Helpful ReplyEVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 10:34:10 (permalink)
That would be a reasonable assumption. However there might be more Taiwanese cards in the US/EU (purely a guess).

Just wondering why you would assume that? Is Notchy not in the US/EU or something?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 10:35:57 (permalink)
That would be a reasonable assumption. However there might be more Taiwanese cards in the US/EU (purely a guess).

Just wondering why you would assume that? Is Notchy not in the US/EU or something?

Everyone on these forums isn't from the US/EU. Edit: or purchased direct from EVGA. That's why I said that it was just a guess.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 10:36:53 (permalink)
I think EVGA should offer all Taiwan Cards Owner a special voluntary step up to the KINGPIN for all hardwork we are doing to pint point the culprit of this XOC 500 Watt mess ..LOL
But seriously.. I really think it is highest time EVGA should start actively engage within this thread.. with it´s own customers to adress this...
I always cherished the fact  EVGA was maybe the last GPU brand that is/was trying to look out for their customers...I was always even willing to pay the premium for this "attitude" because it is so rare in this industry nowadays...
But man this 4-5 weeks almost non engagement (Jacob should rather stop eating that Capsaicin **** Chips:) and better start adressing their own EVGA Chips:).. is getting me reconsider my stance on EVGA ...This Card is marketed as an Enthusiast Class Card - priced in Europe at 2000 Euros (lucky Americans with their MSRP:) which is higher like some upper offerings from competitors models which have even better HW chips on their board design...cough "STRIX" cough:)...
But I was prepared to overlook that because with 3090 it is clear to me that silicon lottery has maybe a little more weight this generation because all card are getting quite good/robust VRM power delivery anyway...
To support silicon, I choosed 23 power phase EVGA design of the board to be sure that if I want I can push with no problem if the opportunity arises (and it indeed risen:) from the same Company I supported with my decission...Great! All hail the EVGA..
EVGA is playing with their hard earned enthusiast reputation here...I love this brand, but they if they continue this attitude ...well.. I will just say this:

A true Enthusiast are very special breed .. And after losing their trust in Brand they are very hard to win back because they have a very very long memory - especially if they feel they were/are not treated fairly (even though legally the Company could feel it is/was within their legal obligation - specification to the customers...But the Enthusiast will feel no obligation to the Company anymore:)...
Just my2Cents
And after first excitement a Great Wake up call happened...some of the Rightful were Chosen but for some The 500 Watts to Heaven Bench were forbidden...And Lost Souls emerged, wandering on the Great Power Planes...Praying, studying the Board Scrolls, Taiwan Tales...Hoping for the Power Enlightement...Calling the Maker...But To no Avail...      
post edited by mato76 - 2020/11/22 10:45:37
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 10:38:42 (permalink)
Everyone on these forums isn't from the US/EU. That's why I said that it was just a guess.

Ah, okay. Well that would be sorta depressing if it turns out all the US/EU cards are from Taiwan as that would mean we're stuck with it.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 10:43:11 (permalink)
Everyone on these forums isn't from the US/EU. That's why I said that it was just a guess.

Ah, okay. Well that would be sorta depressing if it turns out all the US/EU cards are from Taiwan as that would mean we're stuck with it.

Australia here, Taiwanese card. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 10:48:41 (permalink)
you can return the card but what honestly gets 500watts anyways?even the kingpin is stuck at 525 watts.
I say keep it its a good card! although if i had the choice the strix is a lil better for the same price
Obviously you would want the freedom to flash whatever bios but how else would they be able to sell the KPE?
Last generation the ftw3 was only a 2pin card. So the KP had a massive power advantage being 3pin in addition to getting upgraded memory.
This time around there is only 1 source for the mem so no upgrade there. Also being a 3pin your stuck at 525watts since they have to follow Nvidia spec
How could they sell you a kpe for a premium price then? Your paying for the bios and classified tool so thats why your locked out of these things as ftw3 owners.
otherwise, the kpe is pointless. They need to make sure you dont just flash a kpe bios from someone else so they needed to design this card a certain way
Also, dont bring up the "bin" it's not a good or restrictive bin. The kpe bin just prevents you from getting a bad card but it doesnt guarantee you a good card either its still lottery at play
at the end of the day, its still a very good card so try not to get so upset about the situation. if you absolutely "need" the extra power, consider shunting (albeit voiding the warranty in the process)
post edited by xxDarkxx - 2020/11/22 10:53:18
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 10:57:28 (permalink)
I just do a bit of this test : (GL) Phong-Donut
Average 450-460w and pcie around 77-78w
                                     : (GL) FurMark-Donut
Varry from 435w to 470w then drop to 440w and go at 473w and pcie around 78w
post edited by changboy - 2020/11/22 11:01:42
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 10:57:53 (permalink)
you can return the card but what honestly gets 500watts anyways?even the kingpin is stuck at 525 watts.
I say keep it its a good card! although if i had the choice the strix is a lil better for the same price
Obviously you would want the freedom to flash whatever bios but how else would they be able to sell the KPE?
Last generation the ftw3 was only a 2pin card. So the KP had a massive power advantage being 3pin in addition to getting upgraded memory.
This time around there is only 1 source for the mem so no upgrade there. Also being a 3pin your stuck at 525watts since they have to follow Nvidia spec
How could they sell you a kpe for a premium price then? Your paying for the bios and classified tool so thats why your locked out of these things as ftw3 owners.
otherwise, the kpe is pointless. They need to make sure you dont just flash a kpe bios from someone else so they needed to design this card a certain way
Also, dont bring up the "bin" it's not a good or restrictive bin. The kpe bin just prevents you from getting a bad card but it doesnt guarantee you a good card either its still lottery at play
at the end of the day, its still a very good card so try not to get so upset about the situation. if you absolutely "need" the extra power, consider shunting (albeit voiding the warranty in the process)

