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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/04/17 08:12:10
Ghost13 OK, not yet a newbee to this, just wanting some more info, on all this. What i read tells me about what folding is, but does not tell what is used to fold. So what does this entail in the way of system use or folding ?
Hey Ghost13, welcome. Current folding projects use your graphics card processing power (and a the occasional CPU core), if you don't need it.
Best to limit it to your GPUs - they are Much faster & energy efficient if you have a 900 series or new GPU Once you start a New WU (work unit) you Need to complete it before the deadline, without Errors (gaming OC will not usually work for Folding) CPU folding is much slower & takes more energy --- so unless you have a rack of servers & permission to run the project on them... stick to GPU
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/04/17 15:31:37
im worried, cause i done something close to what you say, some time back, and lets just say, i lost alot of stuff, So im kinda iffy on this type thing . Love to do it, but has to be trusted and not any more used than what is needed to be used . In other words, it really has to be TRUSTED .
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/04/17 16:32:19
ight thank you, now i can put my 1070 FTW and Intel I7 8700K to use when not in use my self ..
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/05/09 18:14:08
Hey everyone, long time folder (took a long break too) but back with a 1070Ti swapping to the team! Hopefully I can get a couple more pieces going soon.
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/05/09 19:35:37
Welcome back darksun20 Add this to your signature area
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/05/09 19:57:59
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/05/10 13:57:05
Welcome Back to folding and welcome to the team! darksun20
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/05/10 16:46:00
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/07/31 18:20:37
Joined the folding team a very short while ago. I'm only now finding the forum. Started off with one GTX 1660 I won on an EVGA twitch giveaway, and now i've upgraded that system to include another GTX 1660 I won on the 20th anniversary twitch giveaway, and man oh man will i say it was tough staying awake with them for the full 20 hours but well worth it. It was a really fun time. With this second card i'm now seeing 1MIL a day results.
[image][/image] [url=][img][/img][/url]
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/07/31 19:04:53
Welcome to Team EVGA Folding
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/07/31 20:00:39
Intel Core i7-6700K @ 4.6GHz | ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger | ASUS PG348Q | G.Skill Ripjaws V DDR4 3000 - 16GB | EVGA GTX 1080 Ti SC2 @ +80 MHz | EVGA SuperNOVA 750 T2 | EVGA CLC 280 | Samsung 840 Evo - 500GB | Seagate Barracuda - 3TB | Corsair 760T | Corsair K100 RGB | Corsair Dark Core Pro RGB SE | Massdrop x Sennheiser PC38X
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/08/16 16:09:30
Hi Guys, I just installed my brand spanking new 2080ti and have setup folding. The folding software shows BOTH CPU and GPU are folding (CPU is way up high) - but I really figured I'd just let GPU do it. Is there a way to configure things that way?
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/08/17 07:40:37
Steve1232111 Hi Guys, I just installed my brand spanking new 2080ti and have setup folding. The folding software shows BOTH CPU and GPU are folding (CPU is way up high) - but I really figured I'd just let GPU do it. Is there a way to configure things that way?
Welcome to the Team Just delete the CPU from the Client Software.
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/08/17 08:15:50
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/08/17 11:35:26
Welcome to Team EVGA crippie_boy and Steve!! Glad to have you guys folding with us. crippie_boy, that's pretty cool you're a double winner. I have never been that lucky so close together.
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/11/03 07:03:04
How do I go about getting my Folding name linked to my EVGA account? I added it on the EVGA profile, but it is different than my EVGA account sign in. I was only contributing to anonymous prior to discovering there was an EVGA team. Also is it only future points that are eligible for the EVGA bucks? I'm all bout the WU's and dont really care about the points as I have 4 clients running. Desktop w/2060 SC(old card was a 1060 SSC), & 2 Intel NUCs. Thanks.
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/11/03 07:19:40
cssims1022 How do I go about getting my Folding name linked to my EVGA account? I added it on the EVGA profile, but it is different than my EVGA account sign in. I was only contributing to anonymous prior to discovering there was an EVGA team. Also is it only future points that are eligible for the EVGA bucks? I'm all bout the WU's and dont really care about the points as I have 4 clients running. Desktop w/2060 SC(old card was a 1060 SSC), & 2 Intel NUCs. Thanks.
Welcome to the Forum and to The EVGA Folding Team  Under your Profile of the Page  But yes EVGA States that the Folding User Name or ID should be the Same as your EVGA User Name or ID Also is it only future points that are eligible for the EVGA bucks? "Also is it only future points that are eligible for the EVGA bucks?" Yes this is Correct. Remember to set and use a PassKey on all your Hosts. Also you can change your Folding Name to match your EVGA Name because you account is based on the Email Address you set when you setup your Passkey. Being that Points only Count Per Team that you are on it make no real difference in the End.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2019/11/03 07:39:31
Attached Image(s) 
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/11/03 09:35:13
Nice post Welcome to EVGA Folding & the EVGA Forums ---> cssims1022 Congrats on your First Post
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2019/11/03 11:50:23
cssims welcome to Team EVGA! We have a great team of folks that are quite helpful and friendly if you need any help.  There is also a crunching Team as well if that interest's you. There is a forum section in the DC part pertaining to that. We will also be having our annual Time Zone Challenge folding contest, final details are still being worked on. Glad to have you with us.
