Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet?

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 4:22 AM (permalink)
I am trying, I am Sharing ...... I am Still Learning Myself ...... "Hundreds of kingpin owners have it figured out and wont share."
It takes me a little longer to get more Fire Strike Extreme Benchmarks done.
Fire Strike Extreme is not a normal one that I run.
My Classified Settings

Memory is set to +1460(DX11) +1480/90(DX12) in PX1 Driver Version 425.31
Not all my best scores but are all using the above Setting. Sliders Max or all the way to the Right.
Scores to Follow: (You should have No Problems Killing every Score Below) 2190 MHz for the most part
16280 Time Spy https://www.3dmark.com/spy/7057903
6869 Time Spy Extreme https://www.3dmark.com/spy/7057998
Time Spy Extreme Lower Clock Higher Benchmark Score (Includes CPU OC as well)
66402 Night Raid https://www.3dmark.com/nr/109683 +1480
66337 Night Raid https://www.3dmark.com/nr/109742 +1490
DX11 (And Below)
75398 Sky Diver https://www.3dmark.com/sd/5536806
60662 Cloud Gate https://www.3dmark.com/cg/4521562
228543 Ice Storm https://www.3dmark.com/is/4565545
219913 Ice Storm Extreme https://www.3dmark.com/is/4565538
233376 Ice Storm Unlimited https://www.3dmark.com/is/4565545
(A good system compare) API Overhead Test https://www.3dmark.com/aot/305821
42823 3DMark 11 Entry https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13284578
38110 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13284536
19218 3DMark 11 Extreme https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13284568
Hard Benchmarks to complete on newer hardware, IMO.
141205 3DMark Vantage Entry https://www.3dmark.com/3dmv/5760940
139145 3DMark Vantage Entry https://www.3dmark.com/3dmv/5760937
72423 3DMark Vantage Extreme https://www.3dmark.com/3dmv/5760939
It is now Posted Below
I am looking for a Post from TiN_EE that talks about Higher GPU Clock will not always give you higher Benchmark Scores........
38043 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285684 M=1500 G=140
37980 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285726 M=1500 G=141
38008 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285744 M=1500 G=142
38062 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285770 M=1500 G=142 (143 Crashed)

38093 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285809 K|NGP|N M=1490 140
38104 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285790 K|NGP|N M=1490 141
38039 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285786 K|NGP|N M=1490 142
38068 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285819 K|NGP|N M=1490 143
38097 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285821 K|NGP|N M=1490 144
38064 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285831 K|NGP|N M=1490 145
K|NGP|N M=1490 G=146 Crashed
K|NGP|N M=1480 G=140 Crashes (BSOD)
38083 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285866 K|NGP|N M=1480 G=140
K|NGP|N M=1480 G=141 Crashed
38026 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285885 K|NGP|N M=1480 G=141
37934 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285890 K|NGP|N M=1480 G=142
37978 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285895 K|NGP|N M=1480 G=143
K|NGP|N M=1480 G=144 Crashed
K|NGP|N M=1480 G=144 Crashed
38056 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285959 K|NGP|N M=1480 G=145
38041 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13285975 K|NGP|N M=1480 G=146
37950 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13286006 K|NGP|N M=1480 G=147
38067 3DMark 11 Performance https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/13286010 K|NGP|N M=1480 G=148
K|NGP|N M=1480 G=149 Crashed
Fire Strike
30135 Fire Strike https://www.3dmark.com/fs/19213952 K|NGP|N M=1500 G=140
29278 Fire Strike https://www.3dmark.com/fs/19214004 K|NGP|N M=1500 G=141
30056 Fire Strike https://www.3dmark.com/fs/19214041 K|NGP|N M=1500 G=142
K|NGP|N M=1500 G=143 Crashed
26968 Fire Strike https://www.3dmark.com/fs/19214095 K|NGP|N M=1500 G=143
29166 Fire Strike https://www.3dmark.com/fs/19214121 K|NGP|N M=1500 G=144
K|NGP|N M=1500 G=145 Crashed
K|NGP|N M=1500 G=145 Crashed
29048 Fire Strike https://www.3dmark.com/fs/19214303 K|NGP|N M=1500 G=146
30074 Fire Strike https://www.3dmark.com/fs/19214342 K|NGP|N M=1500 G=147
29574 Fire Strike https://www.3dmark.com/fs/19214383 K|NGP|N M=1500 G=148
K|NGP|N M=1500 G=149 Crashed (BSOD)
K|NGP|N M=1500 G=149 Crashed
K|NGP|N M=1490 G=140
Move over to https://forums.evga.com/FindPost/2950215
post edited by bcavnaugh - Wednesday, May 01, 2019 10:45 PM

