AnsweredEVGA.com 30 Series Queue System

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:08:13 (permalink)
I like what you said here, I support eVGA 100% until I'm blue in the face. Albeit there comes a point where you can see a trend. Literally 90+ days has passed and not one meaningful drop of Xc3 gaming cards since noon the day before launch date (my spot in queue). Hopefully the big wigs at eVGA can see a lot of us have been waiting out here for a long time and even though no one wants to say it the reality is were not going to see our cards come to fruition or a reasonable time frame. In that case why not move us from the gaming and black queues to one of the ultra spots so at the end of the day at least we know we will obtain a card sooner or later then not at all. 

These cards are made and assembled in Asia. They probably had waves of XC3s made, then those were sent all through Sept and November to the US, while they were being sent the hybrids were made and sent in late November and December. Now they're probably producing more XC3s and those will be on boats on their way here. 
It's not like EVGA can turn back the clock and turn time back. By the time the queue for the XC3 filled up the way it did, the Hybrids were probably all in the middle of their production cycle. So the convenience of just suddenly stopping the production line to switch it up makes no sense business wise. 
Like someone said, EVGA is a business, not a charity. We're lucky they even interact and do the things they do. Does ASUS, MSI and Gigabyte do the same? I don't think so. 

The feeling was mutual with your assumption, which is what I was telling myself ~mid October - ~Mid Novemberish. We cannot assume, my initial post was merely a suggestion, it would be great if we could at least get that option.  
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:08:13 (permalink)
3090 ftw3 ultra in stock at Walmart boys

and gone.. 
sorry boys

Newegg is the same. Best Buy has been good.

Can't ever get past the cart at best buy.  Never had any luck at all on newegg.

I was just doing my 2-6 times daily check on some sites.  Decided to try walmart, said 2 in stock, hurry... 
Didn't really need or want to pay for a 3090.  But not waitin is better than waitin.  
Got the order through.

Congrats. I got a 3090 FE from Best Buy.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:12:19 (permalink)
I...I'm so sorry. I've been stoking the flames in this thread too much. After some thinking, I don't think I'll be participating here anymore. I'm sorry to everyone I angered and I wish people luck in getting their cards, no matter their queue.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:17:05 (permalink)
Good evening, All!
That being said, I cannot say enough about the near-heroic efforts of members like enewt, who have done so much to provide valuable information for the rest of us.  Yes, there is a tangible benefit with the Associates Codes but it still takes a crap ton of time and effort to scan and compile all this data.  Bravo, Sir!  And thank you very much!  

Thank you for those very kind comments; they are truly appreciated.  
One last comment, and then I am done.  There is no magic answer to the question:  "So, dude, here's when I signed up, so like, when am I gonna get my card?"  Please, please, please read the darn thread and look at enewt's data...that will give you the answer.  And if you are not within a few seconds/minutes of the current date/time stamp, well, it's probably going to be a while.  Sheesh.
Alright, I'm getting off the soapbox now...I just had to vent at some of this nonsense that clogs up the thread.  Best wishes to all and good luck on your GPU quest!  Patience and persistence is the key.  And thanks again to enewt and EVGA!  

Quoted for truth.  The spreadsheets' ordinal position number and "projection" columns are lies...please don't believe them.  Please check the summary table (a link to it is always in my signature block; if you are on a mobile, device and cannot see sig blocks, just post a request for somebody to drop the link in the main body of a post) and as you consider how much longer your remaining wait appears to be, please focus on the days, hours, minutes and seconds of the timeline..."there are not surprise [minutes] that didn't self-report to some unofficial spreadsheet."  Once you've done that, if you still have questions, please post to the chat or PM me...this is a welcoming community and we will try to get you some clarity on your situation. 
Jacob’s alt account just logged in.

Just slightly off.  That was my alt account.  [I am kidding. Thanks again rcosika for the kind words.]
... and when there were no cards left ... They ate each other ...

