Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 13:58:19 (permalink)
pancake hobo
Will this main thread be updated to have the exact page Elites need to join the queue before the actual notify button goes live on the page?

The page is literally just going to be the product page for the card you want. So if you want the 3080 ti ftw3, you go to the 3080 ti ftw3 product page and click the auto-notify button while being signed into your Elite account. If you wait for this page to be updated with links, you'll likely be very far back in the queue. 

CPU: I7 7820x @ 4.7ghz
Mobo: Gigabyte Gaming 7 Pro x299
Mem: Corsair Vengeance LP 3000mhz
PSU: EVGA 850 Supernova G3
GPU: FE Nvidia RTX 3090
Case: Corsair 5000d Airflow
CPU Cooler: EKWB AIO 360 Elite
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 13:58:24 (permalink)
The 3080 ti is the card I think that will finalize my build! So exciting. June 3rd hopefully I can secure one!!!!
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 13:58:52 (permalink)
I'm sure this has been asked a hundred times already but does anyone know what time it opens for elite members?

6 am PT, Thursday, June 3.

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

30 Series GPUs currently "in stock"
EVGA Queue Summary (North America)

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 13:59:08 (permalink)
Thank you!
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:04:01 (permalink)
I'm sure this has been asked a hundred times already but does anyone know what time it opens for elite members?

6 am PT, Thursday, June 3.

9 am ET, Thursday, June 3.😁

Those who abuse power, are nothing but scumbags! The challenge of power is how to use it and not abuse it. The abuse of power that seems to create the most unhappiness is when a person uses personal power to get ahead without regards to the welfare of others, people are obsessed with it. You can take a nice person and turn them into a slob, into an insane being, craving power, destroying anything that stands in their way.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:05:41 (permalink)
Let the odds be in my favor to snag a 3080 Ti
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:09:30 (permalink)
Is this based on previous experience for being on the correct page?
post edited by Metalhavoc - 2021/06/01 14:11:16
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:17:32 (permalink)
Is there any data suggesting prices for the evga 3070ti need to know how to configure my budget
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:17:56 (permalink)
3080Ti Such a waste at MSRP $1199. 3090 offers more performance and +8Gb of GDDR6X. 3080 is still a way to go for gamers.

This is exactly what I was thinking. 1.2k for founders is a steep price!
Wondering how much will the EVGA lineup GPUs cost, I'm assuming the FTW3 has to be the same, right? It can't be 1.3-1.4k...Psh!

Considering the current ftw3 models are about $1-200 more than founders edition MSRP, it's perfectly reasonable to expect the  3080 ti ftw3 to be at least $1350

So which 3080 ti GPU EVGA lineup gpu will cost 1.2?

My friend, I can say with near 100% confidence than none of the EVGA cards will sell for $1200. Only nvidia's Founder's Edition will be $1200. 

I can squeeze another 100 but no more, ill have to wait and see for the prices, otherwise ill settle with the founders

Who knows, maybe EVGA will bless us with a $1300 XC3 model. But the Founder's Edition is pretty sweet too. It actually benefits both air and watercooled setups because it throws a lot of air across the VRM and system memory if your motherboard doesn't have active VRM cooling. And if you have an air cooler, then it helps facilitate airflow directly into the tower cooler. So it does have its benefits. Only downside being it simply can't draw as much power as an EVGA card with XOC bios. And drawing more than 400 watts over the 12 pin connector isn't really ideal. 

Appreciate that info, thx!
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:19:43 (permalink)
Is there any data suggesting prices for the evga 3070ti need to know how to configure my budget

If we go by previous pricing compared to MSRP, expect to pony up another $150 for the ftw3 model, and maybe $100 extra for an XC3 model. 