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Yes, that TiN
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 6:42 AM (permalink)
Getting close to 2200MHz of stable performance on TU102 is no easy, and there are many quirks in drivers/settings/VBIOS that can ruin the performance. That is why I kept repeating always test for performance, not just the highest clocks. It's impossible to troubleshoot your case remotely from just few scores without knowing details about your system, but if I'd be you I'd start with methodical approach, testing only one thing at a time. That means - test GPU clocks and GPU stability first.
Have default voltage, max out power limit slider, pick one benchmark to run, and only adjust GPU clocks by +15 MHz at a time. Write down performance numbers. You don't need run whole benchmark suite, just one GT test would give you good indication if performance is scaling well. Go step by step, till you hit either stability problems (benchmark crashing/artifacts) or scaling issues (no more performance increase with higher clocks). This all with default memory, btw. Then bump the voltages on GPU a little bit (i'd say 25mV is good step). Check if that helps with stability or scaling in benchmark. I wouldn't go any higher than 1.30 on positive cooling for benchmarks, and even much less for 24/7 use, like 1.15 - 1.20 V. By doing this for some time you will get a hint what GPU likes. Now back off on GPU clocks to default or near default, and do same for memory. Increase memory clock by 50-100 MHz, find out the max stabillity/performance scale. Bump voltage to 50mV, test again, more 50mV, test again some more. After few more days you will know what memory can do. Then repeat the whole shebang but this time with GPU and memory OC together. This will give you max clocks card can run on your case, with X temperatures and Y voltages. Now play with load-line settings, to find how that affects GPU clocks/performance. Difference can be a LOT, both temperature/power wise and clock wise.
Sorry, there is no way around doing all this, Kingpin card, or no Kingpin card, as there is always some things that work bit differently for each system/benchmark. Drivers also can have large impact on performance, I would definitely try to use same driver you used with FTW3 before doing any score comparisons. When Vince benches for records, he spends days pre-testing all silly drivers to find good one before giving cards even a sniff of LN2. Doing all this just for one good benchmark run is a reason why any overclocker will laugh at those online statements like "oh, it's easy to make record, just slap the LN2 pot, pour some LN2, crank the volts, and record is yours, lol" :D.
I would also try different clean OS just to rule out software issues. I've seen 3Dmark go haywire many times before after trying OC settings for so long, resulting wrong scores or loosing stability on perfectly stable hardware. Playing with CPU settings can be helpful too, like ring ratios, DRAM frequency/timings to make sure score is not capped by system side.
Some might not be willing to put all that effort for 200 more points on some benchmark (5 more fps, 5% performance boost for XX$$$, etc). Sure, that's okay too, just enjoy the card out of the box with higher power limits and hybrid quiet operation. There are no deliberate hidden secret performance caps to make everybody feel difficult, other than what's already in TU102 and drivers :). If you want performance only at all costs, try xoc BIOS and live with the consequences. You are right expecting same capability from same TU102 GPU, but default settings on one card may not be same as default settings on another card.
Each CPU/GPU/memory have own sweet spots to deliver best performance. With RTX KPE we tried hard to get more for all around performance card, than track-only beast. And doing that for every KPE card is not simple. FTW3 you had running 2160 is great sample, however your neighbor with his FTW3 could be not as lucky for OC. Reducing that luck factor for KPE, given it's high cost was very important for us. With all adjustment settings and knobs available, it's not always easy and simple as plug card in system and get max scores, but we try to make all KPE cards do great scores at least :). Think of this elaborate OC experience as a penalty for YOU having advanced control to your own card operation, rather than everything-corkeddown-limited-and-predetermined by vendor like with any usual RTX card.
post edited by TiN_EE - Wednesday, May 08, 2019 2:19 AM

If you have question, please post in public forum. I do not reply PMs, so all in community can benefit the answer. 
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 6:45 AM (permalink)
 TiN_EE Thank you.

