Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit and delid my 7700k... hit 5.1ghz!?!

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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 06:20:41 (permalink)
Very good weekend,  I just looked at some of those videos, the deliding itself doesn't look too bad but using the LM seems tricky, some guys tape off the area and apply to both sides while some don't.  does the TIM you used fail after a period or will it last for the duration?

I taped mine off and it was super easy.  I'm not sure of the duration of the TIM... but the LM and GCE had nothing but rave reviews and I'm most definitely impressed.
I just realized one thing while everyone's freaking about temps, you're all roughly pumping 5.0 Ghz with higher voltage.  Duh! I wouldn't fault the IHS while I know it's hasn't been favored for a number of years but yeah, you guys are pushing these chips fairly well so you can't blame the IHS completely.
Also, I would advise on not running the chips passed 85c.  At that point and beyond it starts to slowly chip away at the chips longevity, let alone killing the warranty once delid.

I see what you're saying but my temps were going into the low 80's even at stock 4.2Ghz and went slightly higher when I went to 4.8...  the initial post delid numbers I posted yesterday were at 4.8 and I've since went to 5Ghz and they've remained very good... 60's and 70's so while I may have voided the warranty on my now $300 chip the temps are much better so I'm happy.
I'm still very happy with Intel overall.  :)
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 06:21:17 (permalink)
After watching the video at Rockit 88 I wasn't the least bit scared... the tool made it a safe and easy process and I had no problems at all.  The lid came off, I cleaned everything, added the liquid ultra, super glue dab on the 4 corners of the lid and then clamped it in place for 2 hours... the glue set, done.  Added the Gelid Extreme and reinstalled the CPU.
Ahhh I gotcha... and yeah, the temps are just amazing for both the GPU and CPU.   I bumped CPU from 4.8 to 5 Ghz and improved my benchmarks as well.  Been a good weekend.

Very good weekend,  I just looked at some of those videos, the deliding itself doesn't look too bad but using the LM seems tricky, some guys tape off the area and apply to both sides while some don't.  does the TIM you used fail after a period or will it last for the duration?

CL Liquid ultra should be applied and left alone, no need to re-apply "ever". As long as it has no contact with aluminium, there should be no degradation.
TRClark911 i meant to apply the Liquid ultra to the GPU die, although there might be more stuff to short around there. 
As for blaming Intel for bad TIM/IHS, i think it's more about a company having the ability to provide the best possible quality product and they decide not to. I'm not talking about giving us 10Ghz chips for cheap or anything, but when it comes to TIM on a high-end product, i would expect the highest quality available on the market.
post edited by ricchi_ - 2017/04/09 06:25:28
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 06:23:32 (permalink)
CL Liquid ultra should be applied and left alone, no need to re-apply "ever". As long as it has no contact with aluminium, there should be no degradation.
TRClark911 i meant to apply the Liquid ultra to the GPU die, although there might be more stuff to short around there. 

Good to know thanks. 
Oh, my bad.  Yeah I just used the liquid ultra on the CPU die... not GPU.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 06:46:22 (permalink)
I had CL Liquid Ultra dry out within 9 months of application on two separate CPUs - a 3920XM on my M18XR2 and a 3930K back when my X79 Dark was my primary rig.

The 3930K had a corsair H100 cooler with an all copper base, and the 3920XM had the built in heat spreader/fan combo - I'm 95% sure that it was also all copper on it's base.

Of course those were not delidded CPUs, I was just using CL LU as a "regular" TIM.

CL Liquid Ultra drying out did have a negative impact on my CPU temps - about 10 to 15C.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 09:16:14 (permalink)
Not me. Mine hits into the 80s and I haven't even started overclocking yet. The 7700k is pretty much a factory overclocked 6700, and based on the community's results it definitely should have been a candidate for a soldered heat spreader. Also, 5GHz is a very small overclock for a chip that turbos at 4.5 stock.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 09:55:09 (permalink)
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5GHz is a very small overclock for a chip that turbos at 4.5 stock.

Um, no it's not. lol  Just because they come higher now doesn't mean it's a "average OC".  It's still considered a high clock.  Because they come @ 4.5 turbo isn't a guarantee it can go much higher after.  I'm sure they've found ways to give consumers higher clocks than ever before thanks to innovations and such but 5.0 is no walk in the park.

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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 10:43:24 (permalink)
One innovation that would allow MUCH higher clocks would be a soldered heat spreads since heat is pretty much the main obstacle this generation. Hence the criticism.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 10:53:28 (permalink)
Category 5
One innovation that would allow MUCH higher clocks would be a soldered heat spreads since heat is pretty much the main obstacle this generation. Hence the criticism.