Funny.  Disturbing.  
An additional thought, the folks in this thread -- this wonderful community -- have gone through a lot together.  Some folks have been very fortunate with the queues; others less so.  I want us all to get our card and to celebrate each other's successful purchases too; we can do both.  
Guys... do you understand how engineering and production works? You reserve time for stuff to be made well in advanced. You don't think they had a order submitted for Hybrids to run on an assembly line months in advanced? Indeed they did. 
You think you can just go "Hey, stop making those, and make these!" It's more than likely that the hybrid orders were already being produced and assembled before this whole notification system started. For them to just put a pause and change up on things while other customers are waiting in line to get stuff made is nearly impossible. 
Imagine you're in line at a grocery store with all your ingredients. ASUS, MSI and other card vendors are checking out with stuff they need fabricated too like heatsinks, plastic moldings, etc. Then you get a text from your wife to leave your place in line to get different ingredients that are all limited. Yeah good luck. 
That being said, it's highly unlikely the Hybrids caused immediate shortages because they were probably in production in full force afterwards. 

This is a really good analysis.  Thank you for taking the time to post it.
Finally, a quick moment of personal privilege...if I may: We have over 1M views of this thread.  This thread has helped a lot of folks (it has certainly helped me). 
In our best moments, we have celebrated the successes of our members; in our worst moments, we've let our frustrations loose for a period.  I am certainly guilty of that latter from time to time (a certain Friday in November...well I still regret that a bit). 
But in a Fall 2020 Launch Cycle of Dispair™ (© 2020 NVIDIA Corporation), this community has been one of the better, more optimistic places to spend some time in a communal waiting room.  As our watches continue, I hope it will continue to be so inviting and, within reason, optimistic.
If you read this far, thanks.  Now go get your card!

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

30 Series GPUs currently "in stock"
EVGA Queue Summary (North America)

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:17:11 (permalink)
So where are we at with the drops for today?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:18:02 (permalink)
EVGA will just keep making new models it looks like, and never backfill the orders from the start.

They could have easily sent notice that the hybrid was coming do you want to upgrade to it for the total cost of X.

But no they decided to open more queues they will add cards to once or twice and then move on to the 3881a, which replaces the 3881,  new queue for it opens on such and such date, then marketing gets to show how well they are at driving web site hits.

EVGA had a good idea, then it feels like the Marketing group decided to exploit it.
When you give hope then crush it, does more damage than never giving hope at all.

Good Luck all,
The 4080 does look like a great card.

It’s pretty unfair. Lots of folks been waiting since launch day which is 3 months since then, still haven’t gotten any cards thru notify system yet they’ve been selling several hybrid cards that released 3 months later and stop the production of the old ones especially xc3 black and gaming to fulfill more expensive cards. That’s not how a queue system is supposed to be like.

At this point of waiting, between the low production numbers and their inability to address the concerns of people who are in the queue, I am contemplating never purchasing any EVGA products again.

I have a gigabyte 3070 & a Founder’s edition 3090. I’m bothered enough to justify the $1500 for the FE.

Yeah at this point EVGA is my best hope for a 3080, but after that I'm done with the company after buying a 9600 GT, 1060, and 2070 Super along with a couple power supplies. Just because "they have the best system of all the AIBs" doesn't mean that system isn't still terrible and borderline fraudulent. The supposed queue system might as well not exist for 80% of the 30 series SKUs.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:18:50 (permalink)
The amount of entitlement on display in this thread is mind-boggling... you all know they're just people, and that this is one of the most stressful, painful product launches any of them will deal with in multiple lifetimes right? Not to mention the continuing global pandemic affecting their work and personal lives. NVIDIA dropped the ball here. I'm sorry you're not able to give EVGA your $800 or whatever, and I'm sure EVGA isn't too happy about it either because it also costs them money. I'm also sure that EVGA is well aware that the queuing system they designed and built in just a few weeks in response to overwhelming demand, ridiculous supply constraints, and bots & scalpers isn't perfect. But being rude, fatalistic, and hyperbolizing isn't making the queue move any faster. Be respectful and conscientious. Criticism is only helpful when it's constructive.

What is even more odd is that you can sign up for any card, take whatever you can get  (I just got a hybrid, and am thankful), and just join the step-up program and relax until that card is ready...
What's the big deal, folks? 

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:18:52 (permalink)
I...I'm so sorry. I've been stoking the flames in this thread too much. After some thinking, I don't think I'll be participating here anymore. I'm sorry to everyone I angered and I wish people luck in getting their cards, no matter their queue.

