Re: UEFI Bios on X58 systems?
2017/02/24 11:38:49
Hey Guys,
Cleared off the dust on my E759 and got it going with a Plextor AIC M8Pey NVME drive! If you want to do the same your going to have to cheat a little and use Tianocore's Duet installed on a USB with an NVMEdriver loaded from that and then load the windows bootloader. I got it working and the speeds arent bad for x58. Sequential reads at 770 mb/sec. Only thing I havent been able to figure out is how to get a UEFI Sata Raid driver loaded from within Tianocore's Shell. If anyone can figure that out it would be worth the hassel of booting from usb. Going to get an internal motherboard usb header adapter and use that. See how it goes.
PS: Check out AudioCricket's guide (search for it) on how to do what I mentioned.
Associate Code: K8XL098LGS5O4WZ