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Lord Winchester
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/28 23:14:43 (permalink)
finally got back up this score with a somewhat stable clock/memory ratio.  not terrible, but not the fastest either. pulls just under 450w at a 112 power target

But why are you not cranking the power target um to 119%?

If you hit 450 with 112% you "should" get about 480w on max power

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/28 23:33:50 (permalink)
Lord Winchester
finally got back up this score with a somewhat stable clock/memory ratio.  not terrible, but not the fastest either. pulls just under 450w at a 112 power target

But why are you not cranking the power target um to 119%?

If you hit 450 with 112% you "should" get about 480w on max power

 because it crashes with the higher power target and produces more heat to trigger the fans. lol.  I think it just runs out of steam since the hard limit is around 450-460 for me.  having more power doesn't make it any better, unless i figure out how to push the clocks higher without it crashing in game.
Lord Winchester
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 02:01:37 (permalink)
Lord Winchester
finally got back up this score with a somewhat stable clock/memory ratio.  not terrible, but not the fastest either. pulls just under 450w at a 112 power target

But why are you not cranking the power target um to 119%?

If you hit 450 with 112% you "should" get about 480w on max power

because it crashes with the higher power target and produces more heat to trigger the fans. lol.  I think it just runs out of steam since the hard limit is around 450-460 for me.  having more power doesn't make it any better, unless i figure out how to push the clocks higher without it crashing in game.

Have you tried power limit to maximum and voltage slider to 50%?

From what I tried, this gave me the best results on clocks and Temps.

But I'm not a big overclocker and my time is to valuable for me to dial everything in perfectly.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 08:09:40 (permalink)
At the end my final solution has been this:
Bought 3090 ftw3 ultra
Flashed xc3 ultra
+100 on core and +750 on mem with max power and voltage limits
Evga hybrid kit upgrade
Custom curve for vrm fan
Manually fan controller for radiator fans

In an ideal world i would have spent 2k euro obtaining a card with a 500w power draw, full functional fan curves without sudden ramp ups and a working native oc software like ab.

For me this is my last buy from evga. Tha card works. On full load i have a 100% stable 2100mhz on core and 21ghz on rams. My next buy will be from asus or msi.

So thank you evga for the card. I hope it will last for a long time but i will not spend any more time and money with you. I really hope you will learn from your mistakes for your future customers.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 13:01:24 (permalink)
You should not (and will not be allowed to) RMA your card for it drawing 78W, there's a BIOS update coming for the BAR beeswax that might also help with power balancing issues - I spoke with Support about this, they will not authorize an RMA just for the card either not hitting 500W draw because the BIOS is still in BETA and/or it drawing slightly over spec on the PCIe slot.
That's an official response from an eVGA rep, so take it how you will.  The card isn't going to spontaenously combust from drawing 3W over the single slot spec - maybe if you run it like that 24/7 for a few years straight, but even then, I don't think it's THAT big of an issue.  It's something they SHOULD fix, because the Kingpin I have doesn't draw anywhere near even 75W so far from the slot and that's with me seeing as high as 535W draw on the 520W BIOS.
And again, how many cards have been through LN2 OCing and still work, despite drawing 600-700-800+W (albeit for short periods for benchmarks, but still, point is what it is).  If you're continually seeing something higher like 90W, that's a different story because that plainly should not be happening on an un-modded 3090 that isn't a Kingpin on the 1000W BIOS. 
My 3090 FTW3 Hybrid is up on for sale now, hopefully it goes to someone with a brain - already had two messages asking questions about it when the answers for said questions were IN the description (Why are you selling it - because of I got a Kingpin, what temps did you get - also in the description lol).  Some people just can't be helped.

That is a blatant lie. If the card is out of spec without an overclock and on the stock VBIOS it is a valid reason for RMA. The spec is 75W for PCIE devices. Many high end 3090s appear to only draw around 66W without overclock at similar stock wattage levels, or higher (480W).
I RMA'd my first card for it being of spec as proof of your lie. If others want cards that fall within spec, they have the right to - regardless of what you think they can or cannot do.