I don't think you have to feel bad. Everyone here understands everyone else's frustration! 
I think the real problem is one that no one wants- Samsung foundries just can't produce the chips in the volumes needed. Combine that with the GDDR6x production woes, the ABF substrate supply constrictions, and throw in a certain unnamed virus, and, well, you're looking at a perfect storm for GPU production. It's not really anyone's fault, just facts of life that the manufacturers are trying to deal with as quickly as possible. Believe you me, they would MUCH rather immediately fulfill all the orders and make a bunch of money ASAP!
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:21:34 (permalink)
I...I'm so sorry. I've been stoking the flames in this thread too much. After some thinking, I don't think I'll be participating here anymore. I'm sorry to everyone I angered and I wish people luck in getting their cards, no matter their queue.

I hope you stick around.  We need all voices in here.  And we have all had bad days/weeks/Tech Launch Seasons.  
Regardless of your decision, thanks for participating in the thread; I certainly appreciated it.  
Good luck on your watch.

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

30 Series GPUs currently "in stock"
EVGA Queue Summary (North America)

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:21:49 (permalink)
How does the stepup program even work. If you get a 3080 ftw3 hybrid, what can you step up too?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:23:15 (permalink)
How does the stepup program even work. If you get a 3080 ftw3 hybrid, what can you step up too?

I would think only to a 3090 FTW3 ULTRA 24G-P5-3987-KR atm.
post edited by Shiki8 - 2020/12/16 15:30:05
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:27:52 (permalink)
How does the stepup program even work. If you get a 3080 ftw3 hybrid, what can you step up too?

In the USA, you can step-up to:
  • EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 ULTRA GAMING, 24G-P5-3987-KR, 24GB GDDR6X, iCX3 Technology, ARGB LED, Metal Backplate (24G-P5-3987-KR) (PDF)
  • EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 FTW3 ULTRA GAMING, 10G-P5-3897-KR, 10GB GDDR6X, iCX3 Technology, ARGB LED, Metal Backplate (10G-P5-3897-KR) (PDF)
  • EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 FTW3 ULTRA GAMING, 08G-P5-3767-KR, 8GB GDDR6, iCX3 Technology, ARGB LED, Metal Backplate (08G-P5-3767-KR) (PDF)
  • EVGA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti FTW3 ULTRA GAMING, 08G-P5-3667-KR, 8GB GDDR6, iCX3 Cooling, ARGB LED, Metal Backplate (08G-P5-3667-KR) (PDF)
  • EVGA GeForce GTX 1650 SC ULTRA GDDR6 GAMING, 04G-P4-1257-KR, 4GB GDDR6, Dual Fan, Metal Backplate (04G-P4-1257-KR) (PDF)

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:34:32 (permalink)
looking forward to todays movement later on.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:36:38 (permalink)
Thats exactly what i did. I don't want or need a 3090 (jk i want one) but i am on the list for all the 3080 cards. If i ever happen to magically find a 3090 i'll get it. I'll take whatever card i get the email for first.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:38:15 (permalink)
ive only ever gotten notified for the hybrid kit lol no cards
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:38:55 (permalink)
God, I hope Jacob doesn't think we're coming after him. I'd hope he'd get a raise for all this but considering the apparent avariciousness higher up the chain...

Seriously. I'm angry, but not at Jacob.  Jacob is doing a bang-up job given the constraints undoubtedly placed on them, and I appreciate them even taking the time to respond like they have.  My grievances are with EVGA, and while Jacob works for EVGA, Jacob is NOT EVGA.
Good evening, All!

