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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/05 19:58:33 (permalink)

Keep me posted please

Well, I was supposed to get an executable updater, but nothing yet (3 hours since I got off the phone). Guess we'll see and I'll post here with news. 
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/06 00:45:56 (permalink)
Well I connected a car battery to the card because i was worried it might not be getting enough "juice". For some reason the memory is reading low but you can sure OC the heck out of the GPU!

EDIT: I sure hope this won't affect the warranty?
EDIT2: j/k! This old version of GPU-z couldn't quite handle this card's info...
post edited by PChacalos - 2011/04/06 11:42:13
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/06 12:04:54 (permalink)
Got the update- it's a bootable iso image. Ran it, rebooted, and the bios is the same. 
*But* I can now change the fan speed from 30% to 100%, so that's progress at least. Memory clock speed still only goes up to 2160 (not the 3600 that the card is advertised as having) but at this point, I'm done with the rigmarole.
I'm going to make one more call to customer service just to check in and make sure they know that they've lost me as a customer permanently. A month of issues, 3 RMAs, 2 phone calls and a metric boat load of emails, and I'm still not in possession of the card I actually paid for. This is ridiculous. 
Good luck everyone else. 
Edit by Jedi:  Language
post edited by NordicJedi - 2011/04/06 16:27:00
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/06 14:00:14 (permalink)
FYI the memory speed your talking about is halved ,my gtx 480 is 3800, but it reads 1900. Your never going to see a what your asking for .the card goes to 2160 that equals 4320 .I would not suggest pushing it past the 2000 mark or it will be unstable.Judging by your understanding of how the GPU works i suggest you try to be more patient with EVGA as your current card is perfectly fine as you just described it .

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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/06 14:52:14 (permalink)
Whoa, slow down buddy.  If you're fan goes to 100%, you've got what this update was offering.
DDR = Double Data Rate.  3600/2 = 1800, which is what I'm assuming your card was running at before you manually pushed it to 2160...that's a huge overclock.  If EVGA Precision says your card is running at 720/1440/1800 before you touch anything, that is the advertised speeds for this card.  Anything above that is an overclock and "your mileage may vary".

Got the update- it's a bootable iso image. Ran it, rebooted, and the bios is the same. 

*But* I can now change the fan speed from 30% to 100%, so that's progress at least. Memory clock speed still only goes up to 2160 (not the 3600 that the card is advertised as having) but at this point, **** it, I'm done with the rigmarole.

I'm going to make one more call to customer service just to check in and make sure they know that they've lost me as a customer permanently. A month of issues, 3 RMAs, 2 phone calls and a metric boat load of emails, and I'm still not in possession of the card I actually paid for. This is ridiculous. 

Good luck everyone else. 


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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/06 16:07:03 (permalink)
Ok, to be clear, my annoyances are with the multi-week turnaround time it's taken to get this issue resolved.
Here is my conundrum- In GPU-Z, the memory speed is listed as 900MHz. Assuming that is a legit reading, then the 1800Mhz (900Mhz doubled) reported by Precision is still less than half the 3600Mhz listed on the EVGA website for this card. 
Are you suggesting instead that the memory clock speed as reported by GPU-Z is instead actually supposed to be quadrupled to accurately reflect what is shown on the website? 
Nevermind, I found a whitepaper on it- it's not an actual relevant measurement, just an 'effective' clock speed. I apologise for getting worked up about what I felt was another case of not getting what I paid for. 
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/06 18:35:40 (permalink)
No worries.  What you had to go through was indeed unacceptable and I don't blame you for being annoyed.
Obviously there is some kind of communication failure internally about what BIOS is getting loaded on these RX cards.  If they don't intend them to be able to be flashed to the current EVGA versions, they should specify that in the specs.  If that's NOT how they're supposed to be, then somebody needs to be told to stop putting the wrong BIOS on them at the shop.
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/06 19:05:32 (permalink)
i talked with a customer service guy yesterday who said he needed to talk to someone higher up...manager or tech rep or something and he would have to call me back. Never got the call but may have just missed it. I don't know. Today the guy said he's never heard about this problem and after finding out I have 2 other systems said to try the flash it in them and if it didn't work to call back and get an RMA. Obviously there is a communication breakdown at evga (i.e. nobody wants to cop responsibility and is passing the buck?), or they are not looking at the forums to see what's going on with their customers. In all fairness one of the other systems has a evga7800GT I bough about 5 years ago refurbished, that is still working fine other than it almost reaching the temps of the surface of the sun on hot days. Tomorrow, if the flash fails on the other systems, I'm going to call sales instead of tech support and try an end around move. THEY would be the ones most interested if there is issues affecting sales.
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/06 19:55:20 (permalink)