??????? Dude I'm not lying, I can literally show you a screenshot of the eVGA reply stating you cannot RMA it for that:

So it's not a "blatant lie" thank you very much mister malding.  I'll email them again with that specifically being the only question I ask & post back, but you need to quit getting all offensive over people posting informed, actual answers.  Thanks.

Read your first sentence.

Now read my second sentence.

Now put your card back to stock VBIOS, test, and RMA your card for being out of spec. Or don't. Just don't spread disinformation by telling folks that they:

You should not (and will not be allowed to) RMA your card for it drawing 78W

Because that isn't true. The spec is 75W max for a stock card, and it is valid reason for RMA - the reason that I myself RMAd my first 3090 FT3 Ultra for.

The "SPEC" alows for a voltage variance of 10%.  78 watts is not out of spec.  Just because the other person at the end of the phone is not a tech and just a customer support representative following a flow chart while they talk to you, doesn't make it a valid RMA...  IMO
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 13:11:41 (permalink)
The "SPEC" alows for a voltage variance of 10%.  78 watts is not out of spec.  Just because the other person at the end of the phone is not a tech and just a customer support representative following a flow chart while they talk to you, doesn't make it a valid RMA...  IMO

And when the voltage is bang on 12V, it is out of spec above 75W and a valid reason for RMA. You can think otherwise, but it doesn't change reality.

Again, and ad nauseum, it's why I (and others) RMAd their card to get one that was within spec at stock. The replacement wasn't really, but it was close enough that I said to heck with it (76W cont. - first one was 83W cont.).

Other manufacturers don't seem to have an issue keeping PCIE slot power draw around 66W with up to 480W cards - why does EVGA struggle to on so many, yet obviously not all, 450W cards? And why do people feel the need to defend out of spec cards? It's one thing to accept something that is out of tolerance for your own use - it's quite another to try and force your view on others when it will likely also solve their severe power limit issue.

For what little, or much, it's worth - I'm an EVGA fan. However, when there's a problem it should be addressed so that it can be fixed so that consumers won't have to see a problem repeated again.
post edited by arestavo - 2021/01/29 13:28:11
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 13:51:18 (permalink)
The "SPEC" alows for a voltage variance of 10%.  78 watts is not out of spec.  Just because the other person at the end of the phone is not a tech and just a customer support representative following a flow chart while they talk to you, doesn't make it a valid RMA...  IMO

And when the voltage is bang on 12V, it is out of spec above 75W and a valid reason for RMA. You can think otherwise, but it doesn't change reality.

Again, and ad nauseum, it's why I (and others) RMAd their card to get one that was within spec at stock. The replacement wasn't really, but it was close enough that I said to heck with it (76W cont. - first one was 83W cont.).

Other manufacturers don't seem to have an issue keeping PCIE slot power draw around 66W with up to 480W cards - why does EVGA struggle to on so many, yet obviously not all, 450W cards? And why do people feel the need to defend out of spec cards? It's one thing to accept something that is out of tolerance for your own use - it's quite another to try and force your view on others when it will likely also solve their severe power limit issue.

For what little, or much, it's worth - I'm an EVGA fan. However, when there's a problem it should be addressed so that it can be fixed so that consumers won't have to see a problem repeated again.

You realize that if I use your logic, the 66 watt card that u are glorifying is "technically" out of spec by your definition.... ;)
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 14:26:46 (permalink)
The "SPEC" alows for a voltage variance of 10%.  78 watts is not out of spec.  Just because the other person at the end of the phone is not a tech and just a customer support representative following a flow chart while they talk to you, doesn't make it a valid RMA...  IMO

And when the voltage is bang on 12V, it is out of spec above 75W and a valid reason for RMA. You can think otherwise, but it doesn't change reality.

Again, and ad nauseum, it's why I (and others) RMAd their card to get one that was within spec at stock. The replacement wasn't really, but it was close enough that I said to heck with it (76W cont. - first one was 83W cont.).

Other manufacturers don't seem to have an issue keeping PCIE slot power draw around 66W with up to 480W cards - why does EVGA struggle to on so many, yet obviously not all, 450W cards? And why do people feel the need to defend out of spec cards? It's one thing to accept something that is out of tolerance for your own use - it's quite another to try and force your view on others when it will likely also solve their severe power limit issue.

