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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/09 08:52:48
Has this been addressed? I had the same issue with 2070 black, thought to buy an ultra card because apparently the card is better, but judging by this topic everyone is having this issue. I already sent mine back, not sure what I should get next - either ultra or a strix.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/09 08:55:37
Either the fans are supposed to click, or I would assume in the coming months it will be resolved. It doesn't really bother me anymore. You can't hear it with headphones or speakers turned on anyway.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/09 08:58:41
Derlex9 Either the fans are supposed to click, or I would assume in the coming months it will be resolved. It doesn't really bother me anymore. You can't hear it with headphones or speakers turned on anyway.
Well this aint a 100usd card, I spent 600euros for it which is a lot of money to me (not even looking at the 1,3k EUR 2080tis), and a startup click for this type of product is crazy to say the least. It is obviously not super loud, but I run a passive super-silent case, and for me that was very audible because I usually sit in silence. Not to mention the coil whine I had coming through the headphones :(
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/09 09:01:06
Is the coil whine coming from your GPU or PSU? I had a blower card before my 2080ti so I never heard any coil whine on my PSU until I got the CC Ultra. That card is so quiet I finally noticed coil whine coming from my PSU.
Stick your ear up to the back of your case and you may find it's not your GPU.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/09 13:58:59
The noise coming from the fans is a typical startup/break noise of stepper motors when they are not driven properly. If you don't optimize the parameters of the stepper motor drivers and/or program some kind of smooth startup phase, then they can produce all kind of screeching noises. I knew that noise already from stepper motors at my work place, so I wasn't too upset about it. It's not really able to damage something, the motors are doing what they are supposed to do, just at a frequency which sounds not so nice for a short amount of time when they start to move. In principle it should be possible to program a pulse sequence that avoids this, but that is more like something for the firmware of the fan controller.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/09 14:55:53
☄ Helpfulby Cool GTX 2018/12/02 06:20:23
First make sure no wires are being struck by the fan -- been some reports of this issue on the Forums Precision X1 software allows the user to adjust both the "Hysteresis" & the "Fan Speed Update Period" in ms (refresh rate) So if your fan is going Off & On all the time: adjust one or the other Temperature Hysteresis: will make the system wait till the "set number" in degrees C, has been passed before the fan will slow Fan Speed Update Period: is the number of seconds between the info being updated 1 second = 1000 ms
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/09 19:27:30
I personally would just start the fans at low RPMs at a low temp setting and set a curve for them to gradually increase as temps increase.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/10 05:11:15
Once again bro, ... We shouldnt have to do that on a new Card
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/10 14:34:19
4790K Once again bro, ... We shouldnt have to do that on a new Card
Once again bro, it's not an issue with a proper idle temp.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/10 19:58:24
4790K Once again bro, ... We shouldnt have to do that on a new Card
Once again bro, it's not an issue with a proper idle temp.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/11 03:30:51
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/11 06:42:52
4790K Once again bro, ... We shouldnt have to do that on a new Card
Once again bro, it's not an issue with a proper idle temp.
Ok got it ! It's not the card that has to adapt to the user but the user that must adapt to the card. Of course ! So next summer when the temperature will go up in the house, either i'll have to buy an air conditioner or i'll have to go on vacation in Alaska to have a "proper idle temp" to avoid the "click-click" ? Why don't you want to admit that this is something that can bother people ? My previous card was an MSI gtx970 and i never heard the fans starting in 4 years of use. This was a semi passive card too, the start up noise was silent and smooth, totally inaudible. It's either a bad design choice or an issue on some cards.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/11 06:55:51
fugusp Ok got it ! It's not the card that has to adapt to the user but the user that must adapt to the card. Of course ! So next summer when the temperature will go up in the house, either i'll have to buy an air conditioner or i'll have to go on vacation in Alaska to have a "proper idle temp" to avoid the "click-click" ? Why don't you want to admit that this is something that can bother people ? My previous card was an MSI gtx970 and i never heard the fans starting in 4 years of use. This was a semi passive card too, the start up noise was silent and smooth, totally inaudible. It's either a bad design choice or an issue on some cards.
