Hot!EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread

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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Friday, August 06, 2021 5:09 AM (permalink)
> Hitting the "The display adapter firmware is up to date." issue -- the card stays as an ftw3 ultra after trying to flash the hybrid bios..
$ 4898_OC_450W_ovu.exe --version gives me this:
BIOS Versions of NVIDIA display adapters present in system:
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (10DE,2216,3842,4897) S:00,B:0A,D:00,F:00

@EVGATech_LeeM Could you please have a look at this issue with my LHR 3030 FTW3 Ultra? I thought I see someone hitting the same problem but I couldn't find it any more. Anyway, the LHR hybrid bios doesn't flash, complaining "The display adapter firmware is up to date.", although the BIOSs to flash the card back does go through, even if I'm on the same bios version.
post edited by msmouse - Friday, August 06, 2021 5:10 AM
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Friday, August 06, 2021 9:56 AM (permalink)
3080 ftw3 xoc bios is 450w,
3090 ftw3 xoc bios is 500w
I wonder why the 3080ti ftw3 has no xoc bios and only 450w max. (=3080)
Even though the 3080ti performs as good as the 3090,(Totally different from the 3080)
why should the 3080 and 3080ti bios just go similar?
i think 3080ti need the 500w bios just like 3090. (They are essentially the same category)
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Friday, August 06, 2021 5:52 PM (permalink)
Msmouse - I'm having the same issue. Evga Lee posted their team was able to reproduce the error we are having and should have a fix soon. He said hopefully it would be out this past Monday. I too am anxiously waiting for bios to work.
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Monday, August 09, 2021 7:52 PM (permalink)
Thank you!
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Monday, August 09, 2021 7:59 PM (permalink)
Hi. Are there any updates when the bios update might come out for us with the firmware up to date issue?
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Tuesday, August 10, 2021 2:14 AM (permalink)
I was hoping for help from anybody, with two BIOS questions regarding my EVGA 3080 TI FTW3 Ultra.

1st) I’m currently on Graphics VBIOS: (was installed when I got the card and launched PX1 the first time) currently it says there is a VBIOS update. Card is switched to OC Mode. My question is, can anybody expand on the fixes, improvements, or what the new bios update is supposed to address?

2nd) I’ve read that in OC Mode this card should be able to reach 450w. Understandably some games don’t tax the card that hard and I read that if you want to confirm the card to hit that, to try something like Furmark which I did. Is it within spec to only hit 441.4w , and only see my Pwr Consumption to be 110.3% even though I slid my Power Target all the way to 113%?

I can’t upload a screenshot with the upload files to server button option, it just keeps spinning and spinning after I select a photo unfortunately.

Thanks @EVGATech_LeeM for all your hard work answering everyone’s questions and helping us out!

And Thanks in advance to anyone who can advise.!

I’m not sure what’s up with that BIOS update, but my 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra didn’t update upon installing PX1 1.2.3 like was indicated, so you aren’t alone there. Also, the max power the slider goes to is 112.5%. Not sure why you can’t get it higher. And, I’ve only seen 450W just a couple of times, and only when using Kombustor. Otherwise, GPU-intensive games and benchmarks get the power up around 440W like you’ve seen. If you’re using the stock air cooler, those extra 7W may be going to the fans and RGB. I put a water block on mine, so no fans or lights for the card to power.

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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Tuesday, August 10, 2021 4:39 PM (permalink)
Getting a 3080 ti xc3 (12G-P5-3953-KR) later this week.  I have concerns from forum threads about power delivery issues capping at 300w for this card, when it should be around 350w.  Is there a beta bios for this card addressing this?
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Tuesday, August 10, 2021 4:50 PM (permalink)
Getting a 3080 ti xc3 (12G-P5-3953-KR) later this week.  I have concerns from forum threads about power delivery issues capping at 300w for this card, when it should be around 350w.  Is there a beta bios for this card addressing this?

This issue is being addressed, and there should be a new BIOS coming for the XC3. You can read all about it here:


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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Tuesday, August 10, 2021 6:06 PM (permalink)
Looking for a 500w 3080 Ti FTW3 bios that doesn't threaten to nuke connector #2.
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Wednesday, August 11, 2021 1:03 AM (permalink)

Sorry if I was confusing , I am able to get my slider to I think 113%. I purchased my card ~7/17, set it up in a new PC build on ~7/27 , upon first booting up and the DL of PX1 it said there was an firmware update. Card went red blinking lights for a couple seconds and I’ve been on VBIOS: ever since. Noticed there was another update , just surprised there’s no place I can find what the new VBIOS update brings in terms of features or fixes to educate me, before I choose to update.

