I've been running a vanilla 2070 since they came out...and for at least the last year I've had stuttering issues. So bad I searched high and wide for help, made countless changes to my startup, even thought about flashing my card, swapped out EVERYTHING to include new mobo, new ram, new chip, etc. I just figured the first-gen 2070's were at fault.
I looked into AMD and signed up for the 3080's (still on the wait list) and figured I'd just have to deal with it. About a few weeks ago I went through a particular bad stutter that caused me to screw up (badly) in the new VoG raid in Destiny 2 and I'd had it. So I started venting in another forum post and watched my screen refresh in the background...I went from one background pic to another. I noticed a mouse stutter...and almost threw up...
...my 4k background screen pictures, that were changing every few minutes, were causing the stutter.
...and I've run PC support for a major federal agency, I ran BAE's North American Service Desk...
...background pics...more than a year