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Friday, January 07, 2011 11:31 PM
To all the new Folders Joining the Team EVGA F@H Team First off welcome to the team We appreciate you wanting to fold in general, and for choosing Team EVGA ! Feel free to post in this thread if you are new to the EVGA Team To be welcomed and fill out the chart please, so we can keep track of all new folders who wish to be recognized! Thanks for choosing Team EVGA! If you need any help along the way , feel free to start a thread Here. There is an endless supply of Friendly and helpful users around here that would be more than happy to help. There are numerous Stickied threads with a lot of useful information. There is a very easy program that can help you get started if you wish also. Thanks To Jedi for creating this wonderful program. There is forum section for help and guides with Folding@Home And this is a sticky in that section with a lot of the guides Here is the form to fill out if you wish. And this is where the list can be found. We hope you enjoy you stay and find yourself a home here at EVGA, FOLD ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS! Come Forward and be recognized 
post edited by zerran2001 - Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:57 AM
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 0:24 PM
I'm not completely new to the team but I'm new to being able to fold most of the time. Hoping to fold enough to get this current rig back up and running as a full time folding rig after I part it out for parts for my Sandy Bridge rig.
i7 2600k @4.0Ghz, EVGA Z77 FTW, Evga GTX 660ti, Prolimatech Megahalems Rev.B CPU Cooler, Sea Sonic X-850
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 0:35 PM
Awesome man, looks like you will be eligible for the evga bucks also if you keep your pace. Also feel free to add your name to the list on that form, so we can see how many new folders join ( if you wouldn't mind that is )
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:08 AM
Welcome new members! I Love you!
post edited by brcromer - Saturday, January 08, 2011 2:29 AM
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:18 AM
Been an EVGA member a long time but only recently started folding for the team. I used to fold when I got my 280SSC but after the 3rd RMA I was a bit discouraged and quit. Not sure why I went through so many 280's except maybe that they were brand new at the time and didn't have all of the bugs worked out.
CPU: i7 4790K @4.6 Mobo: Asus Maximus VII Formula GPU: EVGA 1080 Sc OS: Win 10 Pro 64 RAM: 16 gig G-Skill 2400 Sound: Sound Blaster Z PSU: Antec 850 Case: CM HAF X Please use my affiliate code when you register. W51HYNZIKZ
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:56 AM
Elfin Been an EVGA member a long time but only recently started folding for the team. I used to fold when I got my 280SSC but after the 3rd RMA I was a bit discouraged and quit. Not sure why I went through so many 280's except maybe that they were brand new at the time and didn't have all of the bugs worked out. Yea I heard quit a few people went through 280's went they started folding with them for some reason, not really sure why (maybe a bad batch/ batches? ) Welcome to the folding Team
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 10:00 AM
Signed in :) never knew this website existed. Trendy :P +1
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:10 PM
That's where we have all of stats for our non EVGA sponsored contests and challenges. Next one is suppose to be around late feb early march.
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 3:34 PM
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 4:29 PM
Giving it a try... hopefully everything is setup right.
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 4:53 PM
I went to fill it out but i guess im not eligible as im not a new folder. What do you think about having a page like that for every member so you can see how long they have been with EVGA and folding all together?
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 8:55 PM
jjudkins Giving it a try... hopefully everything is setup right. Wow first post and you've been apart since 2004. Woohoo Glad folding brought you out of hiding  If you need any help feel free to make a thread and ask dubzhouse
I went to fill it out but i guess im not eligible as im not a new folder. What do you think about having a page like that for every member so you can see how long they have been with EVGA and folding all together?
We can probably do something like to , I just wanted to make all the new guys joining feel welcome and let them know we don't bite  ( At least not to hard ) Once we get a better site then google, I think Drougnor was wanting to do something anyways.