CPU: I7 7820x @ 4.7ghz
Mobo: Gigabyte Gaming 7 Pro x299
Mem: Corsair Vengeance LP 3000mhz
PSU: EVGA 850 Supernova G3
GPU: FE Nvidia RTX 3090
Case: Corsair 5000d Airflow
CPU Cooler: EKWB AIO 360 Elite
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:19:56 (permalink)
Really hoping they do an excellent jobs with the thermals on these cards. Reddit's nvidia threads are half people complaining about thermals and how to do thermal replacements.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:20:25 (permalink)
Its been a long time coming, going to finally upgrade.. I am still rocking my EVGA Titan X SC SLI setup.. 
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:21:50 (permalink)
i caaaant wait gimmi the POWER NAO!
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:25:49 (permalink)
Good day all,
By US market, I am assuming it will cover Canada as well?
I do like the FTW3 HYDRO COPPER so I don't need to import one more piece from EU
But honestly, I don't care either way, as long as I hope to get a card
Also, my first post.... how been member since 2013, ehhhh, good old days of gtx 480 =)
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:26:50 (permalink)
I don't really know if it would be worth it. It's very expensive!
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:27:48 (permalink)
Let’s see how it goes
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:30:20 (permalink)
So many people are gonna flood this site. I'm hoping it doesn't crash.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:31:24 (permalink)
Well, still waiting to upgrade from my 970. I got some hopes to land a card someday soon but I got the feeling that it might as well be a year.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:33:15 (permalink)
Best Buy has only the NVIDIA version listed.  It's $1199 and is "coming soon"
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:33:16 (permalink)
Temet Nosce
I can squeeze another 100 but no more, ill have to wait and see for the prices, otherwise ill settle with the founders

You're unlikely to be able to get one. Bots are up and running these days, your best bet would be something like trying to score one during a BB drop. The reason EVGA's queues are worth doing is because you actually can get the cards and at MSRP. Frankly, if you have trouble with that pricing, I'd suggest considering the 3070 Ti queue instead. Personally I'm just going to bite the bullet with the 3080 Ti FTW3, this'll cost less than the Zotac 3080 card I almost bought, and be a much better performer. I've failed to even get close to another card otherwise since this started.

Money isn't an issue to me, I am just disappointed. MSRP should have been at least 1k to start and 1.2 for the EVGA FTW 3. Paying 1.5k on a 3080 ti GPU is somewhat crazy when you can game top-notch with a 3080 at 700. You're paying $600 more for a couple more frameworks that can go to a ryzen 5900X or something.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:33:22 (permalink)
Good day all,
By US market, I am assuming it will cover Canada as well?
I do like the FTW3 HYDRO COPPER so I don't need to import one more piece from EU
But honestly, I don't care either way, as long as I hope to get a card
Also, my first post.... how been member since 2013, ehhhh, good old days of gtx 480 =)

EVGA.com covers "North America" which includes Canada and Puerto Rico (I am not sure EVGA's definition includes Mexico).
eu.EVGA.com covers Europe.

Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: VDN2319M4O569J4

30 Series GPUs currently "in stock"
EVGA Queue Summary (North America)

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:40:31 (permalink)
Temet Nosce
I can squeeze another 100 but no more, ill have to wait and see for the prices, otherwise ill settle with the founders

You're unlikely to be able to get one. Bots are up and running these days, your best bet would be something like trying to score one during a BB drop. The reason EVGA's queues are worth doing is because you actually can get the cards and at MSRP. Frankly, if you have trouble with that pricing, I'd suggest considering the 3070 Ti queue instead. Personally I'm just going to bite the bullet with the 3080 Ti FTW3, this'll cost less than the Zotac 3080 card I almost bought, and be a much better performer. I've failed to even get close to another card otherwise since this started.