The reason behind using a thermal paste instead of soldering, is due to the small die size and the CTE mismatch between the heat spreader and the die. Thermal cycling would have lead to early failures with a solder solution. There are other reasons but that is the main one.
post edited by HeavyHemi - 2017/04/09 10:57:54

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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 11:30:42 (permalink)
Thanks for all the info on this guys... good to know!
I'm happy with the results on both the GPU hybrid install and CPU delid.  As I'm typing this the GPU is idling at 19C and the CPU at 25C... load temps on both have been amazing.. low 40's on the GPU and upper 60's to lower 70's on the CPU.
Couldn't be happier!  A nearly 50% improvement (-41C) on GPU temps and a ballpark -16C improvement on the CPU.
3Dmark scores went up 150-500 pts on each test as well running a stable +165 +225 on GPU and the CPU at 5Ghz.

Firestrike - 23,259 http://www.3dmark.com/fs/12267370
Firestrike Extreme - 13,889 http://www.3dmark.com/fs/12267454
Firestrike Ultra - 7,439 http://www.3dmark.com/fs/12267548
Timespy - 9,628 http://www.3dmark.com/spy/152840

post edited by TRClark911 - 2017/04/09 11:34:19
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 16:23:01 (permalink)
@TRClark911 I will be watching out for you result of deliding, it's not just about the performance but there is some street cred from deliding a CPU.  I have a 1080Ti SC2 on pre order, I decided that if I want to add a H2O block later that I saved a bit by not getting the FTW3, lol.

Street cred?  You lost me.
As I said upthread the hybrid kit is performing beautifully... peaks in the low 40's from the mid 80's... a nearly 50% improvement in temps.
The delidding of the 7700k was also a success.
Previous highs were Prime95 blend test @ 92C... Furmark CPU burner around the same... and encoding videos at 100% load would push me into the mid 80's.
After delidding Prime 95 blend test peaked @ 76C, Furmark CPU burner @ 72C... encoding videos at 100% load peaked at 68C.
Basically I've seen a ballpark 16C decrease in temps from the delid.


Those temps are excellent for sure but I would expect that it would be much lower especially after a delid. I'm around 88c using Antec 7 but I would expect the delid to allow for 5ghz much easier.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 17:32:03 (permalink)
Those temps are excellent for sure but I would expect that it would be much lower especially after a delid. I'm around 88c using Antec 7 but I would expect the delid to allow for 5ghz much easier.

Yeah... I'm very happy with the results.  I previously had stability issues at 5ghz... but now it runs smooth... just a bit warmer.
As said prior to the delid previous highs were Prime95 blend test @ 92C... Furmark CPU burner around the same... and encoding videos at 100% load would push me into the mid 80's. After delidding Prime 95 blend test peaked @ 76C, Furmark CPU burner @ 72C... encoding videos at 100% load peaked at 68C. Basically I've seen a ballpark 16C decrease in temps from the delid.
Those temps are at 4.8ghz before and after the delid.
The delid allows for a stable 5ghz... but temps are about 10C warmer than 4.8...  so basically I take a 16C drop and run at the same 4.8ghz... or I run at 5ghz and roughly a 5C drop over the original numbers... which still has me in the mid 80's on stress testing and encoding.
Am I wrong for saying I think it might be better to stay at 4.8?

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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 18:15:01 (permalink)
I think it would be preference at that point. The CPU should start to thermal throttle when it hits 95c and I believe the "max" it can take before crashing is around 99c. Other than really sweet numbers is there a real performance gain?
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 18:29:33 (permalink)
I think it would be preference at that point. The CPU should start to thermal throttle when it hits 95c and I believe the "max" it can take before crashing is around 99c. Other than really sweet numbers is there a real performance gain?

The GPU is dialed in and stable with full load temps in the low 40's...  The difference in 3dMark benchmarks were 150-500 pts between 4.8 and 5ghz... which probably translates to what?  3 fps?
I think 4.8 is the best bet... solid CPU temps in the 65-75 range at 100% load and stress tests.  Can't complain.  It's still a nice bump from the stock 4.2...
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 19:08:59 (permalink)
Nice. I need to order the delid and relid kit when I get back to a pc. Also that liquid metal too.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 19:14:35 (permalink)
Nice. I need to order the delid and relid kit when I get back to a pc. Also that liquid metal too.

