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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 03:35:50
I like it when people find out they have 2 bios'es on their gpu and it's like hocus pocus for them. Same with pad thickness. Get the thicker one, and stretch them a bit. They are pliable. #rocketscience
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 03:51:46
Xfade81 I like it when people find out they have 2 bios'es on their gpu and it's like hocus pocus for them. Same with pad thickness. Get the thicker one, and stretch them a bit. They are pliable. #rocketscience
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 04:10:02
Hello, I need some info, I received one email from THERMALMOD at NEWS point EVGA point COM or soporte at EVGA point COM , not sure which one, saying I need to pass some info about me before they send the thermal pad to me because of my country taxes when a foreign product arrive. Information like telefone number, adress, CPF (equivalent to social security number). I want to know if this email isnt a scam, because the email is only normal text, without images, names etc, soporte is misspelled suporte. My thermal pad requested was accepted in the site and this looks like a normal procedure, but Im not sure.
post edited by melao - 2016/11/11 04:13:11
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 04:11:28
Pad status haven't changed but i received a e-mail from EVGA asking to confirm my address and contact info. Does anyone know if they send a tracking number?
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 04:18:06
seahawkgfx If you need it for the standard 1080 ACX, sent me a PM and I mail it to you. For the SC and FTW techpowerup has those in their BIOS database.
Thank you, I will check. For the thickness of the pads, the official statement from EVGA, is 1 mm for all their cards. So I don't know where you got 1.5 mm and 2 mm from. Look here: http://www.evga.com/support/faq/afmmain.aspx?faqid=59314
About thickness. If you checkout the whole thread you will see these 2mm all over the place. 1.5mm is not as certain. As for the origin of this info, good point. I think it was issued by Jacob or other EVGA rep? Oh, and on the Hexus video, they measured, live, the set from Evga. The biggest backplate one was exactly 2mm. That's certain. EDIT: the post you linked, I guess was before this whole issue arose. It may even be the reason in some cases for the new VRAM pads? But, absoutely 2mm is correct. Please check Nexus who used a kit provided by evga. Cheers.
No no this information from EVGA is related to this issue, so I will stick with the recommended 1 mm from EVGA. Regarding to the link to Techpowerup about the size of the pads. There is no info about size of the pads, so why do you link to something not available? Even more strange....why do you want pm about size of the pads for the standard card? Is it secret? Yes i know there is a lot of misleading posts about the thickness. It's very annoying people post wrong numbers. They think they know somethng, and pretending to be "specialists".
The video is Hexus, not techpower up. I am NOT linking to anything. You can find that yourself, actually on the first page of this thread I think Jacob linked to the video, but it's widely available. But NOT Techpower up, Hexus. I am 100% sure the backplate thick pad is 2mm. Unless Hexus measured wrongly, but they did it live, so I doubt it. Don't accuse me of linking. I made no link. LOOK at the post. What the heck are you on about PM. I have not sent any Pm to anyone about this. You didn't read at all, and accused me of stuff I didn't do or say. Please please, if you spend 5 minutes researching you will find that what I said about thickness is correct. No doubt. I don't appreciate you saying I linked or sent PM I did no such thing, and how would you know if I PMed someone anyway. Your post is nonsense. Go ahead, use the 1mm, in fact it may work, but that's not what EVGA send. The evga kit, wide pad is 2mm thick period. I am repeating so perhaps you will take the time to read. Again it's exceedingly rude, wrong, and plain lies to say I made a LInk I DID NOT Open you ......eyes. Same goes for PM nothing. Really I don't know how you could be so mistaken and not read properly. EDIT Jacobs linked video is Gamer Nexus, not Hexus - just to be completely clear.
You got it all wrong.....I was asking you about the SIZE and NOT the thickness. Read my post. I asked if you knew the actual size....like 25,2 mm wide X 16,5 mm high or whatever. Í don't really care about what Nexus says in his video. I know for a fact that the pads EVGA sends out are 1mm. If Nexus says they are 2 mm, I really don't care. About the PM. You wrote that if i had the Standard GTX 10 card I could PM you. Look in your posts and see. But it really doesn't matter, I was just wondering why i should send you a PM.