For what little, or much, it's worth - I'm an EVGA fan. However, when there's a problem it should be addressed so that it can be fixed so that consumers won't have to see a problem repeated again.

You realize that if I use your logic, the 66 watt card that u are glorifying is "technically" out of spec by your definition.... ;)

Incorrect. 66W does not exceed 75W max, unless you use some very strange math.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 14:31:23 (permalink)
Hi, when i've got my FTW3 i used old one precision x1 software, i think it was version, i did flashed XOC bios and i checked watt usage while stress, it was at 490W+ to max 513W jumps. After precision x1 update to and firmware update my FTW3 couldn't take more than 435-449W. After research in google, i'd found that some other people did noticed the same problem after firmware update. Is it even possible that firmware update could do something to power consumption? Like i say, on start without firmware update it worked perfect, 490-513W.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 17:18:46 (permalink)
Incorrect. 66W does not exceed 75W max, unless you use some very strange math.

What world is this guy living in where 66 > 75?!

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 21:17:03 (permalink)
The "SPEC" alows for a voltage variance of 10%.  78 watts is not out of spec.  Just because the other person at the end of the phone is not a tech and just a customer support representative following a flow chart while they talk to you, doesn't make it a valid RMA...  IMO

And when the voltage is bang on 12V, it is out of spec above 75W and a valid reason for RMA. You can think otherwise, but it doesn't change reality.

Again, and ad nauseum, it's why I (and others) RMAd their card to get one that was within spec at stock. The replacement wasn't really, but it was close enough that I said to heck with it (76W cont. - first one was 83W cont.).

Other manufacturers don't seem to have an issue keeping PCIE slot power draw around 66W with up to 480W cards - why does EVGA struggle to on so many, yet obviously not all, 450W cards? And why do people feel the need to defend out of spec cards? It's one thing to accept something that is out of tolerance for your own use - it's quite another to try and force your view on others when it will likely also solve their severe power limit issue.

For what little, or much, it's worth - I'm an EVGA fan. However, when there's a problem it should be addressed so that it can be fixed so that consumers won't have to see a problem repeated again.

You realize that if I use your logic, the 66 watt card that u are glorifying is "technically" out of spec by your definition.... ;)

Incorrect. 66W does not exceed 75W max, unless you use some very strange math.

I said it was out of spec by YOUR definition since it's not 75!!! I never said 66 is greater than 75... under the spec is OUT of spec just like going over... again according to YOUR definition... :)
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 21:32:00 (permalink)
So this kid really thinks the card is only in spec if it's exactly 75w. Sometimes freedom of speech really sucks. We need a license system to for getting on the internet.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 21:35:05 (permalink)
So this kid really thinks the card is only in spec if it's exactly 75w. Sometimes freedom of speech really sucks. We need a license system to for getting on the internet.

For a lot of things now a days, unfortunately
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 21:37:57 (permalink)
Just some words...
I've been testing some drivers specially the latest and they are crap, the 461.09 still the best for Gaming and Benchmark. And...I was wrong about XC3 BIOS, with the Hybrid Kit installed and the proper fan for the backplate blowing paralell to it NOT pushing (as hor air gets gets out of it) not covering also with any method, I achieved ver nice stable clocks specially on memory: +90 Core / +1350 on Mem
3DMARK Port Royal:
3DMARK Time Spy:
3DMARK Time Spy Extreme:
Just for the record again these are my 24/7 Clocks to Game and I'm NOT using anything else but what I explain above. If I use the AC on my room it's even better.

Hope this info helps, all the best, Sergio!
post edited by andressergio - 2021/01/29 21:47:08

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 21:57:57 (permalink)
For a lot of things now a days, unfortunately

I should have been more specific; I was talking about you LOLOLOLOL

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 22:38:39 (permalink)
I am still waiting for my other card so I can rma my current ftw ultra

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 22:40:39 (permalink)
For a lot of things now a days, unfortunately

I should have been more specific; I was talking about you LOLOLOLOL

Then your reading skills need work my friend.... kids...
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 23:01:33 (permalink)
For a lot of things now a days, unfortunately

I should have been more specific; I was talking about you LOLOLOLOL

Then your reading skills need work my friend.... kids...

