark in the australian market, australia has not seen any evga x79 products good or bad
rig 1 X79 DARK 3940k (4.4oc), corsair Platinum 2133mhz,Evga GTX580 2way sli, mountain mod assention, rig 2 EVGA X58 759 CLASSIFIED I7 930/ 4.5GHZ Corsair Domminator 2153MHZ 10,10,10,24/1T Evga GTX 460
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/05 18:19:09
EVGA_JacobF I would like to clarify some misinformation in here... Firstly, several of the BIOS programmers that are on the EVGA team today are the same programmers that were at EVGA during the X58 days. Secondly, most people assume that everything is BIOS related, yes BIOS plays a huge role in overclocking features, etc, but it is not the be all end all. Hardware plays a large role in this as well. The way memory traces are layed out, your choice of components and PCB layout are critical. With that being said, the next generation of motherboards including X79 Dark have many improvements to key areas which help tremendously (mainly to OC and compatibility) Our course BIOS was completely retuned as well, and should move across entire line. Lastly, there has not been much news on the X79 Dark because the product should speak for itself, and it is not going to ship until it is ready, so please stay tuned. Actually I think that a number of people commented on the USB problem as it IS hardware related and is not something that can be simply fixed by drivers for a hub and certainly isn't related to BIOS. The fact that there are several of the same BIOS team that provided us with X58 makes even LESS sense. How could a team go from that to what we have now? It looks like the loss of one individual might have been the main reason for this....which says a LOT. Thanks for clearing that up...I should have added that the BIOS engineers were not only to blame; Whoever let these items go to market has some explaining to do also. This isn't a simple isolated incident. It's BIOS AND hardware AND design (for 32 lanes on an X79 enthusiast board? Really?) At this point I don't imagine anything will be done for those of us who still have boards that are sitting in their closet, or boxed up lying next to our desks (and those aren't even the primary purchases, how many of those people like me already had ONE RMA, TWO, THREE?). If it sounds like I am royally ticked off, then good. The release of the DARK does nothing for those of us that put our trust in a VERY expensive EVGA item and dd not get what we paid for.
post edited by Johnny_Utah - 2013/04/05 18:21:13
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/05 18:27:41
Jacob: Is there any word about a upgrade\credit path? If you have read this forum you know that there MANY people besides me that have boards working at 90% or less but enough to get by but NOT at 100%. There should be a plan in place. I mean while Customer Service has been great with my 3 RMAs, no amount of RMAs will fix all that is wrong with my FTW. I am not trying to sound petty etc. etc. but it really has never been right and was TOTALLY dead with a Bios 25 out of the box. I want to believe, I want to have faith. I may be a minority but if nothing is done for me and the others I have no reason to believe in the company's heart anymore. I am not yelling, screaming, accusing etc. I just want a MB that works 100% and this one does not, while FTW3 X58 does, while it sits in MY BROTHER's computer making him happy... If nothing is done I will never get another MB from EVGA again as its vaulted customer service will have failed in the end no matter how nice and polite. I have talked to Tech support a lot and there is nothing they can do to fix my issues. I do not think we who have problems, are asking lot. I really want to know at this point if anything is going to be done. I think I have a right to know and deserve to know. I am always polite and never rude or out of place. I have earned an answer even if it is its still under consideration still. Thanks for your time in reading this open posting.
post edited by KimbaWLion - 2013/04/05 18:43:15
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/05 19:11:32
Jacob, here's the thing. Most of us went from EVGA X58 boards to X79, I personally got an X79 Classified as an RMA for my E762 4 Way board. I didn't have all of the issues some of these guys have had, but my board does still have some MAJOR problems. For example, I very often get an FC post code after resetting, which forces me to hit reset again. The board then FF's, and then finally if I reset again it will actually reset and boot. Problems like that just make this board a total pain to overclock with, and even to use. However, the X58 boards were killers. The BIOS layout actually made sense. With X79, the BIOS layout is to be honest, awful. Not to mention, no mouse support and a VERY basic look doesn't look that great. I built an FX8120 rig last year on a Crosshair V Formula, and that BIOS was awesome. It had mouse support, the layout actually made sense, and it just plain worked. I also can't even get Windows XP to run without BSOD'ing instantly in AHCI mode, which is just unacceptable. And there certainly are more issues that I didn't mention, like all of the USB problems. Johnny summed it up PERFECTLY: Johnny_Utah If it sounds like I am royally ticked off, then good. The release of the DARK does nothing for those of us that put our trust in a VERY expensive EVGA item and dd not get what we paid for. I completely agree 100%. I do have a question though, the 'new' BIOS will be for all X79 boards correct? Such as the Classified?
