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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/29 17:33:43 (permalink)
So what's the general consensus on the bios, can we hit 500w with it or is it currently busted?

There is no consensus. Some can, some can't.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/29 19:08:01 (permalink)
For launch day card
Easy to reach 470w-480w spikes in many games without any Vsync/Gsync
But for 500W,it's very difficulty and just few people reach with FTW3U/FTW3
And for the other AIB card, they can easy reach 500w with evga bios
So what's the general consensus on the bios, can we hit 500w with it or is it currently busted?

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/29 20:12:35 (permalink)
So what's the general consensus on the bios, can we hit 500w with it or is it currently busted?

Currently not performing to expectation, which would be 500 watts with any sort of consistency. Most can't even hit 500 watts. It is allowing cards to pretty consistently hit above 450 in certain scenarios, I have personally seen up to 466 watts in Timespy and 476 watts in the CODMW Multiplayer loading screen on my GPU and EVGA_JacobF has shown images of Doom Eternal running ~480w and Quake RTX at a similar power draw, but most other titles still sit well under 450 the majority of the time w/ PerfCap Power still being the reason. There seems like there may be some correlation between core/mem clock offsets (overclocks) and your ability to pull more than 450 in a given scenario, with overclocks for some reason reducing the max power drawn at load (confirmed and reproducible on my card), but that has not been confirmed by more than a couple people. Current theories are "it's just a beta BIOS, it will get fixed" to "the board is hardware limited via the PCI-E shunt resistor" to "power draw is tied to a fixed ratio based on the PCI-E draw which drops w/ the new BIOS preventing us from hitting 500w consistently". People that are shunt modding their cards are able to hit higher wattage on a more consistent basis which does lend legitimacy to the hardware limited theory, but no one (to my knowledge) has confirmed whether or not this is something that EVGA would be able to resolve w/ a BIOS revision. To that end, there isn't really a general consensus, vocal members on this board each champion their own theories (or the theories of others) and the rest of us are just trying to figure out what the hell is going on and what can we do to help EVGA figure this out, while EVGA has remained relatively silent. 

If there is a consensus related to this BIOS, it is that EVGA would have been better off never having released it all.  
post edited by Achtaeon - 2020/10/29 20:15:03
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/29 20:24:38 (permalink)
Thanks everyone, was meant to receive a card today and test it but it looks like it has been delayed to next week now.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 06:27:42 (permalink)
post edited by ehabash1 - 2020/10/30 08:50:53
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 10:21:11 (permalink)
Everyone.   Go into GPUz change the display to show you max and not just a live count. 

I am not hitting it frequently as i NEVER saw it watching it but I do have this now to show potential.     

The situation is gaming on Modern Warfare.  5120x1440    I did use boost lock for this test.  

950 on Mem,   100 on GPU  

On previous firmware 400 was not really happening.  I'm still not seeing 500 though.

upload image online free
post edited by compuclinic - 2020/10/30 11:34:45

2020 Pandemic build.
10900k @ 5.3 ghz All core  1.34v -(100 sp rating) 
Asus Maximus XII Formula -  EVGA RTX 3090 FTW   -  CORSAIR 1200i -  G.Skill Trident Royal z 4100 @cl15 -16-16-16 -  
2tb Corsair PCiE gen4,   1tb Samsung 960,   3x Samsung 860 Pro 1 TB 

Heatkiller Pro 4 -  Optimus XL Waterblock   EK 360 PE,  EK 360 XE, EK 480SE Radiators with a D5 pump.  

Samsung G9 Odyssey x2,  LG 34GK950F 144hz 1440p  and its 2560x1080 predecessor.    
Asus Chakram  -  Asus Strix Flare   -  
Sennheiser PC -350   Logitech Z906 5.1 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 10:22:35 (permalink)
Wall of text crit me for all my health.

Use an image hosting site, please.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 10:28:30 (permalink)
Wall of text crit me for all my health.

Use an image hosting site, please.

yeah my bad.    Wasn't really paying attention.   I don't regular forums anymore beyond a quick reply on my phone or something.   

