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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 13:43:21 (permalink)
If this card was 800 bucks, I'd be relaxed.  If this card was 1800 bucks and we got 25-50% gain over the 3080,  I'd be relaxed.  

I spent 1800 bucks on a card that gets 10-15% better performance than the 800 dollar card.   Its possible AMD will release a card cheaper, that out performs that.

3080 overclocked starts treading into 3090 stock territory.    This already has me concerned.  

Toss in the fact that weeks in we're seeing people pretty much SHOW you can't do anything via software and NEED the shunt mod to get past the limit..  I feel like i'm going to waterblock it, and be disappointed immediately.   I want to throw power at this until temp becomes and issue, thats how ampere is supposed to work!

2020 Pandemic build.
10900k @ 5.3 ghz All core  1.34v -(100 sp rating) 
Asus Maximus XII Formula -  EVGA RTX 3090 FTW   -  CORSAIR 1200i -  G.Skill Trident Royal z 4100 @cl15 -16-16-16 -  
2tb Corsair PCiE gen4,   1tb Samsung 960,   3x Samsung 860 Pro 1 TB 

Heatkiller Pro 4 -  Optimus XL Waterblock   EK 360 PE,  EK 360 XE, EK 480SE Radiators with a D5 pump.  

Samsung G9 Odyssey x2,  LG 34GK950F 144hz 1440p  and its 2560x1080 predecessor.    
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 13:44:24 (permalink)
I'm aware the g9 issue spreads to 3090s in general.  I had an ASUS Tuf for a few weeks before I got my FTW.  Same issue. 


2020 Pandemic build.
10900k @ 5.3 ghz All core  1.34v -(100 sp rating) 
Asus Maximus XII Formula -  EVGA RTX 3090 FTW   -  CORSAIR 1200i -  G.Skill Trident Royal z 4100 @cl15 -16-16-16 -  
2tb Corsair PCiE gen4,   1tb Samsung 960,   3x Samsung 860 Pro 1 TB 

Heatkiller Pro 4 -  Optimus XL Waterblock   EK 360 PE,  EK 360 XE, EK 480SE Radiators with a D5 pump.  

Samsung G9 Odyssey x2,  LG 34GK950F 144hz 1440p  and its 2560x1080 predecessor.    
Asus Chakram  -  Asus Strix Flare   -  
Sennheiser PC -350   Logitech Z906 5.1 
RGB to the max for the first time. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 14:02:48 (permalink)
Went to test on 8k. Pulled 471 watts. Pretty interesting. I've never done that before. I got 6 fps though so clearly not upgrading anytime soon to 8k
This makes me think that at 1080p- the card thinks I don't need the power??? 
and maybe people pulling over 450 are at 4k  always?  Did we figure this part out. Cause I have NEVER pulled more than 446 on any bios ever until I went to 8k. 

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 14:12:34 (permalink)
Went to test on 8k. Pulled 471 watts. Pretty interesting. I've never done that before. I got 6 fps though so clearly not upgrading anytime soon to 8k
This makes me think that at 1080p- the card thinks I don't need the power??? 
and maybe people pulling over 450 are at 4k  always?  Did we figure this part out. Cause I have NEVER pulled more than 446 on any bios ever until I went to 8k. 

I get between 430-450 at 4k. I havent tried any lower resolution. I've tried Doom Eternal, Quake RTX, COD:MW Campaign, Time Spy Extreme all at 4k and highest I've pulled was 470w one time while changing scenes on COD:MW. I've pulled 460 in game in COD:MW, everything else hits maybe 450 but sits in the 430 range for the most part.

My associates code is O1RWT3TOQ5NNXP8 if you wanna help !e get my EVGA score up :)
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 14:17:03 (permalink)
If this card was 800 bucks, I'd be relaxed.  If this card was 1800 bucks and we got 25-50% gain over the 3080,  I'd be relaxed.  