i talked with a customer service guy yesterday who said he needed to talk to someone higher up...manager or tech rep or something and he would have to call me back. Never got the call but may have just missed it. I don't know. Today the guy said he's never heard about this problem and after finding out I have 2 other systems said to try the flash it in them and if it didn't work to call back and get an RMA. Obviously there is a communication breakdown at evga (i.e. nobody wants to cop responsibility and is passing the buck?), or they are not looking at the forums to see what's going on with their customers. In all fairness one of the other systems has a evga7800GT I bough about 5 years ago refurbished, that is still working fine other than it almost reaching the temps of the surface of the sun on hot days. Tomorrow, if the flash fails on the other systems, I'm going to call sales instead of tech support and try an end around move. THEY would be the ones most interested if there is issues affecting sales.

I can make the iso they sent me available if you don't get a decent enough response. I'll keep an eye on the thread. 
FYI- when I called Customer Service/Tech Support, I spoke with Zach N (zachn@evga.com) - he was awesome and got the ball rolling for me. Might be helpful. 
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/10 13:19:35 (permalink)
A little confused here.
I have the GTX 460 1024MB SuperClocked  EE edition, but the sticker on my card indicates 01G-P3-1371-XX. This is a bit confusing because I know I have the superclocked EE, but the sticker tells me to get the non superclocked version? My default core clock is 763 as the superclocked should be.
Should I get
v1.3  01G-P3-1371-XX - EVGA GeForce GTX 460 1024MB EE (External Exhaust)
v1.3  01G-P3-1373-XX - EVGA GeForce GTX 460 1024MB SuperClocked EE (External Exhaust) 

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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/10 13:27:28 (permalink)
what reason do you believe its the SC EE 1373 card ?Sorry had to ask .Could have been a shipping error from who ever you bought it from .

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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/10 13:31:07 (permalink)
second thought forget what i asked ..
Call EVGA with your serial number they can directly tell you what it should be ,if they dont match ,either a mistake in the sticker or someone switched it with a non SC card .either way call EVGA support and get it straightened out now before (if) any warranty work is needed as this will cause issues.

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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/10 13:50:18 (permalink)
Thanks for the quick response. Is there no way else to look this up in the firmware with one of these utilities?
Bios shows as 70.05.2E.00.70
Graphics clock 763 Mhz
Memory click 1900 Mhz
Edit: It is the SC edition, you can check your registered products on the site.
Part Number: 01G-P3-1373
As registered my account. So youre right must have been a mistake of a sticker. I feel I should report this to EVGA, maybe its happening to other cards?
post edited by nieenden - 2011/04/10 14:13:21
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/10 15:14:27 (permalink)
its rare ,but you should call customer support and get it sorted ASAP.