2020 Pandemic build.
10900k @ 5.3 ghz All core  1.34v -(100 sp rating) 
Asus Maximus XII Formula -  EVGA RTX 3090 FTW   -  CORSAIR 1200i -  G.Skill Trident Royal z 4100 @cl15 -16-16-16 -  
2tb Corsair PCiE gen4,   1tb Samsung 960,   3x Samsung 860 Pro 1 TB 

Heatkiller Pro 4 -  Optimus XL Waterblock   EK 360 PE,  EK 360 XE, EK 480SE Radiators with a D5 pump.  

Samsung G9 Odyssey x2,  LG 34GK950F 144hz 1440p  and its 2560x1080 predecessor.    
Asus Chakram  -  Asus Strix Flare   -  
Sennheiser PC -350   Logitech Z906 5.1 
RGB to the max for the first time. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 11:19:47 (permalink)
Guys.. I'd be feeling pretty upset if I was Jacob.. 
EVGA KICKS ASS. They always have. They are the best. That's why we buy them. I've always wanted a ftw3 and couldn't ever afford it. 
I got over 450 watts because I went to 8k resolution on port royal on a custom run. Never once ever had I seen that prior to doing that. I'm on 1080p and usually get 420-440.
Clearly the card can go over 450.  Its probably a very complex firmware/bios situation that they need to fix and giving 5 percent of the people who bought the 1800 dollar card an immediate fix isn't their priority... Its ****ing covid right now too... 
They will figure it out and they will inform us...    I would love to hit 15k consistently on air with open case and I think with 500w that is possible... but I'll take my 14300 and be happy atm.. 
Also yes - some games crash. Metro exodus bench mark is a good test.. I personally think that 135/120 is the highest to have an all game not crash situation. I get a lot of crashing ON UE4 games. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 12:10:17 (permalink)
Guys.. I'd be feeling pretty upset if I was Jacob.. 
EVGA KICKS ASS. They always have. They are the best. That's why we buy them. I've always wanted a ftw3 and couldn't ever afford it. 
I got over 450 watts because I went to 8k resolution on port royal on a custom run. Never once ever had I seen that prior to doing that. I'm on 1080p and usually get 420-440.
Clearly the card can go over 450.  Its probably a very complex firmware/bios situation that they need to fix and giving 5 percent of the people who bought the 1800 dollar card an immediate fix isn't their priority... Its ****ing covid right now too... 
They will figure it out and they will inform us...    I would love to hit 15k consistently on air with open case and I think with 500w that is possible... but I'll take my 14300 and be happy atm.. 
Also yes - some games crash. Metro exodus bench mark is a good test.. I personally think that 135/120 is the highest to have an all game not crash situation. I get a lot of crashing ON UE4 games. 

I'd like to mention something about the 450watt limit on the ftw3ultra at least. I've been able to hit 460watts steady before the 500watt was ever announced. I don't know if this was intended, but 460watts is the hard limit on my card stock, oc switch, or 500watt bios. I know 40watts isn't much, but I just want the 500watt bios to work(steady, not spikes) for benchies :P
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 14:09:59 (permalink)
Jacob can you PLEASE CONFIRM OR DENY if our cards are hardware limited by pcie load balancing, I have someone willing to buy my card right now and I need to know if this can be fixed in the future or not
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 14:20:33 (permalink)
Jacob can you PLEASE CONFIRM OR DENY if our cards are hardware limited by pcie load balancing, I have someone willing to buy my card right now and I need to know if this can be fixed in the future or not

yes it most certainly might
or  not
please hold....
dude, what kind of question is this?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 14:23:02 (permalink)
Jacob can you PLEASE CONFIRM OR DENY if our cards are hardware limited by pcie load balancing, I have someone willing to buy my card right now and I need to know if this can be fixed in the future or not

yes it most certainly might
or  not
please hold....
dude, what kind of question is this?