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Saturday, January 08, 2011 9:00 PM
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Sunday, January 09, 2011 0:16 PM
Just started to fold yesterday actually... seeing how simple it is! I have two questions though 1. It says I need 10 regular WU's before I can earn the bonus, is this applied per computer or per username? So could I get the 10 WU's with another computer, while doing the bigadv on another? And these 10 WU's could be CPU or GPU? or what? 2. My GPU0 finished Project 5736 according to the stats page using FAH GPU tracker, but the current project its working on is ALSO 5736. Is there something wrong?
post edited by Xtrem - Sunday, January 09, 2011 1:55 AM
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:16 AM
Xtrem Just started to fold yesterday actually... seeing how simple it is! I have two questions though 1. It says I need 10 regular WU's before I can earn the bonus, is this applied per computer or per username? So could I get the 10 WU's with another computer, while doing the bigadv on another? And these 10 WU's could be CPU or GPU? or what? 2. My GPU0 finished Project 5736 according to the stats page using FAH GPU tracker, but the current project its working on is ALSO 5736. Is there something wrong? Welcome to the team!  You need to have a passkey for the cpu client if you don't already. 10 Smp work units must be completed under that passkey/username combo before you will start to get any bonus points. The 10 workunits must be cpu , GPU don't count for this. You may get numerous of the same projects in a row , it all depends on what stanford is sending out at the moment. Oh and it will be easier if you do 10 regular smp workunits with the passkey before starting bigadv workunits ( much quicker this way ). Also you must stay above 80% completion rate to keep getting bonus points. Hope that helps some
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:26 AM
Okay, thanks! Too bad I started the bigadv 12 hours ago... its at 16%. I guess no bonus for this one
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:32 AM
Well on the bright side you'll only have 9 more workunits to go when its done. I commend you for not deleting it and starting on a smp WU. Deleting a WU is never good unless its absolutely necessary ( Like a bad one or something )
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:53 AM
zerran2001 Well on the bright side you'll only have 9 more workunits to go when its done. I commend you for not deleting it and starting on a smp WU. Deleting a WU is never good unless its absolutely necessary ( Like a bad one or something ) Yeah, I figured that it would not be good to do so...anyawys I'm using the FAH GPU Tracker and the PPD box for my SMP is YELLOW, but the one for the GPU is GREEN, whats up with that? EDIT: nvm google is your friend, yellow means estimated from best TPF.  bigadv stopped! Something wrong with my overclock? [03:22:23] Completed 41315 out of 250000 steps (16%) [03:40:24] Completed 42500 out of 250000 steps (17%) [04:18:24] Completed 45000 out of 250000 steps (18%) [04:52:26] mdrun returned 255 [04:52:26] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=250000 [04:52:26] Work fraction=0.1890 steps=250000. [04:52:30] logfile size=62736 infoLength=62736 edr=0 trr=25 [04:52:30] logfile size: 62736 info=62736 bed=0 hdr=25 [04:52:30] - Writing 63274 bytes of core data to disk... [04:52:30] ... Done. [04:52:36] [04:52:36] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE [04:52:39] CoreStatus = 7A (122) [04:52:39] Sending work to server[04:52:39] Project: 6900 (Run 2, Clone 20, Gen 17) [04:52:39] + Attempting to send results [January 9 04:52:39 UTC] [04:52:39] - Reading file work/wuresults_01.dat from core [04:52:39] (Read 63274 bytes from disk) [04:52:39] Connecting to [04:52:41] Posted data.[04:52:42] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~20 kB/s [04:52:42] - Averaged speed for that direction ~20 kB/s [04:52:42] + Results successfully sent [04:52:42] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home. [04:52:48] Trying to send all finished work units [04:52:48] + No unsent completed units remaining. [04:52:48] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2)[04:52:48] Killing all core threads [04:52:48] Could not get process id information. Please kill core process manually Folding@Home Client Shutdown.
post edited by Xtrem - Sunday, January 09, 2011 4:29 AM
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Sunday, January 09, 2011 3:17 AM
Hi All, New to the EVGA Folding team. I moved from another team to EVGA. My old folding name was Chance. I wanted to use it here but it seems that name is taken. I was at one point ranked in the top 300 overall with about 30 mil, so I am starting over with this ID. Glad to be part of this team and hopefully I can add some value to this group.
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Sunday, January 09, 2011 4:10 AM
A big welcome to all the new folders! Hello, my name is Ron, and I'm a FAHaholic.