It's a nice kit from Rockit 88.  I just sold and shipped mine to a fellow EVGA forum member.  Don't see myself using it again anytime soon so got back most of what I paid for it...
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 19:20:07 (permalink)
Yea might 3D print one. Lots of good designs on thingiverse :)
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 20:11:37 (permalink)
You could jack up the clocks for benches only and dial it down for 24/7 daily use and for longevity purposes.  You'll just have to calculate what you feel your sweet spot is in voltage, temps and audibles.

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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 21:17:47 (permalink)
You could jack up the clocks for benches only and dial it down for 24/7 daily use and for longevity purposes.  You'll just have to calculate what you feel your sweet spot is in voltage, temps and audibles.

Yep... doing exactly that!  Jacking up to 5+ for benches and 24/7 use at 4.8...  the temps are solid at this speed... I've been encoding videos at 100% load for the last 2 hours and have peaked at 72C.  Doing the same thing at 5ghz puts temps in the 82-86C range.  Pretty big difference.  I was at those temps at 4.8 prior to the delid...  post delid I'm calling it good at 4.8 for 24/7 use.
1080 Ti FE hybrid is peaking at 42-43C with a stable +165 +225 OC... and still down almost 50% from the FE blower temps.
I'm good.  Nothing else for me to do here.

post edited by TRClark911 - 2017/04/09 21:23:16
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 22:02:47 (permalink)
What have you been testing with?

With Valley I get +200/+400 stable
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/09 22:10:05 (permalink)
What have you been testing with?

With Valley I get +200/+400 stable

+165 +225 is best I've pulled off...
I've crashed multiple times at +175 and while I have taken the memory clock all the way up to +540 it's also dropped my 3Dmark score by up to 1000 points (graphics score lowered) on the tests... thought I read somewhere that even with error correction on the memory side it leads to performance loss.
I'm no expert but I would guess that is what is happening.  I've mainly ran the 3 3Dmark FS benchmarks... I've got crashes running those which is a good enough indicator for me.  For stability I've stress tested with Furmark.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/10 00:59:44 (permalink)
I just realized one thing while everyone's freaking about temps, you're all roughly pumping 5.0 Ghz with higher voltage.  Duh! I wouldn't fault the IHS while I know it's hasn't been favored for a number of years but yeah, you guys are pushing these chips fairly well so you can't blame the IHS completely.
Also, I would advise on not running the chips passed 85c.  At that point and beyond it starts to slowly chip away at the chips longevity, let alone killing the warranty once delid.

That's more like 90 being the point where long term degradation begins. 85 is the top of the safe for normal operation with these and the previous chips.

90 and above is no good under 80 is ideal while 85 peak is acceptable.

Taken from a lot of info put out by asus, intel & guys like Der8aurer etc.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/10 05:25:05 (permalink)
You could jack up the clocks for benches only and dial it down for 24/7 daily use and for longevity purposes.  You'll just have to calculate what you feel your sweet spot is in voltage, temps and audibles.

Yep... doing exactly that!  Jacking up to 5+ for benches and 24/7 use at 4.8...  the temps are solid at this speed... I've been encoding videos at 100% load for the last 2 hours and have peaked at 72C.  Doing the same thing at 5ghz puts temps in the 82-86C range.  Pretty big difference.  I was at those temps at 4.8 prior to the delid...  post delid I'm calling it good at 4.8 for 24/7 use.
1080 Ti FE hybrid is peaking at 42-43C with a stable +165 +225 OC... and still down almost 50% from the FE blower temps.
I'm good.  Nothing else for me to do here.


Hmmm... I get temperatures hovering around the 60s to 72 on 100% load on my 7700k without delidding at 4.9 ghz. At 5.0, it goes up to the low 80s. I guess I won't be delidding.

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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/10 07:00:15 (permalink)
:X shoot 19c idle that's lower then my ambient.after the hybrid install

Yeah... cool on the beach.  About to delid the CPU.

What app is this?
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/10 08:44:04 (permalink)
Hmmm... I get temperatures hovering around the 60s to 72 on 100% load on my 7700k without delidding at 4.9 ghz. At 5.0, it goes up to the low 80s. I guess I won't be delidding.

Not all chips need it. You did better in the silicon lottery than I did.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/10 08:46:08 (permalink)
:X shoot 19c idle that's lower then my ambient.after the hybrid install

Yeah... cool on the beach.  About to delid the CPU.

What app is this?

