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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/04 20:38:29
EVERYTHING IS THERE, what else you want?
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/04 20:40:49
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/04 20:42:20
i have time n date from windows but when i use the snipet for screenshow it goes away ?
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/04 20:45:55
glw165 i have time n date from windows but when i use the snipet for screenshow it goes away ? Do a print screen from your keyboard with the time and date showing (like the example link) and paste it into Microsoft Paint, then save it. You also need to put the info above your screenshot (like the example link).
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/04 20:48:59
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/04 20:51:18
After you do the print screen open paint and press ctrl+v at the same time and it will paste the image into paint. If it does not paste it into paint press your F Lock key one time and press print screen again then ctrl+v into paint.
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/04 20:58:41
ok ty for info got it now, so ill haver to re-run test i guess now, lol
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/04 21:11:53
If you're going to rerun, you might want to overclock it a bit higher. Your first submitted test and the last one you posted are at the same clock speeds.
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/04 21:21:50
yea go to msconfig, write down everything that is checked under the startup tab, then disable all. goto the services tab, check the box at the bottom that says, "hide all microsoft services" write down what is checked, then disable all and apply. reboot and try. that is your best option other than getting more ram.
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/04 22:02:05
glw165/ 990x/ 4.6/ 1.5vcore/ 17c-32c idle/ 69c-84 load/ gflop 87 s
post edited by glw165 - 2011/04/04 22:13:21
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/04 22:03:18
cant type above the pic as u requested, pic takes up whole box or whatever????
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/04 22:22:38
same clocks but better gflops
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/05 00:43:19
Spirit0r Hallo people here is my system too! Core i7 920 D0 Batch #: Dont remember but was made in Costa Rica CPU clocked at: 4.21 Ghz Voltage: 1.23 @ Bios Without VDroop Idle temps: 40 38 38 34 Load temps: 76 75 71 70 GFlop peak: 54.1256 Uploaded with Hmmmmm, I was just glancing over the VCore stats for the nice people who have *made the club* so far, and you have the lowest for a 920D0 up to this point, so way to go! It is too bad that you don't have a ready-record of the Batch# of this CPU because it's probably one that I am familiar with, if you have the ability to run 4210Mhz with a 1.23125/1.23725V VCore setting. There are very few Batch#'s that you can do this sort of thing with, it turns out, and I'm sort of a well-studied student of those batches from back in Spring 2009 (the origin dates to the low voltage chips are always from April-May to July 2009, it turns out). Next time you tear it down for cleaning, or for re-TIM job, whatever, the Batch# is *ON THE CPU* you know? It's etched into the surface unless you've lapped the thing (like I've done my 920 D0' does help improve contact with the heat sink!), in fact I have a picture of one of mine, lapped somewhere here and I'll try and find it quickly and upload it for the nice people to check out! In fact I think it's the CPU in my Rig No.1 that a recently retired, and what a CPU that one is! I've had it stable up to 4.5Ghz with 12GB of RAM in the house, G. Skill RAM at that, for benchmarking, and it would twist up to 4.65Ghz or so with some prodding, but not for long...AIR ONLY cooling means it would get too hot for any sort of LinX benchmarking at that speed, so that's OUT of sight, out of line, and definitely out of mind!. Let me see if I can find the picture I am thinking of here in this PC, at least I think it's here in my archives from 2009....HAY! Paydirt!! I found the sucker, and it is indeed a picture I took after some 4-5 hours hand-lapping this beautiful CPU, which is a Batch#3849B203 CPU made in Costa Rica sometime in late April/early May 2009, ie I'd have to go find the box and right now it's late and my garage is dark and I ain't in the mood to go searching for its box! Anyway, YOU get the award for lowest VCore above 4.2Ghz so far, and