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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/11/30 07:45:25 (permalink)
I also have a brand new 1070ti black edition with the exact same fan noise on startup (just like in the video).
My theory is there to much inrush current to the fans causing the fans to rattle from the at rest position.
A bios fix that starts the fans at a lower voltage (then ramps up)  could fix it perhaps.

1070 Ti with this same issue? I haven't heard of that complaint before.  And brand new?  Now?  2070 or 2080 Ti, I assume.

Almost certainly a BIOS fix would not be possible. The fan doesn't connect directly to the BIOS chip. It would require a hardware and/or firmware revision to the fan controller circuitry itself.
post edited by ty_ger07 - 2018/11/30 09:28:01

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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/11/30 15:49:41 (permalink)
Working with a 2070 XC Ultra, After going through these posts and some other videos of the clicking noise (mine was making the same noise at first as the video on page one). Went with the recommendation to keep the fans spinning, so set at %55 and was good for a few days. Then the clicking came back and wouldn't go away regardless of fan speed. Based on the info that some people were getting new fans and still clicking I followed the loose wire theory. Looked carefully at where the fans were crossing paths with the fan wires and sure enough I could see a small wear spot. When the card is mounted to the mobo, the fan wire has enough slack to hang down into the fan and contact it. This fan wire has a few L-shaped metal brackets and some zip ties that should be holding it to the frame. From what I could tell they needed to either add another zip tie, bracket, or tighten their wire management so that the fan wire is taut against the frame. I think this explains why some people that RMA are good(they lucked out with a taut fan wire on their new card), people that get new fans have the same problem(the wire still hangs down), and at higher fan speeds the fan skips over the wire fast enough to minimize the click. My recommendation? Probably send it back for a new one and hope you get one with no slack in the fan wires. You could add a zip tie in the center and taut that wire up to the frame at your own risk I suppose.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/01 06:31:48 (permalink)
interesting, i checked my card but couldnt see any cables hang down. but didnt check when mounted on mobo. i really hope evga will fix this soon!

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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/01 10:41:05 (permalink)
Third rtx 2080 here and still have this issue. This was my second RMA and i'm tired about sending back those cards for no improvements. I will make a custom fan curve to try and minimize the issue…
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/01 14:08:08 (permalink)
Anyone actually can confirm not to have this issue? 
Or RMAd Card and got one back without it?
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post edited by Cool GTX - 2018/12/02 06:26:07
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/01 14:19:16 (permalink)
My 2070 XC Gaming is dead quiet starting its fans.   I don't really hear them at all until they hit >50% RPM in my Corsair Obsidian 550D case.
post merge edit Title Cool GTX  (was: EVGA RTX XC / XC_ULTRA FAN CLICKING WHEN FAN SPIN UP)
post edited by Cool GTX - 2018/12/02 06:27:41
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/01 14:54:48 (permalink)
The only solutions is to run nvidia inspector and force power saving mode on multiple displays. Looks like has been an nvidia problem from many years now.

You could probably also set the 144 Hz monitor to 120 Hz for desktop use, you can still have 144 in games.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/02 05:48:44 (permalink)
I have it on my RTX 2070 XC Ultra. It clicks every time the fans start. It's an odd sound too, not really a click so much. There is an initial click, but there is also a noise that follows it. It's almost like a lurching sound.
If this is intended behavior and is a result of the fan design then I don't really mind it as it only occurs once each time I place a load on the card. I'm just concerned that this could result in a long term fan related issue.
So far it hasn't been much of an issue because the card idles well below the point where the fans turn on. Idle temps are from 33-37 degrees Celsius, usually towards the higher end.
Someone in another thread said that when the card is mounted to the PC case and inverted it causes the fan wire to hang down and contact the fans. I haven't bothered to take mine out of the case to try and confirm this yet. I need to benchmark it first and make sure it doesn't artifact & die. Apparently he set his fans to 55% and the clicking went away, but then a few days later he noticed noises again and when checking the card there was a mark on one of the fan wires that was contacting the fan blades when the card is inverted.
The past two GPU's I've owned, an MSI GTX 460 and an EVGA GTX 970 SSC2 have both had a fan start to fail and make awful noise in less than a year. So I'm hoping... finally... that I can get a card that doesn't eventually make horrible screeching noises when under load.
post merge edit Title Cool GTX  (was: EVGA RTX XC / XC_ULTRA FAN CLICKING WHEN FAN SPIN UP)
post edited by Cool GTX - 2018/12/02 06:28:36
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/02 06:07:13 (permalink)
Three page discussion on the same topic:
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post edited by Cool GTX - 2018/12/02 06:29:13

