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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/05 14:48:58 (permalink)
I agree strongly with others who have mentioned this: for an almost $800 card, the 1080 ti SC2 Hybrid SHOULD have RGB lighting. I couldn't fit an FTW3 Hybrid in my current case even if one was released due to the added height.
The strangest part: The SC2 card itself HAS RGB LIGHTING. =\
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/05 17:25:49 (permalink)
I agree strongly with others who have mentioned this: for an almost $800 card, the 1080 ti SC2 Hybrid SHOULD have RGB lighting. I couldn't fit an FTW3 Hybrid in my current case even if one was released due to the added height.
The strangest part: The SC2 card itself HAS RGB LIGHTING. =\

Lol, yes it probably should... But my case lighting is white, so I'm good with it :P... 
SO, I just got mine in and opened it up. First thing that is kinda disappointing already is that the fan connector for the radiator doesn't support 4-pin connections. I assumed it would, given Jacob's touting its "PWM fans which can be replaced" statement earlier. Sooooo this means I'm either limited to 2/3 pin fans, or have to buy an adaptor which will add extra cable mess... or, I'll have to open this thing up and see if I can hook up directly to the GPU with a 4 pin, although seems unlikely. Kinda disappointing. I was hoping I could just directly swap out the fan with my 4pins.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/05 18:33:52 (permalink)
Got my card in and installed.  My Valley benchmark at 4K Ultra went from 27 FPS and a score of 1128 to 43.8 FPS and a score of 1832.  Downloading the free Ghost Recon Wildlands now.  Looking forward to some quality 4K gaming this weekend.  My card barely broke 50C during the 4K benchmark.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/05 18:39:33 (permalink)
Anyone else always seeing 0 RPM in Precision for the GPU fan even when pushing the card?
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/05 18:48:11 (permalink)
I am seeing zero also but the temps seem okay.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/05 19:01:42 (permalink)
I agree strongly with others who have mentioned this: for an almost $800 card, the 1080 ti SC2 Hybrid SHOULD have RGB lighting. I couldn't fit an FTW3 Hybrid in my current case even if one was released due to the added height.
The strangest part: The SC2 card itself HAS RGB LIGHTING. =\

Lol, yes it probably should... But my case lighting is white, so I'm good with it :P... 
SO, I just got mine in and opened it up. First thing that is kinda disappointing already is that the fan connector for the radiator doesn't support 4-pin connections. I assumed it would, given Jacob's touting its "PWM fans which can be replaced" statement earlier. Sooooo this means I'm either limited to 2/3 pin fans, or have to buy an adaptor which will add extra cable mess... or, I'll have to open this thing up and see if I can hook up directly to the GPU with a 4 pin, although seems unlikely. Kinda disappointing. I was hoping I could just directly swap out the fan with my 4pins.

Because there is not PWM control the connector is only 3 pin. The absolute ideal way of using the hybrid coolers is to attach your own fan (of whatever pin configuration you prefer) and connect it to your motherboard, and set up your own fan curve. While you it can't detect GPU temp through bios, something like SpeedFan should be able to drive based off of GPU temps. Or just find a speed you feel comfortable with noise wise and let the card throttle itself if it gets too hot.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/05 20:00:21 (permalink)
On Timespy I scored a 9633 with a graphics score of 10690. During the whole benchmark nothing exceeded 50 degrees.
I still have to do some more tweaking. My core sample is mediocre but I may have won the silicon lottery with the memory.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/05 20:09:22 (permalink)
I did verify my fans are both working. Only the rpm on the radiator fan shows though. Will run more benches tomorrow, my son is playing wild lands tonight.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/05 23:45:51 (permalink)
Anyone have a link for the best and most simple guide to installing this? I have one on the way.

