Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Wednesday, December 07, 2011 10:03 PM (permalink)
Here's the link again to Corsair's memory configuration for the 790i motherboard, without the http prefix (blocked):
add the 2 lines above with no spaces to your browser address.  I checked it, it works for me - i don't have hyperlink post priveleges in this forum, sorry.
Your Questions:
[Out of curiosity here are 3 questions I would like you to answer for us. What is your memory size in GB? What are the memory speed, and voltage ratings? How many memory sticks do you have installed and how many memory banks are left open?]
1) Refer to post #87 for memory model #
2) running 2x4GB sticks, 1600MHz speed, 1.5V rating
3) Have 2 installed (8GB total), 2 banks empty
 They run OK in either slots 0-1 or 2-3.  I settled on 2-3.
I've been running these sticks at 1,5V and 1600Mhz, same as FSB, NOT 1333Mhz.  These are, to reiterate, 4GB ram modules, not 2GB modules - the main topic of this forum.

post edited by johnr_7@msn.com - Friday, December 09, 2011 2:07 AM
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Wednesday, December 07, 2011 11:03 PM (permalink)
1) Refer to post #87 for memory model #
2) running 2x4GB sticks, 1600MHz speed, 1.5V rating
3) Have 2 installed (8GB total), 2 banks empty
They run OK in either slots 0-1 or 2-3.  I settled on 2-3.

Thank you for fixing the link, I was able to see what you were pointing to.
I honestly do not know what to tell you about why they chose to include those modules for the 790i platform in their configurator. Maybe they did some testing, which seems doubtful, since the board is out of production. I have seen other manufacturers say things that are not 100% accurate, as far as why I don't know. Maybe they know something we don't, have you called them to ask why they list those modules in their configurator as compatible? You might also want to ask why they did not list the modules you are running, it would be interesting to hear what they say.
I did notice you are running 2X4GB modules, and they are not on the compatibility list, no 4GB modules are on that list. About all I can say is if they are using different information then EVGA put out it is a plus for users if they buy their modules. You certainly have a good argument if they don't work and if they do you fall into the group who has had success at low voltages where many others have not.
Did I answer your question between here and my prior post? If I can locate the EVGA memory info I will come back and post it. Searches get throughly buried as more time passes.
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Thursday, December 08, 2011 1:12 AM (permalink)
You can run just about any DDR3 RAM modules at 1333MHz w/ 9-9-9-24 @ 1.5v because that is a JEDEC Standard built into all of them as a means to allow a successful BIOS boot. Nothing special has been accomplished by doing this.....on any DDR3 capable MoBo.

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Thursday, December 08, 2011 1:16 AM (permalink)
You can run just about any DDR3 RAM modules at 1333MHz w/ 9-9-9-24 @ 1.5v because that is a JEDEC Standard built into all of them as a means to allow a successful BIOS boot. Nothing special has been accomplished by doing this.....on any DDR3 capable MoBo.