I think that might be a valid stance to take if not for two things. The first is that EVGA is advertising and promoting this bios for the FTW3 as a way to compete with the Strix. The Strix by most accounts is a flat out better card from multiple angles and EVGA is promoting this bios as a way to at least compete from the power angle. The second is that some cards are clearly capable of pulling a consistent 500 watts so it's not like all the cards are falling short. So there is a big difference between two cards being sold by the same manufacturer at the same price point and misleading consumers into thinking that they're getting one type of card, when they could very easily get the other.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 11:20:03 (permalink)
 Do you think the hybrid cooler for the ftw3 ultra worth buying it ?
I more want a waterblock but maybe this hybrid with a 240mm rad can do the thing ?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 11:21:17 (permalink)
What was your reason for RMA? If you said “it won’t get 500w” they’ll close it. If you say “it pulls more than 75w from pcie power on stock oc bios w/no overclock” (it does and you can show them) they’ll RMA it.

TSE crashes on stock OC bios without any changes in X1.  If I add 10mv it does not crash.  Card won't pull more than 240w when it's not crashing, is always power limited.  CS comes in with check power cables, reboot computer, clean install drivers and closes ticket.  I'm not putting up with it, I'll just scalp it, make $200, and put my FE 1080ti back in.  My join date was 13 years ago and this is what it took for me to finally make a post.  I'm done.
I was planning to water cool it but if it won't stay stable in the most favorable conditions and I can't get support then time to part ways.

post edited by lobstar - 2020/11/22 11:28:42

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 11:28:38 (permalink)
What was your reason for RMA? If you said “it won’t get 500w” they’ll close it. If you say “it pulls more than 75w from pcie power on stock oc bios w/no overclock” (it does and you can show them) they’ll RMA it.

TSE crashes on stock OC bios without any changes in X1.  If I add 10mv it does not crash.  Card won't pull more than 240w when it's not crashing, is always power limited.  CS comes in with check power cables, reboot computer, clean install drivers and closes ticket.  I'm not putting up with it, I'll just scalp it, make $200, and put my FE 1080ti back in.  My join date was 13 years ago and this is what it took for me to finally make a post.  I'm done.

Youre good for another 13 years hehehe
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 11:42:43 (permalink)
I reverted to the stock BIOS, reinstalled my drivers and reran Time Spy Extreme stress test with 107% power limit.
All in all, the XOC BIOS gets me an additional 27W average instead of the expected 50W.
post edited by H-Emmanuel - 2020/11/22 12:19:14

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 11:51:29 (permalink)
Ever since updating to the 500w bios my comp has to also cycle before it actually boots. Cant manage to get it to pull more than 440w in COD and hardly gets over 300 in WOW will full settings. 

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 11:59:47 (permalink)
Has anyone in the US gotten a Chinese 2012 board, or are they all 2014 Taiwan boards?