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 7:20 AM (permalink)
Thanks for the deep info there TiN.

I will just respond that the drivers were the same for both cards. CPU/system settings the same and also using the steam version 3dmark during both. Will change out to the stand alone after I get this sorted but want to keep it the same at the moment to compare.

Will do everything ya said but will wait and hold off the ocx bios till atleast after the 30 day return policy and also a full block.

Clock numbers mean nothing atm. I want that kingpin performance from this sexy card you built! Haha

Besides I've got time since ups took 2 days to pick up my new case. :/ should of been here today and they just picked it up at the warehouse. So now I gota wait till thursday.

I'll start with my morning coffee tomorrow!

Intel i9 9900K @ 5.2Ghz Single HUGE Custom Water Loop.
Asus Z390 ROG Extreme XI MB
G.Skill Trident Z 32GB (4x8GB) 4266MHz DDR4 
EVGA 2080ti K|NGP|N w/ Hydro Copper block.  
34" Dell Alienware AW3418DW 1440 Ultra Wide GSync Monitor
Thermaltake Core P7 Modded w/ 2x EK Dual D5 pump top,2 x EK XE 480 2X 360 rads.1 Corsair 520 Rad.
Yes, that TiN
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 7:29 AM (permalink)
Driver in your 3Dmark links to FTW in this thread is different , hence the mention.

If you have question, please post in public forum. I do not reply PMs, so all in community can benefit the answer. 
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 7:50 AM (permalink)
Getting close to 2200MHz of stable performance on TU102 is no easy, and there are many quirks in drivers/settings/VBIOS that can ruin the performance. That is why I kept repeating always test for performance, not just the highest clocks. It's impossible to troubleshoot your case remotely from just few scores without knowing details about your system, but if I'd be you I'd start with methodical approach, testing only one thing at a time. That means - test GPU clocks and GPU stability first. Have default voltage, max out power limit slider, pick one benchmark to run, and only adjust GPU clocks by +15 MHz at a time. Write down performance numbers. You don't need run whole benchmark suite, just one GT test would give you good indication if performance is scaling well. Go step by step, till you hit either stability problems (benchmark crashing/artifacts) or scaling issues (no more performance increase with higher clocks). This all with default memory, btw. Then bump the voltages on GPU a little bit (i'd say 25mV is good step). Check if that helps with stability or scaling in benchmark. I wouldn't go any higher than 1.30 on positive cooling for benchmarks, and even less for 24/7 use. By doing this for some time you will get a hint what GPU likes. Now back off on GPU clocks to default or near default, and do same for memory. Increase memory clock by 50-100 MHz, find out the max stabillity/performance scale. Bump voltage to 50mV, test again, more 50mV, test again some more. After few more days you will know what memory can do. Then repeat the whole shebang but this time with GPU and memory OC together. This will give you max clocks card can run on your case, with X temperatures and Y voltages. Now play with load-line settings, to find how that affects GPU clocks/performance. Difference can be a LOT, both temperature/power wise and clock wise. Sorry, there is no way around doing all this, Kingpin card, or no Kingpin card, as there is always some things that work bit differently for each system/benchmark. Drivers also can have large impact on performance, I would definitely try to use same driver you used with FTW3 before doing any score comparisons. When Vince benches for records, he spends days pre-testing all silly drivers to find good one before giving cards even a sniff of LN2. Doing all this just for one good benchmark run is a reason why any overclocker will laugh at those online statements like "oh, it's easy to make record, just slap the LN2 pot, pour some LN2, crank the volts, and record is yours, lol" :D. I would also try different clean OS just to rule out software issues. I've seen 3Dmark go haywire many times before after trying OC settings for so long, resulting wrong scores or loosing stability on perfectly stable hardware. Playing with CPU settings can be helpful too, like ring ratios, DRAM frequency/timings to make sure score is not capped by system side.