I don't know if you are replying to me, but if you are I missed your point, or were you just adding more to the discussion? A second viewing makes me think your simply stressing a point.
My theory is below, it's not recorded fact but what I believe to be potentially true and is all that I can share. I am not writing it as a rebuttal but as an effort to explain my thinking. The object here is to try to spread helpful information, if we can save one person from the agony of memory problems it is worth the effort. 
It is not unusual on my 790i to be able to run memory at 1333MHz or 1066MHz (both will work fine) with timings in the range of 7-7-7-20 @ 1.7 volts for normal everyday processing without errors or hiccups of any kind. This applies to not only the 1333MHz rated Patriot PEP32G1333LL modules that came with the computer but also the PVS34G2000LLK 2000MHz modules I run now. They both will run properly in my computer for normal processing when I have 8GB installed or 4GB. If I desire to bump the memory speed up from a very low previous setting, voltages and timings have to be increased a little but I have never had to run at the memory rated 9-9-9-24 @ 1.9V. I also have never run my memory at 2000MHz or faster for anything other than memtest++ and up to this point in time I have never run the memory faster than 1600MHz. I did not record the timings and voltage when I overclocked this PC but I do remember the voltage at 1.8 volts with timings around the range of 9-8-8-20 1T with p1 / p2 enabled.
I am a firm believer that nearly any memory can be run down clocked successfully at lower than rated voltages and timings provided the motherboard is compatible with those values. Down clocking is a fairly common practice with many users desiring faster timings at slower than rated memory speeds. In my specific case I allowed the timings to be set automatically with EPP2.0 enabled and with 8GB installed (4 sticks installed) running under my 64bit OS and using the FSB as the value to increase speeds instead of using the CPU multiplier and other settings. Everything was linked and synced. None of this is anything special about DDR3 as you stated, it is simply the way it works, lower the speed maybe lower the voltage.
That being said, I believe under clocked memory has little to do with the memory voltages the 790i motherboards are designed to work at. What I believe is the designed for voltages of the motherboard applies to the high end of the motherboards speed spectrum in exactly the same way memory rated timings and voltage apply to the high end of the memory speed spectrum. Read it again and think about this.
The flaw with my belief, if any, is in personally knowing some 790i users ran into all sorts of problems with low voltage memory, but is this problem really a flaw in my belief. I have a strong feeling the issues with one being able to run low voltage memory without errors and another encountering errors with low voltage memory lies in the tolerances of our individual motherboards and memory modules themselves, in very much the same way one CPU will clock higher than another, or one motherboard will register EPP2.0 with all memory banks occupied and another motherboard will not.
So when suggesting proper memory voltage for the 790i we should use the recommended voltages for the motherboard, otherwise we may be giving bad information to users who could easily experience problems. A users decision to down clock memory should be reasonably stable when beginning with those voltages considering the down clock was cutting back on timings and voltages based on motherboard max load recommendations.
Lastly I will say loudly I am no expert in memory operation, or motherboard design but I don't need to be when using actual design recommendations. What I do know is what I have observed with my motherboard and memory, if it works, it works and my memory has worked fine when down clocked and under volted. I doubt that would be as easily true had I started to down clock with under volted memory not matching the 790i suggested voltage. I also know that others have started with undervolted memory only to have trouble from the moment it was snapped in place.
I am not trying to be a wise A** but I truly believe these things to be true, if we had a design engineer come along and correct my belief I would accept that. Being an occasional betting man I would risk a few bucks on my theory, the worst that could happen would be someone far smarter than I could lighten my cash and carry load.
post edited by n9zn-extra - Thursday, December 08, 2011 2:17 PM
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Thursday, December 08, 2011 4:46 AM (permalink)
No, I was not replying to anyone in particular....just adding a fact to the discussion.
A lot of folks have no idea about the JEDEC Standard settings built into all RAM modules and some seem to think they have accomplished greatness when they are successfully running DDR3 1.5v rated modules at 1333MHz (EDIT: especially on a 790i)....that's all.
post edited by JeffreyHam - Thursday, December 08, 2011 9:17 PM

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Thursday, December 08, 2011 2:41 PM (permalink)

No, I was not replying to anyone in particular....just adding a fact to the discussion.

A lot of folks have no idea about the JEDEC Standard settings built into all RAM modules and some seem to think they have accomplished greatness when they are successfully running DDR3 1.5v rated modules at 1333MHz....that's all.

He, he, I figured out what you were saying but this helps me understand better. I agree with you 100%, I am not sure If my present memory would run that low in voltage, I never tried it but that is not what you were talking about anyway, it's just an irrelevant comment.
P.S. My expansion of my thoughts were not aimed at you, just in case you may have assumed that. They were simply something I felt expanding on may help others understand my thinking on recommendations and running memory.
post edited by n9zn-extra - Thursday, December 08, 2011 2:53 PM
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Thursday, December 08, 2011 10:04 PM (permalink)
Added an edit to my above post.

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Friday, February 24, 2012 9:21 AM (permalink)
I have been in dire need to add more memory to my system, since I do get windows showing I am short for some applications.