By your logic, someone in a ambient room temp of 25c/80F and higher, shouldn't have thermal issues whatsoever with a 250w+ GPU and in some instances 380w on custom GPUs on air right? Wrong and on top of that, you're comparing a 145w GPU (GTX 970) into the equation. Apples and oranges. People using custom components should know better and adjust to their specific environments as not everyone is in the same. The settings EVGA gives everyone are just general that can be tinkered to the users needs. Yes, it would be nice to plug and play but if you're building a PC, you have a lot of things to consider just like OCing a CPU. Other's can OC higher because their environment allows them to have the thermal headroom to do so for example.
post edited by GTXJackBauer - 2018/11/11 07:00:07
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/11 07:30:00
fugusp Ok got it ! It's not the card that has to adapt to the user but the user that must adapt to the card. Of course ! So next summer when the temperature will go up in the house, either i'll have to buy an air conditioner or i'll have to go on vacation in Alaska to have a "proper idle temp" to avoid the "click-click" ? Why don't you want to admit that this is something that can bother people ? My previous card was an MSI gtx970 and i never heard the fans starting in 4 years of use. This was a semi passive card too, the start up noise was silent and smooth, totally inaudible. It's either a bad design choice or an issue on some cards.
By your logic, someone in a ambient room temp of 25c/80F and higher, shouldn't have thermal issues whatsoever with a 250w+ GPU and in some instances 380w on custom GPUs on air right? Wrong and on top of that, you're comparing a 145w GPU (GTX 970) into the equation. Apples and oranges. People using custom components should know better and adjust to their specific environments as not everyone is in the same. The settings EVGA gives everyone are just general that can be tinkered to the users needs. Yes, it would be nice to plug and play but if you're building a PC, you have a lot of things to consider just like OCing a CPU. Other's can OC higher because their environment allows them to have the thermal headroom to do so for example.
By my logic the fans should not make noise when they start, that's what we are talking about ! What are people complaining on all those threards ? The clicking noise at start. In an hotter environment the fans would start sooner BUT they should not make the startup noise ! Concerning my comparsion to my gtx 970 i see nothing wrong as we are dicussing about clicking noise at start, not fans loudness at 60, 70, 80, 90°... If those fans were silent then i think that the temperature at idle wouldn't matter to anyone.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/11 09:38:40
somethingc00l Once again bro, it's not an issue with a proper idle temp.
It kind of is, though, because usually if they did everything right manufacturing and calibrating the fan motors, they shouldn't make that noise. Of course, the high idle temps would still be another problem to be fixed, there you are absolutely right, but if this startup noise wasn't there, the fans would just start to spin slowly and you wouldn't really notice. Even with this noise happening only two times, when I start a game and when I quit a game, it's still an annoying noise. My whole system is trimmed to be silent, I payed like 20 bucks for each case fan to get some which don't make any noise at all except the physically unavoidable ones coming from the airflow (Silent Wings 3). Of course you can make some workarounds, like having the fans slowly spinning all the time to avoid starting and stopping. But the root of the issue remains, that this is not really an expected high quality - behavior. And while I don't know if the actual fan controller on the card is flashable/updateable, in principal I think it should be possible to fix this issue. When I have a stepper motor in the lab which produce this kind of noises, I can fine-tune the parameters of the motor controller until I get a smooth operation (motor current, frequency, step resolution and so on...). No step motor is doomed to produce that noise.
post edited by tox1c90 - 2018/11/11 09:45:17
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/12 11:59:04
fugusp Ok got it ! It's not the card that has to adapt to the user but the user that must adapt to the card. Of course !
More like it's on the user to properly configure their software/hardware. If your idle clocks are working properly and your don't have the worse case airflow know to man, the fans won't spin up at idle even in the summer time. If your fans are bouncing off the activation temp constantly something is wrong with your set up. If the fans making the noise on startup once or twice when you start/end gaming is annoying, then RMA the card. For me personally it's not worth the downtime and the shipping costs, but I understand for some it is. I literally don't notice it, must have been all those years with mechanical hard drives clicking away. My main point is that it should not be constantly clicking, that indicates some other problem.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/14 06:17:24
ive returned the card. any news on this?
