This guide was created for the purpose of providing information for EVGA forum users when enhancing their PC games through various means. One program may not work with another, but apparently both SweetFX and ENB can be used if the "d3d9.dll" associated with ENB is changed to "d3d9_enb.dll" .
ReShade / SweetFX is a collection of post-processing shader effects for Direct3D8 through Direct3D11 or OpenGL 4.3 (or more recent version of OpenGL) games. 32 and 64-bit compatible. Download here:
sweetfxReShade has an autodetect feature when you use the program to open the games executable file (.exe).
An older version of
SweetFX 64-bit without ReShade is located here that you copy all the files over to the game folder you want to enhance that contains the games executable file (.exe) for starting the game: is one of the few files to copy over to the game folder, and is the only one you want to edit the values of. The top section labelled "Choose effects" allows the user to turn on and off the various effects using a 0 (off) or a 1 (on). After this section, each of the various effects has its own section with values to tweak to your liking, or copy over from a preset posted online. Save the file when you are done and start the game. The scroll lock key acts as a shortcut for enabling and disabling this program while in-game, but can be changed in the SweetFX_settings file you copy into the game folder.
Presets for games are located here, I recommend copying the values over manually due to presets containing various versions of SweetFX that may contain different settings to change: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GeDoSaTo is a program that modifies the game to downsample at a higher resolution than what your display can handle if desired, as well as other various effects such as hiding the HUD and injecting various effects. Instructions and download here:
ENBSeries contains graphic modifications, patches, converters, and tools. Game specific downloads are listed on their website
here: generic mod is also listed under "Graphic modifications" for those that want to try to make it work on other games not on the list.
Helix MOD is a combination of graphical enhancements and game fixes. Find the game you are looking for in their gamelist: and the necessary file will be inside. Guides and installation help are easy to find on their site, but here is a link just in case: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Flawless Widescreen is a fix for when a game is stretching the image on the aspect ratio of your display. A must for some games when trying to play on a display with a 21:9 aspect ratio, or surround setups. Download here:
Fixes for games that were released broken:
Alice: The Madness Returns:FPS Fix:Go to My Documents/My Games/AliceMadnessReturns/AliceGame/Config and open AliceEngine.ini as a txt file.
Search for MaxSmoothedFrameRate=31
Change the value from 31 to your desired frame rate. I have only tested 60.
Dark Souls 1:Game Fix and Graphical Enhancements:Released with a fps cap of 30, locked resolution, and no extras beyond the PS3 version. Download here:
Devil May Cry 3:Game fix and style/weapon switcher MOD:Game was released in a very broken way, download this MOD to fix it and improve your controls:
post edited by boylerya - 2016/06/22 23:42:46