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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 4:58 AM
Hi folks. It's been a long day (for a lot of us, I am sure). I would like to try to find a way back to the collegiality and comradeship with which we have historically comported ourselves. The wall is tall, our watch is unduly long and the night is cold...so we need to huddle together in some safe spaces (hopefully like this forum) where we can share our collective burden -- and thereby -- shorten the perceived wait on the sidelines of gaming goodness and joy. I am not sure how to bring us all back together, except to say that folks are going to have different perspectives on the issue of ebay. And without being too "bothsidesism" about it, I do think that this community is strong enough and full of enough good faith that each of us -- and the group as a whole -- can meet at a more cordial level of discourse. To try to set an example of this, I pulled a bit of thread dialog from about two weeks or so ago about this topic and will post it here as just one example (not the "right" example) of how folks can disagree without being...pardon the borrow...disagreeable. enewt
hallowen Isn't it is amazing how fast New scapled 3090 Kingpins appear on Ebay almost right after an EVGA drop.

I mean, my 3090 FTW3 Hybrid is going to appear on EBay not long after I receive my Kingpin... but I'll be listing it at a 'regular' price, and whatever it gets bid up to is the purchasing people's business. In reviewing ebay...at one of my weaker moments (I did not cave!)...that is what the scalpers appear to be doing. They price their card at or even below retail and let the bidders go crazy. What one of my friends did (and I am not suggesting you need to do this, but I thought it was cool), is he did a "purchase it now" listing at whatever his total cost was...purchase, plus taxes, plus shipping. And then he charged shipping from his home to the buyer's home. It sold immediately and for a few hundred dollars less than what the scalpers were getting through the bidding process. Again, not suggesting that you do this approach...just that the scalpers aren't setting crazy high prices for the auctions...but they are getting bid up to ridiculous prices.
Last time I looked, a good amount of actual scalpers are listing at Buy It Now price (if you look at Completed/Sold items) that is a mean of the average recent sales prices for the given card, thusly preventing troll-bidding on cards that would delay the sale during the process required before you can relist an item that someone refuses to pay for. I'm sure by now the trolling is lessened, but it's still there. The primary reason I wouldn't do what you suggested is because a Scalper would likely buy it, and I don't want to feed their greed. I'd rather the card at least have a good chance of going to someone that's actually going to use it, which is why I'll list it as an auction.
Fair points, all. Best of luck with it.
Please, let's try to find a way back to our normal order.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 4:58 AM
I never knew you could see a post being flagged for spam
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:02 AM
CptT95 The sole point of Ebay is to sell used things often in an auction. Since when has that ever been a crime!?!?!? The WHOLE POINT of an auction is to let the customer choose how much they are willing to pay for a item, and just because there are tens of thousands wanting a card, its a damn sin to sell a card to someone who will actually put it to good use at a price they CHOSE to bid on it!?!?!? I wish people would get out of their tiny ass bubbles and wake up, the world doesn't revolve around you.
The problem is we know. We know that this is not the typical free market. We know that we should never be able to take a product, use it for 30 days, then resell it for higher than what we bought it. I'm excluding collector markets and the like, because we also know gpus do not have long term value like the first punisher in comics. Get real. This is just profiteers. Taking from the work of manufacturers, buying everything up, and then making gross amount of profits, exploiting people who didn't buy a for sure depreciating good faster. This is why I say things are straight trash. It's only to pad the pockets of the middleman, who does nothing other than drive up prices for the every day person.
post edited by Sajin - Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:06 AM
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:05 AM
 Immediately came to mind when someone said it. CptT95 I never knew you could see a post being flagged for spam 
Yes, that's how I knew I'd been flagged for spam in the past posting my "helpful tips" about the new cards/queue system etc. lol enewt Hi folks. It's been a long day (for a lot of us, I am sure). I would like to try to find a way back to the collegiality and comradeship with which we have historically comported ourselves. The wall is tall, our watch is unduly long and the night is cold...so we need to huddle together in some safe spaces (hopefully like this forum) where we can share our collective burden -- and thereby -- shorten the perceived wait on the sidelines of gaming goodness and joy. I am not sure how to bring us all back together, except to say that folks are going to have different perspectives on the issue of ebay. And without being too "bothsidesism" about it, I do think that this community is strong enough and full of enough good faith that each of us -- and the group as a whole -- can meet at a more cordial level of discourse. To try to set an example of this, I pulled a bit of thread dialog from about two weeks or so ago about this topic and will post it here as just one example (not the "right" example) of how folks can disagree without being...pardon the borrow...disagreeable.
Dabadger84 snip
Please, let's try to find a way back to our normal order.