I have made a mental note somewhere up in my frame of reference to recall your moniker for future endeavors. So congratulations on getting my attention, and yes, it IS hard to do that--I am so jaded and blessed with great CPU's wit my low Ghz and low voltage D0's are still working here doing FAHome right now as I write these words, and they are healthy and wise and veterans of some 2 years of number crunching for The Cause of FAHome, just workin' away at it since as long as I can recall back to when I built them in 2009/2010. I will post that picture for everyone's edification, and yes, that CPU could be yours if you wanted to make me an offer for it! Who knows, I may sell it, although it's not the purpose of this post. I would put it into the EVGA Marketplace if I wanted to do that, unless somebody begs and pleads with me to get the thing before then...but yeah, these are beautiful CPU's when they are dressed up in high-grade satin finish like this one has been lapped ever so carefully with progressively finer grades of wet-dry sandpaper, up to 2500 grit size fyi! Hope you all enjoy the picture, it's a beauty isn't it? rexrzer77
post edited by rexrzer77 - 2011/04/05 00:48:33
Attached Image(s)
No.1-Core i7 970+Megahalems+24GB Hyper-X RAM (6x4GB)+Areca 1680IX-8 Hardware RAID 8TB+2 GTX 560Ti SC SLI+Asus Xonar Essence ST Audio Card +Corsair HX1050+EVGA E760 Classy+HAF 932+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR 1.34V No.2-Core i7 920 D0 Lapped+6GB G.Skill RAM+HAF 922+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR No.3-Core i7 920 D0+6GB Patriot RAM+CM Advance+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/05 03:22:54
glw165 cant type above the pic as u requested, pic takes up whole box or whatever???? You type it in the post just like when you typed this into your last submission. glw165/ 990x/ 4.6/ 1.5vcore/ 17c-32c idle/ 69c-84 load/ gflop 87
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/05 05:23:44
Knightviper everything shut off like you said and the Higest problem size I can get is 24,768Mb can anyone help on getting me to the 25,000 problem size? Yes I can help. If your still having trouble running 25000 problem size with 6G of ram. Try this : To all forum members: Are you having trouble running the updated LinX at 20x 25000 problems with 6G of ram? Tip no. 1:Try restarting Linx until the Physical memory available "bar" shows 4788. Tip no. 2: Start LinX at 20x 4535 of available memory and 24350 problem size (for example).Run it for 10 to 30 seconds. Stop LinX and the available "bar" will show 4788. Set problem size to 25000 and start LinX. If this does not work, repeat the process for tip no. 2.(Previously posted by me in another thread.)
5820K@3.30GHz Corsair H100i Evga FTW K motherboard Corsair 750D case 32" 4k Dell Display G. Skill 32G memory Western Digital 1T HD Evga SuperNOVA 1300W DVD Evga 1080 Windows 10 Pro
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/05 05:27:11
EVGA Forums - rexrzer77 - PC No.1 Core i7 970 - Batch#3016B246 CPU clocked at: 4273Mhz - ON AIR ONLY Voltage: 1.38750VCore - +150MV VTT Idle temps: 25,26,31,22,30,29 Load temps: 88,87,79,79,90,87 GFlop peak: @ 80.6226 GFlops Here you office workstation/server/Folding machine and LinX Champion too! I will eventually have all 3 of my PC's qualified, this is PC No.1 of the 3, already qualified PC No.3 earlier in the week. These 6-Core 970's w/12GB RAM are not easy to tame, that's all I have to say about it...but tame it we did!  I'd like to have broken 4.3Ghz ON AIR ONLY, but this is as close as I want to get with high temps and stress on my office server. Normally runs 4215Mhz...those extra Mhz were not easy to achieve, honestly that's the truth. 4Forum-LinX T...No rexrzer77
post edited by rexrzer77 - 2011/04/05 16:16:06
No.1-Core i7 970+Megahalems+24GB Hyper-X RAM (6x4GB)+Areca 1680IX-8 Hardware RAID 8TB+2 GTX 560Ti SC SLI+Asus Xonar Essence ST Audio Card +Corsair HX1050+EVGA E760 Classy+HAF 932+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR 1.34V No.2-Core i7 920 D0 Lapped+6GB G.Skill RAM+HAF 922+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR No.3-Core i7 920 D0+6GB Patriot RAM+CM Advance+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/05 05:47:13
Please post info in the following format. Forum Name Core i7 (whichever you have) Batch #: (not required, but would be nice to include) CPU clocked at: Voltage: Idle temps: Load temps: GFlop peak: (used for any clock speed ties, higher gflops wins) I copy and paste this into the club list. It makes things easier for me. Thank you.