You just described my life since I got the KPE. I am really getting intimate with her now. She likes small subtle changes in voltage, a consistence of increase and has an affinity for spread sheets.
As Bcav was mentioning, TIN_EE pointed out and I am paraphrasing "the days of higher clocks equal higher performance are over."  Its a daunting statement however with Pascal, Turing and even Zen+/Zen2 engineered this way it is true. Remember its just a set of algorithms and once understood can be taken advantage of. Persistence, resilience and a little luck are all one needs. At least that's my Mantra when at the bench.
On a more technical note If you watch carefully the wattage peaks and a few other data points you will find the invisible wall you spoke of. It is best to survey the wall before attempting to scale it. Only a few chosen know whats on the other side. K|NGP|N and TIN_EE can only lead so many to the land of HOF.
On a more serious note I will take a break from the bench an attempt to regurgitate what I've learned about RTX KPE thus far tomorrow.
The wall invisible wall is GREEN!
How many 9900k's does it take to get to the top of the leader-boards? I am going try and find out.

post edited by Zeddivile - Wednesday, May 01, 2019 7:58 AM

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 10:25 AM (permalink)
Getting close to 2200MHz of stable performance on TU102 is no easy, and there are many quirks in drivers/settings/VBIOS that can ruin the performance. That is why I kept repeating always test for performance, not just the highest clocks. It's impossible to troubleshoot your case remotely from just few scores without knowing details about your system, but if I'd be you I'd start with methodical approach, testing only one thing at a time. That means - test GPU clocks and GPU stability first. Have default voltage, max out power limit slider, pick one benchmark to run, and only adjust GPU clocks by +15 MHz at a time. Write down performance numbers. You don't need run whole benchmark suite, just one GT test would give you good indication if performance is scaling well. Go step by step, till you hit either stability problems (benchmark crashing/artifacts) or scaling issues (no more performance increase with higher clocks). This all with default memory, btw. Then bump the voltages on GPU a little bit (i'd say 25mV is good step). Check if that helps with stability or scaling in benchmark. I wouldn't go any higher than 1.30 on positive cooling for benchmarks, and even less for 24/7 use. By doing this for some time you will get a hint what GPU likes. Now back off on GPU clocks to default or near default, and do same for memory. Increase memory clock by 50-100 MHz, find out the max stabillity/performance scale. Bump voltage to 50mV, test again, more 50mV, test again some more. After few more days you will know what memory can do. Then repeat the whole shebang but this time with GPU and memory OC together. This will give you max clocks card can run on your case, with X temperatures and Y voltages. Now play with load-line settings, to find how that affects GPU clocks/performance. Difference can be a LOT, both temperature/power wise and clock wise. Sorry, there is no way around doing all this, Kingpin card, or no Kingpin card, as there is always some things that work bit differently for each system/benchmark. Drivers also can have large impact on performance, I would definitely try to use same driver you used with FTW3 before doing any score comparisons. When Vince benches for records, he spends days pre-testing all silly drivers to find good one before giving cards even a sniff of LN2. Doing all this just for one good benchmark run is a reason why any overclocker will laugh at those online statements like "oh, it's easy to make record, just slap the LN2 pot, pour some LN2, crank the volts, and record is yours, lol" :D. I would also try different clean OS just to rule out software issues. I've seen 3Dmark go haywire many times before after trying OC settings for so long, resulting wrong scores or loosing stability on perfectly stable hardware. Playing with CPU settings can be helpful too, like ring ratios, DRAM frequency/timings to make sure score is not capped by system side.
Some might not be willing to put all that effort for 200 more points on some benchmark (5 more fps, 5% performance boost for XX$$$, etc). Sure, that's okay too, just enjoy the card out of the box with higher power limits and hybrid quiet operation. There are no deliberate hidden secret performance caps to make everybody feel difficult, other than what's already in TU102 and drivers :). If you want performance only at all costs, try xoc BIOS and live with the consequences. You are right expecting same capability from same TU102 GPU, but default settings on one card may not be same as default settings on another card. Each CPU/GPU/memory have own sweet spots to deliver best performance. With RTX KPE we tried hard to get more for all around performance card, than track-only beast. And doing that for every KPE card is not simple. FTW3 you had running 2160 is great sample, however your neighbor with his FTW3 could be not as lucky for OC. Reducing that luck factor for KPE, given it's high cost was very important for us. With all adjustment settings and knobs available, it's not always easy and simple as plug card in system and get max scores, but we try to make all KPE cards do great scores at least :). Think of this elaborate OC experience as a penalty for YOU having advanced control to your own card operation, rather than everything-corkeddown-limited-and-predetermined by vendor like with any usual RTX card.