A kid named 'god' doesn't understand how something can be 'upto and including'. I do think you need a time out to go do some learning.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 23:10:03 (permalink)
For a lot of things now a days, unfortunately

I should have been more specific; I was talking about you LOLOLOLOL

Then your reading skills need work my friend.... kids...

A kid named 'god' doesn't understand how something can be 'upto and including'. I do think you need a time out to go do some learning.

I haven't been a "kid" in a long time junior... so unless u can show me an engineering degree, it's bed time...
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 23:20:18 (permalink)
I haven't been a "kid" in a long time junior... so unless u can show me an engineering degree, it's bed time...

And now the little child thinks you need an engineering degree to understand simple math and numbers.  
You know we're all here to learn and discuss ... except you from the looks of it.  You just seem to feel like you know more with your little name and your weak understanding of power delivery.
Seriously, if you are as old as you say you are you certainly haven't developed the mindset to have adult discussion the way you throw your weak ass knowledge around. I've probably been registered here longer than you've been alive rofl.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/29 23:41:19 (permalink)
I haven't been a "kid" in a long time junior... so unless u can show me an engineering degree, it's bed time...

And now the little child thinks you need an engineering degree to understand simple math and numbers.  
You know we're all here to learn and discuss ... except you from the looks of it.  You just seem to feel like you know more with your little name and your weak understanding of power delivery.
Seriously, if you are as old as you say you are you certainly haven't developed the mindset to have adult discussion the way you throw your weak ass knowledge around. I've probably been registered here longer than you've been alive rofl.

Well since u can't comprehend the word "variance" then I can't help u understand the facts thats in front of u. And if you were here to learn, that would mean u would actually keep u mouth closed and listen to some who may know something that u don't. But u wanted to insult instead. And I can guarantee I have been using the internet longer than YOU have been alive.... rocked the 56k back in the day... (you can Google that so u can understand what I mean... junior)
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/30 00:03:54 (permalink)
Take a primer on Ohm's law please so you understand how voltage relates to wattage and why your understanding of 'variance' is flawed in relation to the PCIE 4.0 power spec.  But keep making an ass of yourself on a public discussion forum.

Lord Winchester
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/30 02:20:40 (permalink)
The "SPEC" alows for a voltage variance of 10%.  78 watts is not out of spec.  Just because the other person at the end of the phone is not a tech and just a customer support representative following a flow chart while they talk to you, doesn't make it a valid RMA...  IMO

And when the voltage is bang on 12V, it is out of spec above 75W and a valid reason for RMA. You can think otherwise, but it doesn't change reality.

Again, and ad nauseum, it's why I (and others) RMAd their card to get one that was within spec at stock. The replacement wasn't really, but it was close enough that I said to heck with it (76W cont. - first one was 83W cont.).

Other manufacturers don't seem to have an issue keeping PCIE slot power draw around 66W with up to 480W cards - why does EVGA struggle to on so many, yet obviously not all, 450W cards? And why do people feel the need to defend out of spec cards? It's one thing to accept something that is out of tolerance for your own use - it's quite another to try and force your view on others when it will likely also solve their severe power limit issue.

For what little, or much, it's worth - I'm an EVGA fan. However, when there's a problem it should be addressed so that it can be fixed so that consumers won't have to see a problem repeated again.

You realize that if I use your logic, the 66 watt card that u are glorifying is "technically" out of spec by your definition.... ;)

Why don't you try to look at the 75W like a "Speed Limit"?

You can go any Speed between 0 and 75 and you are perfectly "legal".

But if you go 80, you end up with a ticket, fine or even jailtime.

