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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 12:28:14 (permalink)
I live in NYC and my father and aunt worked in the World Trade Center.  But they're fine - aunt made it out and dad started work later.  I've been inside the twin towers several times, very nice looking.  There's gonna be a lot of security in the subways on September 11 this year.
post edited by boredgunner - 2011/08/14 12:29:56

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 12:40:32 (permalink)

I was at my babysitters house playing with legos when the newsflash came on.  I was about 4 or 5 at the time.

wait.... i was doing that too......odd!

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 12:55:05 (permalink)
I remember the day very well.
I was working on residing a house for a customer in Newberg Ore on the River.
He had given me a 95 Nissan Ex Cab 2wd pick up.
I was to go to his offices and pick it up.
I called ahead that morning before i left to head his direction.
When i called, he asked if i was watching the news. He said a plane had just flown into the WTC.
I turned on the news just in time to see the second plane hit the towers.
That was a very strange day for me, very surreal. That day seemed to last for weeks.

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 13:26:38 (permalink)
I remember almost everything that happened that day.
I was doing putting the finishing touches on a hardwood floor in large theater when a co-worker of mine told me that a jet liner had struck the side of one of twin towers.  My co-worker was an immigrant from Russia and he was almost in tears.  There happen to be a electrician on site with one of those walkman tv's.  I went over and we started watching the footage on ABC.  That was when the other plane struck the second tower.  We stood in shock, not really registering what just happened.  Shortly after that, my Russian friend said he believed it was Osama Bin Laden, because he hated us and promised to do something terrible.  Something terrible indeed happened ( my Russian friend was exactly right).  The job superintendent was in the process of sending us home, when some idiot called in a bomb threat to the bank corporate office that was right next door.  Now, real panic was setting in.  It took me over an hour to get home with traffic snarled (usually a 10 minute drive).  I remember being glued to television and watching the horror unfold before my eyes.  I was in shock, in tears, and filled with anger.  It was truly a horrible day in American history.  The only bright spot was the uniting of all Americans after that.
Thinking of that day fills me sadness (again).  Some of that relived when Bin Laden was killed (I really hope they marinated those bullets in pork).   

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 13:42:05 (permalink)
I was at work and we got the news and i panicked as my uncle lives like 30 blocks from Ground Zero. The first thing I did was try to call him but to no avail. He was ok though.
The first time I visited Ground Zero I wept like a baby. Here is my mom and I years before the attack..


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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 13:47:30 (permalink)
I was sleeping when the first tower got hit, my mom came in and woke me up and I saw the second tower fall live on TV.
at least I think it was live, it may have just been a repeated broadcast from earlier.

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 13:55:55 (permalink)
Yep, I was in my work cubical that day. The person in the cubical next to me had a brother that worked in one of the towers. Luckily he was late to work that day. We didn't get much done that day while on the clock with one thing after another occuring in real-time. The weeks after the lack of sound of aircraft in the sky except military was an odd anomaly to witness.
10 years later, I think we're worse for it, not better. Everything that has been done since that time has been purely wasteful and reactionary, not proactionary. We have lost a lot of tax dollars and freedom in that time in the name of security and in the name of looking like the government is doing something about it. It's almost impossible to spend and legislate your way against a radical destructive ideology that has no value of human life. I suppose what was done made some of you feel more secure though in the long run.
post edited by Brad_Hawthorne - 2011/08/14 14:05:57
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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 14:00:23 (permalink)
I remember eating a quesadilla watching the second plane hit... My Eye's were glued to the screen, no school for me that day.
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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 14:33:58 (permalink)
I had just gotten to work. One of my co workers told me about the first plane, so we turned on CNN. While I was watching, a second plane ran into the other tower. CNN was still reporting it as an accident. The reporters didn't notice the second plane, just saw the explosion of the second plane hitting. They reported it as likely to be the fuel tank of the first plane exploding. I changed channels and found a news report that seemed more up to date. I haven't watched CNN since then.
I was angry. I thought about going back in the military, but age, family responsibilities, and a herniated disk talked me out of it.

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 15:00:30 (permalink)
i was at home watching the news on the tv.. whent to school and told peoples and they looked at me like i was nuts.