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 12:11:43 (permalink)
I think EVGA should offer all Taiwan Cards Owner a special voluntary step up to the KINGPIN for all hardwork we are doing to pint point the culprit of this XOC 500 Watt mess ..LOL
But seriously.. I really think it is highest time EVGA should start actively engage within this thread.. with it´s own customers to adress this...
I always cherished the fact  EVGA was maybe the last GPU brand that is/was trying to look out for their customers...I was always even willing to pay the premium for this "attitude" because it is so rare in this industry nowadays...
But man this 4-5 weeks almost non engagement (Jacob should rather stop eating that Capsaicin **** Chips:) and better start adressing their own EVGA Chips:).. is getting me reconsider my stance on EVGA ...This Card is marketed as an Enthusiast Class Card - priced in Europe at 2000 Euros (lucky Americans with their MSRP:) which is higher like some upper offerings from competitors models which have even better HW chips on their board design...cough "STRIX" cough:)...
But I was prepared to overlook that because with 3090 it is clear to me that silicon lottery has maybe a little more weight this generation because all card are getting quite good/robust VRM power delivery anyway...
To support silicon, I choosed 23 power phase EVGA design of the board to be sure that if I want I can push with no problem if the opportunity arises (and it indeed risen:) from the same Company I supported with my decission...Great! All hail the EVGA..
EVGA is playing with their hard earned enthusiast reputation here...I love this brand, but they if they continue this attitude ...well.. I will just say this:

A true Enthusiast are very special breed .. And after losing their trust in Brand they are very hard to win back because they have a very very long memory - especially if they feel they were/are not treated fairly (even though legally the Company could feel it is/was within their legal obligation - specification to the customers...But the Enthusiast will feel no obligation to the Company anymore:)...
Just my2Cents
And after first excitement a Great Wake up call happened...some of the Rightful were Chosen but for some The 500 Watts to Heaven Bench were forbidden...And Lost Souls emerged, wandering on the Great Power Planes...Praying, studying the Board Scrolls, Taiwan Tales...Hoping for the Power Enlightement...Calling the Maker...But To no Avail...      

I decided to go EVGA instead of Asus purely based on the forum reputation and customer service. If it was just a bin issue i could deal with that but the fact it seems to be an actual design issue is quiet sad. If the product is faulty then they should issue a recall or offer a solution but as of now we are stuck with these "enthusiest" cards that hardly beat the competitors 3080 varients. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 12:15:43 (permalink)
I'm also seeing no increase in total board power usage in GPU-Z on my 3090 FTW3 Ultra flashed to the 500W XOC beta bios. The card uses 430-440 watts with both the original and beta BIOS.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 12:17:21 (permalink)
I'm also seeing no increase in total board power usage in GPU-Z on my 3090 FTW3 Ultra flashed to the 500W XOC beta bios. The card uses 430-440 watts with both the original and beta BIOS.

Same issues as me sir, what PSU are you running? 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 12:19:57 (permalink)
I'm running a 1050W EVGA G 80+ gold PSU. I just checked and my 3090 was built in Taiwan like others with the issue are reporting.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 12:31:43 (permalink)
Are you running 3 seperate pcie cables or the type 4's that split 2 into 3?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 13:00:49 (permalink)
I think EVGA should offer all Taiwan Cards Owner a special voluntary step up to the KINGPIN for all hardwork we are doing to pint point the culprit of this XOC 500 Watt mess ..LOL
But seriously.. I really think it is highest time EVGA should start actively engage within this thread.. with it´s own customers to adress this...
I always cherished the fact  EVGA was maybe the last GPU brand that is/was trying to look out for their customers...I was always even willing to pay the premium for this "attitude" because it is so rare in this industry nowadays...
But man this 4-5 weeks almost non engagement (Jacob should rather stop eating that Capsaicin **** Chips:) and better start adressing their own EVGA Chips:).. is getting me reconsider my stance on EVGA ...This Card is marketed as an Enthusiast Class Card - priced in Europe at 2000 Euros (lucky Americans with their MSRP:) which is higher like some upper offerings from competitors models which have even better HW chips on their board design...cough "STRIX" cough:)...
But I was prepared to overlook that because with 3090 it is clear to me that silicon lottery has maybe a little more weight this generation because all card are getting quite good/robust VRM power delivery anyway...
To support silicon, I choosed 23 power phase EVGA design of the board to be sure that if I want I can push with no problem if the opportunity arises (and it indeed risen:) from the same Company I supported with my decission...Great! All hail the EVGA..
EVGA is playing with their hard earned enthusiast reputation here...I love this brand, but they if they continue this attitude ...well.. I will just say this:

A true Enthusiast are very special breed .. And after losing their trust in Brand they are very hard to win back because they have a very very long memory - especially if they feel they were/are not treated fairly (even though legally the Company could feel it is/was within their legal obligation - specification to the customers...But the Enthusiast will feel no obligation to the Company anymore:)...
Just my2Cents
And after first excitement a Great Wake up call happened...some of the Rightful were Chosen but for some The 500 Watts to Heaven Bench were forbidden...And Lost Souls emerged, wandering on the Great Power Planes...Praying, studying the Board Scrolls, Taiwan Tales...Hoping for the Power Enlightement...Calling the Maker...But To no Avail...      