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/14 15:56:02
I've had a weird "pulsing" fan issue as well where even if I set my curve properly it keeps spinning up to 50 or 60% then dropping to 0 and repeating until the temps come down.. I fixed this by making the update period 10ms. Also adjusted the curve a bit and keeping it on 20% fan speed by default, any lower than this i'll hear the fans clicking.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/14 16:22:02
I got my EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti XC ULTRA a few days ago, i love the card and Yes mine does the same thing with the fan, BUT i waited forever for this card, im going to keep it, i figure that its a common thing and dont want one that has both fans doing it. I ordered my card directly from EVGA and did not get my FREE Trim Kit,even though i did register. i did select Red but i got nothing, i guess its too late now. Cheers ScOOt3r
post edited by ScOOt3r17 - 2018/11/14 17:51:33
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/14 18:11:35
Had my 2080 XC Ultra since release day (Well ordered it release day). It was making that annoying clicking noise on fan start up. I simply set a fan curve for the fan to always spin at a low rpm at idle. Problem solved and have not heard the fan since. I guess I find it easier and less painful to simply set a custom fan curve (I was going to do it anyways as I want to pick the speed and noise my Gpu makes for my particular scenario) then to go thru a RMA, spend more money and be out of a gpu for awhile. /Shrug to each their own I guess. I will repeat after setting a custom fan curve (I used MSI AB) I never heard the fan click again. Best of luck to everyone.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/15 11:39:59
streetglide420 its really annoying, it sounds like a crappy HDD
Exactly !
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/15 22:18:38
Yea same with my ti XC.. annoyed to the point where i am looking into custom water loop.. and the hydrocoper water block just went sold out today.. XCtra annoying lol
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/22 02:38:13
4790K Is this clicking noise normal with these fans or are them faulty?
Seems to be a pretty common issue, so it's most likely normal.
Normal doesn't equal correct, or right. I mean it's normal to get robbed walking down the streets of a shady neighborhood at night with expensive things. Does not make it right. It's normal that good people die because bad people do what they want without a second thought to others, it's normal; but is it right? NO
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/24 09:29:05
You shouldnt need to set a custom fan curve because the fans making this horrible clicking sound when they spin up. I hope EVGA does something about it soon
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/29 14:13:46
I am also having this issue with the fans spinning up and down non-stop with clicking (RTX 2070 XC gaming). Is there going to be some driver/bios update to fix this or is the only solution setting up a custom fan curve with Precision?
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/29 16:04:39
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/29 16:12:51
dougtam I am also having this issue with the fans spinning up and down non-stop with clicking (RTX 2070 XC gaming). Is there going to be some driver/bios update to fix this or is the only solution setting up a custom fan curve with Precision?
The fix is likely to figure out what is keeping your idle clocks high and thus your idle temp high. It should not idle that hot.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/29 16:53:56
4790K do both fans click?
Yup. somethingc00l
dougtam I am also having this issue with the fans spinning up and down non-stop with clicking (RTX 2070 XC gaming). Is there going to be some driver/bios update to fix this or is the only solution setting up a custom fan curve with Precision?
The fix is likely to figure out what is keeping your idle clocks high and thus your idle temp high. It should not idle that hot.
I've pinpointed the problem being that I'm running 3 monitors (1x 1440p 144hz + 2x 1080p 60hz) and my idle clocks are Core:1410mhz/Mem:1750mhz causing both fans to jump between 300-500 RPM and 0 RPM. When I run 2 monitors (1x 1440p 144hz + 1x 1080p 60hz) my idle clocks are Core:300mhz/Mem: 100mhz with no fan clicking. The only solutions is to run nvidia inspector and force power saving mode on multiple displays. Looks like has been an nvidia problem from many years now.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/29 21:10:18
dougtam I am also having this issue with the fans spinning up and down non-stop with clicking (RTX 2070 XC gaming). Is there going to be some driver/bios update to fix this or is the only solution setting up a custom fan curve with Precision?
The fix is likely to figure out what is keeping your idle clocks high and thus your idle temp high. It should not idle that hot.
Not strictly an issue at idle, in Overwatch my GPU hovers around 53 degrees and the fans are constantly clicking even when i'm alt tabbed.
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Re: 2080 TI XC Ultra fan clicking noise
2018/11/30 06:35:25
I also have a brand new 1070ti black edition with the exact same fan noise on startup (just like in the video). My theory is there to much inrush current to the fans causing the fans to rattle from the at rest position. A bios fix that starts the fans at a lower voltage (then ramps up) could fix it perhaps.