RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu?

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2021/11/24 08:08:06 (permalink)
PC components:
cpu: i5 11600k
ram: 16gb vengeance rgb pro 3600
gpu: rtx3080ti ftw3 ultra 
mobo: msi mag B560 tomahawk wifi
psu: ROG Thor 850W 80+plat
Upgraded from rtx3070 
performance similar in terms of fps.
Before upgrading to this rtx3080ti DDU has been done before installing new drivers.
 Could it be because of a bottleneck somewhere in this build ?  *nothing is overclocked*
At 1080p low settings apex legends 20%-35% gpu utilization, 40%-50% for the cpu. avg fps less than 170ish fps which was similar to my previous rtx3070 eagle with the same in game settings. Temperature never exceeded over 55 deg cel.
New to this so just let me know if additional info needed. thx
post edited by sadgetymes - 2021/11/24 16:02:19

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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/24 09:35:25 (permalink)
    Welcome to the EVGA Forums
    1080p is not taxing enough to see a difference is the most likely explanation IMO
    run some benchmarks
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/24 11:18:04 (permalink)
    If you want the highest fps in cpu bound situations then you’ll need the fastest cpu available. With that being said is your cpu/gpu/ram running at their advertised speeds while you’re gaming? Have you optimized the game with geforce experience? If you haven’t optimized the game with gfe good don’t.
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/24 13:06:02 (permalink)
    Make sure v-sync not enabled or your fps will be capped. 
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/24 16:12:31 (permalink)
    Will definitely run some benchmarks, but is it wrong to assume there would be significantly more fps with the rtx3080ti even if there was a bottleneck or 1080p not being taxing enough?
    post edited by sadgetymes - 2021/11/24 16:21:15
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/24 16:18:40 (permalink)
    If you want the highest fps in cpu bound situations then you’ll need the fastest cpu available. With that being said is your cpu/gpu/ram running at their advertised speeds while you’re gaming? Have you optimized the game with geforce experience? If you haven’t optimized the game with gfe good don’t.

    Nothing is overclocked so I guess cpu/gpu/ram is not running at their advertised speeds. I never optimize my game with GeForce even if I did you can’t possibly tell me that the performance(fps) difference between a rtx3070 and a rtx3080ti is so insignificant when settings remain the same.
    post edited by sadgetymes - 2021/11/24 16:22:15
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/24 16:28:46 (permalink)
    I'm putting my money on V-sync
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/24 16:33:39 (permalink)
    If the cpu was the bottleneck getting a faster gpu would not increase the fps. Running the graphics settings on their lowest settings wouldn’t change the fps either if it were a cpu bottleneck.
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/24 16:41:43 (permalink)
    I'm putting my money on V-sync

    Hoped that this was the reason but after turning off vsync(previously on use 3D application setting) in control panel nothing has changed.
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/24 17:07:10 (permalink)
    If the cpu was the bottleneck getting a faster gpu would not increase the fps. Running the graphics settings on their lowest settings wouldn’t change the fps either if it were a cpu bottleneck.

    Have not concluded that the cpu was the bottleneck but while playing apex recently 40-60% gpu usage
    70-80% cpu usage
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/25 20:29:18 (permalink)
    PC components:
    cpu: i5 11600k
    ram: 16gb vengeance rgb pro 3600
    gpu: rtx3080ti ftw3 ultra 
    mobo: msi mag B560 tomahawk wifi
    psu: ROG Thor 850W 80+plat
    Upgraded from rtx3070 
    performance similar in terms of fps.
    Before upgrading to this rtx3080ti DDU has been done before installing new drivers.
     Could it be because of a bottleneck somewhere in this build ?  *nothing is overclocked*
    At 1080p low settings apex legends 20%-35% gpu utilization, 40%-50% for the cpu. avg fps less than 170ish fps which was similar to my previous rtx3070 eagle with the same in game settings. Temperature never exceeded over 55 deg cel.
    New to this so just let me know if additional info needed. thx