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/05 21:51:59
If it sounds like I am royally ticked off, then good. The release of the DARK does nothing for those of us that put our trust in a VERY expensive EVGA item and dd not get what we paid for.
I...... 100% Agree as well!!
13900KS on Z690 Dark KP FE 4090
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/06 03:26:32
Problems USB 3.0! sudden crashes, the only motherboard with 32-lane PCI Express x79 ... but beautiful aesthetic layout of the lanes and the display temp studied bad ... 380 Euros spent and satisfied 100 for cent .. now kindly on behalf of everyone on this forum, ,, EVGA what can you tell us about that? Give us an answer is negative! Thank you!
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/06 05:19:06
EVGA_JacobF Our course BIOS was completely retuned as well, and should move across entire line. What you mean by "entire line", can I use for my EVGA X79 FTW ?, by the way, I LOVE my EVGA X79 FTW
PC Power&Cooling 910W Silencer, I just LOVE this high quality and built to last PSU
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/07 08:27:23
EVGA_JacobF I would like to clarify some misinformation in here... Firstly, several of the BIOS programmers that are on the EVGA team today are the same programmers that were at EVGA during the X58 days. Secondly, most people assume that everything is BIOS related, yes BIOS plays a huge role in overclocking features, etc, but it is not the be all end all. Hardware plays a large role in this as well. The way memory traces are layed out, your choice of components and PCB layout are critical. With that being said, the next generation of motherboards including X79 Dark have many improvements to key areas which help tremendously (mainly to OC and compatibility) Our course BIOS was completely retuned as well, and should move across entire line. Lastly, there has not been much news on the X79 Dark because the product should speak for itself, and it is not going to ship until it is ready, so please stay tuned. I HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS FROM THE BEGINNING!!!!!!!!! http://forums.evga.com...;m=1886937&mpage=2
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/08 22:22:54
Id love to have another eVGA board for my next system. How about we get a 6-12 month money back guarantee to back up the loyal or aggravated customers that eVGA has some how still kept?
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/09 04:40:52
I really like how the board looks. Can't wait to see some customer reviews on it.
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/09 04:46:45
I really like how the board looks. Can't wait to see some customer reviews on it.
I can't wait to be a customer!
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/09 17:24:35
Some of us dont like buying twice!
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/09 20:15:35
Question about motherboards with 8 dimms since this board will have it. Can you use 2 different quad channel ram kits or would you have to buy a kit with 8 sticks of ram? For instance I have a G. Skill quad channel kit and would like to simply buy another matching quad channel kit to top it off.
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/10 00:05:40
Drwheelo Question about motherboards with 8 dimms since this board will have it. Can you use 2 different quad channel ram kits or would you have to buy a kit with 8 sticks of ram? For instance I have a G. Skill quad channel kit and would like to simply buy another matching quad channel kit to top it off. As long as the sets match with part number and model number I believe it should work fine.
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/12 04:51:11
Drwheelo Question about motherboards with 8 dimms since this board will have it. Can you use 2 different quad channel ram kits or would you have to buy a kit with 8 sticks of ram? For instance I have a G. Skill quad channel kit and would like to simply buy another matching quad channel kit to top it off. Yes -- if you don't mind potential instability issues that can arise from having two individual kits even albeit having the same model number. They simply were not tested together and stability cannot be guaranteed. I know corsair strongly recommends against this. No -- My advice is to buy a full 8 dimm kit. This coming from someone who was plagued with issues after installing two sets of quad channel kits, only to replace them with a full 8 dimm kit and having no problems whatsoever.
Intel i7 3960X @ 4.5GHz | Corsair Dominator Platinum 2133Mhz C9 64GB | Rampage IV Extreme | NEC PA271W EVGA Titan X SC | Corsair Force GT Raid 0 [2*240GB] [OS Drive] | WD Velicioraptor 1TB [Games Drive] | Hitachi Deskstar 7K4000 Raid 6 [8*4TB] [Media Array] | PAN-UJ-235A BD Slot Load | PAN-UJ-875A DVD Slot Load Corsair AX1200i | Corsair H100i | Lian-Li PC-V2120X | LSI 9271-8i | Steelseries Rival | DK8000SII [Browns]
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/12 07:43:41
Seems were all playing the waiting game? Too bad evga doesn't say much about their planning of releasing products. Gave my evga Titan SC a spot on my BOINC rig ... at least a bit of it is used then.