lol I already answered you directly. I said I didn't know. Look at post #1479. Now I have an approx idea as I did all three mods today! (I wrote it for you below) The most difficult part was those little darn LED and Fan power connectors. They were really tight. Managed in the end. About Nexus, sure, I just mentioned it. Today I used 2mm thickness for backplate and VRAM. 1mm for the VRM/Mosfets, but 1 mm would be fine for all I guess?, just not as tight. About the PM. Seriously, you are confusing me with someone else. I mean it's no big deal really, but I just wonder why you insist on that? (Rhetorical question, this has gone on long enough as it is, and I'm trying to be helpful regardless - see end of THIS post.) But I will clearly state you must be mixing me up with someone else, I never did, or said anything or offered any thing about a PM! But whatever it's fine. Seahawk however DID offer a PM, the very one you describe in fact!! But that was quoted in the huge post above.(#1490) It was in fact you who posted last which is why it's funny. sure, I posted there too, like you did, but the PM bit is Seahawk's post. We should both laugh! Too many different peoples different posts included as quotes.) You can look above if you like #1490. and my post is there as are two or three others including you. Let's leave it. Such a minor thing doesn't warrant a disagreement. No worries about that. Okay, back to the original topic. Now, since a few hours ago in fact, I can give you the measurements I found. About thickness, never mind, 1 mm is probably OK but contact will be very soft - no pressure at all. Atleast not on my FTW. So, here goes. (This is for my card, the 1080 FTW, so please consider it approx, not 100% correct.) When doing the mod today, I found the thick one under the back plate is approx 56mm or 57mm wide, sorry forgot the length. The second thinner one is 26mm or 27mm. For the VRAMS I just cut squares for each one, a bit larger than the VRAM itself. Surprisingly it all works really well, I am happy with the result and recommend doing it, but if like me, it takes a good 30mins. Or more. Be careful them little plugs are tight, at least on my card they were!! PHew! I hope that is helpful for you, and good luck when/if you add the pads!!
1. Taichi z370. i7 8086k @ 5,2GHz Stable. 16GB G.Skill Trident Z @ 3,000MHz. EVGA GTX 1080ti FTW3. Acer XB270HU IPS 1440p 144Hz Refresh with G-Sync. PSU Corsair AX850. Cloud two cans, and Creative T20 stereo. Realtek HD on board sound.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 04:40:15
Xfade81 I like it when people find out they have 2 bios'es on their gpu and it's like hocus pocus for them. Same with pad thickness. Get the thicker one, and stretch them a bit. They are pliable. #rocketscience
Yeah, my thoughts too. And after using 2mm pads for Backplate and VRAMs, but 1mm for mosfets, I am very pleased I went "thicker," (2mm for two areas) The reason is obvious really, it made a really tight fit. Just right. But not enough to in anyway warp the card. I am using the card now, running fine, gpu if anything is cooler probably because I used MX - 4 TP. Unfortunately, there are no built in sensors for the problem areas, but I am pretty sure (fingers crossed) that all components now run cool, probably around the same temp as the GPU if hazarding a guess.
1. Taichi z370. i7 8086k @ 5,2GHz Stable. 16GB G.Skill Trident Z @ 3,000MHz. EVGA GTX 1080ti FTW3. Acer XB270HU IPS 1440p 144Hz Refresh with G-Sync. PSU Corsair AX850. Cloud two cans, and Creative T20 stereo. Realtek HD on board sound.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 04:54:25
The whole situation is a "joke". What EVGA must do, is to recall the cards, End Of Story, nothing less, nothing more! Let's see how is the situation until today. - Some words of the statement of Evga: oversight, the installation of pads are optional, customers need cooler gpu's. Next a) So from now on the pads will install in new produced cards (but is optional). b)First problem with overheat was for 1070/80 next found to 1060. c)Solution: thermalpads for backplate, baseplate (VRM area) and bios for card that increase the rpms. Ooh next arose/find the pads for VRAM's! What come next? Ooh new baseplate desighn or acx4.0 will send us for free (joke) But all these are optional!!! You have the option not use!!! Let's go next. About the warranty, if something going wrongs EVGA will cover the "damage" as the said. All we know general (at the back door) warranty* not void if we change the cooler or replace the thermal paste. Let's see more details. At the installation instruction last page with small letters wrote: - ..but offers this Thermal Pad Mod free-of-charge and covered under warranty, provided that installation of the Thermal Pad Mod is performed on officially-supported graphics cards and not inconsistent with this manual.Although EVGA has tested the Thermal Pad Mod in a controlled environment with the result of lower temperatures in specific areas of supported graphics cards, EVGA does not guarantee similar results upon successful completion of this Thermal Pad Mod by the recipient of the Thermal Pad Mod kit or a third-party. The EVGA graphics card warranty may be void if the end-user causes intentional physical or water damage to the graphics card during the course of installation of the Thermal Pad Mod installation of the Thermal Pad Mod, however, will not void your warranty, even in the case of accidental damage, if installation is consistent with this Thermal Pad Mod Installation Guide. EVGA will not be held liable for the physical or water damage of your GTX™ 1080, GTX™ 1070 or any other associated hardware if damage is caused intentionally to the graphics card. -At warranty terms This Limited Warranty is conditioned upon proper use of the Product by the Purchaser. This Limited Warranty does not cover:- Graphics Cards that are modified by customer outside of factory specifications and/or not in factory condition.