Also do you have to do anything with the fan to adjust the speed to keep the vram and other components cool.. Like if the chip is frosty from the cooler, ensure the fan is still going strong for the rest of the card? 
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/06 00:08:27 (permalink)
I agree strongly with others who have mentioned this: for an almost $800 card, the 1080 ti SC2 Hybrid SHOULD have RGB lighting. I couldn't fit an FTW3 Hybrid in my current case even if one was released due to the added height.
The strangest part: The SC2 card itself HAS RGB LIGHTING. =\
Right! The normal SC2 has RGB but the HYBRID dose not
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/06 01:44:35 (permalink)
"Ok, to make it straight. SC2 Hybrid is not maximum potential design they could get. This is basicelly I think a FE/reference card with their ICX plus cooler. That means it has probably the same 300W Power Limit as FE card, so Voltage slider won't go further in Afterburner than 110%, giving you 300W max

So that takes us to the next point: why to buy Hybrid card? I don't think people buy it for stock performance, which won't different from air AIBs or for silent work since air coolers from MSI or Asus are DEADLY silent on stock settings.

Most people want Hybrid to avoid thermal throttling on card when overclocking it. At least this is what I aim for. Pascal cards downclock one voltage bin after hitting 39C, 50C and 61C. A good water cooled card that can keep temps in 50C range can avoid at least one or two downclocks making your clocks better. Also lower temp makes clocks more stable.

However, SC2 Hybrid is probably only 300W card. That takes us to the second throttling on Pascal card- power limit. Doesn't matter if your card has low temps and can achieve higher clocks on higher voltage if your card is hitting its TDP limit it will downclock itself anyway. It is also only 6+8 pin card, cutting power delivery anyway, so flashing BIOS won't help too much.

So basicelly the potential of Hybrid card is little lost here with Pascal architecture."
... Yeah I hear ya. Just from what I've seen, the power limit on the PCB isn't what restricts or limits the top end on these cards, it's just the Nvidia design itself. My impression is that once you get cooling under control, it's really mostly up to the silicon gods as to how far you can go. Pumping way more vlots into the thing won't get you there though.

Now if we could get FTW3 Hybrid card with its 127% Power Limit, so 350-355W and 8+8 pins then we could squeeze absolutly maximum out of the chip that we'd get.

So if there is FTW Hybrid coming I would like to know because I OC my stuff, not let it run stock :)

I personally buy hybrid cards because they're silent and run way cooler than air cooled cards, that simple, i don't overclock them at all.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/06 02:45:51 (permalink)
I agree strongly with others who have mentioned this: for an almost $800 card, the 1080 ti SC2 Hybrid SHOULD have RGB lighting. I couldn't fit an FTW3 Hybrid in my current case even if one was released due to the added height.
The strangest part: The SC2 card itself HAS RGB LIGHTING. =\

Lol, yes it probably should... But my case lighting is white, so I'm good with it :P... 
SO, I just got mine in and opened it up. First thing that is kinda disappointing already is that the fan connector for the radiator doesn't support 4-pin connections. I assumed it would, given Jacob's touting its "PWM fans which can be replaced" statement earlier. Sooooo this means I'm either limited to 2/3 pin fans, or have to buy an adaptor which will add extra cable mess... or, I'll have to open this thing up and see if I can hook up directly to the GPU with a 4 pin, although seems unlikely. Kinda disappointing. I was hoping I could just directly swap out the fan with my 4pins.

Because there is not PWM control the connector is only 3 pin. The absolute ideal way of using the hybrid coolers is to attach your own fan (of whatever pin configuration you prefer) and connect it to your motherboard, and set up your own fan curve. While you it can't detect GPU temp through bios, something like SpeedFan should be able to drive based off of GPU temps. Or just find a speed you feel comfortable with noise wise and let the card throttle itself if it gets too hot.

Yeah, I'm realizing that now haha. I was hoping for some more improvements here from the standard 1080 version. Jacob kinda got my hopes up, but whatever. 
I attached a Corsair ML 140 Pro to my motherboard and just set it to run at a fixed 1200 rpm for now, as it is pretty quiet at that speed but should still provide pretty decent cooling.
Thus far, I must say... I am pretty impressed. Played DoTa 2 at full settings on my 2K monitor for a couple of hours and I never went over 50c... And that's with NO actual GPU fans, just the radiator fan (the only way I've found to get the GPU fan to run at all is to set it at a constant % in the EVGA app manually.) 
If any of you have advice on how to get the GPU fan curve to work, that'd be great. Doesn't seem to do anything for me when I try to set it up. It'll just turn the fan off unless I set the slider to a % in the app. For now, I've just set it to a constant 40%.
The card is so small and cool compared to my air cooled MSI 1080, which would often run over 70c in games where this thing sticks at 50c.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/06 02:50:41 (permalink)
Still No EU Stock 