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 15:24:56 (permalink)
I remember that day. I was a student attending Emporia State University. It was Career Day which meant that prospective employers would be on campus to give interviews for job placement. That was one of the big reasons to go to ESU. ESU has a good record for job placement. I was nervous and woke up about 6:00AM to take a shower and put my suit on. If I remember right the job fair started at 9:00AM. I had the NBC morning show on my TV and they interrupted it for a special report. It was the same show but they stopped doing whatever their segment was on and began airing footage of the first Tower burning. That was back when Katie Couric and Matt Lauer were hosts on it. They then went back to doing their normal show with a box in the corner of the screen showing the Tower burning. They talked about how a plane once flew into the Empire State building because of fog and shoddy navigation. Then the second plane flew right into the other Tower. I knew right then that it was orchestrated by somebody like a terrorist and the U.S. was being attacked.
I called my parents and told them to turn on the TV. I told them we were under attack. My Mom asked, "What station?" and I said, "Any station!" My Dad was terminally ill with Stage IV lung cancer and we had set up a bedroom for him in our dining room because it was closer to the kitchen. They watched in Lawrence what was going on and I watched from seventy miles away. I kept watching and blew off the first couple of hours of Career Day. I saw the two Towers collapse and the mess it made. The announcers made it sound like 50,000 people had just died because that was approximately how many people could be in the two towers.
Then I went to Career Day and my foot path took me through the Student Union to get to the auditorium where the event was being held. The TV was on in the TV room and there were a group of Middle Eastern students watching the video be played over and over and they would let out hooray's and slap each other on the back like it was some kind of football game and their team had just scored a touchdown. I saw a young woman who was crying being escorted out of the building, presumably by her boyfriend.

I continued on to the auditorium for Career Day and found that no one was giving interviews. The Employers had little TV's set up with rabbit ears and were watching events transpire. I think the TV's were supposed to show promotional videos about their respective company's because they had VCR's attached. I tried to get interviewed but the reps would just hand out pamphlets and tell me to look over the information and see whether or not I was interested.
Here we are ten years later.... An elected President named Barack Hussein Obama. Three wars - Iraq, Libya and a war in Afghanistan that still is going on with an enemy that lives in caves and can still somehow not be defeated by the, "most powerful," military on the planet. My great nation is now teetering on the precipice of another Great Depression and a lot of people jobless.

Things sure have changed.
post edited by brcromer - 2011/08/14 15:29:35

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 17:36:19 (permalink)
I had the day off from work and was in my room playing Quake2, when my buddy came in and told me the WTC had been hit by a plane. After that I spent all day in front of the TV. GOD, I couldn't believe what was happening
post edited by jhatc1 - 2011/08/14 17:38:12

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 18:57:19 (permalink)
I was working at SallieMae on a call assisting a parent with paying their student's tuition bill when a rep in the next cubicle said the WTC was hit by a plane, as I was on a call I finished helping the customer and stayed in what was called after call work time for 10 minutes looking online at the news about the WTC.

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 21:57:41 (permalink)

Hey Afterburner, just curious man... have you built a bomb shelter yet?  I would of never thought about stopping to a gas station first. Great idea. 

Nope, no bomb shelter. I was born in the 60's and remember quite vividly the miles and miles of cars waiting for 5 gallons of fuel during the gas crunch. My first concern was seeing the prices go sky high from fear, and the potential need for emergency arrangements. Last thing I wanted to be was a sucker in a long line or paying $10 a gallon... BTW.. That did happen in a few places, and those stations received significant fines form the Feds...

I remember I was at work at a saw mill, they didn't care we kept working like no big deal.

Why did you shutdown for 8 days though... that is a bit much IMO. And yea do you have a bomb shelter haha.

At the time I was only the Operations Manager of a company that was producing very sensitive items, and simply followed their instructions. That said, many folks had family and or military folks in the family directly affected. So they felt the amount of staff with their heads not in the business at hand was to great, and it was best to give folks time to grieve, and gather themselves. We even had a few Psychologist on day 6&7 for anyone needing to talk. 
Heck I remember even the stock market closed for a week, and the post office a few days, etc. This was not unusual. I remember all the USA flags on a lot of cars and buildings.. Now they are mostly in hiding. Not us though. We have ours lit up at night waving proudly...