- Graphics Cards with modification to the serial number and/or factory identification labels whether removed, relocated, falsified, defaced, damaged, altered or made illegible.
- Damages to PCB (Printed Circuit Board) whether cut, scratched, warped, cracked, dented or broken.
- Any damages to the components, hardware and/or assembly of the graphics card including neglect, or unusual physical, electrical or electromechanical stress.
- Any missing hardware, components and/or assemblies of the graphics card.
- Cosmetic damages deemed outside of reasonable usage caused by deep scratches, cuts, cracks, dents, discoloration, neglect, dropping or mishandling the graphics card.
So how the warranty doesn't void and have exceptions for 1060/70/80 series from previus series? And last for now, I send email and asked about the replacemment card the condition if is refurbished or a new sealed with pads. The answer Hi, thanks for the detailed request - those GPU´s are brandly new \ re-worked products, no worries - mostly the only difference would be, not sealed and not within the original package, as due the RMA process we are using different packages, Please let us know if we can further assist, Have a nice day, Regards, --------- So how is brand new and reworked (in the same line)? How only difference is the package and not sealed with one who is brand new and sealed. There is no mostly and the card is refurbished. From the above all how we can't be suspicious, If Everything was ok, then from the beginning the statement of evga must wrote: that is everything is ok, there is no problem with overheating, crystal and clear. End of Story. But no EVGA try to cover the problem with makeshift/improvised solutions and try to full their customers
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 05:28:02
I too would like some tinfoil for my hat. If you aren't smashing the card with a hammer you are fine with guarantee. I guess you do not buy anything or this is your first ever big purchase. You bought this card and now you look at the terms and conditions _after_ your purchase. Relax a little.
post edited by Xfade81 - 2016/11/11 05:32:22
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 05:40:32
Xfade81 I too would like some tinfoil for my hat. If you aren't smashing the card with a hammer you are fine with guarantee. I guess you do not buy anything or this is your first ever big purchase. You bought this card and now you look at the terms and conditions _after_ your purchase. Relax a little.
I'm sure you know the popular quote "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” was it Ghandi's or Klein's doesn't matter.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 05:48:35
Still waiting the first case about this overheating issue...
All the problems are because defective vram at the moment, you are all overreacting... Show us facts please !
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 05:48:40
Go to your kitchen and maybe you found some tinfoil  Are you diviner? If yes, write me the numbers of tzoker  What's the point of terms? Only for exist?
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 07:33:38
Why nobody answer about the thermal pad shipping ??? When you buy a top product, you hope this product have high quality so again what happened with the shipment??why is taking so long??why everyone request this thermal pad in october 2016 and you maybe ship until january 2017.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 07:59:52
Omarlink Why nobody answer about the thermal pad shipping ??? When you buy a top product, you hope this product have high quality so again what happened with the shipment??why is taking so long??why everyone request this thermal pad in october 2016 and you maybe ship until january 2017. 