A very legitimate one
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 14:32:35 (permalink)
I'll save you the time and heartache 
The card is hardware limited. This is by design, and intentional
If you shunt the pcie with even the most insignificant tiny shunt like a 50miliohm (adds like 7 watts) you get full access to the bios and full 500watts as it removes the hardware lock by altering the ratio between pcie and first 3pin. This is proven now and users are doing this actively over at overclock.net with phenomenal results 
It's ridiculous that people are even speculating if its working for them or not. If it was working you wouldn't even have to check you would KNOW that it's working
Your average clocks will jump across the board in all games and your port royal scores will go up 400-500 points as seen for those who have bi-passed the hardlock set by evga, and as seen in the other 3pin cards; to which users have been enjoying this 500w bios without issue since release
Save yourself the time and stop refreshing this page. It's working as intended and you will not get any miracle update that suddenly makes this work. Evga should delete thread and pretend the whole thing never happened
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 14:37:26 (permalink)
Jacob can you PLEASE CONFIRM OR DENY if our cards are hardware limited by pcie load balancing, I have someone willing to buy my card right now and I need to know if this can be fixed in the future or not

yes it most certainly might
or  not
please hold....
dude, what kind of question is this?

A very legitimate one

I agree 100% very legitimate.  Holding off on my 3090 ftw3 ultra purchase, few friends too, until  an official statement.

Rack Rig: Rosewill RSV-L4000 | Koolance  ERM-3K3UC | Xeon E5-1680v2 @ 4.9ghz  | Asus Rampage IV Black Edition | 64GB 2133mhz | EVGA TitanX Hydrocopper SLI | 970 Evo Plus nvme | Seasonic 1000w PSU | Win10 Pro 2004 | TM Warthog HOTAS | MFG Crosswind Rudders | Obutto R3volution | HP Reverb
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 14:58:17 (permalink)
I think it potentially is, and makes me wonder if the Kingpin card will have 2 12pin connectors or 4x 8pin connectors, only time will tell though. Safest bet would be to sell it if you're that worried about it and buy something more high-end later.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 15:06:14 (permalink)
I'll save you the time and heartache 
The card is hardware limited. This is by design, and intentional
If you shunt the pcie with even the most insignificant tiny shunt like a 50miliohm (adds like 7 watts) you get full access to the bios and full 500watts as it removes the hardware lock by altering the ratio between pcie and first 3pin. This is proven now and users are doing this actively over at overclock.net with phenomenal results 
It's ridiculous that people are even speculating if its working for them or not. If it was working you wouldn't even have to check you would KNOW that it's working
Your average clocks will jump across the board in all games and your port royal scores will go up 400-500 points as seen for those who have bi-passed the hardlock set by evga, and as seen in the other 3pin cards; to which users have been enjoying this 500w bios without issue since release
Save yourself the time and stop refreshing this page. It's working as intended and you will not get any miracle update that suddenly makes this work. Evga should delete thread and pretend the whole thing never happened

I'm going to have to raise the cowpies flag there.
Some people ARE getting the 500 watts (or near enough) on the beta VBIOS - WITHOUT shunt modding. And some people don't get much past 430 to 440W on either VBIOS (like me).
There's more to it than just "you have to shunt mod to get 500W at all."
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 15:12:58 (permalink)
I was getting very near 480w and beyond with my 2-connector 3090 ZOTAC almost consistently--not a few spikes barely to near 460 like I'm getting now with the beta OC BIOS... I'm far from being an expert in the matter so I'm just going off my own experience and observations. If the card is not technically capable, then I get it but some transparency is all we need. I think having spent $2k on their flagship product kinda/sorta entitles us to this information. Not too much to ask really...
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 15:27:34 (permalink)
I was getting very near 480w and beyond with my 2-connector 3090 ZOTAC almost consistently--not a few spikes barely to near 460 like I'm getting now with the beta OC BIOS... I'm far from being an expert in the matter so I'm just going off my own experience and observations. If the card is not technically capable, then I get it but some transparency is all we need. I think having spent $2k on their flagship product kinda/sorta entitles us to this information. Not too much to ask really...

