"And the GeForce Experience appears to have undergone some background updating and possibly begun causing serious problems for many users...
This is NOT a surprise given how the program functions"
This is because the GeForce Experience is granted full Admin access and is able to write entries -directly- into a games config file...
Its a great idea (settings values aside, that I have issues with) but the REAL problem is when the game is patched, like BF3 recent End Game update which CHANGED the config file layout and values (this will be the 9th patch that I am aware for that has done so).
So it may be that the GeForce Experience is writing INCORRECT entires/values that do NOT match with the latest patch.
If Nvidia did NOT update the GFE with these changes, this would certainly explain the BF3 texture issues and the chagne in the coding for Monitor Hz coding -could possibly- do some hardware damage (I dont know if this is the case)
I just ran into this problem last week, where I had the user open the .prof save config file to check something, and his entries/values were completely incorrect. His config file format did NOT match the latest patches version.....
Should the GeForce Experience team have not been aware -BEFORE- the patch -OR- not bothered to patch the Nvidia side after, the Geforce experience will write INCORRECT and IMPROPERLY FORMATTED DATA into that file...
That, would explain alot
If your current BF3 config file does NOT exactly match the format below or contains "extra" entires...
YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, as the recent patch -changed- some value codes and formats
GstAudio.AudioLanguage 5861806
GstAudio.AudioQuality 1
GstAudio.CarRadio 0
GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000
GstAudio.MusicVolume 0.700000
GstAudio.SoundSystemSize 20
GstAudio.StereoMode 1
GstAudio.VOLanguage 0
GstAudio.Volume 1.000000
GstAudio.YourSoundSystem 4
GstRender.AmbientOcclusion 0
GstRender.AnisotropicFilter 4
GstRender.AntiAliasingDeferred 2
GstRender.AntiAliasingPost 0
GstRender.Brightness 0.500000
GstRender.ConsoleAntiAlias 1
GstRender.Contrast 0.500000
GstRender.EffectsQuality 3
GstRender.Enlighten 1
GstRender.FieldOfView 80.000000
GstRender.FullscreenEnabled 1
GstRender.FullscreenRefreshRate 60.000000
GstRender.FullscreenScreen 0
GstRender.MeshQuality 3
GstRender.MeshQualityOld 0.700000
GstRender.MotionBlur 0.500000
GstRender.MotionBlurEnabled 0
GstRender.OverallGraphicsQuality 5
GstRender.ResolutionHeight 1080
GstRender.ResolutionHertz 1114636288
GstRender.ResolutionWidth 1920
GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaHeight 0.950000
GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaWidth 0.950000
GstRender.ShaderQuality 2.000000
GstRender.ShadowQuality 3
GstRender.StereoConvergence 1.000000
GstRender.Stereoscopy 0
GstRender.TerrainQuality 3
GstRender.TextureQuality 3
GstRender.TransparentShadows 1
GstRender.UndergrowthQuality 3
GstRender.VSync 0
GstInput.Deadzone 0.300000
GstInput.HoldButtonToZoom 1
GstInput.HoldForBreathControl 1
GstInput.MouseRawInput 0
GstInput.MouseSensitivity 0.287791
GstInput.MouseSensitivityVehicle 0.500000
GstInput.Scheme0Buttons 0
GstInput.Scheme0FlipCameraY 0
GstInput.Scheme0FlipY 0
GstInput.Scheme0Sensitivity 1.000000
GstInput.Scheme0Sticks 0
GstInput.Scheme1Buttons 0
GstInput.Scheme1FlipCameraY 0
GstInput.Scheme1FlipY 0
GstInput.Scheme1Sensitivity 1.000000
GstInput.Scheme1Sticks 0
GstInput.Scheme2Buttons 0
GstInput.Scheme2FlipCameraY 0
GstInput.Scheme2FlipY 1
GstInput.Scheme2Sensitivity 0.500000
GstInput.Scheme2Sticks 0
GstInput.Scheme3Buttons 0
GstInput.Scheme3FlipCameraY 0
GstInput.Scheme3FlipY 1
GstInput.Scheme3Sticks 0
GstInput.Vibration 0
The (2) entries/values I would be MOST CONCERNED WOULD CAUSE ISSUES -->are shown below, as both are new changes for the last patch GstRender.MeshQualityOld 0.700000
GstRender.ResolutionHertz 1114636288
Please note that the values above are for -my specific system hardware configuration- -->And are NOT to be copied or used with different hardware configs!!!! DO NOT USE MY SETTINGS SHOWN ABOVE I am simply posting "where" to look and "what" might cause a problem.
post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/06/09 23:06:41