The question has been answered numerous times and ignored. The pads are shipping as they are made. The have to be made and shipped to evga so that they can ship them to you.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 08:09:43
"First, a few of the sample photos we've been sent have shown blown FETs in a few specific spots on the board. Each seems to correspond with hotspots that we located with thermal imaging: The second MOSFET up and MOSFET #7/#8. Thermal imaging doesn't show us that side of the PCB, and thermal imaging also has a few flaws regarding emissivity of the surface of a thermal pad or backplate and regarding insulation of the hotspot by the thermal pad. These challenges are not present when just measuring the fan curve adjustment -- which we also did, and which we also showed -- but have been on the back of our minds since first exploring EVGA's VRM fracas. There's another problem that we'd already discussed, too: The PCB acts as another layer of material that can sink heat, and easily causes a delta of ~4C from one side to the other. ................. We'll see. There's a lot to be done, but this was a good start. We've been speaking with thermal engineers on methodology, so the testing has taken a little while to develop. We expect it'll be about another week to conduct all the testing, at which time we'll regroup with 'Buildzoid' to analyze the data." darkheran
panaikas Change after VBIOS ONLY: 109C to 95C Change after Thermal Pad ONLY: 109C to 85C Change after BOTH: 109C to 81C darkheran I find weird the big difference (24 temps down) of temps only by thermal pad that place at backplate (personal opinion). I think EVGA might reconsider and design again the baseplate with acx cooler.
Well unless we are going to start throwing around claims of manufactured data and testing results id say the tests show otherwise. But that comes down to opinion and investigations and all that. If we want to go down that alley its far beyond anybody on this forums comprehension, resources, or ability to solve. Either we accept the test data given from multiple sources or we assume foul play.
Here is some info for temps about backplate and pads http://forums.evga.com/how-does-the-backplate-work-to-reduce-temps-m2195469.aspx http://forums.evga.com/FindPost/2195592NordicJedi As mentioned, the cooling is entirely passive. In the past, I believe foam was used on some backplates. Currently, the backplates mostly use thermal pads to draw off additional heat and avoid direct shorts/grounding. With decent airflow in the system, it can pull a bit more heat off the metal of the backplate. If you have a card overheating, this would not likely be a potential fix, but could take a couple degrees off your temps if you want it lower. Really, though, it's more about the looks of the backplate than anything else.
That's why I find weird the big difference of 24C temps
post edited by panaikas - 2016/11/11 09:07:26
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 09:12:01
Im eagerly awaiting the GN thermal testing just to see exactly what's going on underneath all these added thermal pads.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 09:33:59
Hi there, I tried to read as much as I could from this thread (probably more than 10 pages) but I didn't find anything to help me out. I downloaded the bios update, but when I start it my screen goes black. I waited about 15 minutes, but it never recovered. When I restarted the bios version was not listed, almost like my card wasn't detected. One restart later, everything was back to normal, but I have the old bios version. I'm positive I downloaded the correct driver. Also, I found only two guys with similar problems - one for SLI (not applicable) and one that just said in the next post 'whoops, tried again and it worked, ez pz' so I have nothing to go on. I've tried multiple times. My card is - 08G-P4-5173-KR - EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 SC ACX 3.0 Black Edition -
Can somebody help me? Edit: Also forgot to mention, running Windows 7 and I'm not on an AMD platform
post edited by BigBadJames - 2016/11/11 09:48:28
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 09:57:48
Got my replacement card today. Impressed with the fact that they were able to send it out so quickly even when being bombarded with calls. I went the cross ship method. My only question is, is the return shipping supposed to be included or are we paying that out of pocket?
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 10:32:57
m0bbed Question on the 06G-P4-6163-KR - EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 SC. For this model there is no Thermal Pad Kit available, only a BIOS Update . What are the changes in the fan control? Is that Bios with the 0db Feature at IDLE mode?
Ask the same question.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 10:37:39
When EVGA starts using their new flux capacitor, maybe the overheating issues will cease. I think this may be causing the mass panic and paranoia....not tinfoil hats.
post edited by DeathAngel74 - 2016/11/11 10:55:47
Carnage specs: Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 11:01:53
BigBadJames Hi there, I tried to read as much as I could from this thread (probably more than 10 pages) but I didn't find anything to help me out. I downloaded the bios update, but when I start it my screen goes black. I waited about 15 minutes, but it never recovered. When I restarted the bios version was not listed, almost like my card wasn't detected. One restart later, everything was back to normal, but I have the old bios version. I'm positive I downloaded the correct driver. Also, I found only two guys with similar problems - one for SLI (not applicable) and one that just said in the next post 'whoops, tried again and it worked, ez pz' so I have nothing to go on. I've tried multiple times. My card is
- 08G-P4-5173-KR - EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 SC ACX 3.0 Black Edition -
Can somebody help me? Edit: Also forgot to mention, running Windows 7 and I'm not on an AMD platform
Try rebooting in safe mode, then unzip the 5173.zip, right click update.exe and run as admin. Should work in safe mode, I've read that other users have been successful that way.
