Why do you fold?

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Re:Why do you fold? 2010/04/06 17:45:17 (permalink)
Number one reason why I fold is hope, and belief, that one day man will have a cure for all if not most all sickness. I believe we NEED to get there as a society, as well as many other areas we need to work on, but for now I will stay on topic. I'm not talking about a treatment, unless that treatment can guarantee it leads to a cure, then I will accept that. I will not accept medicine, in any form(pill, liquid, shot, etc.) as a cure unless it has no negative side-effects And it must bring about a cure or completely suppress all factors that cause the disease it is fighting. I have hereditary coproporphyria(HCP,) a form of porphyria. I feel that in the time of the average human existence there are a small number of projects, of the utmost importance, that take place. Normally, the average person can't participate in these projects anyway, you may not be in the right field of expertise, living in a different part of the world, the reasons are endless. But when it comes to folding we can all participate. I remember the exact moment that I realized what F@H was all about, I thought, "I wish I'd heard of this sooner," and "This is just what the doctor ordered." I don't even feel right anymore unless I know my rigs are folding. Because of us folding today, future generations may not have to suffer the way I have, and the way I have seen countless others suffer. I get my treatments at the same clinic where chemo-therapy is giving, and man......I'm getting emotional so I'm going to end here noting that I think you all understand what I mean, Something has to be done.


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Re:Why do you fold? 2010/04/06 17:56:46 (permalink)
First of all, very good to see you folding and back on the forums again pgmoney! It's been a while. You were always so active here, your presence was missed..
I'm very sorry to hear about your dad.....and I hope your mom is doing well. I lost a very good friend to cancer right after this past Xmas.
My wife and I's thoughts are with you..

Cancer, Alzheimers, and all the other related scourges need to be eradicated. That's why I've been folding since May last year and have no intentions of stopping now. I'm sure your father did not give up, so it would be a disservice for us folders to give up until a cure is found.
Like it says in our sigs.. DEFAULT OR DEATH!
Fold on pgmoney...

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Re:Why do you fold? 2010/04/06 22:49:27 (permalink)
Everybody is going to die one day.  I fold to help prolong the lives of those who's might be cut short.  I'm a Christian and I want all people to be saved.  That is my reason.    

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Re:Why do you fold? 2010/04/06 22:49:33 (permalink)
Mods: Please delete this one.  I hit enter twice!!!
post edited by Spongebob28 - 2010/04/06 22:52:26

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Re:Why do you fold? 2010/04/07 16:50:13 (permalink)
I fold because I smoke and know that ill compensate for that by folding... no just kidding

I just do it because i think its a worthy cause and its addicting for some reason. Also, I think my mom might be getting Alzheimer because she always forgets important stuff and it really bugs me... just a hunch though. SHHHHH dont tell her I told you and also she is in her 50s.
Atlas Folder
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Re:Why do you fold? 2010/04/08 10:04:43 (permalink)
Why do I fold?

This: Drugs And Rockets

And this:

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Re:Why do you fold? 2010/04/08 11:16:35 (permalink)
i fold because my father's side of the family is extremely prone to cancer. i am studying to become a biomedical engineer and so i also think that the fact that this can make a difference by simply using the percentage of our current hardware that goes unused is incredible, and to use it by folding proteins for humanity is even better.

even though i am a 'small-time' folder, we all have our reasons, some of which may seem stupid or antiquated, but we all enjoy it for whatever reason we choose.

to anyone out there who is thinking of folding, find a reason and start

*steps off soapbox*


[19:42:38] emepror:well i've been trying to "massage" it
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