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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/02 06:21:32 (permalink)
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Re: Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/02 06:29:49 (permalink)
Anyone actually can confirm not to have this issue? 
Or RMAd Card and got one back without it?
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See post 36  https://forums.evga.com/FindPost/2880204

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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/02 06:46:57 (permalink)
Anyone else can confirm not to have this clicking issue?
I ordered a new XC and will take it apart and see if i can find the mentioned cable and if so do a Guide to fix it.
If i take the card apart and not damage anything it would be still covered under warranty right?

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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/02 13:11:50 (permalink)
I wish eVGA would official address/acknowledge this problem...there's been like 5 threads about this issue already. I've set my fans to stay on at 30% all the time with Precision, but it's not my ideal solution. 
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/02 14:50:46 (permalink)
Yes please @EVGA adress this Issue this clicking is driving me nuts. Let us know about it and find a way to fix this!!! Please
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/02 19:33:22 (permalink)
I just finished reading through this thread, and I am all but convinced that the issue has nothing to do with the motors themselves. The problem is almost certainly the fans hitting against something, and adam25560 leads me to determine that it is indeed an issue with loose wires.
First, I instantly recognized the sound in the posted video as uncannily like that of fan blades hitting against an obstruction. Exactly like it, in fact. But you are already asking: "So if the fan is hitting against wires, why does it only do it briefly?" Because once the fan spins up, the air pressure keeps the wires away from the blades. I know another user opined a different cause, but as far as I know, these fans do not use stepper motors, they use pulse-width modulation. But further, my theory explains why another user hears the sound when the fans start AND when they stop--because the air pressure falls and the blades temporarily hit against the wires again until it stops. This doesn't accord with the stepper motor-like start-up theory.
Another factor to consider is that if this were "normal" behavior for the fan motors, there is no way that a company would offer an RMA. The company *might* offer a refund in such a situation if the customer claimed not to accept the normally-working product, but it makes no sense that a company would waste money replacing a product that is working as intended. If it is in fact a loose-wire issue, it makes sense that EVGA would offer RMAs.
Personally, I have yet to pick up a 2080 Ti, but I am hoping to soon. I encourage anyone who has this issue to do everything you can to verify whether either of the fans is hitting against an obstruction. I would be very surprised if the issue turns out to be something else.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/02 20:39:55 (permalink)
good thinking Flonkam. Maybe @EVGA can shed some more light on this?
post edited by 4790K - 2018/12/02 20:42:09

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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 07:36:37 (permalink)
my rtx 2070 xc off amazon and my friends rtx 2070 have the same issue. My friend and i am considering to return the cards. The evga fanboys here recommend using it with the fan set on low speed, but that obviously isnt solving anything...its just a temporary solution. I agree with some of the posts here that states the fan issues are mechanical and since people who rma it recieve the same defective product....theres no point in keeping this card. Better to return it and wait for evga to release a new revision or re-work the fan clicking issue.
I personally dont have a problem with the clicking noise since it only happens when i run games...my idle temps are in the low 40's even in an warm environment. I'm returning this because the clicking issue will be a problem when i sell this second handed in the future. It will devalue the price with this defect.
I've owned plenty of pascal EVGA cards, and none had the same issues for me...
post edited by annihilator6 - 2018/12/03 07:41:19
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 08:05:37 (permalink)
I also have clicking fans on my RTX 2080 XC Ultra. The problem are the fans not any cables. When the fans start spinning they sound like an old floppy disk  I spend a lot of money and  now i have a bad early adopter product just like the burning GTX 1080's.....
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 08:53:38 (permalink)
Please help us fixing that Issue. Please do something about it! EVGA is a good manufacturer,  problems can always occur when doing a new design but please assist us in solving this!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are many People having this Issue and its very annoying!!!!!!! 
It sounds like this 