My current set up:
Q9550 on a EVGA 790i FTW mobo
With 4gb of Patriot Dual Channel Viper 4096MB PC12800 DDR3 1600MHz (2 x 2MB)
OC'd system memory timings are very tight and stable at 6,5,5,10 1T linked and sinked.
I have an OCZ Vertex Turbo 120GB SSD for system/main drive and I run 2
Western Digital Caviar Black 750GB drive for storage/backup etc.
EVGA GTX 460 FTW video card. All powered by a XFX Black Edition XPS-850W power supply..
I read through all of this great info and I have a question.
It seems a stable 10gb was achieved using
(2) F3-12800CL9Q-16GBRL (2x4) and
(2) F3-12800CL7Q-8GBRM ( 2x2)
However I thought I read that some one else achieved 12gb but i can't seem to find who that was????
1) was this on a FTW board 132-YW-E179-F-6A61MEV9C-00 style
     using biosSZ17?
3) What were the best timing setting that you had success with?
     ( I do realize I have a Q9550 and you had I think it was a 9650)
I would like to place a order for these memory kits ASAP before they are gone .
Thank you for your help!
post edited by swordfish1030 - Saturday, February 25, 2012 2:53 AM
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Saturday, February 25, 2012 0:15 PM (permalink)
I found it.
It seems that HASTINGSBOB was able to get 12GB to work with success:

All other voltage settings is the auto I was referring to (newbie sorry not very clear), I have the FSB with a slight OC as I mentioned at 425.0 MHz for 3.6125 core speed on the CPU with a rated FSB of 1700 MHz. I can’t really go to much higher with this chip (C1 stepping) I will be dropping my other Q9550 (EO Stepping) into it next week to see if I can push it farther. However, when I dropped just the G.SKILL 2 x 4’s into the system and set everything and I do mean everything on auto the FSB was 1333MHz and the Board picked up the memory at 1600MHz by default (Black slots). Here is the Everest Sensor report as currently set up:
--------[ EVEREST Ultimate Edition ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Version                                           EVEREST v4.60.1500
   Benchmark Module                        
   Homepage                                          http://www.lavalys.com/
   Report Type                                       Quick Report
   Computer                                          BHWIN7-PC
   Generator                                         BH Win7
   Operating System                                  Windows 7 Professional Media Center Edition 6.1.7601
   Date                                              2011-03-25
   Time                                              12:30

--------[ Sensor ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Sensor Properties:
     Sensor Type                                       Winbond W83627DHG  (ISA 290h)
     GPU Sensor Type                                   Diode  (NV-Diode)
     Motherboard Name                                  nForce 790i Reference Board
     Chassis Intrusion Detected                        Yes

     Motherboard                                       29 °C  (84 °F)
     CPU                                               43 °C  (109 °F)
     CPU #1 / Core #1                                  44 °C  (111 °F)
     CPU #1 / Core #2                                  44 °C  (111 °F)
     CPU #1 / Core #3                                  47 °C  (117 °F)
     CPU #1 / Core #4                                  45 °C  (113 °F)
     SPP                                               58 °C  (136 °F)
     MCP                                               61 °C  (142 °F)
     GPU1: GPU                                         54 °C  (129 °F)
     GPU1: GPU Memory                                  46 °C  (115 °F)
     GPU1: GPU Ambient                                 44 °C  (111 °F)
     GPU1: GPU VRM                                     48 °C  (118 °F)
     GPU2: GPU Diode                                   48 °C  (118 °F)

   Cooling Fans:
     CPU                                               1507 RPM
     nForce                                            2566 RPM
     GPU1                                              701 RPM  (40%)

   Voltage Values:
     CPU Core                                          1.30 V
     +3.3 V                                            3.30 V
     +12 V                                             12.20 V
     +5 V Standby                                      4.99 V
     VBAT Battery                                      3.06 V
     3.3V Dual                                         3.30 V
     North Bridge Core                                 1.42 V
     DIMM                                              1.54 V
     GPU1: GPU Vcc                                     3.30 V