Indeed quite. The block feature makes the days easier for some, and I count myself as one of them now... wait a minute. lol
ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891 Specs:5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:07 AM
Watch the language and personal attacks guys. Thanks.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:21 AM
Sajin Watch the language and personal attacks guys. Thanks.
I think a lot of people have been waiting patiently. We have some money in our pockets, and we want to give it your company. We are waiting patiently for a queue to call our number. We understand EVGA has other business obligations. All fine. Some person starts talking about auctioning a card they got from the queue. I thought that wasn't allowed with the queue system. Apparently I guess it is. Then person keeps giving us the play by play of their auction. Gross. Then the person thanks someone for using their associates code. I have to draw a line there. People do what they do, but the forum allows people to reward people for that? Come on. Punt me if you must, but I was the third or fourth person to cry foul at the auctioneer notes of that hybrid card. It's such bad form, especially since providing cards to your most die-hard fans is taking the back-seat to your retail obligations.. even those that are are only e-retail being bought up by scalpers at an alarming rate.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:23 AM
Glad I decided to "unhide" that blocked message... Actually, mining resulted in cards selling at greater than retail or at retail long after their launch several times in the past, so that's factually inaccurate "alternative facts". R9 290X/R9 295x2s back during the initial bitcoin craze are a perfect example... a card that in the 295x2's case originally retailed for $1500, then was marked down to $999 NEW for several months, before being discontinued, then went to being sold on EBay, repeatedly, at $1000-$1200, for several months straight. Taking advantage of that if you're upgrading is assumably against your code as well I take it? Despite the fact that miners are literally one of the reasons we're in the mess we're in with short supply etc? There's no difference in the story, both then and now, cards are "extinct", and in demand. Blaming, attacking or scalding someone, anyone, for reselling their card at the "going rate" when they no longer have use for it... Convert this to a life situation that's relevant currently: Bob buys a lot of hand sanitizer and masks to stock up anticipating a shortage. There is then a mask & hand sanitizer shortage. Bob decides he no longer needs the masks he bought after buying a better, reusable mask. Bob then resells those masks at the going rate due to the shortage. You then do what you've done here, to Bob, for that? Or is it just because it's something you want, that's a luxury item, and someone else sold one to someone that wanted one that decided to hit EBay instead of waiting in queue? I don't get why this ruffled feathers on the few people it did - maybe I am just horrible person   Was it bad idea to mention it? In hindsight, sure, probably, but again, it wasn't a "oh look at how much I made" post or anything of the sort - it was, in fact, more of a "Wow people are seriously going crazy, why was there that many bids in the last 90 seconds, apparently I'm not going to be taking a loss after all after fees, thank goodness" that was taken entirely the wrong way. Edit: Play by play? Really dude. I made ONE post about it. lol wow you are seriously just sour grapes. Now I'm seriously not posting further on the issue, unless it's in response to meme-ery.
post edited by Dabadger84 - Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:26 AM
ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891 Specs:5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:26 AM
So... When's the last time 3975 saw any movement? -_- (I'm at 10/8 on that one.)
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:26 AM
Dabadger84 Glad I decided to "unhide" that blocked message... Actually, mining resulted in cards selling at greater than retail or at retail long after their launch several times in the past, so that's factually inaccurate "alternative facts". R9 290X/R9 295x2s back during the initial bitcoin craze are a perfect example... a card that in the 295x2's case originally retailed for $1500, then was marked down to $999 NEW for several months, before being discontinued, then went to being sold on EBay, repeatedly, at $1000-$1200, for several months straight. Taking advantage of that if you're upgrading is assumably against your code as well I take it? Despite the fact that miners are literally one of the reasons we're in the mess we're in with short supply etc? There's no difference in the story, both then and now, cards are "extinct", and in demand. Blaming, attacking or scalding someone, anyone, for reselling their card at the "going rate" when they no longer have use for it... Convert this to a life situation that's relevant currently: Bob buys a lot of hand sanitizer and masks to stock up anticipating a shortage. There is then a mask & hand sanitizer shortage. Bob decides he no longer needs the masks he bought after buying a better, reusable mask. Bob then resells those masks at the going rate due to the shortage. You then do what you've done here, to Bob, for that? Or is it just because it's something you want, that's a luxury item, and someone else sold one to someone that wanted one that decided to hit EBay instead of waiting in queue? I don't get why there's so many ruffled feathers - maybe I am just horrible person  Was it bad idea to mention it? In hindsight, sure, probably, but again, it wasn't a "oh look at how much I made" post or anything of the sort - it was, in fact, more of a "Wow people are seriously going crazy, why was there that many bids in the last 90 seconds, apparently I'm not going to be taking a loss after all after fees, thank goodness" that was taken entirely the wrong way. Edit: Play by play? Really dude. I made ONE post about it. lol wow you are seriously just sour grapes. Now I'm seriously not posting further on the issue, unless it's in response to meme-ery.
