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Will there be a 1080 Ti Kingpin? That's what I've been waiting for to finish my build instead of picking up 2 Titan XPs.
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Re: 1080 Ti Kingpin
2017/03/08 13:48:45
I'm pretty sure Vince and Tin are over making " Kingpin. " model cards after the 980ti nonsense, there has been absolutely no need except for guys like them, the 20 or so professional overclockers in the world to have cards designed like that with how pascal functions and nvidia's new lock downs on Bios'.
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Re: 1080 Ti Kingpin
2017/03/08 14:21:42
From what I've read so far the main attractions to the Ti are obviously the price and the fact that Nvidia is putting no restrictions on partners' designs so I don't see why there wouldn't be one.
If the best that they are coming up with is the FTW3 I'll be buying a Galax HOF this time around.
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Re: 1080 Ti Kingpin
2017/03/08 15:01:20
LCRava From what I've read so far the main attractions to the Ti are obviously the price and the fact that Nvidia is putting no restrictions on partners' designs so I don't see why there wouldn't be one.
If the best that they are coming up with is the FTW3 I'll be buying a Galax HOF this time around.
Maybe wait for information, since they only teased one card for EVGA so far. How many times have they not released a classified on the x80 or x80ti card at least? The Galax cards are usually pretty nice as well, so it wouldnt be a bad buy.
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Re: 1080 Ti Kingpin
2017/03/08 15:47:01
A kingpin card would be pointless. They don't benefit from more voltage and the people that do LN2 are likely willing to install EPOWER boards if they actually need the additional voltage.
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Re: 1080 Ti Kingpin
2017/03/08 16:00:04
Epower, or gtx480 vrm sections, the way overclocking is actually done for those that "only buy enthusiast grade and top of the line cards"... ie, the ones that arent afraid to kill a card trying to overclock it.  For those that dont know, this is how Vince "K|ngp|n" Lucido actually uses high end cards before they make a card that is used on air. The card that he creates for the public is so you all that "only buy the highest facotry overclocked cards with the best vrm" dont have to destroy a card like this to be able to run it on air. The KPE and Classifieds are neat, if you are using them for what they were designed to do.
post edited by Scarlet-Tech - 2017/03/08 16:03:57
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Re: 1080 Ti Kingpin
2017/03/08 16:18:40
LCRava From what I've read so far the main attractions to the Ti are obviously the price and the fact that Nvidia is putting no restrictions on partners' designs so I don't see why there wouldn't be one.
If the best that they are coming up with is the FTW3 I'll be buying a Galax HOF this time around.
Maybe wait for information, since they only teased one card for EVGA so far. How many times have they not released a classified on the x80 or x80ti card at least?
The Galax cards are usually pretty nice as well, so it wouldnt be a bad buy.
They'll keep selling them as long is people keep buying them. People will never learn. The only way the titan XP or 1080ti win at that level of build out are with true custom bios w/ voltage control... under ln2, slammed. 1 scenario.... and you can't even game or do anything near productive on it, just bench ( if it passes )
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Re: 1080 Ti Kingpin
2017/03/08 21:03:38
I think people miss the point with the Kingpin cards, with the cooler they come with they are the ultimate air cooled card.
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Re: 1080 Ti Kingpin
2017/03/08 21:06:56
Kaapstad I think people miss the point with the Kingpin cards, with the cooler they come with they are the ultimate air cooled card.
That is what makes everyone laugh. They make them flashy to sell them. The people buying them for their true purpose never wanted rgb.
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Re: 1080 Ti Kingpin
2017/03/08 21:12:11
Kaapstad I think people miss the point with the Kingpin cards, with the cooler they come with they are the ultimate air cooled card.
That is what makes everyone laugh. They make them flashy to sell them. The people buying them for their true purpose never wanted rgb.
True. Most of my high end cards I water cool, the only ones I don't are the Kingpins. I weighed one of my 980 Ti Kingpins on the bathroom scales and it came in at 1.5kg with the cooler on !!!
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Re: 1080 Ti Kingpin
2017/03/08 21:24:42
It would weigh more with a solid copper pot on it. The thing doesnt come with a VRAM heater for air use.
Personally, I dont care how people waste their money and then justify it, but the K|ngp|n cards are strictly a waste of money on air, especially when people pay the almost the same price of a Titan X to get the 78 and 80% cards.
Then quite a few died on air without warning.
I understand why they have to sell them to air users, or they would only sell around 100 of them total. The rest go to air users and make absolutely no use of the built in features like the heater that are meant for LN2.
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Re: 1080 Ti Kingpin
2017/03/15 06:53:35
LCRava From what I've read so far the main attractions to the Ti are obviously the price and the fact that Nvidia is putting no restrictions on partners' designs so I don't see why there wouldn't be one.