That is actually interesting information to have thank you, appreciate it! I did not know 2-connector 3090s were getting 480W that does give me some hope that this can be solved some how and they're just working on it?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 15:43:31 (permalink)
Holy facepalm of cringe 😬

Yeah im out good luck
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 17:16:27 (permalink)
Holy facepalm of cringe 😬

Yeah im out good luck

I don't know why you felt the need to share that you are leaving a thread on a forum as if anyone cares
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 20:55:21 (permalink)
491.3 Watts, 117 %  in Superposition 1080 p Extreme.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 21:07:50 (permalink)
491.3 Watts, 117 %  in Superposition 1080 p Extreme.

Interesting. What are your PX1 settings? Which BIOS? Do tell please. Also any crashes in games?
post edited by evgatorator - 2020/10/30 21:10:38
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 21:22:17 (permalink)
491.3 Watts, 117 %  in Superposition 1080 p Extreme.

Interesting. What are your PX1 settings? Which BIOS? Do tell please. Also any crashes in games?

491.3 Watts, 117 %  in Superposition 1080 p Extreme.

Interesting. What are your PX1 settings? Which BIOS? Do tell please. Also any crashes in games?

491.3 Watts, 117 %  in Superposition 1080 p Extreme.

Interesting. What are your PX1 settings? Which BIOS? Do tell please. Also any crashes in games?

491.3 Watts, 117 %  in Superposition 1080 p Extreme.

Interesting. What are your PX1 settings? Which BIOS? Do tell please. Also any crashes in games?

491.3 Watts, 117 %  in Superposition 1080 p Extreme.

Interesting. What are your PX1 settings? Which BIOS? Do tell please. Also any crashes in games?

491.3 Watts, 117 %  in Superposition 1080 p Extreme.

Interesting. What are your PX1 settings? Which BIOS? Do tell please. Also any crashes in games?

Mem: + 1000 , Core + 139, voltage 100 %, power 119 %,Boost lock on, PX1, New 500 Watt OC switch Bios and left non oc Bios as is. No crashes in game, but not running games at these settings.
Using )9/14 Nvidia Driver, the 1st ones.

post edited by telehog - 2020/10/30 21:36:15

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 22:06:15 (permalink)
Running port royal 8k i max at around 460e power draw on my frw3 3090
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/30 23:07:11 (permalink)
We have our confirmed answer, EVGA locked these down on purpose
the odd thing is, how was Jacob or the bios guys not aware of this?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/31 00:24:00 (permalink)
We have our confirmed answer, EVGA locked these down on purpose
the odd thing is, how was Jacob or the bios guys not aware of this?

After watching that and the test I've done I say he right. I think  the only reason I was able to get 491.3 watts at 117 % is  the EZ Plug for extra power to Pcie lanes,1600 watt psu also, still can't touch 500 watts. 80.2 watts out of  pcie slot power and power limited on 3 -8 pin power connectors.
post edited by telehog - 2020/10/31 00:30:30

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/31 00:32:44 (permalink)
Picked up a FTW3 Ultra today and did some tests. Out of the box, stock bios, I hit a peak 475W on the normal BIOS profile with fans maxed. I was dumb to update both normal and oc bios to the files in this thread, now the highest peak I can get is 461W. What is even more confusing is that when in OC bios switch mode, I have even less wiggle room for oc settings.
Reverting back to the "stock" files in this thread doesn't get me back any oc room.
I also cannot exceed 103% power limit, I can set 119%, but both px1 and gpu-z say otherwise. GPU-Z reports I am hitting pwr limit when trying to push the card.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/31 01:02:36 (permalink)
I'm getting really terrible results... I get 420W on stock OC bios during Firestrike Ultra, if I play with OC settings I go up to 479W at 139+/+900 and voltage set to max fans at max, am I missing something here?
post edited by Den-ko - 2020/10/31 01:15:17
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/10/31 01:23:24 (permalink)
I would also like an official answer to the pcie loadbalancing thing because I can only return my card for another 4 days. If there is no answer I think I will return it anyway and go with the cheaper MSI Trio.
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