     CPU Type                                          QuadCore Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550, 3600 MHz (8.5 x 424)
     Motherboard Name                                  XFX MB-N790-IUL9  (2 PCI, 2 PCI-E x1, 3 PCI-E x16, 4 DDR3 DIMM, Audio, Dual Gigabit LAN, IEEE-1394)
     Motherboard Chipset                               nVIDIA nForce 790i Ultra SLI
     System Memory                                     12288 MB  (DDR3 SDRAM)
     DIMM1: OCZ OCZ3SG1600LV2G                         2 GB DDR3-1066 DDR3 SDRAM  (7-7-7-16 @ 533 MHz)  (6-6-6-14 @ 457 MHz)  (5-5-5-12 @ 380 MHz)
     DIMM2: OCZ OCZ3SG1600LV2G                         2 GB DDR3-1066 DDR3 SDRAM  (7-7-7-16 @ 533 MHz)  (6-6-6-14 @ 457 MHz)  (5-5-5-12 @ 380 MHz)
     DIMM3: G Skill F3-12800CL9-4GBXL                  4 GB DDR3-1600 DDR3 SDRAM  (9-9-9-28 @ 800 MHz)  (8-8-8-25 @ 711 MHz)  (7-7-7-22 @ 622 MHz)
     DIMM4: G Skill F3-12800CL9-4GBXL                  4 GB DDR3-1600 DDR3 SDRAM  (9-9-9-28 @ 800 MHz)  (8-8-8-25 @ 711 MHz)  (7-7-7-22 @ 622 MHz)
     BIOS Type                                         Award (10/26/09)

Hope this makes sense and is of value.

Has anyone else been able to get 12GB to post or are they locked at 10GB as well? Has anyone achieved 16GB or does it seem that 12 is the max?

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Saturday, February 25, 2012 0:25 PM (permalink)
It seems Bob had succes with 16GB as well? Am I reading this right?
So I have a chance, a chance of getting 16GB to work too if I try the same memory?

Successful boot with 4 x 4 GB of G.SKILL, F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL on the 790I Ultra.
Mem Test 8 passes – Zero errors. No overclocking yet…


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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Saturday, February 25, 2012 4:59 AM (permalink)
I cant help you with this issue because I dont know much about this.

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Sunday, February 26, 2012 1:26 AM (permalink)
I currently run 16GBs of HyperX DDR3 1600 1.65v@1.55v since no one has answered you yet.  Must have been fated to check this thread as I haven't been back since my original post somewhere around June 2011.  Hope it helps you. These are the kits. 


note these are 2 (2x4gb) kits combined not a single 16gb kit and it works great.

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Monday, March 12, 2012 7:18 PM (permalink)
MUUUHAAA  ! with the xfx P09  bios, it fixed the boot loop and i now run 16 gig of Dominator GT 2133 at 1700 mhz Linked And Synced,    ecstatic.     got something new to play with .lol.
post edited by tucker146 - Tuesday, March 13, 2012 2:25 AM

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Wednesday, March 14, 2012 0:11 PM (permalink)
Also my friend with a qx9650  has  gotten 16 gig of g-skill 1866 mhz working linked and synced @ 1800 mhz on his 790i ultra..he also had to flash to the XFX P09 bios...

Intel Corei7 3930K,Koolance Water Cooling,Asus RIVE,32 Gig 2133 Corsair Dominator GT,Win 7 Ulti 64bit,corsair AX1200 psu, Dual  GTX 670 4gig Sli,Blueray,DELL 3007WFP-HC 30" @2560x1600. Corsair Obsidian 800D ,
 Intel QX9770 EE  ,EVGA NForce 790i Ultra,8 Gig Patriot Viper Extreme 1600 Mhz ,Win7 Ulti 64bit,Antec 1000wt Psu.DVD ,Dual GTX 480 SLI,, 32" Visio 1080p ,Coolermaster 832 Stacker Nvidia Edition 
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Sunday, April 01, 2012 9:38 PM (permalink)
Hi guys, I'm new to this, 1 year ago I got a EVGA 790i Ultra with a Q9400 processor, I haven't finish that build, when I received the mobo I just test it with 2GB RAM in a single stick and I was able to see the BIOS and install Windows 7 just for test purpose since I don't have the RAM for it and after a little research I found this thread and I want to know what is the best RAM for just go plug and play for this mobo?
I get excited when I knew about running 16GB on this monster, but since I'm not that good yet to try this kind of settings on a new (at least for me) motherboard.
I would like to run 8GB without any problem, so which is better 1600, 1800 or 2000MHz?
I haven't bought the RAM yet, so if you could give me some advice on which brands, models would be awesome!
Thanks for your help and sorry for the bump to this thread.
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Monday, April 02, 2012 2:02 AM (permalink)

Hi guys, I'm new to this, 1 year ago I got a EVGA 790i Ultra with a Q9400 processor, I haven't finish that build, when I received the mobo I just test it with 2GB RAM in a single stick and I was able to see the BIOS and install Windows 7 just for test purpose since I don't have the RAM for it and after a little research I found this thread and I want to know what is the best RAM for just go plug and play for this mobo?