This sort of astroturfing, either intentional or accidental, is neither welcome or helpful.  We have legitimate grievances with EVGA given their lack of communication and transparency, and there have been zero reports of air-cooled cards having difficulties only the hybrid models could seemingly address (as your post suggests in defense of those new SKUs).  Furthermore, it's exactly because these are luxury products that we expect better-than-normal responses from the company about supplies, availability, and expectations.  We're not shopping for eggs and milk, we're looking to drop a not-insignificant amount of money on a luxury item, but are being ignored after following the rules set out by the manufacturer themselves while they prioritize some queues over others with no communication to anyone about their chosen priorities, let alone recourse for those whose purchasing decisions would change if they were aware of these priorities (such as upgrading/paying more for a higher-end SKU than the one they wanted, because they do need a card sooner than later).
Companies do not need soldiers to fight for them unless they're knowingly acting in bad faith, and making that sort of post only exacerbates the bubbling anger from those of us who feel screwed by the process thus far.  EVGA alone is in the wrong, here, and EVGA has to step up and make things right.  Your defense of them isn't needed, as they're perfectly capable of paying a PR professional to do that if they really feel they need it.

10G-P5-3881-KR     9/17/2020 9:44:07 PM PT      No
10 SKUs "launched" on 9/16, three of which have queues that still haven't even reached the 9/17 release date.  EVGA: where are the 3881, 3883, and 3895?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:44:55 (permalink)

Do you think filling this thread with your grievances helps?
I would have thought direct messages to folks (and I don't mean via EVGA forum) would be a better way to be heard.
I suggest you write an email to someone "up the chain", who you can locate through LinkedIn (or other Google-Fu), and let them know your thoughts; get a real dialogue going.

I say this because I don't think you're going to get the assistance you're looking for on the board here. No one at the company has a role/duty to comb threads to act in such a way, so your words fall on deaf ears here IMO.
Good luck on your hunt, JustinGN. I hope you get the card you want soon.

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:45:15 (permalink)
how many of you guys have gotten a notification for a kingpin? 
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:48:59 (permalink)
evga is a business and not a charity.

That doesn't excuse them from being accountable to their customers.
The amount of entitlement on display in this thread is mind-boggling... you all know they're just people, and that this is one of the most stressful, painful product launches any of them will deal with in multiple lifetimes right? Not to mention the continuing global pandemic affecting their work and personal lives. NVIDIA dropped the ball here. I'm sorry you're not able to give EVGA your $800 or whatever, and I'm sure EVGA isn't too happy about it either because it also costs them money. I'm also sure that EVGA is well aware that the queuing system they designed and built in just a few weeks in response to overwhelming demand, ridiculous supply constraints, and bots & scalpers isn't perfect. But being rude, fatalistic, and hyperbolizing isn't making the queue move any faster. Be respectful and conscientious. Criticism is only helpful when it's constructive.

Repeat after me (because I've said this at least a dozen times now):
We are not upset we don't have cards.  We are upset that we've been in a queue EVGA has refused to meaningfully supply since launch, while they've since launched nine more SKUs across the 3090 and 3080 series, fulfilled many of those sign-ups, and still not addressed those of us from the September launch days for those SKUs or offered any sort of recourse for those who might be willing to pay more for a higher-tier SKU that's actually being made.  We want a formal response from EVGA regarding three specific queues (3881, 3883, and 3895) and some form of recourse (apology, queue merging, queue swapping, something) that might give us the possibility of obtaining cards in a reasonable time frame relative to the other queues.
Holding companies accountable for their actions is NOT entitlement, it's our obligation as the consumer in a capitalist economy.
Do you think filling this thread with your grievances helps?

This isn't my first rodeo, and I have the best success in getting an appropriate response when I firmly, but professionally, engage the company on their own turf.  Private communication rarely gets results for anyone except myself, and where's the fairness or accountability in that?  Airing grievances here puts them in front of plenty of eyeballs, it keeps the issue near the top and builds pressure on the company to address it, rather than merely acknowledge it.  Part of being a luxury company selling luxury goods is that you have to bring your A+ game to customer interactions, or your brand will be tarnished.  Jacob has done an excellent job given their constraints, but they almost certainly cannot address our grievances by themselves.  EVGA the company needs to respond, and this thread is the best place to do that.
post edited by JustinGN - 2020/12/16 15:53:49

10G-P5-3881-KR     9/17/2020 9:44:07 PM PT      No
10 SKUs "launched" on 9/16, three of which have queues that still haven't even reached the 9/17 release date.  EVGA: where are the 3881, 3883, and 3895?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:51:36 (permalink)

Do you think filling this thread with your grievances helps?
I would have thought direct messages to folks (and I don't mean via EVGA forum) would be a better way to be heard.
I suggest you write an email to someone "up the chain", who you can locate through LinkedIn (or other Google-Fu), and let them know your thoughts; get a real dialogue going.