I spent 1800 bucks on a card that gets 10-15% better performance than the 800 dollar card.   Its possible AMD will release a card cheaper, that out performs that.

3080 overclocked starts treading into 3090 stock territory.    This already has me concerned.  

Toss in the fact that weeks in we're seeing people pretty much SHOW you can't do anything via software and NEED the shunt mod to get past the limit..  I feel like i'm going to waterblock it, and be disappointed immediately.   I want to throw power at this until temp becomes and issue, thats how ampere is supposed to work!

This is why I think Evga has been acting shady
There was ZERO chance that evga didnt know they shipped the 3080 with a 400watt bios. I think it was a stunt from the beginning. The whole act with Jacob being like "oh really, your not getting 420w? well thats funny all of us are getting 420 over here!" I mean come on how dumb do they think we are
They dont make that much money from the 3080 but they make huge margins on the 3090. It doesnt make sense for them to be so close in power usage so they made a 50w gap to highlight a bigger difference and make ppl actually want to buy the 3090.
now, HERES THE THING. I talked to someone in the know and they said both of these boards are designed to run 450w from the beginning and that was the magic number. This fake 500w bios is mostly a publicity stunt gone wrong.
Oh you want more power? better give us $2,500 so we can ship you the kingpin
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 14:40:38 (permalink)
Well. Amd cards are kinda scary. Hoping its hype and we are still the kings.
Also guys -- A little help here.
It's finally cold enough where I live to not have air on. (I've had it on literally since the 3090 has been installed). Now with it off. I'm hearing a buzz.. Loud enough to hear and annoy..
2.5 seconds of a buzz... then off for a second... then back on... 
Any ideas? 

Sounds like what other folks were experiencing leaving the card on the normal VBIOS with auto fans (where they would turn off, then on). Try setting the VBIOS to the OC position (33% minimum fan speed, which bypasses the problem fan % where this happens) and rebooting. Or set a manual fan speed curve in PX1 or afterburner that starts at around 30%.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 14:47:17 (permalink)
A full week and no contributing insight or possible resolution, even BETA builds have their bugs acknowledged. 
All we have gotten is "ChEcK Out ThiS DoOm EterNal 4k ScReENSHooT"
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 14:55:50 (permalink)
woah my pm is loaded. Since I'm at work I will get around to everyone once i get a break. Promise

So you only will respond in pm as to how you took matters in your own hands?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 15:20:44 (permalink)
Well. Amd cards are kinda scary. Hoping its hype and we are still the kings.
Also guys -- A little help here.
It's finally cold enough where I live to not have air on. (I've had it on literally since the 3090 has been installed). Now with it off. I'm hearing a buzz.. Loud enough to hear and annoy..
2.5 seconds of a buzz... then off for a second... then back on... 
Any ideas? 

Sounds like what other folks were experiencing leaving the card on the normal VBIOS with auto fans (where they would turn off, then on). Try setting the VBIOS to the OC position (33% minimum fan speed, which bypasses the problem fan % where this happens) and rebooting. Or set a manual fan speed curve in PX1 or afterburner that starts at around 30%.

 Its not the fans its like an electrical buzz... I'm on OC switch... I dont know whats causing it cause I only just barely heard it... But is anyone else hearing it? I can try to take a recording of it.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 15:35:38 (permalink)
Yes dude. It’s coil whine. Caused by vibrations of electrical components, typically during high frame rate situations. Have it bad on my 3090ftw3 as well. It’s not exclusive to EVGA nor GPUs, and could differ from card to card, and fluctuate over time depending on orientation and case dynamics.