The best RAM is RAM which is designed to run at 1.7 up to 2.0 volts. You should look for a rating of at least 1.7 volts on the RAM and since RAM is designed to standards it should be able to go up .2 additional volts with out harming the RAM. This is something you can ask the RAM manufacturer about to make sure for any given RAM module.

I get excited when I knew about running 16GB on this monster, but since I'm not that good yet to try this kind of settings on a new (at least for me) motherboard.

I would like to run 8GB without any problem, so which is better 1600, 1800 or 2000MHz?

I haven't bought the RAM yet, so if you could give me some advice on which brands, models would be awesome!

Thanks for your help and sorry for the bump to this thread.

If this board is new to you I would agree, stay within the advertised operating specs for the motherboard which is 8GB of RAM. As far as which speed of memory I would select the 1800MHz RAM or 2000 MHz RAM. You will not be able to run your RAM at 2000MHz correctly unless you are only using 4GB total. This is because only 2 of the memory slots on the 790i motherboard are designed for RAM running at that speed. Also there is a problem getting the motherboard to reach a FSB speed significantly over 1800 and the FSB speed should be at least equivalent to your memory speed. Keep in mind 2000Mhz memory can run well at 18800MHz and lower speeds, many like the 2000MHz memory because they do not have to overclock it to reach the speed they desire and when reducing memory speeds you can generally use a lower memory voltage and faster memory timings than what may be printed on the memory module.
As for the brand of memory, you can research and see many different brands have been used. If you look carefully you will find that many will swear by Patriot memory. Patriot 2000MHz memory designed for the 790i is what I run on my motherboard and it is also EPP2.0 compliant specifically for the Nvidia chip set, Intel chip sets, designed for other motherboards, use JDEC profile compliant memory. Regardless if the memory you select is EPP2.0 or JDEC memory you can still use it but you will have to set your memory speeds manually if you select JDEC profile memory. Most overclockers manually set their memory speeds and do not use the EPP2.0 or JDEC profile speed tables which tells us that this is not a feature you should use to make a memory decision on. Your decision should be based on the voltage the memory is certified to run at, the speed of the memory, and the timings of the memory.
If I were you I think I would want memory which could run between 1333MhZ and 1800MHz because the Q9400 FSB is rated at 1333MHz. Without looking at the Q9400 more closely I would think it can support an FSB speed above 1333MHz but I am not sure how much faster. You may find a cap around 1600MHz FSB speed for the processor but I will leave this for another discussion.
For the 790i you want to use memory with at least a rated voltage of 1.7 volts to 2.0 volts and be careful of many of the RAM modules designed for Intel chip set because they require a much lower voltage and can cause many problems when installed on a 790i motherboard.
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Saturday, April 07, 2012 8:21 PM (permalink)
Ok, thanks a lot for your reply, I will look for the Patriot RAM, which by the way, is the same brand I have running right now in another pc and I have never had any issues with it, so I think its good to go.
Thanks again!!!
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Wednesday, April 11, 2012 4:48 PM (permalink)
In case you haven't purchased yet, I bought two of these:
for a total of 8 GB. They were recommended in another thread here on evga, and the specs say to run at 1.7 V.
I'll post back when I get them. I'm in the process of resurrecting my 790i build. It's a fun project. I've got a third 9800 GTX+ for tri-SLI coming tomorrow (I've had the first two for years). With this RAM, I'll be able to get rid of my low-voltage OCZ Golds which have been nothing but trouble (Memtest fails on 3 different motherboards).
EDIT: Plus, for under $50 for two of those sticks, it's a great value. They're not a "matched pair," but I hope they're okay.

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Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 32 GB DDR4 3200
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Secondary Tri-SLI just-for-fun 790i FTW rig: http://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=21014

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Wednesday, April 11, 2012 6:59 PM (permalink)

In case you haven't purchased yet, I bought two of these:
for a total of 8 GB. They were recommended in another thread here on evga, and the specs say to run at 1.7 V.
I'll post back when I get them. I'm in the process of resurrecting my 790i build. It's a fun project. I've got a third 9800 GTX+ for tri-SLI coming tomorrow (I've had the first two for years). With this RAM, I'll be able to get rid of my low-voltage OCZ Golds which have been nothing but trouble (Memtest fails on 3 different motherboards).
EDIT: Plus, for under $50 for two of those sticks, it's a great value. They're not a "matched pair," but I hope they're okay.