I say this because I don't think you're going to get the assistance you're looking for on the board here. No one at the company has a role/duty to comb threads to act in such a way, so your words fall on deaf ears here IMO.
Good luck on your hunt, JustinGN. I hope you get the card you want soon.

It's been said before, trust me, stop trying.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:52:04 (permalink)
evga is a business and not a charity.

That doesn't excuse them from being accountable to their customers.
The amount of entitlement on display in this thread is mind-boggling... you all know they're just people, and that this is one of the most stressful, painful product launches any of them will deal with in multiple lifetimes right? Not to mention the continuing global pandemic affecting their work and personal lives. NVIDIA dropped the ball here. I'm sorry you're not able to give EVGA your $800 or whatever, and I'm sure EVGA isn't too happy about it either because it also costs them money. I'm also sure that EVGA is well aware that the queuing system they designed and built in just a few weeks in response to overwhelming demand, ridiculous supply constraints, and bots & scalpers isn't perfect. But being rude, fatalistic, and hyperbolizing isn't making the queue move any faster. Be respectful and conscientious. Criticism is only helpful when it's constructive.

Repeat after me (because I've said this at least a dozen times now):
We are not upset we don't have cards.  We are upset that we've been in a queue EVGA has refused to meaningfully supply since launch, while they've since launched nine more SKUs across the 3090 and 3080 series, fulfilled many of those sign-ups, and still not addressed those of us from the September launch days for those SKUs or offered any sort of recourse for those who might be willing to pay more for a higher-tier SKU that's actually being made.  We want a formal response from EVGA regarding three specific queues (3881, 3883, and 3895) and some form of recourse (apology, queue merging, queue swapping, something) that might give us the possibility of obtaining cards in a reasonable time frame relative to the other queues.
Holding companies accountable for their actions is NOT entitlement, it's our obligation as the consumer in a capitalist economy.

Great response
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:52:59 (permalink)
Here you dropped your silver spoon back there.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:57:41 (permalink)
Would be great if this thread just stuck to how the que is moving.
Like really great. But there's the Block button too, of course.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 15:58:59 (permalink)
 It's been said before, trust me, stop trying.

Heh, you'd think it would be understood that A) other's here are tired of it and B) current tactics aren't working. 

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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 16:06:06 (permalink)
...Please check the (a link to it is always in my signature block; if you are on a mobile...

If you reduce the font size on the empty lines between the "bullet" point paragraph such that there is just a tiny 6pt or 2pt font blank line, it should bring the document back down to 1 page 
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 16:08:41 (permalink)
 It's been said before, trust me, stop trying.

Heh, you'd think it would be understood that A) other's here are tired of it and B) current tactics aren't working. 

It's entirely your choice to be a passive participant in the consumer-company relationship.  I choose to be an active one.  If you don't like listening to me and my little drum, there might be a block option on the forums you can utilize.
Great response

Thanks! I also feel that something needs to be pointed out in EVGA's favor:
They haven't banned me, or yanked my notifications.
A lot of companies would see me trying to raise the proverbial banner, and immediately nuke me from orbit.  That's the default policy of most companies I've encountered.  To EVGA's credit, they've not done so, and I think a lot of folks need to see that.  They let me keep pounding my drum, so long as I remain relatively professional about it and rebuke those who would try and use my points as calls to uncivilized behavior (seriously, leave Jacob alone, they're doing their absolute best).
The squeaky wheel may get the grease, but you also get a lot more flies with honey than vinegar, as the saying goes.  Scorched earth policies never help either side, and I'd like to think they understand that.  Even if they intend to remain silent on this and hope it goes away, the fact they're not trying to hide the discourse should speak volumes about the company itself.
And even if all I end up doing is screaming into the white void of the forums, hopefully others will use these as templates for their own grievances with other companies in the future.  In a healthy economy, consumers will hold companies accountable for actions that go against societal mores.  That's all I'm trying to do, as respectfully as I can.
post edited by JustinGN - 2020/12/16 16:11:26

10G-P5-3881-KR     9/17/2020 9:44:07 PM PT      No
10 SKUs "launched" on 9/16, three of which have queues that still haven't even reached the 9/17 release date.  EVGA: where are the 3881, 3883, and 3895?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 16:09:38 (permalink)
EVGA will just keep making new models it looks like, and never backfill the orders from the start.

