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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 10:29:08
Tonight was the first time I can hear the whine pretty well but I think it is because of the folding at home work unit the video card is working on at the moment.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 11:04:52
I got two gtx 980 reference cards from two different places about a week apart (I just couldn't live without SLi after so long) and the cards are in stealth mode. I hear nothing from them and the fans can barely be heard unless in the upper end, then I can hear them blowing but that's it. I'm not sure if there is some high tone I should be hearing if something is wrong or if we are talking about or that noise that bleeds into the audio. I can say I am very happy with with my cards and that I stuck with EVGA.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 11:33:06
Personally, four different 970 FTWs so far, all with extreme coil whine. I have another round of returns going back to Amazon once they get restocked, but I'm not expecting a difference. Every other 9-series card I have seen in person (several dozen, both 970s and 980s, different PSUs, all eVGA) has coil whine. Most people who claim they don't hear it aren't doing what triggers it or have secondary components that drown out the sound. Every single card that I have run specific triggers on has exhibited coil whine. Coil whine will not present at idle Coil whine will not present 99% of the time if you are capped at 60Hz doing moderate tasks Coil whine is easily masked by fan noise above certain levels This is nothing new, going all the way back to the 8800 GTX, eVGA cards have exhibited coil whine (the 8800 would practically sing a song in the uncapped Crysis main menu). It's only become a notable issue now because people can run a relatively silent system while under gaming/folding load and the whine punches through. We're also running @120/144Hz on several monitors now, so it's an issue that can't be fixed with the 60 cap band-aid anymore. I hope they do something, but I'm not holding my breath with the 9-series solving the issue outside of a publicly announced rev.2 release that specifically addresses it.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 12:00:38
Yes. GTX 970 SC ACX 2.0 I can hear it over the fans and everything else inside my case. The higher the GPU load, the louder the coil whine, as you'd expect. Only had a few hours of use.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 12:00:54
Yes but I cant hear it when the side of my case is on (Fractal Define R4). Getting another card this week, hopefully its no worse than this one, because I can live with a bit of whine due to my case having good sound dampening qualities.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 12:08:56
Only when i exit heaven benchmark i can just barely hear faint squealing for couple seconds and only really hear when im paying attention my tower is on desk about 3 feet away from were i sit. Ill have my 2nd 980 in few days crossing fingers its all good.
post edited by demo23019 - 2014/11/11 12:23:37
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 12:24:16
I picked a 980 SC up from Amazon today... Well, received it today. Sure enough, it does have coil whine... However, it is only as bad as my 780ti Classified was... Meaning it was only noticed during benching in the 300-400 range FPS. During Firestrike I cannot hear it. However, I did not with the silicone lottery, ASIC of 66.8... Side note: Delivery man set my package on the doorstep 3 houses down.... I almost had a heart attack when I got a text saying it was delivered and I couldn't find it on my doorstep.... I figured they put it on the door, so I took a stroll in the neighborhood.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 12:25:50
Intel Core i7-4790K 4.4Ghz Gigabyte GA-Z97-Gaming 7 Samsung 840 EVO 120GB SSD WD 1TB Blue eVGA GTX 970 FTW eVGA 750W G2 Corsair 300R Cooler Master 212 EVO WIN 8.1 64
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 12:34:50
cwheller07 Every other 9-series card I have seen in person (several dozen, both 970s and 980s, different PSUs, all eVGA) has coil whine. Most people who claim they don't hear it aren't doing what triggers it or have secondary components that drown out the sound. Every single card that I have run specific triggers on has exhibited coil whine. Ran Valley for 30min, then the bench - Ran FireStrike bench twice. No coil whine, unless it's up at 30K. Silent fan profile - 63C Max. Very pleased.
Intel Core i7-4790K 4.4Ghz Gigabyte GA-Z97-Gaming 7 Samsung 840 EVO 120GB SSD WD 1TB Blue eVGA GTX 970 FTW eVGA 750W G2 Corsair 300R Cooler Master 212 EVO WIN 8.1 64
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 13:06:31
Yes. I have the GTX 980 Superclocked with reference cooler. When I turn on my computer there's no coil whine for a couple of minutes but when my computer is turned on it just keeps getting louder and louder. The higher the load the louder the whine. Vsync/fps cap doesn't remove the whine. The thing however is, when I have my headphones on, I can't hear a thing. My headphones are open so I can hear everything else quite well but I can't hear the coil whine with my headphones on. If I don't have my headphones on it's pretty damn annoying. I'm also unable to use my speakers now. Unrelated to the thread: I plan on RMAing my 980. Does anyone know if it's possible to get a replacement product that's different, and pay the difference? I mean, I'd like to swap this reference 980 SC into 980 SC ACX2.0. Does anyone know if it's possible?
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 13:39:35
MoeBeddah Ran Valley for 30min, then the bench - Ran FireStrike bench twice. No coil whine, unless it's up at 30K. Silent fan profile - 63C Max. Very pleased.