|5900x|MSI B550 Unify-X|2x16GB G.Skill 3800 C14 @ 1900 FCLK|2TB WD SN850 M.2|EVGA 3090 KPE|EVGA 1600T2|Alienware '25' & LG 48" CX OLED|
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 4:13 PM (permalink)
Getting close to ...(i'd say 25mV is good step)...card.

Ok, thank you...this is what I thought I was signing up for.
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 10:23 PM (permalink)
Not going good.. cant get passed that wall. Graphics score still a hair over 19k and holding.

Anyways was messing around with the classified tool and playing around with GPU voltage and 9loadline settings from 10,11,8,3 and back to default 0.

Now after giving up on that and just trying to run default setting in there and hitting apply and rebooting the system I'm enjoying a voltage limit 1 all the time at default px1 settings with only voltage,power,temp and card fan set to max.

Default used to be 2055mhz but not runs at 2040.

So.. no feeling it atm. Stressing out and losing it.

Thrilled I may be on a verge of losing 25% the cost and going threw issues since the rad had bent fins under the fans when I first removed them.

Took pics and straightened them best I could. 2 groups of bent fins in one area.. size of a thumb each. Best I can describe it.

2nd reboot and going to see if I still get the new found voltage 1 limit.

2nd boot and still voltage 1 on load during firestrike extreme.. even hit apply again in the classified tool just encase before both reboots.
post edited by AHowes - Wednesday, May 01, 2019 10:30 PM

Intel i9 9900K @ 5.2Ghz Single HUGE Custom Water Loop.
Asus Z390 ROG Extreme XI MB
G.Skill Trident Z 32GB (4x8GB) 4266MHz DDR4 
EVGA 2080ti K|NGP|N w/ Hydro Copper block.  
34" Dell Alienware AW3418DW 1440 Ultra Wide GSync Monitor
Thermaltake Core P7 Modded w/ 2x EK Dual D5 pump top,2 x EK XE 480 2X 360 rads.1 Corsair 520 Rad.
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 10:26 PM (permalink)
I guess I will stop posting above then.

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 10:36 PM (permalink)
First run timespy and right away power limit and voltage limit 1 and holding.. 2055mhz GPU voltage holding at 1.094v... now dropped to 2040mhz and power/voltage limits taking turns at 1... oh.. and just errored out during the opening demo at the end! :/ wow..

Intel i9 9900K @ 5.2Ghz Single HUGE Custom Water Loop.
Asus Z390 ROG Extreme XI MB
G.Skill Trident Z 32GB (4x8GB) 4266MHz DDR4 
EVGA 2080ti K|NGP|N w/ Hydro Copper block.  
34" Dell Alienware AW3418DW 1440 Ultra Wide GSync Monitor
Thermaltake Core P7 Modded w/ 2x EK Dual D5 pump top,2 x EK XE 480 2X 360 rads.1 Corsair 520 Rad.
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 10:45 PM (permalink)
Oof. Now you know why I messaged you about buying that Golden FTW3. Glad I was able to score a golden chip as well.

