Answered1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% (Issue has been fixed, see op)

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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/04 16:43:47 (permalink)
I hope it's simple bios fix. Been waiting for this fix for a while now.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/04 17:29:39 (permalink)
I hope it's simple bios fix. Been waiting for this fix for a while now.

Yes and no, nobody knows if that will put card over its physical edge. Looks like EVGA is trying to play it safe.
But yeah, false advertisement is false advertisement, they must do something about that. 
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/04 19:28:24 (permalink)
     I have access to 3 of these cards and all are doing the same hard line stop at 117%. Two other people that I talk to are experiencing the same. On top of these cards being dogs at overclocking they won't even hit there advertised 127% power limit. I guess I will try Sajin's suggestions to get the stutter problem fixed but in my opinion, these cards are not worth the $800.00+ USD that is being charged for them. I bought these cards for two reasons. 1.) warranty/customer service 2.) EVGA builds a solid card. There is no reason that a reference card with a sub-par blower style cooler should out perform one of your top of the line gpus. How could you not reproduce these results? The only gpu that isn't suffering from this is apparently Jacobs. Does he have the one godly engineering sample that you people run to for testing? I have spent over $2,500.00 USD on these gpus. I do not have near the problems with my 2 gimped Titans, 2 1080 Strix, or my 1060 Strix that I just gave away to someone.
     The problem isn't that the cards don't perform as expected or advertised. The real problem is that you have known about this since before mid-July and have either denied it or you have avoided this forum post like the plague. Sajin has been in here but the rest of you forgot how to access the internet. That is your competitions level of dealing with problems, not EVGAs. The number one reason that some people including myself, believe in your products and you have just tarnished that belief.
     Well, time to get off my high horse and get back to life. Hope you resolve this soon. Take care and have a nice weekend everyone.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/04 19:41:02 (permalink)
Wow, indeed the original problem was reported 4 months ago.
That doesn't put EVGA support into good light at all.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/04 21:02:05 (permalink)
Yeah. Only reason I bought EVGA's 1080 ti FTW3 at premium price was their reputation. It's disappointing that they knew about this problem for so long and have yet to address it. Honestly, I'd just purchased Asus if I'd known about this problem beforehand. Shelling out $820 doesn't seem so great about now.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/05 10:45:21 (permalink)
I have submitted this information to a handful of online news outlets in hopes that more light will be shed on this matter.  I hope that this will prompt EVGA to take this issue seriously.

EVGA has been ignoring their GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 graphics cards' power limit issue.
On July 11, 2017, a problem was reported on the EVGA forums regarding the EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 graphics card's power limit. 
The issue reported is essentially that the card prematurely throttles well before its advertised power limit is reached.  Additionally, some owners of the FTW3 have reported that the boost clock frequency is very erratic and appears to be less stable than other GTX 1080 Ti cards which they have owned or tested.  Some users have reported that they have owned base or lower-model GTX 1080 Ti video cards which at a lower set clock frequency and/or at a lower set power limit sustained higher power consumption than their GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 video card and/or have received scores which exceeded their GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 video card's benchmark scores during synthetic benchmarking.
On September 6, 2017, EVGA Product Manager Jacob Freeman said "Looking into this."
On September 15, 2017, Jacob Freeman said "We cannot seem to reproduce this year[sic], try using 3DMark11 or Furmark."
Many tests were performed and many responses were provided by owners of the video card, but Jacob did not respond.
On September 20, 2017, a user reported that they believed that there was definitely an issue with the FTW3 and stated that they believe that the FTW3 has a BIOS issue.  That user even received a blue ribbon from either an EVGA forum moderator or an EVGA support staff for their discovery.  But, apparently, not much more attention by EVGA was given to the matter for quite some time.

It wasn't until more than a month later on October 27, 2017 that Jacob Freeman finally responded saying "Sorry for the delay in updating on this. We have been working on this and will have an update soon."

It has been more than one business week since that statement was made, and no additional information on the matter has been provided by EVGA.  EVGA customers who own the expensive GTX 1080Ti FTW3 have been living with the issue for nearly four months are are starting to get very vocal about about their dissatisfaction and have been using phrases such as 'false advertising', 'competitor', 'support', and 'reputation'.  To EVGA, one FTW3 owner stated, "The real problem is that you have known about this since before mid-July and have either denied it or you have avoided this forum post like the plague."
Would you please consider creating a news article on this matter in hopes that it will give EVGA a kick in the butt?  There are quite a few FTW3 owners who are desperately looking for representation at this time.
Thank you for your consideration,
"ty_ger07" : EVGA Forum

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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/05 11:19:02 (permalink)
If it is a bios issue or can be resolved by tweaking the bios I bet the temp rises 10+c on these cards. Low 60c in gaming will end up being low to mid 70s I bet but going in that a what I expected the temps yo be like at 100% fans.