You made several. The initial before the last 20 minutes, the last 20 minutes. You aren't worth my time to go back now and count, but it was at least three. I think what you should say is like, man, I made a little money. Maybe not a lot, but I just didn't need that card anymore. I'm not so much better than the scalpers, because I sold a used card for way more than I bought it for, but I didn't mean to make money. It is a used product, for sure! But please know what is most important to me is that you keep using my special EVGA code so I can get something else for free.
post edited by static.quai - Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:34 AM
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:31 AM
ThetaGraphics So... When's the last time 3975 saw any movement? -_- (I'm at 10/8 on that one.)
I hate being the bearer of bad news...but Monday...November 23. It moved 44 minutes and change that day.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:34 AM
ThetaGraphics So... When's the last time 3975 saw any movement? -_- (I'm at 10/8 on that one.)
I hate being the bearer of bad news...but Monday...November 23. It moved 44 minutes and change that day.
That card went "HEY, I EXIST" then "aight Imma head out." basically. A fair few SKUs have exhibited that behavior unfortunately.
ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891 Specs:5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:39 AM
For the life of me, how do you block someone?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:40 AM
ThetaGraphics So... When's the last time 3975 saw any movement? -_- (I'm at 10/8 on that one.)
I hate being the bearer of bad news...but Monday...November 23. It moved 44 minutes and change that day.
Yeah, I figured as much...  Unfortunately, the XC3 is the only one I can get without booting my second 1080 out of the case (which I need for the additional ports). FTW is too thick. Is there a known reason why certain skus are being neglected?
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:41 AM
sypraseurt For the life of me, how do you block someone?
Very carefully, with spoons. Even if it's me you're blocking, here ya go: Click the lil' thing next to a person's forum name on their post, should pop up a drop down or take you to their profile page, where you can then block them (either on the drop down, or on their profile page).
ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891 Specs:5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:41 AM
Most likely due to lower/nonexistent profit margin.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:43 AM
ThetaGraphics So... When's the last time 3975 saw any movement? -_- (I'm at 10/8 on that one.)
I hate being the bearer of bad news...but Monday...November 23. It moved 44 minutes and change that day.
Yeah, I figured as much... Unfortunately, the XC3 is the only one I can get without booting my second 1080 out of the case (which I need for the additional ports). FTW is too thick. Is there a known reason why certain skus are being neglected?
My speculation -- and to be clear...100% speculation -- is that they repurposed significant numbers of 3090 and 3080 Ultras towards the waterlogged cards (i.e., the Hybrids) as they were manufactured and then first released in November.... Since the Hybrids hit the scene, 3090 and 3080 XC3 Ultras have been mostly AWOL.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:46 AM
ThetaGraphics So... When's the last time 3975 saw any movement? -_- (I'm at 10/8 on that one.)
I hate being the bearer of bad news...but Monday...November 23. It moved 44 minutes and change that day.
Yeah, I figured as much... Unfortunately, the XC3 is the only one I can get without booting my second 1080 out of the case (which I need for the additional ports). FTW is too thick. Is there a known reason why certain skus are being neglected?
It's likely a combination of lower profit margins on lower end SKUs & the lower than usual supply. I went over it a bit in the thread several pages back, but in the grand scheme of things, AIBs like eVGA that only make NVidia GPUs & XFX who only makes AMD GPUs, are really getting shafted the most by the GPU die & vRAM Chiplet shortages. They are unable to produce the amount of cards they initially expected to be able to, probably have PCBs ready & waiting for chips, so they're prioritizing higher-profit SKUs to try & sustain/tread water until hopefully supply normalizes. Previous to this generation, shortages or initial supply issues, like we thought this was at first, cleared up in a few weeks after launch, which is probably what most AIB makers were expecting to happen this time... and when it didn't, most of them went "Well I guess we're not going to be making many of the lower SKUs" because they need to stay profitable until supply normalizes.
ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891 Specs:5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:47 AM
Thanks badge. It wasn't you. I was on mobile version so that lil thing wasn't showing lol
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:50 AM
Well, I somehow got lucky and scored a 3090 FTW3 Ultra from Amazon on the last drop at 10:45 PM CST 2/3/21. So far it has not got canceled. I have canceled my queue though to be fair to others. I do have a question though. In the future, if I wanted to update the card with the Ultra FTW3 Hybrid kit, how does that work with the warranty? I also plan on getting an extended warranty as well.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:51 AM
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:56 AM
CptT95 The sole point of Ebay is to sell used things often in an auction. Since when has that ever been a crime!?!?!? The WHOLE POINT of an auction is to let the customer choose how much they are willing to pay for a item, and just because there are tens of thousands wanting a card, its a damn sin to sell a card to someone who will actually put it to good use at a price they CHOSE to bid on it!?!?!? I wish people would get out of their tiny ass bubbles and wake up, the world doesn't revolve around you.
The problem is we know. We know that this is not the typical free market. We know that we should never be able to take a product, use it for 30 days, then resell it for higher than what we bought it. I'm excluding collector markets and the like, because we also know gpus do not have long term value like the first punisher in comics. Get real. This is just profiteers. Taking from the work of manufacturers, buying everything up, and then making gross amount of profits, exploiting people who didn't buy a for sure depreciating good faster. This is why I say things are straight trash. It's only to pad the pockets of the middleman, who does nothing other than drive up prices for the every day person.
This is the good old US way is it not ? .... :)
I9 12900K EK Velocity2 / ROG Z690 Apex/ 32G Dominator DDR5 6000/ Evga RTX 3080Ti FTW3 EK Vector / 980 Pro 512G / 980 Pro 1TB/ Samsung 860 Pro 500G/ WD 4TB Red / AX 1600i / Corsair 900D & XSPC 480 * 360 * 240 Rads XSPC Photon 170 Rez-Vario Pump Combo - Alienware 3440*1440p 120Hz/ W11
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 5:57 AM
sypraseurt Thanks badge. It wasn't you. I was on mobile version so that lil thing wasn't showing lol
Mobile version of these forums makes me want to frisbee my phone in to a lawn mower - I use it sparingly, like earlier today when I posted while out picking up my Riser Cable & lil' heatsinks, some wood pellets & doggo food. Speaking of heatsinks, I ordered moar, some others that someone else used/recommended: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BDKN3XV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 these are bigger than what I have now, but not "too big" - ordered 2 packs, 1 pack will go 5 & 5 on the VRM areas of the back plate, and I use the other pack to replace some of the tiny silver aluminum ones I stuck on today... if I can get them to come off O_o lol I think it's time I put this Riser Cable/Vertical setup through the ringer with some Cyberpunk. Thus far it seems to have not negatively impacted performance at all though, Port Royal showed no score drop at least, got almost 14k at stock which for these drivers/my system setup, is about normal - with the exception of the anomalous crazy-time that happened when I got my personal best & all my scores were 400 pts higher than they've ever been before or since that day.
ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891 Specs:5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 6:00 AM
InfusionOfFear Well, I somehow got lucky and scored a 3090 FTW3 Ultra from Amazon on the last drop at 10:45 PM CST 2/3/21. So far it has not got canceled. I have canceled my queue though to be fair to others. I do have a question though. In the future, if I wanted to update the card with the Ultra FTW3 Hybrid kit, how does that work with the warranty? I also plan on getting an extended warranty as well.
I would wait until the card arrives to cancel your queue spots to be on the safe side, but hopefully you get the card & they don't cancel it - congrats! As far as the warranty goes, the card is warrantied for 3 years minimum, longer if you pay for the extension - the Hybrid Kit is warrantied for 1 year (which is weird, and I don't understand why). That's part of why I waited to get a Hybrid instead of buying a regular 3090 FTW3 when my spot was called for that, I didn't want to deal with the Warranty discrepancy between the Kit & the card. I'm pretty sure how it would work is, if the card dies, and you have to RMA it, you would need to put the original heatsink back on before sending it to them (I could be wrong about this) - so make sure you keep the original heatsink.
ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891 Specs:5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 6:16 AM
I signed up for the notify of the 3978 as well, since that also seems to be thin enough. Who knows, maybe it'll actually overtake the other one eventually.  I've never dealt with water cooled components before though...
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 6:30 AM
ThetaGraphics I signed up for the notify of the 3978 as well, since that also seems to be thin enough. Who knows, maybe it'll actually overtake the other one eventually. I've never dealt with water cooled components before though... 