Where is your 300R located in relation to where you're sitting? There are several current game menus that can trigger it, but it's not easy to have you install a game just to test the menu. The easiest way to test for coil whine outside of a game is to take the side off and launch passmark 8.0. You don't even have to run a benchmark, just get to the landing page with the spinning image and fps counter in the corner. If your card doesn't whine after the initial scan has completed (which should show an uncapped framerate in the thousands) I, along with a lot of others, will want to know when/where you bought it. If this is also a matter of some people literally not being able to hear the sound this issue produces, the varying reports make a lot more sense.
post edited by cwheller07 - 2014/11/11 13:46:58
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 13:41:43
I have a GTX 980 ACX 2.0 and happy to say there is no coil whine present.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 14:13:40
cwheller07 Where is your 300R located in relation to where you're sitting? There are several current game menus that can trigger it, but it's not easy to have you install a game just to test the menu. The easiest way to test for coil whine outside of a game is to take the side off and launch . You don't even have to run a benchmark, just get to the landing page with the spinning image and fps counter in the corner. If your card doesn't whine after the initial scan has completed (which should show an uncapped framerate in the thousands) I, along with a lot of others, will want to know when/where you bought it. If this is also a matter of some people literally not being able to hear the sound this issue produces, the varying reports make a lot more sense.
I got the 970 FTW thru the EVGA Step-Up program. I installed the card, re-installed the 344.16's to establish a baseline (ran Firestrike). After everything checked out, I de-installed the 16's and installed the 344.65's - then re-installed Precision X. Ran Valley and Firestrike with all default settings. Then configured Nvidia settings to preference (no VSync) and ran Firestrike again. Did all this on the dinner table with the side panel removed on the 300R. I was intent on listening for possible coil whine. I'll give Passmark a shot and see what happens. I've been a recording engineer for the past 20 yrs, and am familiar with coil oscillation. I'm not a PC 'expert', but have done a few builds over the years. As a side note, there were a few instances of coil whine being exhibited through headphones and speakers. The first thing that came to mind in these cases was the preference to have ALL interfaced components share the same ground source. A ground differential between interfaced components can cause all kinds of mysterious gremlins.
Intel Core i7-4790K 4.4Ghz Gigabyte GA-Z97-Gaming 7 Samsung 840 EVO 120GB SSD WD 1TB Blue eVGA GTX 970 FTW eVGA 750W G2 Corsair 300R Cooler Master 212 EVO WIN 8.1 64
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 14:27:57
Appreciated if you do, and when was your step-up? If you run passmark and don't hear any coil whine I'd honestly be shocked, but perhaps they've addressed it without making a public statement to avoid a series of mass returns. Yeah, I wish this issue was as simple as the more common internal audio screech, which can be directly dealt with. This, unfortunately, can't be addressed at the consumer end without voiding warranties (glue/heat gun).
post edited by cwheller07 - 2014/11/11 14:30:34
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 14:42:51
cwheller07 Appreciated if you do, and when was your step-up? If you run passmark and don't hear any coil whine I'd honestly be shocked, but perhaps they've addressed it without making a public statement to avoid a series of mass returns. Yeah, I wish this issue was as simple as the more common internal audio screech, which can be directly dealt with. This, unfortunately, can't be addressed at the consumer end without voiding warranties (glue/heat gun).
Just got the card last Fri - 11/7. Got around to installing it this AM.
Intel Core i7-4790K 4.4Ghz Gigabyte GA-Z97-Gaming 7 Samsung 840 EVO 120GB SSD WD 1TB Blue eVGA GTX 970 FTW eVGA 750W G2 Corsair 300R Cooler Master 212 EVO WIN 8.1 64
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 16:06:02
I just got my EVGA GeForce GTX 970 FTW today (ordered via Amazon November 6th and came from Tiger Direct). The first thing I did was run Windows Experience Index. There was perhaps a dozen different frequencies audible. I then launched Minecraft (which I play without v-sync due to input delay/lag). It was more of the same. It's not just a barely audible, only in a few given games' logo FMV, constant tune either. It is a loud and variable squealing during actual game play (at least with Minecraft, but that was honestly enough for me to pull it and put the old one back in). It is quite literally unbearable. I cannot use this. Reading that some of you went through like eight cards, or have heard every one do it, theorizing that some aren't putting them through scenarios that would expose it, or can't hear the high pitched noise (I tried recording it with my camera and it didn't pick it up...), makes me scared. My EVGA GeForce GTX 560 Ti failed a while back, but it did not do this. I almost think rather than playing the RMA lottery (or maybe they all do it?), I should just return it and pass on the GeForce GTX 970 series? What do I do then? I'm on a PNY GeForce GTX 650 now, but it was only meant to be temporary until availability of these got better. I was planning on upgrading from the GeForce GTX 560 Ti anyway, but then it failed. I decided to give EVGA a chance despite others recommending against them for the GeForce GTX 970s. I never knew the coil whine issue was as big of a problem with these (I read of one mention of it but figured it was just one case). Now I'm finding out the hard way mine has what I would term as a defect, but it doesn't seem to be an EVGA exclusive thing? *sigh* I really just can't catch a break. I already have so much time lost in this and I don't have the patience (or money) to keep throwing at it. This has been the most expensive graphics card I ever got, and it's probably the worst. I'm not even sure I want to RMA it. I might just return it and find a deal on a GeForce GTX 700 series or something (or did they have this too?), I don't know...