Also, no need to PM the man, the temporary fix is very clearly demonstrated in this video with a how-to portion and links to components in the comments: https://youtu.be/i8BAb3KzX5w
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 15:38:04 (permalink)
@LordGurciullo sounds like coil whine, it's pretty common on graphics cards, especially high-end ones. It is not typically an indicator of a hardware related issue. My Asus TUF 3090 has some *terrible* coil whine, my 3090 FTW3 Ultra doesn't have any, it tends to be luck of the draw whether or not your GPU exhibits coil whine. You can try to reduce or eliminate it by undervolting.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 16:05:14 (permalink)
How clean your input power to the card/PSU can also affect how much (if any) coil whine you get.
I have extremely clean input power from my electric company, and my house's electrical wiring in only 13 years old. To top that off, I run an active PFC compatible UPS and a (new for me) 1600 watt titanium EVGA power supply that doesn't break a sweat even under the heaviest of loads (1000W max). The last time I heard coil whine was prior to getting this UPS and hearing a 980 Ti warble like mad in a game loading screen with 400 FPS.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 17:03:13 (permalink)
just tried the xoc Bios tonight and this is some of what i got with it , now i have read all the posts about how this bios is not working,  and all i can tell you is when i  tried it tonight it was working for me.  
post edited by markuaw1 - 2020/10/28 17:30:55

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 17:11:47 (permalink)
Just Tried the XOC BIOS 
post edited by markuaw1 - 2020/10/28 17:16:11

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 17:19:50 (permalink)
just tried the xoc Bios tonight this is some of what i got with it  

looks like what people are expecting, no? 
I wonder why some are getting demonstrably less.
How recently did you get your FTW?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 17:23:15 (permalink)
just got it yesterday loaded the bios on 2hrs ago to try it out after backing up my bios
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 17:27:51 (permalink)
just got it yesterday loaded the bios on 2hrs ago to try it out after backing up my bios

Cool cool. Nice to see another data point suggesting this bios does work (for some, at least). Mine comes in tomorrow.
while it's not quite pegging 500W exactly, that's higher than it can do stock, right?  
But man I am in the awkward situation where I have the FTW3 Ultra and a Gaming X Trio coming tomorrow. The irony, of course, is that I know I can put this bios on it and see 500W with all ports working. That much is now common knowledge. So...the same performance give or take, for $200 less. But I love EVGA (my last 4 cards have been EVGAs), their support in general has always been excellent, and I have mixed feelings about MSI's ethics. 
I guess I have a decision to make.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 17:35:46 (permalink)
well i have only had it on my card  for  3hrs no over clock and it was pulling 480W+ so i would think it would hit 500W  
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 17:37:04 (permalink)
just got it yesterday loaded the bios on 2hrs ago to try it out after backing up my bios

Cool cool. Nice to see another data point suggesting this bios does work (for some, at least). Mine comes in tomorrow.
while it's not quite pegging 500W exactly, that's higher than it can do stock, right?  
But man I am in the awkward situation where I have the FTW3 Ultra and a Gaming X Trio coming tomorrow. The irony, of course, is that I know I can put this bios on it and see 500W with all ports working. That much is now common knowledge. So...the same performance give or take, for $200 less. But I love EVGA (my last 4 cards have been EVGAs), their support in general has always been excellent, and I have mixed feelings about MSI's ethics. 
I guess I have a decision to make.

Let me know if you decide to sell that Gaming  X Trio
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 17:46:08 (permalink)
just got it yesterday loaded the bios on 2hrs ago to try it out after backing up my bios

Cool cool. Nice to see another data point suggesting this bios does work (for some, at least). Mine comes in tomorrow.
while it's not quite pegging 500W exactly, that's higher than it can do stock, right?  
But man I am in the awkward situation where I have the FTW3 Ultra and a Gaming X Trio coming tomorrow. The irony, of course, is that I know I can put this bios on it and see 500W with all ports working. That much is now common knowledge. So...the same performance give or take, for $200 less. But I love EVGA (my last 4 cards have been EVGAs), their support in general has always been excellent, and I have mixed feelings about MSI's ethics. 
I guess I have a decision to make.