That's the main perk of the Hybrid cards/Hybrid kit, it's a self-contained unit that doesn't need much maintenance. Other than occasionally cleaning the radiator to prevent dust build up resulting in blockages, you don't really need to worry about it after it's installed. They also have a pretty low failure rate - and low liquid-loss/permeation, meaning they don't need refilling & won't have liquid-level issues for at least 5+ years. On top of the better temperatures, it also vacates the hot air the card produces the heck out yer case (out of the radiator's exhaust, and out of the back of the case from the exhaust of the GPU itself) instead of it being recirculated/spewed all over the place like the air-cooled cards do, which is nice for the rest of your system. I for one dipped my toes in an air-cooled card again briefly this generation, and won't be doing that again - the heat/temperature increase that card caused on my chipset/RAM/M.2s/VRMs of my motherboard was not cool, pun so intended.
ModRigs: https://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=42891 Specs:5950x @ 4.7GHz 1.3V - Asus Crosshair VIII Hero - eVGA 1200W P2 - 4x8GB G.Skill Trident Z Royal Silver @ 3800 CL14Gigabyte RTX 4090 Gaming OC w/ Core: 2850MHz @ 1000mV, Mem: +1500MHz - Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Super-Ultrawide 240Hz Monitor
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 6:34 AM
ThetaGraphics I signed up for the notify of the 3978 as well, since that also seems to be thin enough. Who knows, maybe it'll actually overtake the other one eventually. I've never dealt with water cooled components before though... 
That's the main perk of the Hybrid cards/Hybrid kit, it's a self-contained unit that doesn't need much maintenance. Other than occasionally cleaning the radiator to prevent dust build up resulting in blockages, you don't really need to worry about it after it's installed. They also have a pretty low failure rate - and low liquid-loss/permeation, meaning they don't need refilling & won't have liquid-level issues for at least 5+ years. On top of the better temperatures, it also vacates the hot air the card produces the heck out yer case (out of the radiator's exhaust, and out of the back of the case from the exhaust of the GPU itself) instead of it being recirculated/spewed all over the place like the air-cooled cards do, which is nice for the rest of your system. I for one dipped my toes in an air-cooled card again briefly this generation, and won't be doing that again - the heat/temperature increase that card caused on my chipset/RAM/M.2s/VRMs of my motherboard was not cool, pun so intended.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 7:07 AM
Hi, I want to know how long do I have to wait to get a notification? I queued for several different 3080 EVGA cards and the earliest (RTX 3080 XC3 BLACK GAMING) was on Sep 21, 2020.
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 7:21 AM
SuperChrisBoy Hi, I want to know how long do I have to wait to get a notification? I queued for several different 3080 EVGA cards and the earliest (RTX 3080 XC3 BLACK GAMING) was on Sep 21, 2020.
The 3080 XC3 Gaming Black really is not moving much at all. Maybe some of the other cards for which you registered will get to you earlier. Here is the current update of the North American Queues. Best of luck!
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Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 7:33 AM
SuperChrisBoy Hi, I want to know how long do I have to wait to get a notification? I queued for several different 3080 EVGA cards and the earliest (RTX 3080 XC3 BLACK GAMING) was on Sep 21, 2020.
The 3080 XC3 Gaming Black really is not moving much at all. Maybe some of the other cards for which you registered will get to you earlier. Here is the of the North American Queues. Best of luck!
Thanks for replying! It looks like I have to wait for a while before I can get any cards. This queue system is my best bet to get one of those.
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Flagged as Spam (2)
Re: New EVGA.com Notification Checkout Process
Thursday, February 04, 2021 8:08 AM
Sajin Watch the language and personal attacks guys. Thanks.
I think a lot of people have been waiting patiently. We have some money in our pockets, and we want to give it your company. We are waiting patiently for a queue to call our number. We understand EVGA has other business obligations. All fine. Some person starts talking about auctioning a card they got from the queue. I thought that wasn't allowed with the queue system. Apparently I guess it is. Then person keeps giving us the play by play of their auction. Gross. Then the person thanks someone for using their associates code. I have to draw a line there. People do what they do, but the forum allows people to reward people for that? Come on. Punt me if you must, but I was the third or fourth person to cry foul at the auctioneer notes of that hybrid card. It's such bad form, especially since providing cards to your most die-hard fans is taking the back-seat to your retail obligations.. even those that are are only e-retail being bought up by scalpers at an alarming rate.
Yep, and I think I was the first person to cry foul. I didn't push the issue at the time because I know this forum is heavily moderated and I don't come here to hassle people anyway. Telling everyone here about how you scalped a used card on eBay and then following it up with "oh, and thanks for using my associate code" is all kinds of wrong though. I won't sit by and pretend that it's not happening and I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who spoke up. HOWEVER, in the interest of moving on and lowering the volume I will speak no more on the matter. The individual in question has been blocked, not just for today's episode, but because of the spam posting in general. I did not report anything as spam and don't plan to, but yeah, spam. Here's to a better tomorrow.