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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/12 23:34:12
ArtahI will verify the top and front.
Looking forward to it. Thanks Artah.
as ManBearPig said it's around 60mm on the top and 70mm on the front. I have a sabertooth x99 motherboard on there and the top can probably be pushed to 65mm with some creative wire routing using that motherboard and the front you can probably push it to 90mm where it slams into the reservoir holder but you would be blocking some parts of the fan. The top part looks like around 25mm fans only, maybe 30mm thick. The top mount plate is actually around 2-3mm only with the way it is shaped not 4mm as I previously mentioned.
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 00:28:33
So can you do a push pull on the top with say an h115?
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 00:45:23
chiefo0306 So can you do a push pull on the top with say an h115?
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 00:59:21
two fans between the top and the filter then the rad and other set of fans below?
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 01:18:24
HardwareCanuks DG-87- Jumbo Case of your Dream
From big, full tower cases no better option for similar price.
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 05:51:06
This case is so good... Every day I think he look better. On video clip you can see that even with tower cooler and one reference card is not empty. I like this case almost same as I liked Obsidian 650D in 2011. I become completely crazy for that case before several years and at the from 2 samples imported in country one finished in my house. I believe now I would choose DG-87... Yes it's big but it's cool case... I think that this case MSI X99A TITANIUM and GTX1080 Hybrid SLI could with one H110i GT cooler could be nice configuration.
post edited by Vlada011 - 2016/08/13 05:53:58
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 07:19:58
HardwareCanuk did a review on it, but I disagreed with a lot of his stupid remarks.. He claims the top should have had 4 fans, though apparently he doesn't seem to realize that last fan would be going through the back panel into the I/O compartment. Apart from that being an airflow nightmare, it would probably screw up the case a bit structurally as well. The mirror is too mirrory, and hed rather see tempered glass (which is also quite reflective, so..??). He then proceeds to display the case sitting on a desk in a traditional manner, with the wire grommet sticking out on the "side", complaining about how this is not the best way to manage cables. I guess Dimitri's lightbulb never lit up about the fact that this case is supposed to go broad side backed to a wall, and that THAT is why the grommet is even there in the first place? If he really insisted on putting the case on a desk like that, he could just as well let the wires come out under the door. I mean, thats what the gap is for, isnt it? And apparently he is also not fond of the fact that it has no 5.25" bays, and that one could somehow still fit somewhere in the basement. He does not point out where exactly this would be though, as the basement is completely stuffed with fan controllers, HDD/Pump cages, and a PSU which can get pretty sizable. Shame on EVGA for not making it a tardis! He goes on about how this would be useful for reservoirs and fan controllers... (..right??) I hate how people minge on about the size of this thing. Monstertrucks are big too, but they sure are cool. And if your garage is big enough, why not. :p
post edited by Sokonomi - 2016/08/13 07:22:56
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 07:34:21
evga.tech_guyI would like to know If I remove all the PCI back plates can I mount my GPU vertically in this case as I hate looking at back plates, when the front of the GPU is so much better. I asked this question a while ago in this topic, and I think I saw Slimshiesty muttering something about making custom back plates. So howbout it, Slimshiesty? Two customers already, right here. :P
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 07:37:11
nowadays if one HAS TO HAVE a CD/DVD/BD drive simply buy a usb slim external drive. laptops have been making people do this for YEARS so why are desktop people complaining? all i know is that on my last build i bought a DVD drive to install windows and then years later tried to use it for a second time to make system restore disk to find out it somehow died from never being used....  whatever, i for one am never buying another internal 5.25" drive bay device again.
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 07:45:39
Chris21010nowadays if one HAS TO HAVE a CD/DVD/BD drive simply buy a usb slim external drive. laptops have been making people do this for YEARS so why are desktop people complaining? all i know is that on my last build i bought a DVD drive to install windows and then years later tried to use it for a second time to make system restore disk to find out it somehow died from never being used.... whatever, i for one am never buying another internal 5.25" drive bay device again. I bought a USB powered slimdrive years ago, and I haven't used it for a decade now. Everything is digital now. Even an OS and motherboard/GPU drivers come on a USB stick these days. ;) I got a sneaking feeling its the console people keeping the disk industry alive. And yeah, these things break if you let em sit, they literally run on bloody rubber bands! :'D They go stale and brittle. How many do you need? I got a wall of em in the back of my closet that would make Trump jealous.
post edited by Sokonomi - 2016/08/13 07:47:16
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 09:55:58
Yes that will work easily. Plan for the correct screw length for the top though.