Another question I have from observation:

I was sort of surprised to see the power draw from “8 pin# 3” to be so much lower than 1-2. I wonder if this is some type of bios programming because a lot of users might do 2 cables configuration and it wants to split the #3 cable 50/50 with Pcie power ?
Example config; single 8 pin to dual (6+2) + (6+2) and 8 pin to (6+2). Two total cables.

I myself have three dedicated links, thinking it would be better for some reason - So I’m using 3x 8 pin to (6+2). Just curious of why the card might not allow for even distribution amongst 3 dedicated power cables vs 2 or if I did 3 cables for nothing 😂

My GPU “max” in Furmark says:

Pcie slot Power: 54.9w
8pin #1 power: 147.3w
8pin #2 power: 166.6w
8pin #3 power: 72.7w
441.5 w
post edited by thebluecoat - Wednesday, August 11, 2021 1:08 AM
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Wednesday, August 11, 2021 1:18 AM (permalink)

Sorry if I was confusing , I am able to get my slider to I think 113%. I purchased my card ~7/17, set it up in a new PC build on ~7/27 , upon first booting up and the DL of PX1 it said there was an firmware update. Card went red blinking lights for a couple seconds and I’ve been on VBIOS: ever since. Noticed there was another update , just surprised there’s no place I can find what the new VBIOS update brings in terms of features or fixes to educate me, before I choose to update.

Another question I have from observation:

I was sort of surprised to see the power draw from “8 pin# 3” to be so much lower than 1-2. I wonder if this is some type of bios programming because a lot of users might do 2 cables configuration and it wants to split the #3 cable 50/50 with Pcie power ?
Example config; single 8 pin to dual (6+2) + (6+2) and 8 pin to (6+2). Two total cables.

I myself have three dedicated links, thinking it would be better for some reason - So I’m using 3x 8 pin to (6+2). Just curious of why the card might not allow for even distribution amongst 3 dedicated power cables vs 2 or if I did 3 cables for nothing 😂

My GPU “max” in Furmark says:

Pcie slot Power: 54.9w
8pin #1 power: 147.3w
8pin #2 power: 166.6w
8pin #3 power: 72.7w
441.5 w

This is "normal" for a 3080 Ti FTW3, have not heard why #3 pulls much less power or if it's a bios control thing or hardware design.  Many cards cap under 450w, max 441.5w is kinda low since that's a peak reading, but not unusual.
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Wednesday, August 11, 2021 5:37 AM (permalink)
Msmouse - I'm having the same issue. Evga Lee posted their team was able to reproduce the error we are having and should have a fix soon. He said hopefully it would be out this past Monday. I too am anxiously waiting for bios to work.

Thank you buddy!
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Wednesday, August 11, 2021 4:42 PM (permalink)
Msmouse - I'm having the same issue. Evga Lee posted their team was able to reproduce the error we are having and should have a fix soon. He said hopefully it would be out this past Monday. I too am anxiously waiting for bios to work.

Thank you buddy!

Since the team just finished the 3080 Ti BIOS updates, I'll check in with them about this issue later today.
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Saturday, August 14, 2021 10:43 PM (permalink)
I purchased the 3090 FTW3 Ultra Gaming card 24G-P5-3987-KR back in November 2020 but had to RMA it due to black screens. The replacement card was sent from EVGA early December 2020. GPU-Z Device ID ends with 3842 3987, so that makes it the non-OC version.
I have since put an EKWB block on it, and I have REBAR enabled, but I'm a little confused on my results with XOC bios.
From the post at the beginning of this thread, I believe the following is correct for my original ICX3 3987 card:
original bios set file: 3987_ovu.zip
original bios set with ReBAR: 3987_ReBAR_ovu.zip
original XOC bios set with ReBAR: 3987_XOC_ReBAR.zip 
I've flashed to the 3987_XOC_ReBAR bios set, which is supposed to be 500W limit, but running Furmark it sat around 400W on OC bios. Running AIDA64 Stability Test it hit ~420W every now and then, but nowhere close to 500W, and yes PrecisionX1 has it cranked up to max, which shows 119% max power target, and I have voltage set to +100. Clock is +210 clock and +1000 mem, which is about the highest I can get it to run TimeSpy and Port Royal successfully.
BIOS v (in OC position)
BIOS v (in normal position)
Any reason why this XOC bios does not seem to give it the 500W juice?
GPU-Z PerfCap reason (when it comes up) says mostly Pwr, with occasionally VRel and VOp flashing up for a second then disappearing. Pwr means "limited by total power limit"... but it's nowhere near 500W. Max board power draw reached was 429.4W on full load according to GPU-Z, and that was only for a brief moment. 
GPU temp on full load for 5 minutes running at +210 / +1000 leveled off at ~53C with 54C being max.
Should I try the Hydrocopper OC bios?
Thanks in advance.
post edited by Nereus - Monday, August 16, 2021 2:20 AM