Carnage specs: Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 11:06:30
Which is s maximum safe temperature during daily gaming with a GTX 1070 sc? 75° C is High for every game?
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 11:24:47
Some would say that 75C is fine...Try to change your fan curve if you can tolerate the added noise. Aim to stay between 60-65C
post edited by DeathAngel74 - 2016/11/11 11:27:51
Carnage specs: Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E GAMING | Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820x | Memory Channels#1 and #3: Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz | Memory Channels#2 and #4: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 4x8GB DDR4 DRAM 3200 MHz | GPU: eVGA 1080 TI FTW3 Hybrid | PhysX: eVGA 1070 SC2 | SSD#1: Samsung 960 EVO 256GB m.2 nVME(Windows/boot) | SSD#2&3: OCZ TRION 150 480GB SATAx2(RAID0-Games) | SSD#4: ADATA Premier SP550 480GB SATA(Storage) | CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Water 3.0 RGB 360mm AIO LCS | Case: Thermaltake X31 RGB | Power Supply: Thermaltake Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium | Keyboard: Razer Ornato Chroma | Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite Chroma | Mousepad: Razer Firefly Chroma | Operating System#1: Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate X64 | Operating System#2: Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (3DS Homebrew/Build Environment)
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 11:30:03
iambert My only question is, is the return shipping supposed to be included or are we paying that out of pocket?
waiting on an RMA here too, would like to know this...
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 11:32:21
Omarlink Why nobody answer about the thermal pad shipping ??? When you buy a top product, you hope this product have high quality so again what happened with the shipment??why is taking so long??why everyone request this thermal pad in october 2016 and you maybe ship until january 2017. 
Thermal pads are shipping daily, shipped some yesterday, more today, more next week. Expect to see it move shortly.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 13:14:36
Xfade81 I too would like some tinfoil for my hat. If you aren't smashing the card with a hammer you are fine with guarantee. I guess you do not buy anything or this is your first ever big purchase. You bought this card and now you look at the terms and conditions _after_ your purchase. Relax a little.
I'm sure you know the popular quote "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” was it Ghandi's or Klein's doesn't matter.
it was Gandhi, and there is NO WAY someone like Gandhi or his achievements apply to something as inconsequential as a video card. childish.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 13:41:54
I iambert Got my replacement card today. Impressed with the fact that they were able to send it out so quickly even when being bombarded with calls. I went the cross ship method. My only question is, is the return shipping supposed to be included or are we paying that out of pocket?
I just got off the phone with EVGA customer service and they said that a prepaid return label is provided if you have a advance cross-ship RMA. It should be found in the shipping pouch.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 13:42:16
iambert Got my replacement card today. Impressed with the fact that they were able to send it out so quickly even when being bombarded with calls. I went the cross ship method. My only question is, is the return shipping supposed to be included or are we paying that out of pocket?
I got my shipment number today (its been a week i think). Also impressed it went so fast. I thought it would take longer. I was under the impression that they would send us a pdf file with paid shipment information. In my RMA approved email it says: ------------ RETURNING YOUR PRODUCT/SHIPPING LABEL 1. EVGA does not accept drop-off or will call for RMA. 2. If you are not using the attached PDF label, please visibly note the RMA Number on multiple sides of the shipping box with a marker and ship your product to: ------------- There were no attachment in the mail so i thought it would come later.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 14:48:36
MarcoSil Which is s maximum safe temperature during daily gaming with a GTX 1070 sc? 75° C is High for every game?
Most reviewers hit that temps using the default fan curve, i say it's completely fine but it doesn't hurt to run it a little cooler. Personally i prefer lower temps instead of lower noises since my case fan is already loud and i use headphones but that's up to you. You could run Precision X e test the aggressive fan curve to see if the noise bothers you or not, changing from default to aggressive profile usually drops up to 10c in my experience.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 15:35:59
Can you post the bios file itself so I can flash it with nvflash? I can't use this exe file on Linux.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080/1070 PWM Operating Temperature Update
2016/11/11 15:41:31
How long should the bios update take? I pushed y about 15min ago and nothing has happened