post edited by computerbaseDude - 2018/12/03 09:02:31
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 11:43:49 (permalink)
A few more thoughts:
I watched the video again, and it does not appear to me that the noise is occurring when the fan(s) stop, or at least consistently. I don't believe that rules out the obstructing wire theory, though, because when the air pressure pushes the wire away, it could take a matter of seconds for it to "ease" back into position due to the stiffness of the wires.
But more to the point, I can not think of any reason for such a motor to be making such a noise which, again, sounds exactly like a fan blade hitting an obstruction. I can't be the only person who has heard that sound before. It's just not possible for the motor to make that sound according to my understanding, and this is where someone with specific knowledge could absolutely rule it out.
tox1c90 has experience with stepper motors, but fans such as these do not use steppers: they are the wrong type of motor for this application. These motors alter speed by sending power in spurts of varying length, exactly the same process a keyboard user employs to turn a vehicle in a racing game. By repeatedly hitting the "left" or "right" key, but varying how long you hold it down each time, you can keep the tires at a specific angle. It's literally pulse-width modulation that is being utilized in that case, just as with these motors.
The problem are the fans not any cables.

May I ask what process you used to determine this? I know that something like this can be difficult to be sure about, and I'm not suggesting that anyone disassemble his card, but I would again urge anyone who hears this sound to remove his card and inspect it as thoroughly as possible, to at least determine whether it looks like there are wires that appear to run very close to the fan blades.
P.S. I'm not encouraging anyone to do this, but for the sake of argument, the motors could positively be ruled out by removing the fans but keeping them plugged in to the card. If the sound is still made when it is clear that there is no obstruction, then it is the motor. Remember: not all fans make this noise, which is simply another piece of evidence that supports an obstruction rather than the motors and/or their control parameters.
post edited by Flonkam - 2018/12/03 11:52:26
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 12:59:05 (permalink)
I'd like to report the same issue with EVGA 2070 XC Ultra (08G-P4-2173-KR) that I've got four days ago. Fans are not hitting any wires. They start repeatedly one after another and both make the same noise at the moment of starting.
EVGA please address and fix this as soon as possible. Otherwise there is no other choice then returning the card and buying a similar one from ether MSI or ASUS.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 13:39:50 (permalink)
A few more thoughts:
I watched the video again, and it does not appear to me that the noise is occurring when the fan(s) stop, or at least consistently. I don't believe that rules out the obstructing wire theory, though, because when the air pressure pushes the wire away, it could take a matter of seconds for it to "ease" back into position due to the stiffness of the wires.
But more to the point, I can not think of any reason for such a motor to be making such a noise which, again, sounds exactly like a fan blade hitting an obstruction. I can't be the only person who has heard that sound before. It's just not possible for the motor to make that sound according to my understanding, and this is where someone with specific knowledge could absolutely rule it out.
tox1c90 has experience with stepper motors, but fans such as these do not use steppers: they are the wrong type of motor for this application. These motors alter speed by sending power in spurts of varying length, exactly the same process a keyboard user employs to turn a vehicle in a racing game. By repeatedly hitting the "left" or "right" key, but varying how long you hold it down each time, you can keep the tires at a specific angle. It's literally pulse-width modulation that is being utilized in that case, just as with these motors.
The problem are the fans not any cables.

May I ask what process you used to determine this? I know that something like this can be difficult to be sure about, and I'm not suggesting that anyone disassemble his card, but I would again urge anyone who hears this sound to remove his card and inspect it as thoroughly as possible, to at least determine whether it looks like there are wires that appear to run very close to the fan blades.
P.S. I'm not encouraging anyone to do this, but for the sake of argument, the motors could positively be ruled out by removing the fans but keeping them plugged in to the card. If the sound is still made when it is clear that there is no obstruction, then it is the motor. Remember: not all fans make this noise, which is simply another piece of evidence that supports an obstruction rather than the motors and/or their control parameters.