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2020/01/03 01:56:57
Signed in never knew this website existed.
Cool GTX
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2020/01/04 10:06:20
marcosmaxi Signed in never knew this website existed.
What user name do you Fold under ?
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2020/01/06 14:19:18
i never folder before until a year ago, and the guys here, are more than helpful. if there is a issue they will work it out with . if you have a question they can answer. I have asked so many question and these guys have pointed in the right direction and still are and have given me some blasting great info. i am now going to build my first full time, none stop, none daily user system, for folding only..
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2020/01/06 14:22:37
how are you winning, cause id love to win a new card. Seems i cant win for losing ... I tryed many many time to win something, but seems i lack the know how to be one of the lucky winners ..
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2020/01/06 22:07:30
Hi Everyone Been folding 24/7 since late last year . I heard about it a few years ago and hooked up a really old laptop that was left to me when my sister passed away. It did work and it got my interest. I started shopping for new computer parts in 2017, watching prices rise and fall and felt good I had made some really good purchases. for Intel 7th Gen Core i7-7700K Desktop Processor $198cdn, then $317 and finally $377(turns out the first 2 were scams on Amazon and Amazon made good for both), EVGA 550 B3, 80+ BRONZE 550W, Fully Modular, EVGA ECO Mode, 5 Year Warranty, Compact 150mm Size, Power Supply 220-B3-0550-V1 for $74cdn, Corsair Vengeance LPX 64GB DDR4 Dram C13 Memory Kit for $619, Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO - CPU Cooler with 120mm PWM Fan for, $34 (overpaid it is $29, Western Digital 1TB 3.5" 7200 RPM SATA III 64MB Cache Desktop Hard Drive (Blue) for $54, ASUS Prime Z270-A LGA1151 DDR4 DP HDMI DVI M.2 USB 3.1 Z270 ATX Motherboard $180cdn, Amazon says the prime is $974 now  . most have gone way up, mem now $400 doh! get the picture, win some lose some. Fell in love with the Haf XB Evo and bought 2 of them at a discounted price, then just bought one more for good measure. You will notice not a gpu in sight. I heard there was a need for cpu only machines over on I know NOTHING but I heard allot of people chattin about the need for cpu only or cpu active equipment, for certain types of WU's, so I put it to work with the FLDC/Curecoin team. I learned that if you make an error in your username by as little as one letter those points stay with the original user name. If you make a mistake in your user name you might not have your team recognize your points...(setting up cryptocurrency team settings are a real You can use different user names and different teams at different times and your points will stay with each unique username/team, but not be combined. Your passkey is unique to the username/team/email and you can get a different passkey for each username/team/email combo but you need to ask for them 4 hours apart if you are using the same email. I believe different machines can fold at the same time for the same username/team/email combo. Not sure about the rules for Team EVGA but I will be testing this theory out, on another team, in the future. I did add a gpu to the Asus Prime Z270, EVGA RTX Geforce 2060 xc Ultra and runs easily at 1 million points a day. I got frustrated with the FLDC/curecoin system and switched to EVGA and I just missed the 7 million cut for Dec 2019 by about 300,000 points...didn't realize it till January this year. That machine will easily hit 21,000,000 before the end of January and will jump to another team till the beginning of February where it will, switch back to Team EVGA, to go for another 21,000,000. I just received a new Rysen 7 2700x, ASUS ROG Strix B450-F Gaming Motherboard (ATX), and (2) EVGA GeForce RTX 2060 XC Ultra Gaming, 6GB GDDR6, Dual HDB Fans Graphics Card 06G-P4-2167-KR which will occupy another Haf xb EVO. This one will be another attempt at a different cyrpto team. I will split the mem between the machines since not much is required for folding, I believe. Want to earn some Bucks at Evga to help with upgrades but I think I see why allot of you guys run Corsair PSU's....because we can't buy any at the EVGA store ...seems they are constantly sold least it seems everytime I look for one... lol Points don't follow just your email, imo. I think I read in this forum that someone said they did. I could be wrong but I believe....They are a combination of Username/team/email and the passkey needs to change if one of the three is changed. Each unique combination will accumulate their own set of points. IMHO If you change one of the three it is a new folding identity, and needs a new passkey. I would be the first to admit if I am mistaken. Nice to meet you all. Joe
post edited by SmookinJoe - 2020/01/07 04:46:21
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2020/01/07 11:26:25
Welcome Joe No Need to change your User name -OR - the Passkey .... you can change Teams ... if you use the Same user name & passkey ... you can see All Point by Team for That User Name If you Loose your passkey .... & the original email account you submitted when you Got the passkey is closed ... then you will get a new passkey to a New email"your user name here" What Team do you Fold On ?
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Re: New EVGA Folder Check-IN
2020/01/07 12:58:47
EVGA counts points your username contributes to the team. All you need to do is put the evga team number in your settings. And make sure in your evga forum profile that the folding name is entered. All you want to do is switch team numbers to bounce between evga and coin teams. Your username and passkey can stay the same.