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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/21 02:13:15
post edited by Keytarosama - 2014/10/21 02:16:37
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/21 20:30:23
LOTS of work to make a single plate that is 14.841 x 9.021 x 0.745 Pics shortly
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/21 21:15:54
So here I will walk you guys through the process of something as *cough* simple *cough* as a fixture plate. There really is nothing hard about it, but its quite time consuming. First I have the raw material that i have to cut to size on the band saw:  Accuracy isn't important, its just a rough cut. Here is what we start with: Now, after the machine is cleaned up and trammed (adjusted for squareness) I have to mount the vise:  Then I have to ensure the vise is square along the X axis. Since I would like to have all the sides as squared up as possible, I have to make a starting point. I chose a single long edge:  The 2x4x6 blocks give the block lots of support. Now I have a single straight edge: You can see how clean the cut is with the reflection of that AK rail sitting next to it: Then I take a 2x4x6 block and some sandpaper and attempt to get 1 side flat like a ground surface: So now I have 1 flat side, and 1 flat edge. Then, I have to open up the vise jaws and put the one movable jaw on the outside of the vise to allow the plate to fit in it to machine a surface, and 2 edges: Now I have 5 machined sides, and 1 lapped side. And now i have a big-ol-MESS! So that is where I am at in the process. Still more work has to be done, but it took all evening to get a simple plate with all the sides flat enough to start.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/21 22:09:37
Woot let the watercooling builds begin!!!
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/22 04:36:39
But now do you guys see why I dread "one off's"? I have to do all this for a single block. I still have numerous holes to drill, and a bit more planning with the layout of the blocks on this plate.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/22 11:15:20
nateman_doo But now do you guys see why I dread "one off's"? I have to do all this for a single block. I still have numerous holes to drill, and a bit more planning with the layout of the blocks on this plate.
Speaking of which, I have an old mx440, which its passive cooler is failing. Could you do a one-off for me? I love seeing these sorts of pictures, along with the progress you're making on the blocks. Keep it up.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/22 11:36:45
How does a passive cooler fail? unless the molecular structure of the heatsink breaks down? which I guess could happen in a few billion years?
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/22 16:41:58
slow night hogging out bolt holes
post edited by nateman_doo - 2014/10/22 17:09:41
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/24 18:11:09
So once the holes are done, I routed an edge off the bottom. Since the part never moved, all 4 edges are square to each other. Since I moved the part a few times before I didn't trust the edges were perfectly square: Then I flip it over, bolt it to the tool plate, re-edge all 4 edges again to ensure the top portion is square, resurface it, and then lap the plate and were ready to start the prototype:
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/24 22:08:47
Looks good nateman cant wait to see the final product.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/26 13:51:52
In a holding pattern. Having some problems with taps breaking in the tool plate. I HATE when that happens. 2024 Aluminum seems to be giving me a headache.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/28 08:34:10
Spent all night tapping holes on the tool plate by hand the old school way. Still working on fixtures for the cpu plate and the SB plate.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/28 20:40:20
Some materials on order. I have a price list, so PM me if your interested. Updates:  I repaired the bad holes, so the fixture plate is all set to go. I have a hold down apparatus to design shortly and we will be well into production of the copper blocks. The Delrin sandwich blocks on the other hand, still working on that.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/29 06:07:06
Very nice nateman. My wife got her z97 yesterday, its a great looking little board. I did see how the IO cover is a little bit off the board. So that piece on the far left side shouldnt be a issue like i originally thought.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/29 06:15:41
Very nice. Cant wait to see the finished results.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/29 08:21:16
seta8967 Very nice nateman. My wife got her z97 yesterday, its a great looking little board. I did see how the IO cover is a little bit off the board. So that piece on the far left side shouldnt be a issue like i originally thought.
I don't think it will be a problem. I still have to get to that part, but considering I have a multitude of tools and measuring devices at my disposal... I will figure something out. Right now I am working my way from the bottom up which is working in my favor by getting the hard stuff out of the way first. PM's will go out shortly with pricing and such. This is a complicated block, with over 5 pieces that have to each be perfect.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/29 16:55:48
am interested in the block I would like to know the cost and method of payment and shipping
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/29 17:30:23
Trying to PM you but I need at least 10 forum posts :( Going to spam the board, brb.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/29 23:37:46
ryanallan Trying to PM you but I need at least 10 forum posts :( Going to spam the board, brb.
I always wince when I see someone post that, lol. Thank you, however, for at least posting properly, and not just a bunch of +1's and smiley's.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/30 03:57:38
I would have smilied everything :P
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/30 04:15:16
and think that alone among the post to see the development. Might nate_man send the mp costs since I can not answer for not having much spam in the forum
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/30 04:25:57
spam to let me send mp XD
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/30 10:33:20
nateman_doo I would have smilied everything :P
Why not do it in style? Turn out something on that CNC of yours and mill out a smiley face to use as an avatar and an image for posting, lol. When you get really bored, you could do a stop motion of turning a frown into a smile.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/10/30 17:41:32
Keytarosama and think that alone among the post to see the development. Might nate_man send the mp costs since I can not answer for not having much spam in the forum
Shoot me an e-mail then. Link is in the sig.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/11/01 18:33:17
First copper pics on the way in the next few hours.
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/11/01 20:57:11
I cant wait, want my block right meow... keep us up to date!
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/11/01 22:15:30
Topside Vreg blocks finished: Flipped over. Prior to backside extrudes:
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Re: Z97 Stinger waterblock. Yes, it will happen.
2014/11/03 17:22:11
Lol there is barely any motherboard after your block is done lol.