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Monday, January 10, 2011 3:22 AM
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Monday, January 10, 2011 3:33 AM
Just started folding on a pair of 570's, I don't plan to do it 24/7, but I was wondering if this is hard on my video cards ?
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Monday, January 10, 2011 3:40 AM
If you let the temps stay well over 80C, then it can be hard on them. As long as you take care of them, they will take care of you.
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Monday, January 10, 2011 3:42 AM
I started folding for evga in april 2009, but I guess I can't be added to the list since zarren set it to 2010/2011
Gaming Rig: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x @ 4.25Ghz - Asrock B450 Pro 4 - 16GB Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3000 - 240GB SSD (OS), 1TB ADATA SU800 SSD and 2TB ADATA SX8200 Pro M2 NVME (Games) - 8GB RTX 3070 XC3 Ultra - Sound Blaster Audigy 5 RX - EVGA Supernova 750w G2 - Antec 302 - 24" Asus VG248QE
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Monday, January 10, 2011 3:43 AM
rjbelans If you let the temps stay well over 80C, then it can be hard on them. As long as you take care of them, they will take care of you. Thanks for the peace of mind, I'm sitting at 66C and 62C.
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Monday, January 10, 2011 7:19 AM
Hey guys, new member checking in here. Started today I think I finally got it figured out enough to work lol :-p im using FAH GPU tracker V2 couldn't figure out how to get the client working correctly till I found this great tool. looks like between my two GTX 460's im pushing about 20,000 PPD, not sure if thats good but I do believe that meets the goal of 250k per month. I was wondering however if there were any other requirements for getting EVGA bucks? Not just here for the cash incentive I actually ran across the topic of folding exploring EVGA's website and forums and after a bit of research just pretty much loved the concept of putting my hardware to work. Although I don't personally know anyone with the diseases listed, F@H hits close to home for me as my girlfriend has chronic Lyme disease, so I know how much an impact being sick can have on friends and loved ones. Just wanted to say this website is great and thanks for the helpful guides, hope I can help out! EDIT: also wanted to add i noticed in EVGA precision my GPU1 temp is bouncing around 74c, anyone know if thats an ok temp to be at? I know being on an x58M series board my video cards are pretty close to each other keeping the top card a bit warmer but if 74ish is ok then I won't worry too much about it, thanks!
post edited by rasalibresktr - Monday, January 10, 2011 8:07 AM
W7 Ultimate Antec 300 MSI X58M I7 920 850w Kingwing modular psu 2X EVGA GTX 460
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Monday, January 10, 2011 7:47 AM
kcsupratt Hi All, New to the EVGA Folding team. I moved from another team to EVGA. My old folding name was Chance. I wanted to use it here but it seems that name is taken. I was at one point ranked in the top 300 overall with about 30 mil, so I am starting over with this ID. Glad to be part of this team and hopefully I can add some value to this group. If you wish to be elgigible for the EVGA Bucks, you will need to enter your folding name into your profile, and it will also need to be identical to your forum name. So, if chance is taken you will have to make a new folding name im afraid. Unless youre not interested in the 10 EVGA bucks / month.
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Monday, January 10, 2011 8:46 AM
rasalibresktr EDIT: also wanted to add i noticed in EVGA precision my GPU1 temp is bouncing around 74c, anyone know if thats an ok temp to be at? I know being on an x58M series board my video cards are pretty close to each other keeping the top card a bit warmer but if 74ish is ok then I won't worry too much about it, thanks! What is your fan speed setting? Is it set to AUTO in Precision? If it is, try turning AUTO off, then increase the fan speed for each GPU. Find a balance between lower temp and how much fan noise you're willing to listen to. I don't think 74°C is too bad and it's not going to hurt your 460's. The Maximum GPU Temperature listed for that card is 104°C. JD
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Re:New EVGA Folder Check-IN
Monday, January 10, 2011 10:12 AM
Thanks JD22964, sitting a little cooler now and only slightly louder by bumping the fan up a bit. Really just gives me an excuse to get a couple more fans in this case.... hmm
W7 Ultimate Antec 300 MSI X58M I7 920 850w Kingwing modular psu 2X EVGA GTX 460