Still dude you have a top tier KPE. You must be missing something. There is something holding you back somewhere. KPE is well KP for a reason. I could only dream of seeing 2300mhz on a run. I will be home from vacation tomorrow and plan to push for some high scores including CPU and GPU. Previously I only did GPU because I only had a day. I can run far higher on my 9900K and will be cranking her up to pound those physics and overall score very soon. I’ve tested my 9900K up to 5.4ghz in Firestrike and will push it hard to get nice combo and overall scores. 9900KF is also out and I heard they overclock even higher than 9900K (still to be confirmed).

i9 13900K | EVGA Z690 DARK | NVIDIA RTX 4090 FE | 32gb DDR5 8000 CL36 SK Hynix A-Die | Samsung 980 Pro 2TB | EVGA 1000 P6 | LG C1 55 OLED 4K 120Hz G-Sync
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 10:53 PM (permalink)
Didn't TwoEvilOne make the boards in HOF? Doesn't he have the K|P|? Maybe Barry can share. Barry...?
edit: I think that he uses the Ryzen
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 11:19 PM (permalink)
Can someone with a kingpin please run default settings in px1 and set voltsge/power/temp to max and run either firestrike extreme or timespy and tell me if your hitting or holding voltage/power limit 1?

Intel i9 9900K @ 5.2Ghz Single HUGE Custom Water Loop.
Asus Z390 ROG Extreme XI MB
G.Skill Trident Z 32GB (4x8GB) 4266MHz DDR4 
EVGA 2080ti K|NGP|N w/ Hydro Copper block.  
34" Dell Alienware AW3418DW 1440 Ultra Wide GSync Monitor
Thermaltake Core P7 Modded w/ 2x EK Dual D5 pump top,2 x EK XE 480 2X 360 rads.1 Corsair 520 Rad.
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 11:41 PM (permalink)
I'm guessing that the default settings are not applying.. why I think that is when I've messed around with the loadline settings sometimes I'd end up with voltage limit 1.

So no idea how to make sure I get the default settings applied. I dont think i can just uninstall it as its just a small program with no install.. settings are saved to the card or registry? If registry then maybe uninstalling the nvidia drivers and reinstalling would fix using ddu.

Intel i9 9900K @ 5.2Ghz Single HUGE Custom Water Loop.
Asus Z390 ROG Extreme XI MB
G.Skill Trident Z 32GB (4x8GB) 4266MHz DDR4 
EVGA 2080ti K|NGP|N w/ Hydro Copper block.  
34" Dell Alienware AW3418DW 1440 Ultra Wide GSync Monitor
Thermaltake Core P7 Modded w/ 2x EK Dual D5 pump top,2 x EK XE 480 2X 360 rads.1 Corsair 520 Rad.
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 11:46 PM (permalink)
Like I said you have to Power Off Your Computer to Clear the Classified Tools Settings.
I go so far as Turning Off the Power Supply Switch and Even my Monitor Power Switch.
post edited by bcavnaugh - Wednesday, May 01, 2019 11:48 PM

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 11:50 PM (permalink)
@30c-50C - non XOC bios... I don't think these cards need more than 1.010 volts to run up to 2220 and the memory doesn't need much more than 1.39-1.41. You are going to hit PL's running over 1.1+v and if LLC is in the mix the rebound could make the card unstable.
Try playing with voltages under GPU V >1.10 and MEM V >low as well. With the classified tool soft reboots after memory voltage shifts do appear retrain and behavior changes.
Find a voltage that your card really likes maybe its 1.045v~ lock that in with limited LLC and watch the DMM.Note the DMM's readout during the peak load to understand the voltage spread. to much variance between idle and load voltage can cause stability issues. Try to tighten the variance with LLC.
The idea is to deliver the smallest measurement of Voltage per a given clock with the least amount of variance. During this process the actual FPS score does not matter just measure the Delta perf from one run to the next.
Next walk the GPU Clock up in small steps but large enough to get the boost algorithm to increase the clock a single step at time.
Run a single portion of a graphics test and log the perf result, the peak watts, and what ever else you find relevant.
If you run into stability issues and are unhappy with the delta perf increase GPUV one increment at a time and measure the delta perf run over run.
Repeat this process until you degrade performance. Obviously thermals and PL will knock at your door in short order...
Now you have to make a decision of next step. If you are happy with the FPS @ clock and voltage
Back the clock down 1 boost step...
After you have found the best clock at somewhat low voltages begin to walk the memory up to point were the memory intensive GT test artifacts or DNF's again measuring the delta perf run/run
Once you experience artifacts a new decision needs to me made to Bump vmem V. If you decide to Bump vmem V up more than a couple of notches it would be best to soft reboot to retrain the VMEM.
You may find that stability or behavior has changed with the new memory training. Give your card a couple minutes to settle into its new home and if needed make +- single increment adjustment in vmem V.
This process is illuminating with regards Total power limits, the boost algorithm and other behavioral governors of the KPE.
I am working on some charts to help visualize this but woah I am terrible with charts...