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/05 11:09:55
Forza971sbh Core i7 980x Batch #: 3020A457 CPU clocked at: 4.441GHz Voltage: 1.411v Idle temps: 45°C Load temps: 81°C GFlop peak: 63.6918  Uploaded with on Air Cooling.... this is my 24/7 oc, also 24hours prime95 (blend test) stable quite happy with this CPU
Lian-Li PC-P80 // Corsair AX Pro Gold 1200W Intel Core i7 980x // Thermalright Archon + Coolab Ultra EVGA 4way SLI Classified - Bios A82 // 3x4 Gb G.Skill Ripjaws PC12800 @ 936 9-10-9-27 1T 3 x Gainward GTX 570 GS GLH // Dell U2711 rev A04 Crucial C300 256Gb (fw 0007) // Promise SuperTrak EX8760T // 3 x Hitachi Deskstar 7k3000 3Tb // Pioneer BDR-205 Windows 7 Ultimate x64
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/05 11:13:27
Forza971sbh your GFlops in LinX are too low for your cpu and clock speed to be using the latest linpak binaries. Please download and use the version in the opening post of this thread. Also please include the os time and date. Thanks!
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/05 11:22:40
ok, i'm already using the version posted in page one as I never used this program before today (old fashioned prime95 guy inside ^^) ;) btw, i'm interested on how priority settings in linX will impact GFlops (I used the "mormal" mode for this test session, will use "real-time" in the next one :D
Lian-Li PC-P80 // Corsair AX Pro Gold 1200W Intel Core i7 980x // Thermalright Archon + Coolab Ultra EVGA 4way SLI Classified - Bios A82 // 3x4 Gb G.Skill Ripjaws PC12800 @ 936 9-10-9-27 1T 3 x Gainward GTX 570 GS GLH // Dell U2711 rev A04 Crucial C300 256Gb (fw 0007) // Promise SuperTrak EX8760T // 3 x Hitachi Deskstar 7k3000 3Tb // Pioneer BDR-205 Windows 7 Ultimate x64
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/05 12:32:49
Forza971sbh ok, i'm already using the version posted in page one as I never used this program before today (old fashioned prime95 guy inside ^^) ;) btw, i'm interested on how priority settings in linX will impact GFlops (I used the "mormal" mode for this test session, will use "real-time" in the next one :D Only use "normal" mode for these tests...also check 1)stop on error 2)Date/time in filenames 3)"None" for External applications and graphs, then hit "OK". Run a 25K Problem size/4788MB RAM, that's what they prefer here even though you are using 24GB RAM (!!). Select "20" for the Run times, push Start and you should be good to go! I don't understand your low GFlops for so much RAM...what are your RAM timings, pray tell? Loose as a goose? (must be!)...the rest *should* happen automagically and aok fine, and you should be pushing out 80+ GFlops with that overclock and that much RAM... Good luck, and hope this helped. rexrzer77 @Mr. Kram; Sorry about all that data in my last post for the Rig No.2, as I didn't think about your "job" of posting the results by copy/paste-- my bad!! The last one will be just as you asked, I guarantee it. BTW you are doing a fantastic job of keeping things in order and up to date here, much more 'at it' than you indicated in the beginning, ie Thurs, Tues, are doing this every day which is very nice for the members, as it helps motivate them I'm certain! Thanks, we all owe you a big slap on the back, and a THANK YOU! rexrzer77
post edited by rexrzer77 - 2011/04/05 12:35:55
No.1-Core i7 970+Megahalems+24GB Hyper-X RAM (6x4GB)+Areca 1680IX-8 Hardware RAID 8TB+2 GTX 560Ti SC SLI+Asus Xonar Essence ST Audio Card +Corsair HX1050+EVGA E760 Classy+HAF 932+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR 1.34V No.2-Core i7 920 D0 Lapped+6GB G.Skill RAM+HAF 922+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR No.3-Core i7 920 D0+6GB Patriot RAM+CM Advance+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/05 13:47:41