Money isn't an issue to me, I am just disappointed. MSRP should have been at least 1k to start and 1.2 for the EVGA FTW 3. Paying 1.5k on a 3080 ti GPU is somewhat crazy when you can game top-notch with a 3080 at 700. You're paying $600 more for a couple more frameworks that can go to a ryzen 5900X or something.

the 1.2k FE price blew my mind too. I had to vent about it on facebook to friends. Guess I'm not eating for a long time lol.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:43:02 (permalink)
Any chance we get to find out what versions of the cards will be eligible for the auto notify queue? Will they all go live at the same time?
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:46:44 (permalink)
This is pretty neat, the nvidia keynote was fun to watch.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:47:20 (permalink)
Does anyone knows where should i order from, evga.com or eu.evga.com ? It says eu customers should buy from eu.evga.com but i am not in eu. Does evga.com ships internationally? I was able to register my address but im not sure if they will send it or not
Temet Nosce
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:48:56 (permalink)
Money isn't an issue to me, I am just disappointed. MSRP should have been at least 1k to start and 1.2 for the EVGA FTW 3. Paying 1.5k on a 3080 ti GPU is somewhat crazy when you can game top-notch with a 3080 at 700. You're paying $600 more for a couple more frameworks that can go to a ryzen 5900X or something.

Oh absolutely. Hundred percent agree with you on this being ridiculous, this is just taking advantage of a situation driven by the lack of serious competition. Shortages have been endemic for years due to lack of chip manufacturing capacity, which has driven prices up artificially, and now with all this other stuff driving them further the consumer is just getting screwed.
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:49:24 (permalink)
Temet Nosce
I can squeeze another 100 but no more, ill have to wait and see for the prices, otherwise ill settle with the founders

You're unlikely to be able to get one. Bots are up and running these days, your best bet would be something like trying to score one during a BB drop. The reason EVGA's queues are worth doing is because you actually can get the cards and at MSRP. Frankly, if you have trouble with that pricing, I'd suggest considering the 3070 Ti queue instead. Personally I'm just going to bite the bullet with the 3080 Ti FTW3, this'll cost less than the Zotac 3080 card I almost bought, and be a much better performer. I've failed to even get close to another card otherwise since this started.

Money isn't an issue to me, I am just disappointed. MSRP should have been at least 1k to start and 1.2 for the EVGA FTW 3. Paying 1.5k on a 3080 ti GPU is somewhat crazy when you can game top-notch with a 3080 at 700. You're paying $600 more for a couple more frameworks that can go to a ryzen 5900X or something.

the 1.2k FE price blew my mind too. I had to vent about it on facebook to friends. Guess I'm not eating for a long time lol.

It was definitely a surprise considering the 6900xt sits in between a 3080 and 3090 so you would have thought that nvidia would at least price is just a tad bit above $999 but nvidia instead went full price gouge and went as high as they could without stepping on the 3090 msrp too much. $1099 imo would have been a better starting price so that AIBs could hopefully keep even their top models under or around $1500.

But with the way they started the MSRP at $1200, we will definitely be seeing the likes of Asus and Gigabyte shooting for the moon with prices above $1600 for their custom models. EVGA might be the only ones with a reasonable price bump.

CPU: I7 7820x @ 4.7ghz
Mobo: Gigabyte Gaming 7 Pro x299
Mem: Corsair Vengeance LP 3000mhz
PSU: EVGA 850 Supernova G3
GPU: FE Nvidia RTX 3090
Case: Corsair 5000d Airflow
CPU Cooler: EKWB AIO 360 Elite
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:52:21 (permalink)
There sure is a lot of new accounts posting... Seeing a ton of accounts < 1 day old with 100 posts now lol. 
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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:53:34 (permalink)
Alarm set. Damn, 22 23 pages of posts in 15 hours.

  BUILD 1 2   |   MINI-ITX BUILD   |   MODSRIGS $1K WIN   |   HEATWARE 111-0-0 

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Re: Introducing the EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti / RTX 3070 Ti Series Graphics Cards 2021/06/01 14:54:42 (permalink)
I truly wonder if I would be as excited about this if the GPU market was as "broken" as it is currently.  I think a new release gives + the queue system gives me hope that I can purchase a GPU.
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