All makes sense now really with all the power limit/voltage limits I've seen on the 3 elites I've tried.

With the 2 1080 classifieds I don't see that period and those have a little better power regulation then these.

If they can fix this I'll be all over a water block quick!

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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/05 11:53:59 (permalink)
Got myself an EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 a few days ago and have been playing with it since then trying to reach optimal core/memory clocks and temps and I am also experiencing most of the problems mentioned here in this thread.

Currently, I am at 2025 MHz (maximum/start point is 2067.5 MHz) GPU core clock and 12000 MHz memory clock with no voltage increase and a normal fan curve (max 65 degrees Celsius), which is the highest I can get perfectly stable before running into issues.

First of all, on the slave BIOS with power target set to 127%, I cannot reach over 117% just like you guys here, and I am sometimes even hitting the wall with the stock 1.0430 voltage @ 2025 MHz GPU core clock on Fire Strike Extreme, which is ridiculous...
Increasing the voltage to 1.0930 causes the core clock to fluctuate constantly between either +13 MHz or -13 MHz of the stable core clock in this same Fire Strike Extreme benchmark.
For example, if I set 1.0930 V and get the GPU core clock stable in a non demanding benchmark (say, 1080p Unigine Valley Benchmark, where the TDP limit isn't an issue) and go back to the more demanding Fire Strike Extreme, it'll constantly fluctuate between 2012.5 MHz, 2025 MHz and 2037.5 MHz instead of staying at the stable GPU core clock like it should most likely because it is being throttled by the 117% which is already being hit at the stock 1.0430 voltage.
Not only does this 117% limit cause instability, but it also limits overclocking in a major way because adding voltage only makes the card hit the wall sooner and more often, which in turn causes the card to throttle.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/05 12:25:56 (permalink)
Awesome post.. thanks for sharing.

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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/05 13:05:57 (permalink)
hmm yeah something's wrong with your card, how about we trade ftw 3's?
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/05 13:16:34 (permalink)
Looking at hardware monitor in pxoc I see it tossing out a power limit 1 at 82% power! Mostly anything above 107% power I'm seeing power limit 1.

That's in firestrike ultra 4k benchmark.

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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/06 14:11:19 (permalink)
I recently bought a 1080TI FTW3 (version with memory at 12Ghz) and i can not reach no more than 117% on the slave bios.
Anyone know when we will have a bios that really let us reach 127%?
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/06 14:14:38 (permalink)
I recently bought a 1080TI FTW3 (version with memory at 12Ghz) and i can not reach no more than 117% on the slave bios.
Anyone know when we will have a bios that really let us reach 127%?

Nope. In the meantime you can use the xoc bios.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/06 14:22:12 (permalink)
I recently bought a 1080TI FTW3 (version with memory at 12Ghz) and i can not reach no more than 117% on the slave bios.
Anyone know when we will have a bios that really let us reach 127%?

Nope. In the meantime you can use the xoc bios.

Thanks for pointing this out....but i will wait for an oficial bios from EVGA because my memory chips are runing at 12Ghz and are a diferente part number from the 11Ghz ones....i not confortable flashing my card to a bios that is made for a diferent memory chip. 
Or i'm being too careful?
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/06 14:24:19 (permalink)
I recently bought a 1080TI FTW3 (version with memory at 12Ghz) and i can not reach no more than 117% on the slave bios.
Anyone know when we will have a bios that really let us reach 127%?

Nope. In the meantime you can use the xoc bios.

Thanks for pointing this out....but i will wait for an oficial bios from EVGA because my memory chips are runing at 12Ghz and are a diferente part number from the 11Ghz ones....i not confortable flashing my card to a bios that is made for a diferent memory chip. 
Or i'm being too careful?

Yeah, it probably won't work, but you could try it anyways as the ftw3 has two vbioses.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/07 03:59:41 (permalink)
11Gbps bios works in the new elite black/white fine, because the 12gbps Micron memory chip D9VRN is only a higher-binned version of the 11Gbps D9VRL.
Also if you have tested your standard FTW3 handles 12Gbps fine, you can flash it with the 12Gbps bios.
post edited by Edome - 2017/11/07 04:03:30
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/08 06:27:55 (permalink)
Just chiming in here to let EVGA know I'm another customer waiting for this fix for the 1080TI FTW3 Elite.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/08 07:22:52 (permalink)
Yeah well I have a new water block headed my way but honestly I'm still on the fense that I'm keeping this card. Feel like I'm about to make a big mistake going with another ftw card like before with the 1080 ftw.

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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/08 09:48:18 (permalink)
Months since this thread was created and 2 weeks with no update makes me feel like this there is not going to be an update.

