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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 04:31:36 (permalink)
It is a hardware issue. There are some physical hardware hacks you can do (search google), but it would void warranty and may damage other components. If I remember correctly the "fix" I saw for it put the PCIE slot at close to 100 watts draw... So IMHO I would say that this isn't something that can be fixed without RMA... At least not properly fixed, a band aid at best...

Bummer - I've already applied a custom water cooling block and I don't really want to tear it apart now. Guess I'll have to live with limited power then ;)
Thanks for elaborating!

No problem. It is ultimately your choice whether you want to take advantage of the special RMA. I received my special RMA card and it is a night and day difference. I hit 500 Watts with no issue. The balance on pin 3 is still lower but PCIE draw has never gone over 66 watts. That was my main concern. My first card I believe was better silicon, but was severely held back by power. It also would hit close to 90 watts on PCIE. I can't hit as high of clocks on my new card but it is rock stable and scores higher in benchmarks. I also don't have to worry about possible motherboard issues with too much draw on the PCIE bus... so all in all I am happy I did it. But I didn't have to remove a water block and reinstall the air cooler. But I would have in a heart beat for the performance and stability I got from the replacement.

Which bios are you using to achieve 500w? I have a 3090 rma card and it won't do 500. With it set at 119% in px1 I never get above 107% in gpuz. Can only ever hit 465w or so. 

This is from my post last month when I got the new card:
Well I received my new card today. Serial # 2114. What a difference! I am seeing max board draw of 507.8w with only 66.6w on the PCIE bus! That was just with port royal. Haven't ran time spy extreme yet. Before I touch the card overclock wise, I got a 502.3w board draw. This was just with the BIOS switch in the OC position. I am getting much better scores with way lower overclocks now. The chip in my new card doesn't seem to be quite as good as my original 2014 card, but it scores higher and performs better at lower clocks. So all in all I am extremely happy! With my old card I would struggle to get over 450w board draw with 87+w PCIE draw... Hopefully this will ease some minds of people on the fence about doing the special RMA. The BIOS loaded on this card is different than the newest one I flashed to my old card just last week. The new BIOS on the new card is 94.02.42.C0.02. The newest BIOS I loaded on the old card was 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 05:19:24 (permalink)
Ok, I can't achieve 500w on the c0.02 that came in the card. Don't recommend flashing the .27 bios that Jacob said should not be flashed on the PCB revision cards. Congrats on yours hitting 500w
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 08:15:21 (permalink)
Ok, I can't achieve 500w on the c0.02 that came in the card. Don't recommend flashing the .27 bios that Jacob said should not be flashed on the PCB revision cards. Congrats on yours hitting 500w

Same issue with my card - 107% seems to be the limit, around 460Watts in total. BIOS seems irrelevant, too (I've tried the XC3 BIOS, but then the readings from GPU-Z/Afterburner/etc. are of course wrong since this is a 2-PIN card BIOS. However, seems to max out at around 500Watts).
I've also tried different BIOS versions for the FTW3 Ultra, none of these seem to fix it.
Oh well, guess I'm stuck with a card that can "only" draw 460Watts then ;) Fine with me, it's summer time in Germany anyway!
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 08:17:38 (permalink)
I am going to try the kingpin 520 once I get it under water. I've read people have good luck with that one. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 09:20:58 (permalink)
Does anyone here know why it is not advisable to flash to the RMA cards?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 11:39:49 (permalink)
post edited by MaxTheOwl - 2022/12/16 08:33:53
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 11:41:51 (permalink)
Does anyone here know why it is not advisable to flash to the RMA cards?

As I said a few days ago.
My guess is because you go over 150 watts on the first and second PCI-E 8 pin connector. That means you need a good PSU and it is not recommended to daisy chain the cables. You need PCI-E cables that at least are 18 AWG/0,823qmm (which is standard for a good PSU brand). I have a be quiet! Dark Power Pro 12 and I spoke to the be quiet! support and they told me that I have 16 AWG/1,31qmm cables and it is safe to run the card with this specifications.
Just my two cents on this.

Have you ever heard of goldfish memory?
That's pretty much me right now 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 11:46:33 (permalink)
post edited by MaxTheOwl - 2022/12/16 08:33:46
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 12:23:58 (permalink)
I am going to try the kingpin 520 once I get it under water. I've read people have good luck with that one. 

Yeah already tried that, no luck. Well, for me ~ 460W is enough for gaming. It's somewhat strange because I actually don't really care if the card can potentially consume 460 or 500, but just knowing that it's not working as INTENDED is weirdly annoying :D
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 15:00:12 (permalink)
post edited by MaxTheOwl - 2022/12/16 08:33:29
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 15:13:37 (permalink)
Can I ask why you don't want to try the XOC BIOS from Jacobs post? Or is it not doing anything for you?