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 22:09:51 (permalink)
Probably the first and last time i'll ever see this country so united and standing together was after 9/11. A few years later, were back to our same old, petty, biased political and "everyone for himself attitude"
Very sad and depressing to say, but we won't see this nation unite again until a city is vaporized from a terrorist with a nuke. This is not the same nation that against all odds, won the war against the Germans and Japanese.
post edited by Freezebyte - 2011/08/14 22:33:56
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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 22:24:11 (permalink)
Probably the first and last time i'll ever see this country so united and standing together was after 9/11. A few years later, were back to our same out, petty, biased political and "everyone for himself attitude"

Sad to say, we won't see this nation unite again until a city is vaporized from a terrorist with a nuke

I was just thinking along those lines (about being united that is). After 911, every house, and I mean EVERY house around my area in Brooklyn was flying the stars and stripes. Strangers would actually say hello to each other in passing occasionally (a small miracle in NYC at times). Although the cause was tragic, it was uplifting to see so many people put aside their differences and their self-centered greed (specially in this city) and come together with a common purpose and unity that was not all about "what's in it for me?"   How quickly they forget.
The only other time I've really seen that spirit here was after the few days when the NorthEast had no power. When the power came back on, everyone was celebrating - there were no distinctions between people at all - like 911, we were all in the same boat.   Again, how quickly they forget.

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 22:31:56 (permalink)

Yes, I remember. I was asleep in English class when a classmate woke me up to show me what was on the news. I was horrified as were most of the other students.

Something similar to me... They turned on the TV's which was a first at my school, As I read these stories, It brings me anger and I get teary eyed... How could someone hate us so badly to do this?

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 22:35:11 (permalink)

Probably the first and last time i'll ever see this country so united and standing together was after 9/11. A few years later, were back to our same out, petty, biased political and "everyone for himself attitude"

Sad to say, we won't see this nation unite again until a city is vaporized from a terrorist with a nuke

I was just thinking along those lines (about being united that is). After 911, every house, and I mean EVERY house around my area in Brooklyn was flying the stars and stripes. Strangers would actually say hello to each other in passing occasionally (a small miracle in NYC at times). Although the cause was tragic, it was uplifting to see so many people put aside their differences and their self-centered greed (specially in this city) and come together with a common purpose and unity that was not all about "what's in it for me?"   How quickly they forget.

The only other time I've really seen that spirit here was after the few days when the NorthEast had no power. When the power came back on, everyone was celebrating - there were no distinctions between people at all - like 911, we were all in the same boat.   Again, how quickly they forget.

Yep, in my my small Montana town, nearly every single car was flying the stars and stripes and houses everywhere were flying the colors proudly. People were more open and honest with eachother and basically had a new appreciation for life all around. Cannot believe its been 10 years since then......
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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 22:48:03 (permalink)

Probably the first and last time i'll ever see this country so united and standing together was after 9/11. A few years later, were back to our same old, petty, biased political and "everyone for himself attitude"

Very sad and depressing to say, but we won't see this nation unite again until a city is vaporized from a terrorist with a nuke. This is not the same nation that against all odds, won the war against the Germans and Japanese.

Actually, a side-effect of 9/11 is the power cable news has over people to drive their opinion and lives. This all really took traction during the reporting of the original Iraq war when people were glued to their tv sets. It only got worse with 9/11. I see the news outlets as poison to the population when it comes to grossly bias news anymore. We have become fractured over our preferences of news sources and only seek out to be fed news that suits our view. I think if anything 9/11 made that worse because it put so much control over everyone's hunger to know what is going on into the cable channels own hands. Politics is just a small facet of that downward spiral.
post edited by Brad_Hawthorne - 2011/08/14 22:53:45
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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 23:09:30 (permalink)
post edited by Nereus - 2011/08/16 14:22:37

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/14 23:19:49 (permalink)
post edited by Nereus - 2011/08/16 14:23:04

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/15 00:04:24 (permalink)
I was at best buy working. I had just grad from high school that may. I was in the back room and came out to what in many best buys was the Big Tv  wall in the back of the store and saw every min of it. The thing that got me the most was that my grand parents were in a plane that took off from dallas to MN.
I was in a rush to call my family to see where my grandparents were at and what plane they were on. I could not get any one on the phone at all. Not till like 2 pm that day did we find out that they grounded the planes and sent back my grandparents plane and they stuck on the plane with no way to let us know they were alright. 
So ever moment counts in life so please remember the ones that we have lost.