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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/14 15:51:19 (permalink)
Well, I RMA'd my card on Tuesday, and got the replacement card today (Thursday). The card was already flashed with the FPB BIOS. Nice job guys. Thank you very much!
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/14 16:33:17 (permalink)
I had that same issue a month ago, but now with the new card. I can't get the 800mem 2000mem from the bios... before i did?!? But after i used the updater.. it gave some error then closed. well when i look gpu-z, it shows i got the bios.. fan speed increase but no clock speed increase. I got the increase before with my other cards tho
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/16 04:24:22 (permalink)
didnt work for me the Fpb
i got an gtx 460 1gb EE,  01G-P3-1371-ER
i download the file 1371_fpb_1.3.zip too many time
after click on update.exe one shell will open like this

but after i type y thats the result

my gpuz

i solve it the bios was locked, i unlock it and used FPB but still have big temp problem even with 100% fan speed
ps. sorry 4 my english
post edited by zannare - 2011/04/18 01:55:29
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/04/19 13:52:47 (permalink)
I had the same issue, RMA is the only thing to do..
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/06 13:42:38 (permalink)
what about update for gtx 460 ssc+?
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/07 01:19:35 (permalink)
i have 2 460 1gb. In EVGA precision i have them running at the following.
Core Clock - 850
Shader Clock - 1700
Memory Clock - 1920
Fan Speed - 70
This overclock i have, can i have it much higher ? i havent tried any higher than 850 on the core. With having 2 cards i thought that would be enough.

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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/08 06:52:21 (permalink)
I got 2 1360-RX that are 675mhz, and would like the update also. plus the files in the up date, are just nvflash. There is no new bios to update to?
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/11 13:00:11 (permalink)
Hi i cannot download can any one help me?
post edited by farhan9800gx2 - 2011/05/12 06:56:39
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/11 13:06:28 (permalink)
link dosent work help me please
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/11 16:18:42 (permalink)
Hi there, just been looking for the FPB for my eVGA GTX 460 and its not there, im a bit miffed as it says its for all 460s but appears its not........mine is the :- NVIDIA GTX 460 (evga P/N 01G-P3-1366-ET) any on know if one will work on it
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/12 07:18:42 (permalink)

link dosent work help me please 
Are you IE or Firefox? Chrome has a problem access EVGA's FTP site.

Hi there, just been looking for the FPB for my eVGA GTX 460 and its not there, im a bit miffed as it says its for all 460s but appears its not........mine is the :- NVIDIA GTX 460 (evga P/N 01G-P3-1366-ET) any on know if one will work on it

GTX460 SE do not work with these BIOS as the video card is a different card from GTX460 and uses completely difference BIOS. The SE card is a crippled version of the normal GTX460. In reality, they should have been named GTX455.

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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/12 15:32:36 (permalink)
Thanks again EVGA.

@Shibby2142 on YouTube
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/12 23:16:41 (permalink)
I've tried both IE and Firefox..... And I've also tried on Opera and Chrome.... But still can't download.... Can you upload it on any file sharing website.. then send me link I'll get it...... And then u should delete it after 2 days or 1?.... Thanks for reply.... And Please reply again
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/12 23:18:31 (permalink)
I've tried both IE and Firefox..... And I've also tried on Opera and Chrome.... But still can't download.... Can you upload it on any file sharing website.. then send me link I'll get it...... And then u should delete it after 2 days or 1?.... Thanks for reply.... And Please reply again
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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/13 03:53:49 (permalink)
getting it from elsewhere and not the authorized link would be something i wouldn't be comfortable doing as it is not "mine" to distribute .I just tried all the links  and they all work 100% with no problems.I suggest you find the issue on your side and hope it is not something serious and only a simple clearing of the cache.

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Re:Free Performance Boost (FPB) for GTX 460 - v1.3 (Jan 3, 2011) 2011/05/19 02:43:23 (permalink)
Can I please get an updated .exe for  the 768-1360-RX?
I got 2 from the b-stock and one came with it at 675mhz and the other 720mhz. Would it be ok to flash the one with 675mhz to the one with 720mhz. The BIOS revisions are different. But i's perfer to do it with the updated exe.
The 675mhz ones fan only goes from 40-70% wile the other is 30-100%.
Thanks in advance
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