HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE)

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/03/29 17:11:31 (permalink)

I flashed Bios1 and booth Titans boosted to 1202C, now running a game or something it will crash and recover then it will show 933c or something but valley shows 1202? i reinstalled Precision x and it shows 1202C and the crash happens and repeats the issues? is it precision?

No, it's your GPU's can't handle running at 1202. These BIOS hacks floating around are not how to 'properly flash' anything. No offense to the OP, but if you really want to call this  a proper guide, you need to write out a guide and settings for each BIOS version so the person that is now having issues crashing for example, would know what the solution is. I really hope folks don't blow up their GPU's with this.
post edited by HeavyHemi - 2013/03/29 17:18:21

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/03/29 21:55:54 (permalink)

I flashed Bios1 and booth Titans boosted to 1202C, now running a game or something it will crash and recover then it will show 933c or something but valley shows 1202? i reinstalled Precision x and it shows 1202C and the crash happens and repeats the issues? is it precision?

The solution to this problem is to open precision x and set the GPU Clock Offset to -105.
post edited by Sajin - 2013/03/29 22:06:57
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/03/30 12:40:48 (permalink)
Update: Since I was having an issue with the bios not acting right with Precision, I uninstalled Precision and did a clean install of the drivers. Then I reinstalled Precision and walla, Precision is reading 1202 1.21v and....all is right in my OCD world.
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/03/30 15:51:12 (permalink)
I am trying to flash my BIOS, but every time I try I get the message:
"ERROR:  No NVIDIA display adapters found"
I have sucessfully flashed BIOS on my GTX 680s, didn't have this problem.
Any ideas?
EDIT - Nevermind, I fixed it.  
post edited by blathem - 2013/03/30 15:58:16

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/03/30 17:20:06 (permalink)
Ok after getting to understand the cards and adapting to their behavior which is pretty what I love most about this, is to better understand your Hardware , what's to much and what's not, I managed to Flash it to Bios2 which the voltages locks to 1.20v during gaming or benchmarking , I like the idea of having 1.20v all around and 1.21v for maybe Benchmarking and scores. but since you can achieve 1.20v on stock by over-volting so why not just have it all around. my second card is the slow card aka Retarded card, and it clocks on stock to 1019C compared to 1054c on the first card. now with this mod I managed to basically have them balanced on the voltage"1.20v" because on stock bios the second card won't go beyond 1.18v no matter how high I pushed it, but the clocks on both aren't the same requires playing around with the sliders in Precision , my so far safe clock is 1150C 3301M on both cards, and after a while ill go up slowly but I crash in gaming using 1202C I can push memory more but for gaming I will stick with 300+ just fine.
I had to add :-
Card 1- 160+ Core offset Power 115%  ( 1150c 3301m for both )
Card 2- 185+ Core offset  power 115% ( 300m,1.20v for both )
Thanks HeavyHemi* and definitely thanks Sajin* for the advise.
Question- are my settings safe to use with out worry of near future? I got 21950 score in 3dmark11 is that overall good or can I do better ? Did I flash correctly and me changing these settings are totally normal for a flashed bios ect.. or should I look out for something maybe I am missing ?
But overall these cards are a beast as they are but overclocking will remain an addiction! and I am addicted no matter how costly the card is! but with a limit lol..
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/03/31 19:35:07 (permalink)
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/01 12:45:01 (permalink)
Ok managed to get my clocks to 1176c 3404m , so far so good , sajin what is the best power target i should use? 150% -115% ? and temp target keep it on 95c ?
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/01 14:23:19 (permalink)

Ok managed to get my clocks to 1176c 3404m , so far so good , sajin what is the best power target i should use? 150% -115% ? and temp target keep it on 95c ?

I use 150% with 95c temp target so I don't have to worry about throttling.
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/07 09:58:10 (permalink)
I flashed to bios mod 2, was able to get 1215/6600 without throttling, temps at 68c.. but not that much of an improvement as I would get 1150 most of the time @ stock, so I flashed back, not really worth the warranty issue if something happens and can't flash back, but how do you know if the original is flashed? My power target is 106% but just wanted to make sure.

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/07 10:39:06 (permalink)

I flashed to bios mod 2, was able to get 1215/6600 without throttling, temps at 68c.. but not that much of an improvement as I would get 1150 most of the time @ stock, so I flashed back, not really worth the warranty issue if something happens and can't flash back, but how do you know if the original is flashed? My power target is 106% but just wanted to make sure.

GPU-Z will tell you your BIOS verision. If you were able to flash back with your stock BIOS and it completed without error, it's about ~100% you're on your stock BIOS.

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/07 10:50:57 (permalink)
Yeah, I saved it with GPU-Z, flashed it back and didn't see an error.. Original boost speeds, 106% voltage limit. Tested the card, runs fine, same performance, voltage, temps as at stock. Gotta be right

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/16 17:45:44 (permalink)

I flashed to bios mod 2, was able to get 1215/6600 without throttling, temps at 68c.. but not that much of an improvement as I would get 1150 most of the time @ stock, so I flashed back, not really worth the warranty issue if something happens and can't flash back, but how do you know if the original is flashed? My power target is 106% but just wanted to make sure.

In precision x your power target slider should not go past 106% if your back on the stock BIOS.
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/18 15:54:17 (permalink)
May be EVGA will listen and make @least 100% Fan's speed and by the way where is new vBIOS for EVGA GTX Titan?

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/19 11:21:11 (permalink)
Am I to understand modded BIOS' don't downclock in 2d mode? 
I think I would flash the evga Hydropper Copper bios when its available.
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/19 13:40:01 (permalink)

Am I to understand modded BIOS' don't downclock in 2d mode? 