    Something must be conflicting software wise because Apex is my primary game & I play at 3840x1600 resolution which is more than triple your resolution & I am getting a constant 141fps 99% of the time I play across any of the four game maps. My CPU is a 9700K @4.9Ghz so your CPU should be stronger than mine as well.
    I typically see 30-45% CPU usage and 50 & 75% GPU usage on the older maps and more like 60-90% on the new Storm Point map. Also I use medium details so that's a even bigger load than you. I wonder what your GPU clock speeds are???? It's possible that your load is so low that the card is down clocking while playing. You should be around 2000Mhz core speed in game.
    Someone else recently posted with a similar issue & they reinstalled windows & their performance was much improved.
    post edited by Ineedgfx - 2021/11/25 20:31:24

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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/25 20:48:17 (permalink)
    PC components:
    cpu: i5 11600k
    ram: 16gb vengeance rgb pro 3600
    gpu: rtx3080ti ftw3 ultra 
    mobo: msi mag B560 tomahawk wifi
    psu: ROG Thor 850W 80+plat

    Upgraded from rtx3070 
    performance similar in terms of fps.
    Before upgrading to this rtx3080ti DDU has been done before installing new drivers.
    Could it be because of a bottleneck somewhere in this build ?  *nothing is overclocked*

    At 1080p low settings apex legends 20%-35% gpu utilization, 40%-50% for the cpu. avg fps less than 170ish fps which was similar to my previous rtx3070 eagle with the same in game settings. Temperature never exceeded over 55 deg cel.

    New to this so just let me know if additional info needed. thx

    Something must be conflicting software wise because Apex is my primary game & I play at 3840x1600 resolution which is more than triple your resolution & I am getting a constant 141fps 99% of the time I play across any of the four game maps. My CPU is a 9700K @4.9Ghz so your CPU should be stronger than mine as well.
    I typically see 30-45% CPU usage and 50 & 75% GPU usage on the older maps and more like 60-90% on the new Storm Point map. Also I use medium details so that's a even bigger load than you. I wonder what your GPU clock speeds are???? It's possible that your load is so low that the card is down clocking while playing. You should be around 2000Mhz core speed in game.
    Someone else recently posted with a similar issue & they reinstalled windows & their performance was much improved.

    11600k @3.9Ghz don’t think it will be better than yours. Clock speed max around 1950mhz. I’ve also seen other threads with similar issues fixed by reinstalling windows so I might give it a try.

    I also have benchmarked the gpu and cpu on 3Dmark and gpu score is on par with other 3080tis but cpu score is a few hundred below. Peak thermals in 3Dmark 75c for gpu and 68c for cpu.

    Thx for replyin
    post edited by sadgetymes - 2021/11/25 20:51:58
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/26 08:53:46 (permalink)
    11600k @3.9Ghz don’t think it will be better than yours. Clock speed max around 1950mhz. I’ve also seen other threads with similar issues fixed by reinstalling windows so I might give it a try.

    I also have benchmarked the gpu and cpu on 3Dmark and gpu score is on par with other 3080tis but cpu score is a few hundred below. Peak thermals in 3Dmark 75c for gpu and 68c for cpu.

    The 3.9Ghz spec is the 'lowest' your CPU will run but I would bet you're CPU is running much closer to it's 4.9Ghz boost speed. Especially so if you have MCE aka Multi Core Enhancement turned on in the BIOS. If you download & install HardwareInfo64 you can see what your clock speeds per CPU is while gaming. If you reset the values right before you launch the game & then play for awhile (10-30 minutes) and then tab out of the game or quit & see what your average CPU speeds are per core.

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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/26 09:05:56 (permalink)
    There is no software conflict or some underlying issue. The card is working fine, the issue is that at 1080p low settings he's simply not taxing the card hard enough and his previous card was already overkill for this game at 1080p low. He's CPU limited and playing a multiplayer game. The game was already running as fast as it can with his CPU with his previous RTX 3070 so upgrading to a 3080 Ti will net nothing additional. 
    Especially multiplayer games, there is so much that depends on CPU performance in a game like Apex where the CPU is not only handling game logic and processing game data for the GPU to render it also has to track and accept telemetry from sometimes 99 other players. 
    The mystery is simple, if you want more FPS, you are going to need more CPU. 