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Wednesday, May 01, 2019 11:55 PM (permalink)
I Love Charts

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 1:51 AM (permalink)
The fruits of that method can be found here:

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 1:58 AM (permalink)
The fruits of that method can be found here:

Nice CPU Power as well.....

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 3:16 AM (permalink)
Thanks for the advice Zeddivile!

I'll try to follow it later on tonight.. was family dinner out so delayed on the attemp.

Bill.. yeah doh!! Haha yeah when I turn the system on from off it should be default.. haha. New to it so that's my excuse.

Will update in the morning.. still have a glimmer of hope! Usually what I hate at first.i grow to love in the end and the opposite. So.. I'm praying that happens again! Just a sign of life please! Really! Your a kingpin for gods sake.

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 3:49 AM (permalink)
Didn't TwoEvilOne make the boards in HOF? Doesn't he have the K|P|? Maybe Barry can share. Barry...?
edit: I think that he uses the Ryzen

I cant help on this one.. im on AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
I cant get close to the i9's in Fire strike Extreme v1.1, I'd be real happy with anything over my max of 16698 
Felt like i was cooking my ram and CPU pushing it just getting to 16698 on fire strike extreme v1.1, just on evga 280 CLC and 20C ambient.
My 2080 ti Kingpin Hybrid cost more than my whole computer, so im really happy with my results. 
Best ive got # 18 on the Ryzen 7 2700X list
post edited by TwoEvilOne - Thursday, May 02, 2019 4:15 AM

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 3:53 AM (permalink)
Getting close to 2200MHz of stable performance on TU102 is no easy, and there are many quirks in drivers/settings/VBIOS that can ruin the performance. That is why I kept repeating always test for performance, not just the highest clocks. It's impossible to troubleshoot your case remotely from just few scores without knowing details about your system, but if I'd be you I'd start with methodical approach, testing only one thing at a time. That means - test GPU clocks and GPU stability first. Have default voltage, max out power limit slider, pick one benchmark to run, and only adjust GPU clocks by +15 MHz at a time. Write down performance numbers. You don't need run whole benchmark suite, just one GT test would give you good indication if performance is scaling well. Go step by step, till you hit either stability problems (benchmark crashing/artifacts) or scaling issues (no more performance increase with higher clocks). This all with default memory, btw. Then bump the voltages on GPU a little bit (i'd say 25mV is good step). Check if that helps with stability or scaling in benchmark. I wouldn't go any higher than 1.30 on positive cooling for benchmarks, and even less for 24/7 use. By doing this for some time you will get a hint what GPU likes. Now back off on GPU clocks to default or near default, and do same for memory. Increase memory clock by 50-100 MHz, find out the max stabillity/performance scale. Bump voltage to 50mV, test again, more 50mV, test again some more. After few more days you will know what memory can do. Then repeat the whole shebang but this time with GPU and memory OC together. This will give you max clocks card can run on your case, with X temperatures and Y voltages. Now play with load-line settings, to find how that affects GPU clocks/performance. Difference can be a LOT, both temperature/power wise and clock wise. Sorry, there is no way around doing all this, Kingpin card, or no Kingpin card, as there is always some things that work bit differently for each system/benchmark. Drivers also can have large impact on performance, I would definitely try to use same driver you used with FTW3 before doing any score comparisons. When Vince benches for records, he spends days pre-testing all silly drivers to find good one before giving cards even a sniff of LN2. Doing all this just for one good benchmark run is a reason why any overclocker will laugh at those online statements like "oh, it's easy to make record, just slap the LN2 pot, pour some LN2, crank the volts, and record is yours, lol" :D. I would also try different clean OS just to rule out software issues. I've seen 3Dmark go haywire many times before after trying OC settings for so long, resulting wrong scores or loosing stability on perfectly stable hardware. Playing with CPU settings can be helpful too, like ring ratios, DRAM frequency/timings to make sure score is not capped by system side.
Some might not be willing to put all that effort for 200 more points on some benchmark (5 more fps, 5% performance boost for XX$$$, etc). Sure, that's okay too, just enjoy the card out of the box with higher power limits and hybrid quiet operation. There are no deliberate hidden secret performance caps to make everybody feel difficult, other than what's already in TU102 and drivers :). If you want performance only at all costs, try xoc BIOS and live with the consequences. You are right expecting same capability from same TU102 GPU, but default settings on one card may not be same as default settings on another card. Each CPU/GPU/memory have own sweet spots to deliver best performance. With RTX KPE we tried hard to get more for all around performance card, than track-only beast. And doing that for every KPE card is not simple. FTW3 you had running 2160 is great sample, however your neighbor with his FTW3 could be not as lucky for OC. Reducing that luck factor for KPE, given it's high cost was very important for us. With all adjustment settings and knobs available, it's not always easy and simple as plug card in system and get max scores, but we try to make all KPE cards do great scores at least :). Think of this elaborate OC experience as a penalty for YOU having advanced control to your own card operation, rather than everything-corkeddown-limited-and-predetermined by vendor like with any usual RTX card.