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 11:56:04
I looked case and I didn't found any flaw. Except maybe floor between first and second part... But on this way is possible to see EVGA PSU grill. Problem is because price of case will be huge in Europe together with shipping and that's completely different price than on site. But case is excellent, if someone live near hardware store and could pick up case with car than it's excellent option. And case should stay exactly as you see on picture, my Obsidian 650D stay from beginning on same way with side panel close to the wall.
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 13:23:32
Vlada011 I looked case and I didn't found any flaw. Except maybe floor between first and second part...
Aha, so im not alone on that one! I plan on putting in a floorboard that covers the PSU and drive cages entirely, but I worry for the airflow on my HDDs if I do that. EVGA doesn't have a distribution point near or in Servia?
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 14:42:39
In my country now, but because our government is stupid and don't want to remove custom taxes with EU before they become Members, that situation use people who cooperate with big sellers in Hungary, Austria, Germany, make profit for self and sell us for lowest possible price without taxes and shipping. But I don't know is it possible someone to bring me 20kg cases. Other guys both some small and medium cases but I never saw something so big and heavy. For other hardware is not problem. In my country if you go on one way than hardware is most expensive in Europe, if we choose other way than it's cheapest in Europe.
post edited by Vlada011 - 2016/08/13 14:45:37
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 15:41:50
evga.tech_guyI would like to know If I remove all the PCI back plates can I mount my GPU vertically in this case as I hate looking at back plates, when the front of the GPU is so much better. I asked this question a while ago in this topic, and I think I saw Slimshiesty muttering something about making custom back plates. So howbout it, Slimshiesty? Two customers already, right here. :P
Roger that ! First things first. Optical drive caddy mod... then SLI mounts. gimme 2 to 3 weeks for the caddy, then 2 to 3 weeks on the mount, give or take a few days.
CPU Intel i7 6700K @ 4.0 GHz MB MSI Z170A Gaming 7 GPU EVGA GTX 1070ti FTW2 MEM Corsair Vengeance RGB DDR4 3000 2X8GB PSU EVGA Supernova 850 G2 CASE Thermaltake View 31 TG
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/13 20:21:31
guys, does any of you already tried to mount SSI-EEB form factor motherboard on this DG series?
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 01:17:30
Haha, why do people keep insisting on optical drives. They have become so useless in every possible way. Where are you even going to stick that thing?
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 07:58:06
Sokonomi Haha, why do people keep insisting on optical drives. They have become so useless in every possible way. Where are you even going to stick that thing?
Professionals use optical drives all the time. Ever heard of a photographer giving a CD with all the edited pictures on it after a photo shoot? Freelance pros give a CD/Bluray disc copy of commercials, credits, effects, etc. when handing their work over to clients; and since hard drives degrade much faster than CDs, CDs are the best choice when it comes to digital record keeping. There's millions of parents who like to burn photos and home movies on to DVDs/Blurays. Now I understand that if those are the kinds of things you're doing, then maybe this case isn't the one for you. I get that. I was just making a point to all the people who think that optical drives are completely out of date and antiqued. Maybe for the gaming community that's true, but for the majority of everyone else, it's just not.
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 08:34:09
Antoine_RProfessionals use optical drives all the time. Ever heard of a photographer giving a CD with all the edited pictures on it after a photo shoot? Freelance pros give a CD/Bluray disc copy of commercials, credits, effects, etc. when handing their work over to clients; and since hard drives degrade much faster than CDs, CDs are the best choice when it comes to digital record keeping. There's millions of parents who like to burn photos and home movies on to DVDs/Blurays. Now I understand that if those are the kinds of things you're doing, then maybe this case isn't the one for you. I get that. I was just making a point to all the people who think that optical drives are completely out of date and antiqued. Maybe for the gaming community that's true, but for the majority of everyone else, it's just not. The photographer I hired a couple months ago offered his work on a complimentary USB stick, so that may soon change too. Harddrives degrade quicker than CDs? Absolutely not. The opposite is more likely. Ive had DVDs go corrupt in 5 years time. Those millions of parents are as old as the technology and likely dont know any better, so thats no excuse. My parents still like VHS, but that doesn't validate keeping VHS around. Harddrives are more compact and cheaper by the gigabyte. Bluray costs about 4.9ct per Gb, a harddrive can do it as cheap as 3.4ct per Gb. Plus ofcourse a HDD is reusable countless times and more flexible. I feel these feeble plastic disks only exist out of old habit..
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 08:53:47
Anyone want to sign my petition to include IDE on motherboards again? We need to make a stand on these tech companies wanton disregard for relevant features!
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 10:06:01
Artah as ManBearPig said it's around 60mm on the top and 70mm on the front. I have a sabertooth x99 motherboard on there and the top can probably be pushed to 65mm with some creative wire routing using that motherboard and the front you can probably push it to 90mm where it slams into the reservoir holder but you would be blocking some parts of the fan. The top part looks like around 25mm fans only, maybe 30mm thick. The top mount plate is actually around 2-3mm only with the way it is shaped not 4mm as I previously mentioned.