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/12 10:21:20
Not much else to say about it right now, it will be released when its done and it's not done... Approx June is the latest.
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/12 10:43:53
EVGA_JacobF Not much else to say about it right now, it will be released when its done and it's not done... Approx June is the latest. Out of curiosity why does it take EVGA 4x longer than asus to put out motherboards?
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/12 10:58:36
CAxVIPER EVGA_JacobF Not much else to say about it right now, it will be released when its done and it's not done... Approx June is the latest. Out of curiosity why does it take EVGA 4x longer than asus to put out motherboards? They are prob testing the crap out of it to make sure they don't have all the same issues we have right now with the current lineup.
My Affiliate Code: GTVAF5CPT9 My rig: 9900k (5.1ghz all core) EVGA FTW3 3080 TI Wife's rig: 8600k (5ghz all core) EVGA RTX2070 super
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/12 11:08:40
fusionssl Jacob are we going to see the dark in the australian market, australia has not seen any evga x79 products good or bad I too have noticed this in Australia. The SuperNOVA NEX series of PSU are not available in Australia either.
Intel i7 3960X @ 4.5GHz | Corsair Dominator Platinum 2133Mhz C9 64GB | Rampage IV Extreme | NEC PA271W EVGA Titan X SC | Corsair Force GT Raid 0 [2*240GB] [OS Drive] | WD Velicioraptor 1TB [Games Drive] | Hitachi Deskstar 7K4000 Raid 6 [8*4TB] [Media Array] | PAN-UJ-235A BD Slot Load | PAN-UJ-875A DVD Slot Load Corsair AX1200i | Corsair H100i | Lian-Li PC-V2120X | LSI 9271-8i | Steelseries Rival | DK8000SII [Browns]
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/12 13:51:46
EVGA made good x79 motherboards. They used the first Intel specs available. Now IVE-BRIDGE E will arrive and EVGA motherboards have a bad reputation. So they make a new one with the newest sepcs. I am 100% sure ASUS is not really better. I guess they have a lot of RMA too. But people always run in one direction. So this is really a great chance for EVGA to restart motherboards ... however, hopefully support for the old ones will continue!!!
EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified |- EVGA x79 Dark |-- EVBot |-- Intel E5-2697v2 (from i7-3960X) |--- Noctua NH-D15S (from EVGA ACX CPU Cooler) |-- Corsair Dominator GT 64GB |-- EVGA 3090 FTW3 ULTRA GAMING (from 3x EVGA GeForce GTX 680 Classfieid with Backplate / Pro SLI Brdige) <----------- Please vote for my RIG and tell me how to improve it!
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/12 14:15:37
I am 100% sure you are wrong.
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/12 14:26:56
60% of the time....it works every time
Build log +1EVGA X79 DARK, 2 EVGA 780 Classified's, I7 4930K, Custom EK H2O, 16G 2133 GSkill Ram, Corsair AX1200, 900DubsD, Logitech G700-19-35
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/12 14:33:50
chump7431 60% of the time....it works every time LOL
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/12 19:22:46
niopio 1.)EVGA made good x79 motherboards. They used the first Intel specs available. 2.)Now IVE-BRIDGE E will arrive and EVGA motherboards have a bad reputation. So they make a new one with the newest sepcs. 3.)I am 100% sure ASUS is not really better. I guess they have a lot of RMA too. But people always run in one direction. 4.)So this is really a great chance for EVGA to restart motherboards ... however, hopefully support for the old ones will continue!!! Addressing each line: 1.) Good, not awesome, or super!? Everyone used the first intel specs available. Nobody else has the poor reputation for X79 boards that EVGA does. 2.) That is correct, they do have a bad reputation and for good reason. Check out the X79 threads, will ya? Also, as far as I know this X79 is not an Ivy-E board. Those will not be out for some time. This is a remake of the Sandy-E. They would have no need if the first batch wasn't so poor. 3.) For X79 you are 100 percent wrong. Now, had we compared X58, you would have had some ground to stand on. Also, most companies have roughly the same number of defective boards (for RMAs), DOA etc. The EVGA X79 boards have issues that still cannot be addressed since they are hardware issues. (Think USB). Not only did the BIOS stink (and still does compared to Asus) but basic functionality has suffered. "This ain't no everyday RMA" is what I am alluding to. These boards STINK. You do realize that there are many people out there with multiple RMAS (two three four) and their problems still have not been fixed, right?? You do realize that at launch the X79 Classy sold for around 430 bucks new and now retail for 250 (and you can probably get it cheaper). The Asus boards sell for what they did when they launched. If these boards are so good, tell me why that is the case, eh? 4.)I agree with you here. This is a great time to restart and recharge and begin anew. Only problem? There are a TON of pissed off people like myself that still have their crapware sitting in a closet and want something done. Oh and as far as support for the old ones....you cannot support a product when you don't know what is wrong with it and cannot fix it. Good luck with that.