I decided to go EVGA instead of Asus purely based on the forum reputation and customer service. If it was just a bin issue i could deal with that but the fact it seems to be an actual design issue is quiet sad. If the product is faulty then they should issue a recall or offer a solution but as of now we are stuck with these "enthusiest" cards that hardly beat the competitors 3080 varients. 

And I would even 3-4 weeks ago say to Your decision - that it was very good call...
Because EVGA would for certain "honoring their reputation" for sure quickly try to calm the waters (it´s their current No.1 Premium tier Class Enthusiast Card Range, the KINGPIN is really more LN2 oriented) to adress/explain or even maybe later even ask forum members to help their engineers to pin point roots of this (some of forum members like Slovak killer offered openly willingly to test) ... Now I can´t believe I have to say - that maybe I/and some of us here were greatly mistaken and should be better of with any other competitors 3 Pin custom 3090 PCB cards flashed with EVGA own BETA XOC BIOS...there still maybe hope, but still this non engagement behavior from EVGA surprised me .. And believe me, even I didn´t posted here. I am a really long long time customer with quite nice EVGA GPU collection.. My enthusiast roots are deep...first GPU Card Combo was Woodoo 3dfx card + TNT Riva GPU for the knowledgeable - EVGA even didn´t existed,:)...      
post edited by mato76 - 2020/11/22 13:08:49
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 13:07:25 (permalink)
Are you running 3 seperate pcie cables or the type 4's that split 2 into 3?

I'm running 3 separate PCIE power cables to the card.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 13:10:35 (permalink)
To rule out a power supply issue, I used a Seasonic 850 Watt 80+ Gold power supply hooked up to my 3090 FTW3 Ultra with one of those 24 pin jumper plugs.  When I turned on my PC, i also turned on the 850 watt power supply.  The 3090 FTW3 behaved the same with that power supply as it did when powered by the 1300 watt EVGA power supply in my system.  If I raised the power limit, voltage, and GPU clocks the power draw would be lower than with the default GPU clocks and raised power limit.
I put my 3090 FTW3 Ultra in my old 6700K system using the Seasonic 850 watt 80+ Gold power supply.  Using the 500 watt XOC BIOS, its drawing an average of 460-470 watts with a peak power draw of 485-490 watts in the TimeSpy and Firestrike stress tests according to GPU-Z witht he card set to defaults and only a raised power limit.  When I raised the power limit, GPU clocks, and memory speed, the card drew 460-470 watts with a peak power draw of 486 watts.
Switching to an older Z170 chipset 6700K system allowed the card to sustain higher watts than it could in an x570 chipser R9 3950X system when I raised the GPU clocks and memory clocks?  No idea why.  I'm not sure if this is a 2nd defective 3090 FTW3 Ultra card I've received or if its something else.  The first card had weird behavior with the BIOS switch.
In both systems I ran three separate 8 pin PCIE power cables.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 13:11:03 (permalink)
Ever since updating to the 500w bios my comp has to also cycle before it actually boots. Cant manage to get it to pull more than 440w in COD and hardly gets over 300 in WOW will full settings. 

I'm not sure you understand what you're looking at. There is no throttling going on in your screenshot (unless I'm missing something, I can't really open it). Out of curiosity, I launched Warzone completely maxed out at 4K and can't really get it to go over 400W, it just doesn't draw that much power. You should try Port Royal, Timespy Extreme and games like BF5, Metro, Flight Simulator 2020.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 13:16:27 (permalink)
Is it possible to revert firmware that x1 installed? I got more performance before it

Interested in this as well.
Also any consensus on the card version china/Taiwan regarding the 500w? Is one working and the other isn't?

How can you tell if its from china or taiwan. I can look at both cards that are working with the 500W bios

Check the box from gpu, its on the top side where is also UPC,EAN, S/N etc. There is written : made in Taiwan/China. I have card from Taiwan.

All I can find on my card and box is "Packaged in USA". This includes the warranty sticker on the car. S/N starts with 2014. My car in GL MSI-01 test will lock pretty much to 450w.
I say one test peak at 484w, but it was not sustained (this was one of the MSI donut tests) - drew 83w on the PCI lane, but it settled around 410w. 
I am running Z390 Aorus Master and a 9900k, Focus Gold 850w, with 3 power cables going to card.
post edited by PadinnPlays - 2020/11/22 13:43:21

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 13:19:23 (permalink)
Ever since updating to the 500w bios my comp has to also cycle before it actually boots. Cant manage to get it to pull more than 440w in COD and hardly gets over 300 in WOW will full settings. 