GREAT! Although I am not familiar with that particular memory module it would seem it will be fine given the voltage specs. I do know that several of Patriots memories will work well with the 790i motherboard.
We lost a great friend here on the forums recently, Jeffrey Ham, and I think he would have told you the same about the patriot memory.
I also have some OCZ memory OCZ3P20004GK Platinum Series 2X2Gb 16000 1.9 volt memory that came off a 790i digital PWM motherboard which I recently purchased. It was also running fine on the motherboard with it OCed to 4.0Ghz +, the memory was not OCed. As soon as I know I will not need them I will be selling the matched pair. The main thing with the memory is the voltage should be 1.7 V or above up to 2.0 V. Since memory can usually be overvolted by 0.2 V without damage the 1.6 Volt memory should also work ok at rated specs overvolting only if needed (my advice and not necessarily the advice of others).
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Wednesday, April 11, 2012 7:24 PM (permalink)
I saw the status next to his posts as "R.I.P. Friend" - I thought maybe he had passed, but I didn't know for sure. That's unfortunate - he seemed to be a nice, intelligent fellow.
I'll let you know how these sticks work out as soon as they arrive (stupid newegg EggSaver UPS Mail Innovations). I'm already putting enough cash into this project, and I couldn't make myself pay the extra $8 for UPS ground. Oh well; I knew what I was getting into when I ordered them.
I'm getting a Cooler Master 430 to put the system in, as well. It's only $30 after mail-in rebate. I'm pretty stoked.

ASUS Prime X570-Pro AM4 | AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 32 GB DDR4 3200
Corsair Crystal 570X | Corsair CX-F CX750F PSU
Corsair Hydro Series H100i RGB Platinum CPU AIO 
Secondary Tri-SLI just-for-fun 790i FTW rig: http://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=21014

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Monday, April 16, 2012 2:28 PM (permalink)
Just wanted to update - I got the pair of Patriot PSD34G16002H 4 GB sticks. I set the timing manually to 9-9-9-24 2T, 1600 MHz. I ran my FSB at 1600 MHz as well (for 3.6 GHz on my Q6600), but not linked yet.
After some initial PEBKAC issues (I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't POST, and then I saw I had neglected to plug in the 8-pin CPU power connector), it booted up. I ran MemTest86+ overnight last night, with 0 errors. I think it did about 7 runs. i then linked & synced it at 1600 MHz, and I did one pass of MemTest w/ zero errors before I had to go to work.

So, I would say that if you want to go no higher than 1600 MHz w/ your DDR3 on a 790i board, these are the beset deal ever. 8 GB for a little over $50 after taxes. They could probably go even higher than 1600 if I wanted to try, but there's enough heat in there already.

ASUS Prime X570-Pro AM4 | AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 32 GB DDR4 3200
Corsair Crystal 570X | Corsair CX-F CX750F PSU
Corsair Hydro Series H100i RGB Platinum CPU AIO 
Secondary Tri-SLI just-for-fun 790i FTW rig: http://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=21014

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Friday, April 20, 2012 1:40 PM (permalink)

I currently run 16GBs of HyperX DDR3 1600 1.65v@1.55v since no one has answered you yet.  Must have been fated to check this thread as I haven't been back since my original post somewhere around June 2011.  Hope it helps you. These are the kits. 


note these are 2 (2x4gb) kits combined not a single 16gb kit and it works great.

Just wanted to chime in - thanks to this guy i tried these sticks (just a pair at 8gb total though) and they work like a charm!
790i has its drawbacks, but it sure has been an upgradable platform!

 W7 Ultimate on Samsung 840 Pro 512gb run by:
Intel QX9650 @3.5 cooled by Noctua U12P with:
  Kingston HyperX Genesis  2x4gb @1600 on:
790i Ultra featuring:
  EVGA GTX 980 SC.  Powered by:
1000W Zalman PSU, encased in: SilverStone FT02B.
Viewed on: Dell U2711 @2560x1440.
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Friday, April 20, 2012 2:35 PM (permalink)
Great! I think that these may be a better option than the ones I picked, as the KHX1600C9D3K2/8GX run at 1.65 V and could more likely be used in a future build with no problem.