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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Monday, August 16, 2021 8:50 PM (permalink)
I have the 3080 ti xc3 ultra and would like to raise the power limit a bit cus I have it in a custom loop with an alphacool block. Is there a 380watt bios available? Does flashing the xc3 hybrid bios do anything for the power limit? Or maybe flashing something completely different?
I dont care if I void my warranty.
post edited by virboi - Monday, August 16, 2021 9:20 PM
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Tuesday, August 17, 2021 1:38 PM (permalink)
I have the 3080 ti xc3 ultra and would like to raise the power limit a bit cus I have it in a custom loop with an alphacool block. Is there a 380watt bios available? Does flashing the xc3 hybrid bios do anything for the power limit? Or maybe flashing something completely different?
I dont care if I void my warranty.

There was a BIOS update for your model to address a power issue. If you haven’t already, update your BIOS via X1.

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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Wednesday, August 18, 2021 3:57 AM (permalink)
Does the 3080Ti FTW3 have similar issue as well? I have the hybrid kit installed and barely goes above 420-430w. perfcap is always PWR(timespy extreme)
card/pcb has rev 0.1 on it, if that matters
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Wednesday, August 18, 2021 7:58 AM (permalink)
Does the 3080Ti FTW3 have similar issue as well? I have the hybrid kit installed and barely goes above 420-430w. perfcap is always PWR(timespy extreme)
card/pcb has rev 0.1 on it, if that matters

That’s about the average that most of us with a FTW3 experience. I’ve seen 450 a couple of times, just not when gaming.

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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Wednesday, August 18, 2021 1:23 PM (permalink)
Does the 3080Ti FTW3 have similar issue as well? I have the hybrid kit installed and barely goes above 420-430w. perfcap is always PWR(timespy extreme)
card/pcb has rev 0.1 on it, if that matters

That’s about the average that most of us with a FTW3 experience. I’ve seen 450 a couple of times, just not when gaming.

does this indicate an issue with it then?
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Wednesday, August 18, 2021 1:36 PM (permalink)
Does the 3080Ti FTW3 have similar issue as well? I have the hybrid kit installed and barely goes above 420-430w. perfcap is always PWR(timespy extreme)

card/pcb has rev 0.1 on it, if that matters

That’s about the average that most of us with a FTW3 experience. I’ve seen 450 a couple of times, just not when gaming.

does this indicate an issue with it then?

Maybe but not necessarily. I’m highly suspect of the implementation of GPU boost. It’s far too finicky especially for those of us using a custom loop. I mean, why is the GPU down-clocking in the low 40s? That’s been my experience. The card just freaks out if the temp starts to rise even a little bit. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t perform well, but it could perform better based on my experience and observations. Bottom line, Nvidia needs to rework GPU boost even if this isn’t an actual power issue. Especially if there’s nowhere near the possibility of overheating, voltage and power need to remain more constant. Could always lock the voltage, but that usually implies undervolting and not achieving as high a core clock as many of us would like to see.

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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Wednesday, August 18, 2021 3:18 PM (permalink)
Does the 3080Ti FTW3 have similar issue as well? I have the hybrid kit installed and barely goes above 420-430w. perfcap is always PWR(timespy extreme)

card/pcb has rev 0.1 on it, if that matters

That’s about the average that most of us with a FTW3 experience. I’ve seen 450 a couple of times, just not when gaming.

does this indicate an issue with it then?