I'm not sure you understand what you're looking at. There is no throttling going on in your screenshot (unless I'm missing something, I can't really open it). Out of curiosity, I launched Warzone completely maxed out at 4K and can't really get it to go over 400W, it just doesn't draw that much power. You should try Port Royal, Timespy Extreme and games like BF5, Metro, Flight Simulator 2020.

Have tried 90% of those suggested, the screen shot was just a max after playing cod for 10 mins. GPU power on Hwinfo runs at 420w on Port Royal. Spikes to 450 are seen but not the smooth 500 others are getting. 450w seems to be the max this card wants to give. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 14:19:19 (permalink)
Well I just got the now apparently more popular single Red light of doom on the far right power connector and I get no video :(  

REALLY  disappointing out of a 1800 dollar retail card.  Not to mention I've PM'd Jacob a few times and been COMPLETELY ignored.
What the heck happened to EVGA???

2020 Pandemic build.
10900k @ 5.3 ghz All core  1.34v -(100 sp rating) 
Asus Maximus XII Formula -  EVGA RTX 3090 FTW   -  CORSAIR 1200i -  G.Skill Trident Royal z 4100 @cl15 -16-16-16 -  
2tb Corsair PCiE gen4,   1tb Samsung 960,   3x Samsung 860 Pro 1 TB 

Heatkiller Pro 4 -  Optimus XL Waterblock   EK 360 PE,  EK 360 XE, EK 480SE Radiators with a D5 pump.  

Samsung G9 Odyssey x2,  LG 34GK950F 144hz 1440p  and its 2560x1080 predecessor.    
Asus Chakram  -  Asus Strix Flare   -  
Sennheiser PC -350   Logitech Z906 5.1 
RGB to the max for the first time. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 14:41:46 (permalink)
Has anyone in the US gotten a Chinese 2012 board, or are they all 2014 Taiwan boards?

I'm in the US and the RMA card that's currently on it's way to me is a Chinese board (2012xx).
The original card I received was a 2014xx board and had issues with nonsensical fan speeds which is why I'm sending it back to EVGA.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 14:47:14 (permalink)
Has anyone in the US gotten a Chinese 2012 board, or are they all 2014 Taiwan boards?

I'm in the US and the RMA card that's currently on it's way to me is a Chinese board (2012xx).
The original card I received was a 2014xx board and had issues with nonsensical fan speeds which is why I'm sending it back to EVGA.

Did you specifically ask for a Chinese board? I assume so. I guess that means we don't only have Taiwan 2114 boards in the US.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 14:57:47 (permalink)
Has anyone in the US gotten a Chinese 2012 board, or are they all 2014 Taiwan boards?

I'm in the US and the RMA card that's currently on it's way to me is a Chinese board (2012xx).
The original card I received was a 2014xx board and had issues with nonsensical fan speeds which is why I'm sending it back to EVGA.

Did you specifically ask for a Chinese board? I assume so. I guess that means we don't only have Taiwan 2114 boards in the US.

No, I didn't ask for a specific board. Just asked for a card with working fans :-)
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2020/11/22 15:09:48 (permalink)
Hilarious.  They're telling me they don't have supervisors available!   This guy thinks he's going to charge me money to cross ship me a new graphics card after I spent 1800 dollars.  

This is likely going to be my LAST EVGA purchase ever,   I'm tempted to go just dispute the transaction with all of this data, get my money back and buy the Strix.   

At this rate I should have just kept the Asus TUF I had first!!!!     NEVER NEVER NEVER again unless they step up and do something right here. 

They are rude on the phone,  Jacob flat out ignores people.     This is just NOT the evga  I used to be proud supporting. 
2014xx 3090 card Just poo'd the bed with red light of DOOM!

2020 Pandemic build.
10900k @ 5.3 ghz All core  1.34v -(100 sp rating) 
Asus Maximus XII Formula -  EVGA RTX 3090 FTW   -  CORSAIR 1200i -  G.Skill Trident Royal z 4100 @cl15 -16-16-16 -  
2tb Corsair PCiE gen4,   1tb Samsung 960,   3x Samsung 860 Pro 1 TB 

Heatkiller Pro 4 -  Optimus XL Waterblock   EK 360 PE,  EK 360 XE, EK 480SE Radiators with a D5 pump.  

Samsung G9 Odyssey x2,  LG 34GK950F 144hz 1440p  and its 2560x1080 predecessor.    
Asus Chakram  -  Asus Strix Flare   -  
Sennheiser PC -350   Logitech Z906 5.1 
RGB to the max for the first time. 
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