Asus X570 Dark Hero, Ryzen 5900x, 32GB Crucial Ballistix 3600mhz, RTX 3090 FE, 500GB Samsung 980 Pro, BX500 Crucial 2TB, Be-quit 500DX, Corsair AX1000, Razer Basilisk U, Asus Scope TKL Deluxe, ASUS PG279QM G-SYNC.
** I miss the days when EVGA made great GPU's - GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 HYBRID she was so Sexy *** 
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/06 02:53:54 (permalink)

"I personally buy hybrid cards because they're silent and run way cooler than air cooled cards, that simple, i don't overclock them at all."

Fair enough. I haven't OC'd mine yet, and it definitely is running cool and quiet. Just as a reference, I removed two 120mm top exhaust fans from my case, installed this card, and didn't have the gpu fan running on the card at all while playing dota. Even with less exhaust (only exhaust at the moment is the rear with the gpu radiator) and even a slightly lower front radiator fan curve, this card is running about ~20c cooler than the air cooled 1080 I replaced it with (overclocked). 
Technically these cards come overclocked slightly from the factory. And honestly, you're not missing a whole lot by not OCing it manually... It's just a tinkering nerd kinda thing... Like de-lidding my 7700k and crazy stuff like that. 
Overall, I'm digging the dual aio cpu/gpu setup. The low airflow requirements for cool operation under load is really awesome. Which further affords me the ability to cover up all of my cases' vents with soundproof case components for even more quiet operation, since the extra flow isn't really needed, given everything is liquid cooled and exhausts out of the case.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/06 03:15:00 (permalink)
Side note... I'm getting core clocks at about 1960mhz stock, no overclock, in-game. Assuming I have headroom for ~100mhz overclock, that's pretty darn good stock.
Curious what you guys who have one now are getting. I'll post more figures as I run more tests and overclock, etc.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/06 16:52:41 (permalink)
Creo que esa se viene para Argentina. Jeje
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/06 18:07:31 (permalink)
Side note... I'm getting core clocks at about 1960mhz stock, no overclock, in-game. Assuming I have headroom for ~100mhz overclock, that's pretty darn good stock.
Curious what you guys who have one now are getting. I'll post more figures as I run more tests and overclock, etc.

1937, which seems like a solid stock a boost to me.

Frequency goes wild up and down (like, drops 10 bins... crazy) while gaming and has crashed a couple times benching even without an overclock. Voltage jumps around a ton as well and I get Utilization as the reason in GPU-Z (in 3 different games and even multiple benchmarks).

Did the standard variety of fixes and it still happens (DDU, clean install, reseat, etc.).

Hoping Newegg has stock to replace the card for me. I want to replace my Zotac 1080 Ti Amp Extreme with an EVGA!
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/06 23:04:59 (permalink)
Sweet :)
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/06 23:36:52 (permalink)
Hope we see more in stock. I like hybrid cooling solutions more then just a basic air cooled.

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/07 00:27:17 (permalink)
And finally a solution that fits in my case.
Normally the height is an issue.

X58 Classified
980X @4.1 - 2:12 - 7-7-7-21-72 12Gb
Gskill 2000C8 PS 7-8-7-21@2080 1,65V MGH
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EVGA GTX285 FTW 720/2600

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/07 04:56:11 (permalink)
Has anyone uploaded a video of this card yet?

Asus X570 Dark Hero, Ryzen 5900x, 32GB Crucial Ballistix 3600mhz, RTX 3090 FE, 500GB Samsung 980 Pro, BX500 Crucial 2TB, Be-quit 500DX, Corsair AX1000, Razer Basilisk U, Asus Scope TKL Deluxe, ASUS PG279QM G-SYNC.
** I miss the days when EVGA made great GPU's - GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 HYBRID she was so Sexy *** 
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/07 05:54:10 (permalink)
Absolute gorgeous.  Will EVGA accept my kidney as payment? 

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     NCASE M1 Owner #0197
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/07 09:53:34 (permalink)
For The Hybrids >< For the Hype!
Thanks EVGA! -//- Best of luck to everyone!
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/07 10:53:52 (permalink)
Will we in the [EU] see any restocks of the SC2 HYBRID, this week coming?

