My 7' Tall Evaporative Water Cooling Tower

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2010/01/17 00:04:59 (permalink)
Since a few have been *ahem*  asking me for it, finally got up off my dead behind and took some pictures!

As far as performance goes it keeps my i7 920 @ 16C idle temps, and load temps are 38C (with linX).  (there is also a single 295 connected with the CPU block in parallel connections)  The CPU block is a special block that I will post pictures of in the near future-once it has been fully tested.

Yes the room is a MESS, and that 1KW antec is running nothing but those 2 fans for the bong cooler.  I will probably type more tomorrow, its 3 am and I am beat.  The bucket that the cooler is sitting in is just an insurance policy.  That other do-hicky to the left of the bong, is 1 of my chillers.  Its the one that gets super cold.

post edited by nateman_doo - 2010/01/27 20:08:25

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