Because, like you said, it doesn't do anything for my card - same "problem" with stuck power target.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 15:16:10 (permalink)
post edited by MaxTheOwl - 2022/12/16 08:33:21
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/22 17:04:26 (permalink)
i tried going bak to ftw3 and it say no display found that is compatible so how do i change it bak now?? i want to go bak because seems like the new hybrid bios have too much problem my comp keep restarting.
post edited by richard203 - 2021/06/22 17:17:53
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/23 09:07:15 (permalink)
Can I ask why you don't want to try the XOC BIOS from Jacobs post? Or is it not doing anything for you?

Because, like you said, it doesn't do anything for my card - same "problem" with stuck power target.

I see, sorry. I thought just the KPE BIOS did nothing for you. Strange, everyone I talked with said this BIOS is working for them (including me).

No need to be sorry! :) I mean, I tried the KP 520W BIOS (, that didn't do anything. I know there's a 1000W BIOS as well (, but not sure if it's safe to use under water without LN2?
post edited by Rainer_Stahl - 2021/06/23 12:41:51
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/23 12:57:43 (permalink)
can you under voltage on afterburner for kingpin?
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/24 02:32:52 (permalink)
why do you guys don't use the rebar xc3 ultra BIOS for your ver0.1 FTW3? It works perfect with MSI Afterburner
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/24 08:43:21 (permalink)
can you under voltage on afterburner for kingpin?

Try asking elsewhere in a 3090 Kingpin related thread.  I think its been answered already.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/26 23:03:00 (permalink)
Hi guys, I just RMA my cards with PCI power pulling problem, and they are sending me 2 refurbished cards back. Is it fine? 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/27 08:51:21 (permalink)
Hi guys, I just RMA my cards with PCI power pulling problem, and they are sending me 2 refurbished cards back. Is it fine? 

I would say no... the special OC RMA is supposed to be for a new card(s). I received a brand new card with my special RMA. I would demand a new card(s) since it falls under the terms of the special OC RMA. But ultimately it is up to you
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/27 11:53:58 (permalink)
On the techpowerup website there are now 2 references for the rtx 3090 ftw3 ultra
the evga rtx 3090 ftw3 ultra(24G-P5-3984-KR)
and the evga rtx3090 ftw3 ultra V2(24G-P5-3982-KR)
Does anyone know what the difference is between these 2 versions??
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/28 02:00:34 (permalink)
Hi guys, I just RMA my cards with PCI power pulling problem, and they are sending me 2 refurbished cards back. Is it fine? 

I would say no... the special OC RMA is supposed to be for a new card(s). I received a brand new card with my special RMA. I would demand a new card(s) since it falls under the terms of the special OC RMA. But ultimately it is up to you

Thanks for your info, I will ask them in the email regarding special OC RMA email. Is the program available for users outside of US, I believe where my distributor RMA my cards in Taiwan.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/28 03:52:32 (permalink)
post edited by MaxTheOwl - 2021/09/22 18:30:12
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/28 06:09:41 (permalink)
On the techpowerup website there are now 2 references for the rtx 3090 ftw3 ultra
the evga rtx 3090 ftw3 ultra(24G-P5-3984-KR)
and the evga rtx3090 ftw3 ultra V2(24G-P5-3982-KR)
Does anyone know what the difference is between these 2 versions??

IIRC, the 3984 is the original 0.1 revision with the voltage controller that messed up power balancing (PCIE slot power >67W as read by GPU-Z), and the 3982 is the 1.0 revision with the voltage controller that ameliorates the power balancing issue.
Using the new revision VBIOS on an old revision card limits the card to ~350W power draw, even if the VBIOS is the 500W one. Using the old revision VBIOS on the new revision card doesn't have any adverse effects that I've heard reported.
post edited by arestavo - 2021/06/28 06:11:34
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/28 06:59:12 (permalink)
Just got a 3090 FTW3 Ultra from Micro Center last week.
Installed an Optimus Block on it.
FIrst bios even on OC only hit 450-460 during Port Royal etc.
Installed and now able to hit 500w in Port Royal, COD etc.
Can maintain a +150/1000 when gaming and +150/1150 in port royal benchmarks.
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/28 14:44:45 (permalink)
I haven't kept up with this thread in some time - was there ever any update to this / is there an updated XOC BIOS file that works better now?

CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950x
CPU Cooler: Optimus Foundation CPU Block
Mobo: Gigabyte x570 Aorus Xtreme
GPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra Gaming
GPU Cooler: Optimus Absolute FTW3 GPU Block
RAM: 64 GB (4x16) G.Skill Trident Z Neo, 3600 MHz CL16
SSDs: 1x 2TB Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus NVMe 4.0 Gen4 PCIe M.2, 2x 2TB Sabrent Rocket NVMe 4.0 Gen4 PCIe M.2, 2x 4TB Samsung 860 EVO
PSU: Seasonic PRIME Ultra Titanium 1000W
Radiators: 3x Hardware Labs Black Ice Nemesis 360GTS
Fans: 10x Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM fans + 10x Phanteks Halos Lux Digital LED 120mm Fan Frames
Reservoir + Pump: Heatkiller Tube 200 D5 + Aquacomputer D5 Next RGB Pump
Coolant + Fittings + Tubing: Koolance 705 Clear coolant, Barrows fittings, EK ZMT tubing
Case: Lian-Li O11 Dynamic XL
Monitor: LG 27GL850-B

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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/28 17:30:44 (permalink)
Hmm, I just received this card today. Can someone tell me the things I need to check for? It is second hand. Thanks for any help.

OS: W10 64
CPU: Intel Core i9-9900K @5GHz 1.28v
Cooling: Corsair H100i RGB
Mobo: Asus Z390i Gaming
RAM: G.Skill TridentZ Royal 16GB 3200MHz
SSD: Intel 660P 1TB | Samsung 850 EVO 1TB M.2
GPU: EVGA GTX 2080 Ti (Custom Hybrid) 2150MHz
PSU: Corsair HX1000i
Case: White Caselabs(RIP) Mercury S3
Display: Alienware AW3418DW 21:9 120Hz GSync
Mouse: Logitech G403 Wireless
Keyboard: Max Keyboard Blackbird
Audio: Infinity IL10 paired to SA-50 amp
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/29 05:32:39 (permalink)
I haven't kept up with this thread in some time - was there ever any update to this / is there an updated XOC BIOS file that works better now?

No new magical VBIOS that fixes the hardware issue of the REV 0.1 cards unfortunately. But there is a "special" OC RMA in place that you can turn in your REV 0.1 card for a new REV 1.0 card with the voltage balance issue addressed. It worked great for me, and my new REV 1.0 card is performing as expected. There's an email address to send your query to, if you look ahead a couple of posts, someone reposted the address. I am recommending everyone do the RMA to get these cards out of the wild if possible, but we all know that will never happen... plus it seems like YMMV with the special OC RMA... I had a great experience, as did quite a few others. But there are a few horror stories that shouldn't be ignored in your decision making process. From what I've seen, send the e-mail from a Gmail account. Some people's messages were not getting through from other mail providers for some reason. It also seems that people in the US are (or at least were) getting slightly faster service. If you look back around 30ish pages you will start to see when the program became available, and make your own decision based on the comments you see. 
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/29 06:41:08 (permalink)
I haven't kept up with this thread in some time - was there ever any update to this / is there an updated XOC BIOS file that works better now?

Post #2 of this thread I've consolidated Jacob's responses for the 3090OC RMA program (the hardware revision fix).
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/29 07:21:08 (permalink)
How can I tell if I have REV 0.1 or 1.0?

Tested my card last night.

It has black lips, pulls a max of 462 watts at 119% power slider, but only showed 112% TDP in GPU-Z.

PCIE wattage showed only a max of 59 watts? Not 75?
post edited by ericc191 - 2021/06/29 07:23:39

OS: W10 64
CPU: Intel Core i9-9900K @5GHz 1.28v
Cooling: Corsair H100i RGB
Mobo: Asus Z390i Gaming
RAM: G.Skill TridentZ Royal 16GB 3200MHz
SSD: Intel 660P 1TB | Samsung 850 EVO 1TB M.2
GPU: EVGA GTX 2080 Ti (Custom Hybrid) 2150MHz
PSU: Corsair HX1000i
Case: White Caselabs(RIP) Mercury S3
Display: Alienware AW3418DW 21:9 120Hz GSync
Mouse: Logitech G403 Wireless
Keyboard: Max Keyboard Blackbird
Audio: Infinity IL10 paired to SA-50 amp
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Re: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 XOC BIOS 2021/06/29 09:38:24 (permalink)
How can I tell if I have REV 0.1 or 1.0?

Tested my card last night.

It has black lips, pulls a max of 462 watts at 119% power slider, but only showed 112% TDP in GPU-Z.

PCIE wattage showed only a max of 59 watts? Not 75?

You probably have a 1.0 revision. The revision number should be printed near the PCIE slot on the card. FWIW, you want PCIE slot power draw under 67W as GPU-Z only reads 12V and not 12V + 3V (75W max total for the spec, 67W for 12V, ~8W for 3V).
500W (or 450W if you haven't flashed the XOC) total power draw also depends on the game and the resolution that you play at. You aren't going to max out power draw on an unoptimized or old game. Try 3DMark Timespy Extreme, or Doom Eternal.
post edited by arestavo - 2021/06/29 09:50:22
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