People here have already reported that they got a new card from EVGA after RMA with the same clicking fans. My card is vertical mounted with a riser cable, it is not possible that the fan wires hang down and hitting the fan blades. I checked this twice. 
People are complaining about this problem for two months now and there is no response yet from EVGA. This is a shame because were are not talking about a 250€ GPU, the 2080 Series from EVGA starts at 859€ in Europe and for this price i can expect a well build product.
post edited by Pixelhomie - 2018/12/03 13:50:52
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 14:15:32 (permalink)
People here have already reported that they got a new card from EVGA after RMA with the same clicking fans.

I'm aware of that. That is in no way evidence against the obstruction theory. All of the cards have motors, yet not all of them have this noise issue.
My card is vertical mounted with a riser cable, it is not possible that the fan wires hang down and hitting the fan blades. I checked this twice.

You are making false assumptions. The mounting orientation may exacerbate the issue, but if the issue is an obstruction such as a wire, it is not necessary that the card be mounted in a certain way. The wire does not need to be hanging loosely, it only needs to be barely touching one of the fan blades, which it could do even if it is fairly fixed in place. Once the fan starts spinning, even if a wire doesn't move much, the air pressure could still be enough to push it back enough to stop it from making contact while it is spinning.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 16:52:18 (permalink)
Flonkam, it's not hitting wires. The GPU shroud is see through, it's beyond obvious it's not hitting wires.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 18:20:40 (permalink)
Rather that then coil whine... fan noise can eventually be fixed.. my coil whine cannot .. been through everything.. RMA card tomorrow.. 
Mine whine is very loud and came after installing EKWB water block and back plate.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 18:22:54 (permalink)
Could it be possible to upgrade the fans to aftermarket? or are the non-standard and custom design for the card? 
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 18:46:34 (permalink)
Flonkam, it's not hitting wires. The GPU shroud is see through, it's beyond obvious it's not hitting wires.

If that's true, it's true. I don't have one yet to inspect myself. It's just that, as I said, I read through this entire thread, and I noticed one person who verified that he did notice contact between fan blade and wire, and no one who stated absolutely that he was positive the problem is not an obstruction--until your post. I was only going with the information I have available here.
If EVGA is not going to explain things, I suggest everyone simply do as much research as possible. Between the former paragraph and this one, I did a small amount of research, but I didn't find anything conclusive. First, let me apologize to tox1c90: From what I found, it seems that it indeed may be possible that the PWM is causing the noise--but I don't understand how it could cause it**, nor have I found even a suggestion as of yet. I have found examples of higher-frequency noise, but not clicking.
So far we have at least one verification that the noise was caused by an obstruction. If anyone can find any kind of confirmation online that PWM-driven fans can produce this same clicking noise, please post it here. That would be enough to satisfy me, and anyone else who has not yet been able to purchase a 20-Series GPU.
** That's not exactly true. I can think of only one possibility. Perhaps tox1c90 can tell us what he thinks about it. The only thing I can imagine is based on the fact that the rotor, when advanced partially, moves backward to its resting position. If the initial pulses are of insufficient power to propel the rotor to its next detent, and it starts to move backward, perhaps the application of a subsequent pulse at the point when the rotor is moving backward is causing this sound. I admit I still don't see how it would make such a sound, but as I said, it's all I've got.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 18:54:12 (permalink)
Its been a rough start for the 20series thats for sure!  Failing cards, fan problems, extreme coil whine (me) etc..
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 20:54:02 (permalink)
Flonkam, it's not hitting wires. The GPU shroud is see through, it's beyond obvious it's not hitting wires.

make something idiot proof, I'll show you a better idiot 
with my topic card, out of the box some fan wires were rubbing bottom of fan  and 1 wire touching outer edge of fan blade making the click clack sound 
Q-tip in hand with Dap silicone (fast drying)  dab @ 6:00 and on heatsink angle support kept wires away from fan.
as to PWM issues never had any for using stock default fan curve. no OC software installed
for the noise your hearing is fan can't handle low speeds, so ramp it a bit higher  
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise 2018/12/03 22:37:33 (permalink)
..i'm also experiencing loud coil whines but i only play games with my headset on so i dont usually mind.
It definitely has much more coil whine than their previous pascal lineups
post edited by annihilator6 - 2018/12/03 22:48:23
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