Blue ribbon material right there. Pin one on TiN_EE

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 4:23 AM (permalink)
I was really excited to you see your score on the HOF by the way. Gratz
When I am done with the KPE Z390 Dark benching I will move a C7H and a 2700x onto the bench with the lovely K|NGP|N and see what I can do to get more AMD love on the HOF.
I am CPU agnostic and do not discriminate. For example I am typing this message on a 2700x @ 4.35 daily -Editing rig - as we speak and will be the all over the 3850x or w/e the fastest Zen2 chip is @ release and my brother just called me a NERD.
And to think I gave him my golden 2500k
 6.12ghz on Sandybridge - Everything was much simpler back then. lol
post edited by Zeddivile - Thursday, May 02, 2019 4:32 AM

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 4:58 AM (permalink)
Zeddivile  Give AMD some Love and some proper respect.
im a next gen hopefull too.

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 5:16 AM (permalink)
Next boot after a power up and defaults and shows voltage 1 durring firestrike extreme and it holds the whole time and at 2055.. 1.050/1.075v. :/

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 5:16 AM (permalink)
Getting Better My Current High and Last Run
A case where Both Clocks are Higher but the Scores are Lower.
I still need to break 31500 so back to 5100MHz on the CPU.
post edited by bcavnaugh - Thursday, May 02, 2019 5:29 AM

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 8:37 AM (permalink)
Getting the hang of it I think! Seeing daylight at the end of the tunnel thanks to the loadline settings.

Seems my card sags in voltage to what I'm setting? 1 050v = 1.032v at idol and 0.995v on load.

Anyways.. using LL1 gives me 1.039 and 1.026v on load.

Using 1.093v I'm seeing 1.082 on idle and 1.069v on load.

Scores going up!!

I'll report back once I take my top! Haha

Intel i9 9900K @ 5.2Ghz Single HUGE Custom Water Loop.
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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 8:58 AM (permalink)
Benching when it's going well is just too much fun.. hard to stop and its 4am! Haha

I said 1 more at 3am. :/

Working on over 2250 atm. Yeah I know but the scores keep going up so I'm following directions!

post edited by AHowes - Thursday, May 02, 2019 9:49 AM

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Re: Anyone figure out the Kingpin card yet? Thursday, May 02, 2019 9:19 AM (permalink)
Best gaming combination at the moment, RTX2080Ti K|NGP|N + i9-9900K.

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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