CAM... downloaded it from NZXT for the Kraken x62.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/10 09:30:07 (permalink)
I just realized one thing while everyone's freaking about temps, you're all roughly pumping 5.0 Ghz with higher voltage.  Duh! I wouldn't fault the IHS while I know it's hasn't been favored for a number of years but yeah, you guys are pushing these chips fairly well so you can't blame the IHS completely.
Also, I would advise on not running the chips passed 85c.  At that point and beyond it starts to slowly chip away at the chips longevity, let alone killing the warranty once delid.

Not taking OC into consideration. The stock thermal compound they started using on Kaby Lake is terrible. The temps on water cooling should be much lower than they already are. People are seeing a 20c drop replacing the existing stuff with liquid metal.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/10 09:46:33 (permalink)
What have you been testing with?

With Valley I get +200/+400 stable

+165 +225 is best I've pulled off...
I've crashed multiple times at +175 and while I have taken the memory clock all the way up to +540 it's also dropped my 3Dmark score by up to 1000 points (graphics score lowered) on the tests... thought I read somewhere that even with error correction on the memory side it leads to performance loss.
I'm no expert but I would guess that is what is happening.  I've mainly ran the 3 3Dmark FS benchmarks... I've got crashes running those which is a good enough indicator for me.  For stability I've stress tested with Furmark.

I'm kind of over 3D Mark. Software has never been stable for me. It crashes on stock clocks. Same thing with my 980Ti
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/10 09:53:57 (permalink)

Not taking OC into consideration. The stock thermal compound they started using on Kaby Lake is terrible. The temps on water cooling should be much lower than they already are. People are seeing a 20c drop replacing the existing stuff with liquid metal.

Yep... a roughly 16C drop across the board for me with liquid metal on the die and Gelid GC extreme on the Kraken x62 ...  I was encoding video at 4.8ghz OC with stock compound and getting around 82-86C... after the delid it's stable right around 70C.  These are with fans at 65%... about as high as I can take them before the noise becomes noticeable.
Prime95 is the same...   I ran that blend test previously and was hitting 85-90C... now I'm in the low 70's.
I'm kind of over 3D Mark. Software has never been stable for me. It crashes on stock clocks. Same thing with my 980Ti

It's only crashed for me at +175 on the core clock and when I tried to take CPU to 5ghz prior to the delid.  Other than that it's been super stable.
Still, if you guys recommend other benchmarks I'm all ears... I have Valley and Heaven in addition to 3Dmark.
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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/10 09:56:12 (permalink)
I just realized one thing while everyone's freaking about temps, you're all roughly pumping 5.0 Ghz with higher voltage.  Duh! I wouldn't fault the IHS while I know it's hasn't been favored for a number of years but yeah, you guys are pushing these chips fairly well so you can't blame the IHS completely.
Also, I would advise on not running the chips passed 85c.  At that point and beyond it starts to slowly chip away at the chips longevity, let alone killing the warranty once delid.

That's more like 90 being the point where long term degradation begins. 85 is the top of the safe for normal operation with these and the previous chips.

90 and above is no good under 80 is ideal while 85 peak is acceptable.

Taken from a lot of info put out by asus, intel & guys like Der8aurer etc.

You basically echoed what I just with the exception to saying that 90c instead of 85c.  I've read and known that it basically starts around 85c from my 15+ year knowledge, obviously at a slower rate, hence why I said slowly chipping away than at the 90c+ range.  All is good.
I just realized one thing while everyone's freaking about temps, you're all roughly pumping 5.0 Ghz with higher voltage.  Duh! I wouldn't fault the IHS while I know it's hasn't been favored for a number of years but yeah, you guys are pushing these chips fairly well so you can't blame the IHS completely.
Also, I would advise on not running the chips passed 85c.  At that point and beyond it starts to slowly chip away at the chips longevity, let alone killing the warranty once delid.

Not taking OC into consideration. The stock thermal compound they started using on Kaby Lake is terrible. The temps on water cooling should be much lower than they already are. People are seeing a 20c drop replacing the existing stuff with liquid metal.

Well, when they started getting away from soldered IHS a few years back, it's just been a uphill battle for most.  
I just have a different way of doing things than delidding the CPU and destroying the warranty.  I just can't find myself taking a gamble on a $300-$600+ CPU but that's just me personally.

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Re: Just installed 1080 Ti Hybrid kit... 2017/04/10 11:21:38 (permalink)

Well, when they started getting away from soldered IHS a few years back, it's just been a uphill battle for most.  
I just have a different way of doing things than delidding the CPU and destroying the warranty.  I just can't find myself taking a gamble on a $300-$600+ CPU but that's just me personally.

Honestly, I was ok with a $300 gamble.  I'd probably have done it differently if the CPU were $600.
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