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/30 07:00:28 (permalink)
You guys keep repeating yourselves without. Listening to what I am saying. You guys love quoting the spec of 75. Yet the spec allows a variance of 10%!!!! ITS PART OF THE SPEC!!! so let's make is it real easy for the guy who calls himself the animal that eats fish poop as it's main source of food and has no centralized brain (since apparently he likes to associate someone's personality with an internet handle, but in his case it seams to make sense...) The SPEC IS 75 PLUS 10%.... 75 + 7.5= 83.5. AND OHMS LAW. P=VA has nothing to do with the power draw capability of the what the slot is rated for as the voltage is constant in this equation at 12 Volts and its the vrms on the card that draws the amps thats changes the watt total and the firmware controls where it gets the juice from by controlling which vrms to use. And AGAIN... we a talking about a PEAK, NOT CONSTANT.... so it's like a speed limit.... you can go over a little before a cop makes an effort to pull u over... ;) but hey EVGA decided to put a 10amp breaker on the slot meaning u need to go over 120 watts to pop it!!! P=VA. So can u honestly say 84 watts is a problem???
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/30 08:09:47 (permalink)
Go play with this calculator. https://ohmslawcalculator.com/ohms-law-calculator

Put in 75w and 1v. Now put in 1.1v and 75w and please delete your account when you realize how much of a moron your are :)

Power coming in on the PCIe and through the 10A fuse is 12V. It’s not converted down to voltages used by the actual core until it goes through the VRM phases. So the 75w spec is relevant to the 12v supply, not what it’s stepped down to for the device.

R9-5950X  || EVGA 3090 FTW3 || 32GB Corsair Dominator 4000CL16 || MSI Meg Ace X570 || Lian Li O11D XL || Custom Loop (EKWB/Optimus)


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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/30 08:17:50 (permalink)
Forgive me... 26 VRMS. So 26 phases!!!
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/30 08:33:54 (permalink)
you can put any voltage in you like to represent a rise of 10% in voltage and how the power can still stay at 75w because THERE ARE OTHER GOD DAMNED VARIABLES YOU ABSOLUTE TWAT.  But keep throwing around jargon like you know anything.

No you can't. The 75watt spec is only related to the PCIe slot, it's irrelevant of the device you plug into it. It doesn't matter if it's a GPU, a sound card, a WiFi card, or whatever you plug into it, the spec is still 75watts. The PCIe port ONLY outputs 12V and is monitored from the motherboard side, so the voltage is going to stay constant relative to the motherboard unless you pull so much current that you begin to pull down the voltage, in which case the fuse will blow on the card OR the motherboard PCIe protection will trip. So it doesn't care what voltage your device uses because no matter how it's setup, it starts with 12volts and steps it down to whatever it needs.
post edited by jacoffey85 - 2021/01/30 08:36:40

R9-5950X  || EVGA 3090 FTW3 || 32GB Corsair Dominator 4000CL16 || MSI Meg Ace X570 || Lian Li O11D XL || Custom Loop (EKWB/Optimus)


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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/30 08:35:49 (permalink)
And you, for some reason, can't understand how the card can control this and why there is a PROBLEM WITH THE CARD WHEN IT DOESN'T.  You've been presented with evidence that you are wrong about RMAs, wrong about power delivery, and wrong about your understanding of physics.  Some people just can't be educated.  Enjoy your life in the dark.  

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/30 08:37:20 (permalink)
it starts with 12volts and steps it down to whatever it needs.

Hey, pop quiz, what's the card do if it's presented with 12.3 volts?  just give up and provide the extra power?  No, the card regulates it.  When it regulates it poorly the card is operating out of specification.
ITT:  no one who's ever melted a 24pin from PCIe draw.
post edited by lobstar - 2021/01/30 08:40:31

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS BETA 2021/01/30 08:42:40 (permalink)
it starts with 12volts and steps it down to whatever it needs.

Hey, pop quiz, what's the card do if it's presented with 12.3 volts?  just give up and provide the extra power?  No, the card regulates it.  When it regulates it poorly the card is operating out of specification.

If it regulates it poorly through the VRM, then the card crashes, the PCIe slot doesn't give a **** how it is handled on the load side of the VRM. Overcurrent and fuse protection are there to protect the source, not the load.
Edit, also you literally repeated exactly what I said:

it starts with 12volts and steps it down to whatever it needs.

Hey, pop quiz, what's the card do if it's presented with 12.3 volts?  just give up and provide the extra power?  No, the card regulates it.  When it regulates it poorly the card is operating out of specification.

post edited by jacoffey85 - 2021/01/30 09:00:33

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