They could have easily sent notice that the hybrid was coming do you want to upgrade to it for the total cost of X.

But no they decided to open more queues they will add cards to once or twice and then move on to the 3881a, which replaces the 3881,  new queue for it opens on such and such date, then marketing gets to show how well they are at driving web site hits.

EVGA had a good idea, then it feels like the Marketing group decided to exploit it.
When you give hope then crush it, does more damage than never giving hope at all.

Good Luck all,
The 4080 does look like a great card.

It’s pretty unfair. Lots of folks been waiting since launch day which is 3 months since then, still haven’t gotten any cards thru notify system yet they’ve been selling several hybrid cards that released 3 months later and stop the production of the old ones especially xc3 black and gaming to fulfill more expensive cards. That’s not how a queue system is supposed to be like.

Guys... do you understand how engineering and production works? You reserve time for stuff to be made well in advanced. You don't think they had a order submitted for Hybrids to run on an assembly line months in advanced? Indeed they did. 
You think you can just go "Hey, stop making those, and make these!" It's more than likely that the hybrid orders were already being produced and assembled before this whole notification system started. For them to just put a pause and change up on things while other customers are waiting in line to get stuff made is nearly impossible. 
Imagine you're in line at a grocery store with all your ingredients. ASUS, MSI and other card vendors are checking out with stuff they need fabricated too like heatsinks, plastic moldings, etc. Then you get a text from your wife to leave your place in line to get different ingredients that are all limited. Yeah good luck. 
That being said, it's highly unlikely the Hybrids caused immediate shortages because they were probably in production in full force afterwards. 

Very well said, it's not like EVGA harvests these cards from trees. Trust me everyone, EVGA WANTS TO SELL YOU THESE CARDS. Like all companies, I promise you they want your money. They probably had the orders made way in advance and figured it was fairest to just drop  them separately. Cause think about it, even if you decided to merge all the queue's, you'd end up screwing people over. If little Bobby was next in line for a 3080 XC3 Ultra but you were a second earlier than him for a 3080 FTW3 Ultra, would it be fair for you to cut Bobby? Now imagine there's thousands of people with different queues and different start times, how would you even account for the cards that had later queues? It's a logistics nightmare that's going to screw over many people. Also what about bots? You don't think that the scalpers would pile in thousands of bots onto the queue and take up all the room? At least with new cards dropping with new queues, we have a better shot at beating the bots. I understand everyone's frustration, but throughout my entire hunt I kept reminding myself that this is a luxury item and that if I don't get  this card, it's nothing but a first world problem lol. Worse things can happen in 2020 y'all. Let's just keep counting our blessings and praying to RNGesus. Channeling good energy to you all!!!

10850K @ 3.6Ghz + Z490 AORUS ULTRA
EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid *soggy*
32Gb (4 x 8) G. Skill Trident Neo @ 3600Mhz
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 16:11:04 (permalink)
I would consider queue swapping an excellent answer to the 3881 situation. I've been in line since 9/17/2020.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 16:21:44 (permalink)
Personally, I appreciate all of your heartfelt comments. I like that we can speak up on our feelings without being muted. I'm a fan of each person here. Just my opinion. You're entitled to yours. :)
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process 2020/12/16 16:22:32 (permalink)
I’m not being ungrateful here but you mean we cannot improve the quality of customer service? Agree that evga has been doing absolutely decent job in avoiding bots and bringing a system that works for real people.

What I’m suggesting is that instead of pushing productions of newer skus, equally making all cards across the board so that everyone can be happy about where they are at in the queue system, not favoring the most profitable ones( agree that this is a business, but $729 dollars is still a whole lot of money, stop saying that it’s ok to favor more profitable cards, you can sell much more budget ones comparing to more expensive models, quantity would make up for the profit)
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