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/13 12:00:36
With first sepcs i mean 4 DIMM instead of 8 DIMM with the newer specs. There are a few other boards with only for 4 dimms. Though I am not really sure if thats really cause of a change in specs or a cost thing. The USB 3.0 controller on the classified is actually a part from asus? I am still waiting for my classified board to arrive. So I dont wanna bash anybody. I just wanna keep my hopes up. :-)
EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified |- EVGA x79 Dark |-- EVBot |-- Intel E5-2697v2 (from i7-3960X) |--- Noctua NH-D15S (from EVGA ACX CPU Cooler) |-- Corsair Dominator GT 64GB |-- EVGA 3090 FTW3 ULTRA GAMING (from 3x EVGA GeForce GTX 680 Classfieid with Backplate / Pro SLI Brdige) <----------- Please vote for my RIG and tell me how to improve it!
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/14 08:46:15
Guys the specs on IVY-E are the same as Sandy-E both socket 2011 both have the same core/threads and clocks are about the same. Ivy-E is coming out of the gate with a smiget of speed increase. Doesn't matter though if your a OC'er just like the titans and 690.....if you OC them then they're the same as the Hydro/SC editions. The X79 dark will support Sandy and Ivy -E processors along with any other socket 2011 chip. It's been stated on here several times.
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/14 09:08:12
Addressing each line: 1.) Good, not awesome, or super!? Everyone used the first intel specs available. Nobody else has the poor reputation for X79 boards that EVGA does. 2.) That is correct, they do have a bad reputation and for good reason. Check out the X79 threads, will ya? Also, as far as I know this X79 is not an Ivy-E board. Those will not be out for some time. This is a remake of the Sandy-E. They would have no need if the first batch wasn't so poor. 3.) For X79 you are 100 percent wrong. Now, had we compared X58, you would have had some ground to stand on. Also, most companies have roughly the same number of defective boards (for RMAs), DOA etc. The EVGA X79 boards have issues that still cannot be addressed since they are hardware issues. (Think USB). Not only did the BIOS stink (and still does compared to Asus) but basic functionality has suffered. "This ain't no everyday RMA" is what I am alluding to. These boards STINK. You do realize that there are many people out there with multiple RMAS (two three four) and their problems still have not been fixed, right?? You do realize that at launch the X79 Classy sold for around 430 bucks new and now retail for 250 (and you can probably get it cheaper). The Asus boards sell for what they did when they launched. If these boards are so good, tell me why that is the case, eh? 4.)I agree with you here. This is a great time to restart and recharge and begin anew. Only problem? There are a TON of pissed off people like myself that still have their crapware sitting in a closet and want something done. Oh and as far as support for the old ones....you cannot support a product when you don't know what is wrong with it and cannot fix it. Good luck with that. +1
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/16 15:43:29
I got to admit my Asus Z68 rocks. Not exactly close to X79 but just glad I waited. Can wait some more then get a RIVE.
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Re:EVGA X79 Dark
2013/04/16 23:49:42
CAxVIPER EVGA_JacobF Not much else to say about it right now, it will be released when its done and it's not done... Approx June is the latest. Out of curiosity why does it take EVGA 4x longer than asus to put out motherboards? Because if you try to compare the two in the industry, Asus is a 800 pound Silver Back Gorilla. Sure EVGA sells tons of GPUs in North America but look at every nook and carny that Asus is in. Shocking that they don't make CPU coolers and cases for sale yet.
RIG 1 - i7-4790K / Asus Z97 Gryphon / AMD Sapphire RX Vega 64 / 8GB*8GB G.Skill Trident X 2400Mhz CL10 / SeaSonic Prime Ultra 1000w Plat RIG 2 - Pentium G3258 / ASRock Z97 Extreme9 / AMD XFX RX580 GTS XXX x4 / 8GB*8GB Kingston HyperX Fury 1600Mhz CL10 / Corsair AX1200i