If the best that they are coming up with is the FTW3 I'll be buying a Galax HOF this time around.
I hear you brother! ..Or a pre-binned selection of classy's would definitely be interesting
post edited by golddubby - 2017/03/15 07:01:24
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1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 03:39:59
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 03:55:47
hmm, interesting version of precision, But yeah, I expected a 1080 ti kingpin, guess they can't have ASCI rating binning options this time around though, as I hear these cards don't support that.
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 04:19:51
How much do these cards typically cost over the "regular" SC/FTW models?
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 05:57:39
jcbullen How much do these cards typically cost over the "regular" SC/FTW models?
If you look at the history of previous Kingpin cards you'll see they are not that much higher, but these cards have some of the highest overclocks.
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 06:26:35
What!!!!!! Now should i cancel my FTW3 preoder or not ???
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 06:27:01
I'm willing to spend about $850 on a Kingpin 1080 Ti. Much higher and you might as well grab a Titan Xp.
I might hold out for one of these. I got a Zotac 1080 Ti Amp Extreme that boosts to 2037.5 MHz out of the box (no overclocking).
I want an EVGA card (brand loyalty, 'merica, warranty, etc.) but I'd likely be disappointed in the FTW3 unless I hit the jackpot again like I did with the Zotac.
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 07:51:20
And it seems like you can't step up to the Kingpin, which is a bummer, but I could always sell my current 1080 ti to get one.
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 08:03:23
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 08:30:04
jcbullen How much do these cards typically cost over the "regular" SC/FTW models?
If you look at the history of previous Kingpin cards you'll see they are not that much higher, but these cards have some of the highest overclocks.
980ti Classified (the next step down from a KPE card) cost at release was over 100 less fof the absolute cheapest Kingpin, and 300 for the most expensive, just to give an idea, since no overclocking is guaranteed on these cards either.
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 08:36:06
Vince says "The fourth one is coming" GTX 780Ti, GTX 980, GTX 980Ti, GTX 1080Ti. ALL KingPin cards.
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 08:39:12
What I wonder is why they always hide there voltage? To hide they have special bios made for them that have a higher vcore?
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 08:41:18
I will put this out right now, "No, you can not step up from the FTW3 or any other card to the K|ngp|n. Please read The K|ngp|n card has never and will never be part of the step up program." Now people dont have to post "no worries, i will just step up to it when it is released." Next, "This card is tailored toward extreme overclockers that use liquid nitrogen and dry ice cooling. Air cooling and liquid cooling does not quarantee you will magically get outstanding ovetclocks just becaise you pay more for it." There.. i dont want to repeat those constantly.
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 08:51:29
I don't plan on purchasing any nitrogen liquid or otherwise. You can also buy the KingPin 1080Ti because it will arrive with the most advanced air cooler EVGA will have to offer in both technology and size, 2.5slots please. Let's not forget the single slot water option. And you get a fancy t-shirt with Jacobs face on it to sleep in.
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 09:05:50
Yeah, I can't wait to start seeing posts about how "I bought the most expensive card, and it overclocks (on air/water) less than my base model card!!!11!!1!!1!!!>?!!zors!"
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 09:10:34
Yawn. It's been quite a while since the Kingpin line offered anything other than mediocre performance, crashes, and/or instability for the majority of users. I can't see the Kingpin line lasting too many more years. Since EVGA is just cherry-picking a dozen cards for Vince to ruin in a week and break records with, I don't know why they keep thinking that it is necessary to sell the non-cherry-picked ones to the gullible general public. All it does is cause the gullible customers to come here with anger after realizing that they paid more money for something which is not providing them with additional performance and is otherwise a nuisance to own. It creates bad blood. Kill it off. arestavo Yeah, I can't wait to start seeing posts about how "I bought the most expensive card, and it overclocks (on air/water) less than my base model card!!!11!!1!!1!!!>?!!zors!"
post edited by ty_ger07 - 2017/04/22 09:31:17
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 09:18:44
Not certain just how the 1080Ti KingPin will compare to a 1080Ti Classified, maybe one overclocking 1080Ti is enough for everyone and there will not be a 1080Ti Classified, who knows.
But I do know the 1080Ti KingPin will have 3 asynchronous fans maybe three bios settings possibly more sensors than the FTW3 and it will most definitely be a 2.5slot card, maybe a 3-slot SuperMonster card.
I'm all for a 2.5slot 1080Ti Classified and a 3-slot 1080Ti KingPin if the cooling is improved.
And then let everyone do whatever they want with the card, liquid nitrogen it for records, or air cool with a factory overclock and game with it, or single slot water cool it with no DVI just DisplayPorts and an EK nickel plexi block.
Thank you EVGA, and Vince. I waited 24months for this moment, now I'm gonna cry...
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Re: 1080 Ti K|NGP|N spotted
2017/04/22 09:27:28
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