ASUS Prime X570-Pro AM4 | AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 32 GB DDR4 3200
Corsair Crystal 570X | Corsair CX-F CX750F PSU
Corsair Hydro Series H100i RGB Platinum CPU AIO 
Secondary Tri-SLI just-for-fun 790i FTW rig: http://www.modsrigs.com/detail.aspx?BuildID=21014

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Saturday, September 22, 2012 5:25 PM (permalink)
WOW  I just found out there might be a chance to get 2 x 4GB chips in my 790i FTW . That would be awsome   right now I got a quad 9550  overclocked to 3.89mhz  with 2 x 2GB muskin ram fb at 1800mhz.  It`s like September so I was wandering if there is any new memory or recomended some memory  I can use. I loved this board since day one.
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Sunday, September 15, 2013 4:26 AM (permalink)
k I'm resurrecting an old thread but for a reason so bear with me :P
I just had to rma my 780i due to a bad primary video card slot (CRY) and I am getting a 790i as a replacement for it however I have ran into a MAJOR issue. 1.7 to 2.0v ram no longer exists anywhere but I did pick up a PNY 2x4 gig kit of pc310666 HOPING ( mor elike praying) it will work at the 1333MHZ stock timings and 1.5v with my q6600 OCed to 3.2.  basically I wanted to run similar to the way I was on my 780i cpu oced to 3.2 with ram unlinked.  on my 780 I ran the ram 800mhz ( rated spec and timings) so I want to run the 790 same way cpu @3.2 with ram at the 1.5v 1333 and manufacture listed timings. 
reason for this is regardless there are no other options for ram in terms of 2 gig sticks ( cant find any anywhere where I can get 8 gigs with the 1.7 to 2.0 v), secondly getting 1.7 to 2.0v DDR3 seems to be a hassle in itself.
now if anyone has any input regarding running this 2x4 gig set of 1.50v PNY pc310666 ( compatible with 1066 and 1333mhz) on the 790i please let me know ASAFP cause I only have a 14day return window if it wont work and if it wont work I need to know of a cheap as possible set of 4x2 or 2x4 ram that WILL work on this board.

i am offended by your sig so you need to remove it. 

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Sunday, September 15, 2013 3:11 PM (permalink)
Both my friend and I were running our 16 gig kits at stock 1.5 v ,the 790i is a stellar chipset,i had 3 of them,so  just try what you have ,and go from there, should be kits for sale on ebay...
Just because 1.5v isn't officially supported or 4 gig sticks,on the 790i,,there were no such things when the 790i was released,doesn't mean they  won't work...
post edited by tucker146 - Sunday, September 15, 2013 3:44 PM

Intel Corei7 3930K,Koolance Water Cooling,Asus RIVE,32 Gig 2133 Corsair Dominator GT,Win 7 Ulti 64bit,corsair AX1200 psu, Dual  GTX 670 4gig Sli,Blueray,DELL 3007WFP-HC 30" @2560x1600. Corsair Obsidian 800D ,
 Intel QX9770 EE  ,EVGA NForce 790i Ultra,8 Gig Patriot Viper Extreme 1600 Mhz ,Win7 Ulti 64bit,Antec 1000wt Psu.DVD ,Dual GTX 480 SLI,, 32" Visio 1080p ,Coolermaster 832 Stacker Nvidia Edition 
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Sunday, September 15, 2013 7:55 PM (permalink)
Wow, I am surprised your having trouble finding 1.7 to 2.0 volt memory. I recently bought 2x2GB with hopes of combining it with another brand to make a full 8GB of 2000 Mhz ddr3 for a 790i build I am doing for a grandson.
If the memory will not work togather I may be interested in parting with  one  2x2GB kit. Unfortubnately at this time I don't know if I will keep it or sell it and will not be able to decide until after the build is complete. That will be between 3 to 8 weeks from now, there are other items I need to acquire for the build.
In the meanwhile you should do a search and have it run daily with an E-mail notification on E-Bay for DDR3 (the speed you want) and the voltage (1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0). I have had good luck with both Patriot and OCZ memory kits. Another thing to do is post a wanted to buy ad in the marketplace section of this forum, provided you have met the requirements to enter that section of the forum.
You may want to check any memory you find against the memory chart for the 790i. The chart should be locateable on the EVGA or NVIDIA website via a search. Sorry but I do not remember which site it was on.
Patience pays off but I understand your need to get back up and running. Hope this helps in some small way.
post edited by n9zn-extra - Sunday, September 15, 2013 8:01 PM
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Sunday, September 15, 2013 10:59 PM (permalink)