post edited by Illusion_of_Progress - 2014/11/11 16:08:55
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 19:53:36
Coil whine+1 970 SC ACX2.0 very audible even when capped at 60fps Borderlands: TPS Payday 2
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 20:16:29
papnschmilees Coil whine+1 970 SC ACX2.0 very audible even when capped at 60fps Borderlands: TPS Payday 2
I'd send it back. I am okay with coil whine when my card hits say 300 FPS with full load, like benching. However, if I get coil whine at anything below 200 I send it back. I had a 780 ti that I could hear in the other room when running at 40-60 FPS... I sent it straight back. For 600 bucks, my card better be pristine.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/11 20:24:44
I received my 970 FTW around 2 weeks ago. Initially, it had coil whine while playing CSGO and WoW. I have put many hours on the pc since I installed and the coil whine I no longer hear it over my case fans.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/12 02:14:52
There is some coil while on my 970 ACX 1.0 but only when running a benchmark. No whine while gaming or on idle. If there is while gaming, it's very little and I can't hear a thing.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/12 06:57:54
I have 3 reference GTX 980 SC cards with no whine at this time.
3930K 4.6Ghz ASUS Rampage IV Extreme X79 32 Gig's (8x4) G.Skill Ripjaws Z (F3-17000CL9Q-16GBZH) @2133 EVGA GTX 980 SC's 3-Way Corsair H100 2 120 OCZ Max Ops SSD Raid 0 (Windows/BF4) 3 WD HD 5 TB's total Sound Blaster Zx card LEPA 1600 Watt Cooler Master HAF-X 942 Win 8.1 Pro 64bit 5760x1080,
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/12 07:09:25
Guess i'll join the club soon maybe next week with 2 980 SC's..lol
Case: Corsair 750D Motherboard: Asus Rampage V Extreme CPU: Intel Haswell-E 5960x @ 4.4Ghz Memory: Mushkin Redline DDR4 16GB (4x4GB) 13-13-13-35 GPU's: 2x EVGA GTX 980 SC's Sound Card: Soundblaster X-Fi Titanium Fatality Champion Series CPU Cooling: Corsair HX110i Liquid Cooling Storage1: Mushkin Scorpion 240GB PciE SSD Storage2: Samsung 840 EVO 1TB Storage3: 2TB WD Caviar Black Power Supply: Corsair AX1200i Speaker: Logitech Z-5500 3DMark Benchmark: http://www.3dmark.com/fs/3410236
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/12 09:57:36
Yes. I have two 970 SSC's ACX 2.0 cards and when I go to benchmarks and gameplay they are the loudest items in the system because of the electrical noise. After they heat up the fans somewhat cover up the noise but once they go under water its going to be the cards only. I just play with headphones only now, but without headphones its really annoying.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/12 13:54:00
Just got my 970 ftw today. Put it on my system fired heaven and valley and there was a good amount of coil whine. I will do more testing on it on the weekend on my main system with a better psu to see how it behaves. I wasn't expecting to get to RMA it so soon.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/12 17:35:29
Affiliate Code: QX8LPD9RSI
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/12 23:36:34
970 FTW nothing below 300FPS slight buzzing above 300FPS under compute load it does whine every now and then - the EVGA OC scanner compute test a 1280px causes some clearly noticeable whine, but it that at very high FPS and goes away if I turn on MSAA or up the resolution.
post edited by seahawkgfx - 2014/11/12 23:41:21
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/13 12:41:10
970 FTW - Quite bad at the moment even with a 60 fps cap. Going to let it fold for a bit and see if it helps lower the whine, if not will see if it can be RMA'd. EDIT: 64.3% ASIC :(
post edited by VulgarDisplay88 - 2014/11/13 13:10:58
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/13 12:46:21
Just one thought. How about trying add an info about the gpus asic besides having coil whine or not to see if there is any correlation.
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/13 12:58:04
My card has coil whine, and it's really annoying sometimes. Especially on wow's character selection screen. As I rotate my character the tune of the noise changes. I don't hear it in-game, or it's not that loud. GTX 970 ACX 2.0 SC
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Re: Poll, who has coil whine?
2014/11/13 14:46:39
none, dual 970 FTWs, just loud fans :D