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/15 00:17:56 (permalink)
After reading most of the last page after posting. I see that alot of member here can not stay on topic of what was stated in the OP. Please stay on topic and not make this a political post or i will lock and or remove the post. I would hate to see that happen with so many people out there that might want to share where they were on this day in loss.

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/15 00:29:13 (permalink)


Probably the first and last time i'll ever see this country so united and standing together was after 9/11. A few years later, were back to our same old, petty, biased political and "everyone for himself attitude"

Very sad and depressing to say, but we won't see this nation unite again until a city is vaporized from a terrorist with a nuke. This is not the same nation that against all odds, won the war against the Germans and Japanese.

Actually, a side-effect of 9/11 is the power cable news has over people to drive their opinion and lives. This all really took traction during the reporting of the original Iraq war when people were glued to their tv sets. It only got worse with 9/11. I see the news outlets as poison to the population when it comes to grossly bias news anymore. We have become fractured over our preferences of news sources and only seek out to be fed news that suits our view. I think if anything 9/11 made that worse because it put so much control over everyone's hunger to know what is going on into the cable channels own hands. Politics is just a small facet of that downward spiral.

I think Brad has hit the nail on the head. Fox and MSNBC are the opposite sides of the same coin. They bring nothing but civil discourse to the conversation. If both were taken off the air it would be a major service to your country IMHO.
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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/15 01:34:32 (permalink)
I was at work when it happened, wanted to go home and my boss had a fit, wouldn't let anyone go, cause production schedule was more important to him.
 we (employees) all got together and decided amongst ourselves to go,  leaving him to ponder his awful decision.
The guy was literally screaming and almost frothing in the mouth when we shut down.
To this day I still dont understand his decision, and indifference to such a tragedy....

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/15 01:58:27 (permalink)
I was 12, went to an international school in Shanghai, China. Woke up that morning and didn't hear of the news till I arrived at school. We were all pretty freaked out despite being halfway around the world.
Another fact, exactly one month before the attacks, I was on summer vacation in the US with my family and we actually visited NYC and passed underneath the WTC. At first we planned to sight see the twin towers, but ended up not having enough time... so we thought "next time, we'll climb to the top and view NYC"... that "next time" never came.

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/15 05:44:43 (permalink)
I remember as like it was yesterday.  I was living in Charlotte, NC and was running my own design consulting business.  I was at home and just woke up a few minutes before the second plane hit.  I started coffee and my morning routine.  My wife was in the home office going through email and such.  I turned on the today show on TV and noticed that one of the twin towers was on fire.  Short while after that, my wife walked in grabbed some coffee and sat down next to me on the sofa.  She asked me what happened and I didn't know exactly what happened but remembering that I thought it look like a plane that hit it because of the shape of the entry hole in the building.  While we were watching it live, a few minutes later I noticed a jet coming into the picture flying to close to the building.  That is when the second one hit, and I knew at that moment that the USA was under attack.  God bless the United States of America.  

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/15 07:00:05 (permalink)
I too remember the poor Media coverage. Instead of "Fact finding" it seemed more like a "Educated guess and all others are wrong" type of reporting. This bothered us a lot. As it is better in this situation to know what "Is" facts not gossip.
Our prayers had been with all the responders and families effected by the events. This was pretty scary because it happened on our soil, and not some far away place as it normally is.
Bottom line, the loss of life is tragic.
BTW, please do not go political in any responses. That kind of talk is for a different forum. My thinking behind this thread is more about the ten year anniversary and the fact that I remember so much about that day, that my curiosity made me wonder who else remembered...

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/15 08:29:22 (permalink)
I was asleep when the first plane hit, but my mother came and got me, I knew immediately something was wrong because she was in tears. I was 7 at the time, and when I got to the TV I remember watching the second plane impact. I couldn't believe what was happening, planes flying into buildings, then I watched as first one, then the second of the towers collapsed.
Later on, I understood what happened. And since then I've watched the news footage probably a hundred times from various channels.

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Re:9/11, Ten Years Later... 2011/08/15 13:51:31 (permalink)
I was up on a roof re-shingling part of my pops house, when he came outside and told me that the WTC had just been destroyed.
Very sad day.

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