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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/08 10:00:23 (permalink)
What has happened to the state of business now? If you are working on a solution then at least inform the many people who are having this problem the status. Complete lack of customer care on this matter,
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/08 10:01:40 (permalink)
I am with AHowes, I have an EK block sitting here and am really on the fence about using this card when I rebuild my loop.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/08 10:25:08 (permalink)
Honestly I'm constantly checking microcenters web page for updates on there available 1080ti cards. Crazy how there was a lot of them when I got mine but now there's like none! Couple times threw the day 1 or 2 1080tis will pop in and be gone quick.. Even one open box reg ftw3 card for like $716 but decided against it and it's gone.

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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/08 20:11:42 (permalink)
I don't understand why this thread is marked ANSWERED. With all due respect what does post 85, regarding a water cooled 1080 ti kingpin, have to do with a FTW3 being power limited? I think it gives this thread it's contributors and the OP no respect by giving the appearance all is resolved. Maybe I'm missing something feel free to explain. 

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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/08 20:14:17 (permalink)
I don't understand why this thread is marked ANSWERED. With all due respect what does post 85, regarding a water cooled 1080 ti kingpin, have to do with a FTW3 being power limited? I think it gives this thread it's contributors and the OP no respect by giving the appearance all is resolved. Maybe I'm missing something feel free to explain. 

#1 My kingpin isn't water cooled.
#2 My kingpin had the same limit that everyone is complaining about.
#3 The 117-118% limit was fixed by running a modded vbios.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/08 22:01:27 (permalink)
So nothing new at this time. Be nice to get some kind of update from EVGA. It's been over a week since we got some kind of response.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/09 04:37:29 (permalink)
If EVGA is working on something internally, they will keep working and when they have an answer, they will return and post it. It is very rare for them to give a daily update as it would just take away from their time working the issue.

I suggest keeping the conversation going, but give EVGA time to actually figure out what is going on and correct it.

You can see how EVGA handles things by looking back at the VRM Thermal issues last year. Everyone demanded EVGA’s head on a spike and an up to date post every 2 minutes, and EVGA worked the issue internally until they had a resolution, and then they posted it. They don’t jump when users scream for them to. Posting that you need an update every day will net you a chance to post every day that you need an update, but until EVGA is ready to post, they won’t.
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/09 08:15:53 (permalink)
People were much more vocal about the VRM thermal issues though, because we're talking about cards dying vs cards not reaching the advertised 127% power target ("only" 117%), which is a much more minor issue I believe seeing as similar cards (STRIX, GAMING X, etc.) all have 115-120% limits too...
I mean let's face it, how many people are actually tech-savvy enough to notice that their card doesn't reach the advertised 127% power target, but only 117%? EVGA received negative PR from exploding cards and they had to act quick and they even added a whole new line of cards to their current line-up (SC2, FTW2, etc.) to control the PR damage...
Therefore, there is actually no "rush" right now from their part to solve the issue, which is a shame, but what can we do... :/
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/09 11:06:45 (permalink)
People were much more vocal about the VRM thermal issues though, because we're talking about cards dying vs cards not reaching the advertised 127% power target ("only" 117%), which is a much more minor issue I believe seeing as similar cards (STRIX, GAMING X, etc.) all have 115-120% limits too...
I mean let's face it, how many people are actually tech-savvy enough to notice that their card doesn't reach the advertised 127% power target, but only 117%? EVGA received negative PR from exploding cards and they had to act quick and they even added a whole new line of cards to their current line-up (SC2, FTW2, etc.) to control the PR damage...
Therefore, there is actually no "rush" right now from their part to solve the issue, which is a shame, but what can we do... :/

Really? What's the power setting max on a 1080ti fe card?? 117% I could of saved $150+ on one of those.

How much does some thermal pads cost? Couple of bucks and like a half hour.

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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/09 11:41:09 (permalink)
I feel you, I also have a GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 and the card already hits the 117% power limit on 3DMark Fire Strike Extreme on stock clocks and that sucks... what I'm trying to say is that, since there are only a handful of users able to notice that their card doesn't reach the advertised 127% power limit and it most likely doesn't hurt their reputation whatsoever, EVGA is most likely in no rush to issue a fix right now like they were in the past when cards were "exploding".

I mean, I can hit 2075 MHz sustained with additional voltage on the core along with +600 memory on several 1080p benchmarks without any issue, but as soon as I go for 1440p or 4k, demanding benchmarks/games hit the wall so frequently it's not even funny, and I'm not even talking about FurMark either. I didn't buy this card for 1080p gaming...
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Re: 1080 TI FTW3 watercooled Slave BIOS doesn't go over 117% 2017/11/09 12:06:16 (permalink)
For those who reported the Power Target at 117% previously, can you confirm if the NVIDIA 388.13 driver shows the same behavior as prior?
We have made some progress on our side with this, but would like to know if anyone else can verify the above.

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