Maybe but not necessarily. I’m highly suspect of the implementation of GPU boost. It’s far too finicky especially for those of us using a custom loop. I mean, why is the GPU down-clocking in the low 40s? That’s been my experience. The card just freaks out if the temp starts to rise even a little bit. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t perform well, but it could perform better based on my experience and observations. Bottom line, Nvidia needs to rework GPU boost even if this isn’t an actual power issue. Especially if there’s nowhere near the possibility of overheating, voltage and power need to remain more constant. Could always lock the voltage, but that usually implies undervolting and not achieving as high a core clock as many of us would like to see.

just tried a couple of games, even at 4k I cannot break beyond 410/420watts
this is honestly infuriating, if I had known it was this bad I would've bought some other brand and just forget about the AIO kit.
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Wednesday, August 18, 2021 3:27 PM (permalink)
Does the 3080Ti FTW3 have similar issue as well? I have the hybrid kit installed and barely goes above 420-430w. perfcap is always PWR(timespy extreme)

card/pcb has rev 0.1 on it, if that matters

That’s about the average that most of us with a FTW3 experience. I’ve seen 450 a couple of times, just not when gaming.

does this indicate an issue with it then?

Maybe but not necessarily. I’m highly suspect of the implementation of GPU boost. It’s far too finicky especially for those of us using a custom loop. I mean, why is the GPU down-clocking in the low 40s? That’s been my experience. The card just freaks out if the temp starts to rise even a little bit. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t perform well, but it could perform better based on my experience and observations. Bottom line, Nvidia needs to rework GPU boost even if this isn’t an actual power issue. Especially if there’s nowhere near the possibility of overheating, voltage and power need to remain more constant. Could always lock the voltage, but that usually implies undervolting and not achieving as high a core clock as many of us would like to see.

just tried a couple of games, even at 4k I cannot break beyond 410/420watts
this is honestly infuriating, if I had known it was this bad I would've bought some other brand and just forget about the AIO kit.

Demanding games I’ve played at 1440p tend to draw around 400-435W. I wouldn’t exactly call it bad, and the 3080 Ti is definitely the best card I’ve owned to date. I just wish it were more stable when it comes to clock speed, which is obviously dependent on power/voltage/temperature (GPU boost ratio).

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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Wednesday, August 18, 2021 6:23 PM (permalink)
I got FTW3 Ultra, -KL (LHR) version and I'm seeling 435-438W in benchmarks. Not in games, but I'm CPU-bound there. So flash works for sure. using all three connectors off workstation psu
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Friday, August 20, 2021 6:32 AM (permalink)
Msmouse - I'm having the same issue. Evga Lee posted their team was able to reproduce the error we are having and should have a fix soon. He said hopefully it would be out this past Monday. I too am anxiously waiting for bios to work.

Thank you buddy!

Since the team just finished the 3080 Ti BIOS updates, I'll check in with them about this issue later today.

Thank you! Any luck there?
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Friday, August 20, 2021 10:51 PM (permalink)
Msmouse - I'm having the same issue. Evga Lee posted their team was able to reproduce the error we are having and should have a fix soon. He said hopefully it would be out this past Monday. I too am anxiously waiting for bios to work.

Thank you buddy!

Since the team just finished the 3080 Ti BIOS updates, I'll check in with them about this issue later today.

Thank you! Any luck there?

I don't want to speak for Evga_lee. But I had msgd him about a day ago and he replied they have been really busy. He's waiting for the bios team to complete all the different versions before he posts them all up. He reafirmed a small amount of people are having our same issue and bios team was able to reproduce it. I wasn't given an estimate when bios will be avail but he was going to touch base with the team again.
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Friday, August 20, 2021 10:59 PM (permalink)
I actually have the BIOS for this, but I'm not sure which is considered the Normal and which is the OC.  I'd rather wait until someone on our team answers that.  As such, it will probably be next week before I can post it.
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Saturday, August 21, 2021 4:09 AM (permalink)
Does the 3080Ti FTW3 have similar issue as well? I have the hybrid kit installed and barely goes above 420-430w. perfcap is always PWR(timespy extreme)

card/pcb has rev 0.1 on it, if that matters

That’s about the average that most of us with a FTW3 experience. I’ve seen 450 a couple of times, just not when gaming.

does this indicate an issue with it then?

Maybe but not necessarily. I’m highly suspect of the implementation of GPU boost. It’s far too finicky especially for those of us using a custom loop. I mean, why is the GPU down-clocking in the low 40s? That’s been my experience. The card just freaks out if the temp starts to rise even a little bit. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t perform well, but it could perform better based on my experience and observations. Bottom line, Nvidia needs to rework GPU boost even if this isn’t an actual power issue. Especially if there’s nowhere near the possibility of overheating, voltage and power need to remain more constant. Could always lock the voltage, but that usually implies undervolting and not achieving as high a core clock as many of us would like to see.

just tried a couple of games, even at 4k I cannot break beyond 410/420watts
this is honestly infuriating, if I had known it was this bad I would've bought some other brand and just forget about the AIO kit.