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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/26 09:08:27 (permalink)
    There is no software conflict or some underlying issue. The card is working fine, the issue is that at 1080p low settings he's simply not taxing the card hard enough and his previous card was already overkill for this game at 1080p low. He's CPU limited and playing a multiplayer game. The game was already running as fast as it can with his CPU with his previous RTX 3070 so upgrading to a 3080 Ti will net nothing additional. 
    Especially multiplayer games, there is so much that depends on CPU performance in a game like Apex where the CPU is not only handling game logic and processing game data for the GPU to render it also has to track and accept telemetry from sometimes 99 other players. 
    The mystery is simple, if you want more FPS, you are going to need more CPU. 


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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/27 09:24:26 (permalink)
    CPU bottleneck with that 6core i5-11600k. If you want high refresh rate 1080p then you need a better CPU
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/27 09:27:33 (permalink)
    Yup have done everything possible. Will be changing to a 5900x processor to hopefully reach the 240hz. Thx for your input. :) have a good one.

    Rlly appreciate everyone who has responded. Thank you all.
    post edited by sadgetymes - 2021/11/27 09:30:02
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/27 09:30:44 (permalink)
    Yup have done everything possible. Will be changing to a 5900x processor to hopefully reach the 240hz. Thx for your input. :) have a good one.

    If you want gaming FPS I'd strongly urge you to consider Intel's 12th gen CPUs. They are across the board faster than anything AMD currently offers for gaming. Even the i5 12600K handily beats the 5950X in gaming. Just stick with a DDR4 board and you'll be good to go. 

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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/27 09:32:50 (permalink)
    Yup have done everything possible. Will be changing to a 5900x processor to hopefully reach the 240hz. Thx for your input. :) have a good one.

    If you want gaming FPS I'd strongly urge you to consider Intel's 12th gen CPUs. They are across the board faster than anything AMD currently offers for gaming. Even the i5 12600K handily beats the 5950X in gaming. Just stick with a DDR4 board and you'll be good to go. 

    Would love to get the 12th gen i9 but in my country the 12th gen processor isn’t available yet.
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/27 09:37:11 (permalink)
    Yup have done everything possible. Will be changing to a 5900x processor to hopefully reach the 240hz. Thx for your input. :) have a good one.

    If you want gaming FPS I'd strongly urge you to consider Intel's 12th gen CPUs. They are across the board faster than anything AMD currently offers for gaming. Even the i5 12600K handily beats the 5950X in gaming. Just stick with a DDR4 board and you'll be good to go. 

    Would love to get the 12th gen i9 but in my country the 12th gen processor isn’t available yet.

    Then I'd just wait a bit, there really is no point in doing a platform upgrade and going to AM4 at this point. It's a dead end platform with AM5 due out Q4 next year. AM4 may get one last hurrah with AMD's 3D V cache CPUs but even then I'd still recommend going Intel for new gaming platform builders. You get the forward compatibility, PCIe gen 5 support for next gen GPUs and the current Z690 boards will all support Raptor Lake CPUs which will be Intel 13th gen. 
    post edited by CraptacularOne - 2021/11/27 09:38:17

    Intel i9 14900K ...............................Ryzen 9 7950X3D
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/27 09:46:21 (permalink)
    Yup have done everything possible. Will be changing to a 5900x processor to hopefully reach the 240hz. Thx for your input. :) have a good one.

    If you want gaming FPS I'd strongly urge you to consider Intel's 12th gen CPUs. They are across the board faster than anything AMD currently offers for gaming. Even the i5 12600K handily beats the 5950X in gaming. Just stick with a DDR4 board and you'll be good to go. 

    Would love to get the 12th gen i9 but in my country the 12th gen processor isn’t available yet.

    Then I'd just wait a bit, there really is no point in doing a platform upgrade and going to AM4 at this point. It's a dead end platform with AM5 due out Q4 next year. AM4 may get one last hurrah with AMD's 3D V cache CPUs but even then I'd still recommend going Intel for new gaming platform builders. You get the forward compatibility, PCIe gen 5 support for next gen GPUs and the current Z690 boards will all support Raptor Lake CPUs which will be Intel 13th gen. 

    I guess going for intel would make more sense after knowing that. Thanks for sparing me the time I would have used for research. stay safe. :))
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    Re: RTX3080ti ftw3 Underperforming,Bottlenecked or Faulty gpu? 2021/11/27 12:22:17 (permalink)
    Could just go to 1440p or 4k, that would make the GPU use go up.

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