Thanks Artah. I'm probably looking to have 1 radiator at the top to start with. So that 60mm at the top, does that include the fans? So say 25mm fans and 35mm Rad max? Sorry, completely new at this, never even seen a water cooling rad before. It would probably be easier to go with an AIO as I'm only going to cool the CPU for now but I would like a reservoir and some colour to show off through the window of this amazing looking case.
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 10:08:24
Artah as ManBearPig said it's around 60mm on the top and 70mm on the front. I have a sabertooth x99 motherboard on there and the top can probably be pushed to 65mm with some creative wire routing using that motherboard and the front you can probably push it to 90mm where it slams into the reservoir holder but you would be blocking some parts of the fan. The top part looks like around 25mm fans only, maybe 30mm thick. The top mount plate is actually around 2-3mm only with the way it is shaped not 4mm as I previously mentioned.
Thanks Artah. I'm probably looking to have 1 radiator at the top to start with. So that 60mm at the top, does that include the fans? So say 25mm fans and 35mm Rad max? Sorry, completely new at this, never even seen a water cooling rad before. It would probably be easier to go with an AIO as I'm only going to cool the CPU for now but I would like a reservoir and some colour to show off through the window of this amazing looking case.
So the top cannot take a 60mm Radiator + 25mm fans, or it can? I have 2 60mm radiators that I need to mount, front wont be an issue, but question is, will the top take a total of 85mm with fan and radiator thickness?
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 10:48:32
Artah as ManBearPig said it's around 60mm on the top and 70mm on the front. I have a sabertooth x99 motherboard on there and the top can probably be pushed to 65mm with some creative wire routing using that motherboard and the front you can probably push it to 90mm where it slams into the reservoir holder but you would be blocking some parts of the fan. The top part looks like around 25mm fans only, maybe 30mm thick. The top mount plate is actually around 2-3mm only with the way it is shaped not 4mm as I previously mentioned.
Thanks Artah. I'm probably looking to have 1 radiator at the top to start with. So that 60mm at the top, does that include the fans? So say 25mm fans and 35mm Rad max? Sorry, completely new at this, never even seen a water cooling rad before. It would probably be easier to go with an AIO as I'm only going to cool the CPU for now but I would like a reservoir and some colour to show off through the window of this amazing looking case.
So the top cannot take a 60mm Radiator + 25mm fans, or it can? I have 2 60mm radiators that I need to mount, front wont be an issue, but question is, will the top take a total of 85mm with fan and radiator thickness?
For a 60 mm fan you will not be able to have a push fans just the 3 mounted on the top for pull only they have stated there is 65 mm clearance to the top of the motherboard so your only option is to have the pull only or get a different rad 40 mm or less.
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 11:45:13
For optical drives, I just bought an external case for my Bluray burner. I could probably keep it in the case if I wanted. LOL
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 11:48:01
ipkhaFor optical drives, I just bought an external case for my Bluray burner. I could probably keep it in the case if I wanted. LOL If you dont plan on using this case as intended, you sure could!  Not sure if there's gonna be space for it if you got all the plumbings in there though. Radiators eat up space right quick.
post edited by Sokonomi - 2016/08/14 11:51:05
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 11:51:36
ipkhaFor optical drives, I just bought an external case for my Bluray burner. I could probably keep it in the case if I wanted. LOL If you dont plan on using this case as intended, you sure could!  [/quote It is designed to hold my computer. I need my bluray drive to fill my plex library. Just thinking I could put the drive and enclosure in the case behind the panel when not being used. I only really need it every so often.
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 11:54:19
ipkhaFor optical drives, I just bought an external case for my Bluray burner. I could probably keep it in the case if I wanted. LOL If you dont plan on using this case as intended, you sure could! 
It is designed to hold my computer. I need my bluray drive to fill my plex library. Just thinking I could put the drive and enclosure in the case behind the panel when not being used. I only really need it every so often.
Behind? Like, behind the motherboard? I suppose you could sneak in an emergency slimdrive? :P
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 11:55:32
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 12:05:37
I still use a Blu-ray drive because it has much better quality. I guess if you still have a standard definition TV or have bad eye sight you wouldn't mind the sub par picture of streaming. But for those that have a nice setup and good eye sight, Blu-ray is the only way to go.
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Re: EVGA DG-8 Preorder Available Now!
2016/08/14 12:51:22
you guys mean to tell me you don't have a HTPC? if not you are missing out. those are the only PC's imho that *could* use a disc drive. and if someone wants to use this behemoth of a case as a HTPC, best of luck finding a TV big enough to match.