These 3090s used to run consistently above 2000MHz, ranging from about 2025 to 2070. After a firmware update they're regularly dipping to 1800MHz. This change happened on two machines, one with a 3090 FTW3 and a 3090 Hybrid, the other machine with a 3090 FTW3.
I called EVGA and they said to try the studio driver instead of the game driver. I ran DDU and installed the studio driver on the 2x GPU machine, however the behavior is the same. The agent said maybe it was the firmware update and I should just wait to see if there's an update addressing this issue.
Any idea how to return to the initial performance above 2000MHz?
I've kept Precision settings the same throughout: clock +100, power and temp sliders max (107%, 91 C). +0 mem, +0 voltage.
Machine 1Precision X1 1.1.7
Studio Driver 461.40
also Game Driver 461.40
Windows Pro Version 10.0.19042 Build 19042
post edited by tom_01 - 2021/02/18 08:28:42
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