Asus X570 Dark Hero, Ryzen 5900x, 32GB Crucial Ballistix 3600mhz, RTX 3090 FE, 500GB Samsung 980 Pro, BX500 Crucial 2TB, Be-quit 500DX, Corsair AX1000, Razer Basilisk U, Asus Scope TKL Deluxe, ASUS PG279QM G-SYNC.
** I miss the days when EVGA made great GPU's - GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 HYBRID she was so Sexy *** 
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/07 11:39:30 (permalink)
I agree strongly with others who have mentioned this: for an almost $800 card, the 1080 ti SC2 Hybrid SHOULD have RGB lighting. I couldn't fit an FTW3 Hybrid in my current case even if one was released due to the added height.
The strangest part: The SC2 card itself HAS RGB LIGHTING. =\

Lol, yes it probably should... But my case lighting is white, so I'm good with it :P... 
SO, I just got mine in and opened it up. First thing that is kinda disappointing already is that the fan connector for the radiator doesn't support 4-pin connections. I assumed it would, given Jacob's touting its "PWM fans which can be replaced" statement earlier. Sooooo this means I'm either limited to 2/3 pin fans, or have to buy an adaptor which will add extra cable mess... or, I'll have to open this thing up and see if I can hook up directly to the GPU with a 4 pin, although seems unlikely. Kinda disappointing. I was hoping I could just directly swap out the fan with my 4pins.

That's what I was afraid of.
Ctrl+F on the article for it comes up with 0 results for "PWM".
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/07 14:25:12 (permalink)
Can i touch it :p
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/07 17:39:54 (permalink)
I agree strongly with others who have mentioned this: for an almost $800 card, the 1080 ti SC2 Hybrid SHOULD have RGB lighting. I couldn't fit an FTW3 Hybrid in my current case even if one was released due to the added height.
The strangest part: The SC2 card itself HAS RGB LIGHTING. =\

Lol, yes it probably should... But my case lighting is white, so I'm good with it :P... 
SO, I just got mine in and opened it up. First thing that is kinda disappointing already is that the fan connector for the radiator doesn't support 4-pin connections. I assumed it would, given Jacob's touting its "PWM fans which can be replaced" statement earlier. Sooooo this means I'm either limited to 2/3 pin fans, or have to buy an adaptor which will add extra cable mess... or, I'll have to open this thing up and see if I can hook up directly to the GPU with a 4 pin, although seems unlikely. Kinda disappointing. I was hoping I could just directly swap out the fan with my 4pins.

That's what I was afraid of.
Ctrl+F on the article for it comes up with 0 results for "PWM".

Yeah unfortunately it doesnt seem to be PWM in the sense that its 4-pin ready. Not a huge deal so long as your motherboard supports customizing your fan curve. Mine actually monitors my pcie slot temps, so I just set a fan curve for that through my mobo. Works well.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/07 19:59:47 (permalink)
MrDoubleUFrequency goes wild up and down (like, drops 10 bins... crazy) while gaming and has crashed a couple times benching even without an overclock. Voltage jumps around a ton as well and I get Utilization as the reason in GPU-Z (in 3 different games and even multiple benchmarks).

I have seen Pascal cards like this before, sometimes they are unstable even with minus 100-150 core clock and memory clock at minus 500, and can have really bad performance. Definitely defective.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/07 21:31:47 (permalink)
Yep. Sounds like RMA unfortunately, just a bad chip.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID 2017/05/07 21:34:42 (permalink)
I agree strongly with others who have mentioned this: for an almost $800 card, the 1080 ti SC2 Hybrid SHOULD have RGB lighting. I couldn't fit an FTW3 Hybrid in my current case even if one was released due to the added height.

That's what I was afraid of.
Ctrl+F on the article for it comes up with 0 results for "PWM".

Yeah unfortunately it doesnt seem to be PWM in the sense that its 4-pin ready. Not a huge deal so long as your motherboard supports customizing your fan curve. Mine actually monitors my pcie slot temps, so I just set a fan curve for that through my mobo. Works well.

Just to clarify though I think the stock fan is PWM in the sense that you can set a wide fan curve in the software. Just if you're trying to replace the stock fan, you cant use a 4 pin. If using a 4 pin, then you have to go through your mobo or get a 4 to 3 adapter.
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