Wow, I am surprised your having trouble finding 1.7 to 2.0 volt memory. I recently bought 2x2GB with hopes of combining it with another brand to make a full 8GB of 2000 Mhz ddr3 for a 790i build I am doing for a grandson.

If the memory will not work togather I may be interested in parting with  one  2x2GB kit. Unfortubnately at this time I don't know if I will keep it or sell it and will not be able to decide until after the build is complete. That will be between 3 to 8 weeks from now, there are other items I need to acquire for the build.

In the meanwhile you should do a search and have it run daily with an E-mail notification on E-Bay for DDR3 (the speed you want) and the voltage (1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0). I have had good luck with both Patriot and OCZ memory kits. Another thing to do is post a wanted to buy ad in the marketplace section of this forum, provided you have met the requirements to enter that section of the forum.

You may want to check any memory you find against the memory chart for the 790i. The chart should be locateable on the EVGA or NVIDIA website via a search. Sorry but I do not remember which site it was on.

Patience pays off but I understand your need to get back up and running. Hope this helps in some small way.

no its not difficulty finding the ram in individual sticks as I have found singles although all are overpriced at 30 to 40.00 each stick and I wanted to run 8 gigs in the board which doesn't work when you have to get single sticks from multiple sources which  the sticks may or may not work together.  so I am going to try these PNY 2x4 sticks on Tuesday when the board arrives and if they don't work i'll send them back and then just try to find a new board that will work with my DDR2 ram.
however from a couple people the pny ram I picked up SHOULD work on the 790 with the manufacture 1.5v 1333mhz and in a 2x4 config so I will try worste case is it doesn't work.  I am trying to avoid spending tons o cash and wasted time trying to find working stuff but at least it is only the ram that is an issues since it is the only thing that Isnt transferrable from the my 780i.

i am offended by your sig so you need to remove it. 

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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Wednesday, September 18, 2013 10:06 PM (permalink)
30 to 40 dollars is cheap these days, my 2 x 4 gig kits of patriot, 4x2 gig to get 8 gig was $349.00 cad,each kit,back on release.no such thing as a 4 gig stick..the 16 gig kit of Dominator gt ,that I had in the 790i,recently,is now paired with another kit,at $279.00 cad each,unless old stock,most memory available retail now ,is lower voltage..too bad your not in eastern Canada.I could fix ya up pretty slick, ,with either an EVGA 780i FTW  mobo/new.or a kit of 1.65 volt corsair dominator 1600mhz cas8.neither came cheap,nor will they go cheap,,careful on ebay ,I got a kit with a bad stick once..

Intel Corei7 3930K,Koolance Water Cooling,Asus RIVE,32 Gig 2133 Corsair Dominator GT,Win 7 Ulti 64bit,corsair AX1200 psu, Dual  GTX 670 4gig Sli,Blueray,DELL 3007WFP-HC 30" @2560x1600. Corsair Obsidian 800D ,
 Intel QX9770 EE  ,EVGA NForce 790i Ultra,8 Gig Patriot Viper Extreme 1600 Mhz ,Win7 Ulti 64bit,Antec 1000wt Psu.DVD ,Dual GTX 480 SLI,, 32" Visio 1080p ,Coolermaster 832 Stacker Nvidia Edition 
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Re:Using 4GB RAM modules on a 790i series board Saturday, April 30, 2016 9:36 PM (permalink)
I currently run 16GBs of HyperX DDR3 1600 1.65v@1.55v since no one has answered you yet.  Must have been fated to check this thread as I haven't been back since my original post somewhere around June 2011.  Hope it helps you. These are the kits. 


note these are 2 (2x4gb) kits combined not a single 16gb kit and it works great.

Did you use the XFX or EVGA bios? Hoping it was EVGA's because I can't find XFX's anymore.
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