Let me know if you decide to sell that Gaming  X Trio

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 19:14:36 (permalink)
Just Tried the XOC BIOS 

Received my card yesterday as well. With XOC Bios .F8, hit 480W-500W on Time Spy. Actually a few 505W's. All settings at 0. Power at 119%
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 19:22:57 (permalink)
Uh oh, hopefully nothing is wrong with the first batch of cards..
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 19:30:04 (permalink)
Uh oh, hopefully nothing is wrong with the first batch of cards..

Kind of makes you wonder. I am installing COD now to see if I can replicate markuaw1's results, nice to have another data point from a different game to try to compare against. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 19:34:28 (permalink)
My card is from launch day (bought it the morning of 9/24). I wonder if the others in this post who never got over 450w across multiple resolutions, benchmarks, and games with the XOC bios also had near-launch cards. The reports of the 2 users above with brand new cards  easily hitting 500w+ in COD and TimeSpy (both of which i tested extensively) is quite telling...hopefully all of this data we're gathering is actually being utilized by someone over at EVGA with an actual interest in delivering a solution to paying customers.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 19:35:07 (permalink)
I just ran Timespy Extreme with the XOC vBIOS and 119% power target set...max board draw 438W (104.3% TDP) and max temp 72C. PerfCap flagging power.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 19:36:48 (permalink)
Ok here is my info tossed into the ring.
3090 FTW3 Ultra - Day 1 card
Pre-XOC Bios
 I was capped at about a 100/500 OC in 3dMark tests.  Any more than that would crash in Firestrike. 
Max Wattage: ~440 floating in the 420-430 range in Time Spy Extreme
Post-XOC Bios
I can stay stable in 3dMark Tests at 150/500 (might be able to do more memory but haven't tried) so slightly better scores
Max Wattage at 150/500: 435, with most of the time floating around 410-415
So i tried something.  I reset it back to 0/0 and re ran Timespy extreme.  Now it will pull 465 and maintain 440 or so but still score lower overall.
So I booted up Avengers.  I left it at 0/0 and went to an area where there was lots going on so it was capped out.  I would be pulling 460 or so max with it mainly floating in the 440-450 range with lots of action on screen. 
I backed out and set it at 150/500 again and now It won't hit above 440 and stays in the 415-420 range. 
Looking at GPU-Z, the PCIe is floating at 77 watts during the heavy scenes with some spikes to 80.
Plug 1 is max 120, floats in the 115 range
Plug 2 is max 122, floats in the 115 range
Plug 3 is max 144, floats in the 130 range
Perfcap reason is pegged at power for all of the times it's floating in that range.  
So I can't say i'm "unhappy" because I did get very very slightly better performance, but it does feel like there is something software related that is either not balancing the power draw right or pulling the power draw back as the clock starts to max out.  So definitely feels like there is a bit more room in the card.  
Jacob or whoever - I'd be happy to send my card in for testing if you guys aren't able to duplicate it in house. I'm not in dire need of it at the moment. 
post edited by Stickboy46 - 2020/10/28 19:52:12

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 21:43:22 (permalink)
Maybe i missed it, but have any of you guys even attempted running furmark (fuzzy donut) to see if it draws the 500w?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 22:50:12 (permalink)
Tried overclocking with 450w bios, power at 107%, I’m at 200 core and 600 mem stable in games and 3dmark. I hardly cross 370w in much of anything. When I was not over clocking and just using the power slider, I settled around 400w in 3dmark and some games at 72c. Not sure why I’m running cooler (mid 60s )and with less power while using a big overclock, but my 3dmark scores have been increasing along with my boost so I know it’s working. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/28 23:43:04 (permalink)
I am really confused, some new cards work at 500W in timespy ? Should we first batchers RMA our cards then if you have changed something in the pcb design from batch 1 cards ? Or if it is just SW then why can't some cards in batch 1 reach it ?

Information please EVGA , we are all just guessing now!
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/29 00:43:34 (permalink)
Just Tried the XOC BIOS 

Received my card yesterday as well. With XOC Bios .F8, hit 480W-500W on Time Spy. Actually a few 505W's. All settings at 0. Power at 119%

Is that a card with the black trim already?
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