I think I would flash the evga Hydropper Copper bios when its available.

They do downclock in 2d.
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/20 06:30:25 (permalink)
Thanks Sajin, just re-read the thread and saw I confused it with the voltage. 
So far on stock I can get them pinned at 1215 and +200 memory for over ten minutes on furry bench. Is there a website where people post bios's in general (Sorry if thats naive lol) I think guru3d did, but I have been out of the game. 
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/20 10:38:09 (permalink)
so i have my titan stock and i put the voltage slide to +38
but then tomb raider started acting weird. like the color of the water turned green everywhere and her face got all mangled. some characters turned into the michelin man.
does this mean that my card is not stable to run at 1.2v? is it cause of the bios or will the card never run stable at that voltage then?
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/20 10:59:56 (permalink)

so i have my titan stock and i put the voltage slide to +38

but then tomb raider started acting weird. like the color of the water turned green everywhere and her face got all mangled. some characters turned into the michelin man.

does this mean that my card is not stable to run at 1.2v? is it cause of the bios or will the card never run stable at that voltage then?

Just adding voltage, isn't going to make your GPU faster. Too much voltage can actually make a GPU (or CPU for that matter) unstable. Or even reduce the boost clocks due to increasing the power (and the temperature) the GPU is using for the same clocks. Each GPU is unique. Both of mine run perfectly happy at stock volts at 1097mhz which is +65 on core clock. I'd suggest you start with finding your highest stable boost at the stock voltage before messing with the voltage.

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/20 14:29:36 (permalink)
Guys, is there any modified bios out there based on the SC clocks/voltages with the ONLY modification being the TDP power in order not to throttle?
I am not an extreme OCer, i like the SC's clocks/voltage out of the box (boosts at 1058Mhz/1.15V without touching anything), i want to be able to select whether to increase the voltage (and how much) manually or not, the stock +38mV are enough for me (tested it, gives me 1.2V, i am fine with it) and finally i want my card to continue downclocking when not in 3d mode.
So pretty much i need an SC bios with none of these silly throttle issues (even when current power/temp are way lower than the selected targets) and a little more power headroom like 300W max.
Is there any bios like this out there?
Thanks in advance.

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/21 04:35:31 (permalink)
Is it necessary to re-install Forceware after BIOS update ??
Windows treats them as the same cards unless PCI Subvendor ID is changed.  (from NVIDIA (10DE) to EVGA (3842) or vice versa).
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/04/23 12:04:41 (permalink)

Is it necessary to re-install Forceware after BIOS update ??
Windows treats them as the same cards unless PCI Subvendor ID is changed.  (from NVIDIA (10DE) to EVGA (3842) or vice versa).

Only if the ID is changed.
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/08/07 11:46:54 (permalink)
It says its incompatible with Windows 64 bits :S
Edit: found a 64 bit version and worked perfect with this guide, Thanks! :)
post edited by Ignaliza - 2013/08/07 21:11:40

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/08/07 20:17:12 (permalink)
Thank you! Very helpful!

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/11/26 06:17:08 (permalink)
The Voltages are fixed even in 2D.
I thought it should go down in idle?!
I use Precision X.
Am I doing something wrong? 
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/11/26 06:31:53 (permalink)
The Voltages are fixed even in 2D.
I thought it should go down in idle?!
I use Precision X.
Am I doing something wrong? 

Follow step #4 & #7 right here it will fix you up. 
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/11/26 09:19:51 (permalink)
Uhm, I just hit K-Boost, hit it again, than tried default, applied my profile and now it just works fine....

But thanks anyway and it´s really awesome to unleash this Titan!
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2013/11/29 10:08:13 (permalink)

I flashed Bios1 and booth Titans boosted to 1202C, now running a game or something it will crash and recover then it will show 933c or something but valley shows 1202? i reinstalled Precision x and it shows 1202C and the crash happens and repeats the issues? is it precision?

No, it's your GPU's can't handle running at 1202. These BIOS hacks floating around are not how to 'properly flash' anything. No offense to the OP, but if you really want to call this  a proper guide, you need to write out a guide and settings for each BIOS version so the person that is now having issues crashing for example, would know what the solution is. I really hope folks don't blow up their GPU's with this.

I have never ever blown up a voltage locked gpu with a bios flash... BUT you would very likely "brick" your card when flashing it...

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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2014/01/22 21:32:35 (permalink)
Awesome guide, could not believe how easy it was to follow. Alas, unfortunately, it did not fix my problem. But wanted to say thank you anyways.
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2016/02/06 18:58:38 (permalink)
alright fellas. i know this is an old thread but it is still very very helpful. i have upgraded to windows 10 and would like to flash the bios of my titan sc. i can not seem to get the modded bios download to go my way. when i ran 7 i had everything ready to roll. then life happened. i am still uncertain that the nvflash tool works with 10 yet or not. can some one help point me in the right direction to get this done. 
thanks in advance
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Re:HOW TO: Properly Flash Your GTX TITAN (GUIDE) 2016/02/07 15:03:02 (permalink)
alright fellas. i know this is an old thread but it is still very very helpful. i have upgraded to windows 10 and would like to flash the bios of my titan sc. i can not seem to get the modded bios download to go my way. when i ran 7 i had everything ready to roll. then life happened. i am still uncertain that the nvflash tool works with 10 yet or not. can some one help point me in the right direction to get this done. 
thanks in advance

Latest nvflash can be downloaded here
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