1. No, any modded 980 Ti vbios will work. Max voltage you can achieve is 1.28v as your card is based off the nvidia 980 ti reference pcb. Reference pcb's are limited to 1.28v.
2. Exactly the same way you flashed it except you have to flash the default vbios back instead of the modded one.
3. Circled in green are the differences...

4. Nope. Just use the 980Ti-SC-425-1281mv vbios over at overclock.net to get your card up to the max of 1.28v.
How to backup original vbios before flashing: #1 Run command prompt via administrator.
- Windows 7: Press the start button and type "cmd", right click "cmd" and select run as administrator.
- Windows 8: Press the Windows Key & X keys together, right click "command prompt" and select run as administrator.
#2 Type the following commands into the command prompt... "cd c:\users\<your users name here>\desktop\nvflash" without quotes and hit enter.
#3 Type nvflash --save Default_980Ti.rom. Default vbios will be stored inside nvflash folder.
How to properly flash your card: #1 Install
#2 Download latest version of
nvflash to your desktop.
#3 Download the 980Ti-SC-425-1281mv vbios from overclock.net to your desktop.
#4 Right click 980Ti-SC-425-1281mv.zip located on the desktop and select "Extract to 980Ti-SC-425-1281mv\, a folder will be created on your desktop named "980Ti-SC-425-1281mv" for you.
#5 Right click nvflash.zip located on the desktop and select "Extract to nvflash\, a folder will be created on your desktop named "nvflash" for you.
Flashing procedure for single cards:
#1 Move the "980Ti-SC-425-1281mv.rom" vBIOS located inside the 980Ti-SC-425-1281mv folder into the nvflash folder via drag and drop.
#2 Run command prompt via administrator.
- Windows 7: Press the start button and type "cmd", right click "cmd" and select run as administrator.
- Windows 8/10: Press the Windows Key & X keys together, right click "command prompt" and select run as administrator.
#3 Type the following commands into the command prompt... "cd c:\users\<your users name here>\desktop\nvflash" without quotes and hit enter.
- Type "nvflash --protectoff" without quotes and hit enter. (Turns off write protection on the card. Some cards will need to have this disabled before you can flash the card so always perform this command before flashing.)
- Type "nvflash -6 980Ti-SC-425-1281mv.rom" without quotes and hit enter.
#4 If you get an error stating "Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID <xxxx.xxxx> does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID <xxxx.xxxx>" just ignore the error (this error will cause no harm, it's just letting you know you are changing the subvendor on the card.) and continue on flashing by pressing "Y" to override the error. nvflash should now start to flash your modded vBIOS to the card and complete by saying the flash was succsessful.
#5 Restart PC. (NVIDIA drivers should automatically detect and install the card, if not, you may need to uninstall the drivers and re-install them.)
Flashing procedure for multiple cards: (Flash one card at a time to prevent issues. DO NOT FLASH ALL CARDS AT THE SAME TIME.) #1 Move the "980Ti-SC-425-1281mv.rom" vBIOS located inside the 980Ti-SC-425-1281mv folder into the nvflash folder via drag and drop.
#2 Run command prompt via administrator.
- Windows 7: Press the start button and type "cmd", right click "cmd" and select run as administrator.
- Windows 8/10: Press the Windows Key & X keys together, right click "command prompt" and select run as administrator.
#3 Type the following commands into the command prompt... "cd c:\users\<your users name here>\desktop\nvflash" without quotes and hit enter.
- Type "nvflash --index=0 --protectoff" without quotes and hit enter. (Turns off write protection on card #1. Some cards will need to have this disabled before you can flash the card so always perform this command before flashing.)
- Type "nvflash --index=0 -6 BIOSNAME.rom" without quotes and hit enter. (Replace BIOSNAME.rom with whichever VBIOS you placed into the nvflash folder. This will flash card #1.)
#4 If you get an error stating "Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID <xxxx.xxxx> does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID <xxxx.xxxx>" just ignore the error (this error will cause no harm, it's just letting you know you are changing the subvendor on the card from EVGA to NVIDIA.) and continue on flashing by pressing "Y" to override the error. nvflash should now start to flash your VBIOS to the modded VBIOS and complete by saying the flash was succsessful.
#5 Restart PC. (NVIDIA drivers should automatically detect and install the card, if not, you may need to uninstall the drivers and re-install them.)
#6 Perform steps #2 through #5 until you have successfully flashed all cards. Don't forget to change --index=0 to --index=1,2, or 3 to flash cards 2,3, or 4.
Notes: Disabling the display adapter is no longer needed in the newer version of nvflash.
post edited by Sajin - 2016/03/03 10:46:17