rexrzer77 Hmmmmm, I was just glancing over the VCore stats for the nice people who have *made the club* so far, and you have the lowest for a 920D0 up to this point, so way to go! It is too bad that you don't have a ready-record of the Batch# of this CPU because it's probably one that I am familiar with, if you have the ability to run 4210Mhz with a 1.23125/1.23725V VCore setting. There are very few Batch#'s that you can do this sort of thing with, it turns out, and I'm sort of a well-studied student of those batches from back in Spring 2009 (the origin dates to the low voltage chips are always from April-May to July 2009, it turns out). ..... Hope you all enjoy the picture, it's a beauty isn't it? rexrzer77 Hallo my friend :)) thank you for your nice post and yes this chip is amazing, as you mentioned i have already lapped this beauty ( not great as yours though :DD ) but i think i have the box somewhere in my closet so ill post as soon as i find it. I run stable at 4.45Ghz but i didnt want to push it on linx that far cause although im using WCing my temperatures arent so great ( dont know the reason, maybe my heatkiller isnt so cool =)) ) . I was afraid that i would hit 90's after 30minutes of linx . Im impressed from some posts in here according the temperatures and im wondering " damn what cooling are they using?! I see temps like 25-27 on idle while im 40's at its best =). According to my memories i use gskill too but were low cost and im kinda limited of 213 fsb :S Maybe with some voltage more i could do the trick but damn ! im happy with this setup !! Thanks for your post mate and thank you for noticing =)) Regards, EDIT: I found my batch number and is : #3928Α553 @Kram36 : please update the info if you want just for reference, thanks :)
post edited by Spirit0r - 2011/04/05 13:56:26
You want to hear something nutty? I heard about these two guys that want to build something called an airplane. You get people to go in it and fly around like birds. Or what about what about breaking the sound barrier or rockets to the moon or atomic energy or a mission to mars? Science fiction, right? --Visit [+=] on #bloodygreeks @ quakenet-- 
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/05 14:28:01
Spirit0r EDIT: I found my batch number and is : #3928Α553 @Kram36 : please update the info if you want just for reference, thanks :) Done.
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/05 15:48:23
mehh...Idle temps dont mean anything...its a warm day so im idling at 42-48....
I7 4930K @ 4.6 GHz -_- RIVBE -_- 2x EVGA GTX 1080Ti Hydro Copper -_- 4x 4gb G.Skill 2133MHz -_- Corsair AX1500i
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/05 16:22:21
kram36 Please post info in the following format. Forum Name Core i7 (whichever you have) Batch #: (not required, but would be nice to include) CPU clocked at: Voltage: Idle temps: Load temps: GFlop peak: (used for any clock speed ties, higher gflops wins) I copy and paste this into the club list. It makes things easier for me. Thank you. @ Mr. KRAM--Copy in my PC No.1 post above has been changed to exactly what you wanted, and I even left out the 12GB RAM part because people can see that in the JPEG if they are curious enough about it. I hope that this satisfies your requirements so that you'll include this PC No.1 of mine in the Gulftown list of qualified PC's at some point, because after all that is why I posted it. IT IS OK TO QUALIFY MORE THAN ONE MACHINE, CORRECT? rexrzer77
No.1-Core i7 970+Megahalems+24GB Hyper-X RAM (6x4GB)+Areca 1680IX-8 Hardware RAID 8TB+2 GTX 560Ti SC SLI+Asus Xonar Essence ST Audio Card +Corsair HX1050+EVGA E760 Classy+HAF 932+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR 1.34V No.2-Core i7 920 D0 Lapped+6GB G.Skill RAM+HAF 922+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR No.3-Core i7 920 D0+6GB Patriot RAM+CM Advance+24/7 4.2Ghz ON AIR
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/05 16:32:18
Yes Sir, more then one is fine. I was just giving some time today for anyone to post up some test before I did the full update for today.
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Re:X58 Stability Club 4.2Ghz+ Can you make it?
2011/04/05 17:30:34
Has anyone made a specific FAQ for OCing 920/930s to 4.2? I had a hard enough time as it was hitting 4.0, and have in fact lowered the OC to 3.8 for temp issues.
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/05 17:32:07
Core i7 98 Batch # 3020A457 CPU clocked at: 4514.90 Mhz Voltage: 1.411 Idle temps: 30, 27, 24, 20, 37, 31 Load temps: 70, 73, 67, 66, 80, 74 GFlop peak: 55.7648
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/05 17:37:25
Wow, what type of cooling?
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Re:X58 Stability Club
2011/04/05 17:52:30
I am on water, but I think I need a better setup.