To be honest, I feel sort of surprised I cannot ever see this “450w” even with my power slider put to 113% with my 3080 TI FTW3 Ultra. I feel like something wonky going on with however the boosting works.

Note: This is my experience after installing the newer OC bios: (up from

Maybe I don’t understand how all this works so don’t beat me up too much, I’m still learning, still loving my card and think it’s a monster.

Still sort of surprised I observe the card seems to like to split 8-pin#3 Power & PCIe Slot Power 50/50 , I assume it’s to compensate for 2 cable setups (8 pin + 8pin to dual 8 pin). Im getting like (~54-58w PCIe Pwr + ~75-85w 8pin#3 Power). Upon reflection, I wonder if there’s any benefit for people like myself having three separate 8pin cables, wish there was a bios or x1 software option for “3 cable mode” relying way less if at all on PCIe slot power, perhaps giving us that “little extra” juice.

Power Target slides up to 113% but I can’t seem to get beyond 110.4, a momentary blip of 111%

I crank down the central air, getting GPU temps in the high 60s while benchmarking firestrike extreme and watching Nvidia perf overlay I see 420-430 watts, but like for brief moments. If I look back through GPUz I see blips of like 441.

Probably because I don’t know everything, I'm like “I got Ram + 1000 and core + 120mhz + 113% power target / even stock my temps never went past 70c why I don’t regularly or easily see the power stay at the higher end.

I’ve been thinking about the hybrid kit / waiting on Alphacool to make a 360mm aio kit - just been lurking and waiting to see how this hybrid bios update everybody has been waiting on pans out for people who have converted from FTW3 Ultra to Hybrid Kit.

Wondering if having super aggressive cooling might change everything above, but I’m not even over 70c now.
post edited by thebluecoat - Saturday, August 21, 2021 4:10 AM
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Saturday, August 21, 2021 5:43 PM (permalink)
Here's a couple of things to consider based upon my 25 years of overclocking(w/watercooling) starting with a PIII Coppermine 1Ghz single core & GF2 Ultra until today's 3080Ti FTW & 9th gen Intel.
Firstly everyone here seems to be focused on seeing 450w power draw but don't forget there's variation in silicon quality/yield/bin/etc and there's xxx factors in how a GPU actually performs so I would think one person's GPU will provide the same actual performance at say 410w that another persons GPU will provide at say 430w due to silicon quality differences.
In the old days a 'tight' CPU would either provide 95% max clocks at super low core voltage but NOT achieve max over-clocks no matter what the core voltage was and a 'loose' CPU would hit those super high clocks but also would need a ton of voltage relatively speaking at lower voltages and that was merely a byproduct of the silicon 'quality'.
Secondly the most GPU demanding game I play is The Division 2 at 3840x1600 max settings and I personally on the stock BIOS see the best results at less than max pwr limit. I use afterburner and have PWR limit set to 104% and see consistently higher GPU clocks relative to 110% PWR limits manually set in afterburner. Also anecdotally in afterburner after a 1+ hour gaming session the max PWR % reported in afterburner is 121% actual vs 104% requested and that was 448w or something like that. Happened about a week ago & didn't think to screen shot it at the time. My point is there's way more going on in software or BIOS than just a simple slider & the card will do its own thing and optimize so I am wondering if maxing the PWR slider is actually hampering in game performance for y'all...

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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Saturday, August 21, 2021 6:29 PM (permalink)
I actually have the BIOS for this, but I'm not sure which is considered the Normal and which is the OC.  I'd rather wait until someone on our team answers that.  As such, it will probably be next week before I can post it.

Is this for the 3080 ftw3 LHR? 
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Re: EVGA GeForce 30 Series HYBRID/XOC/Default BIOS Thread Saturday, August 21, 2021 10:09 PM (permalink)
Here's a couple of things to consider based upon my 25 years of overclocking(w/watercooling) starting with a PIII Coppermine 1Ghz single core & GF2 Ultra until today's 3080Ti FTW & 9th gen Intel.
Firstly everyone here seems to be focused on seeing 450w power draw but don't forget there's variation in silicon quality/yield/bin/etc and there's xxx factors in how a GPU actually performs so I would think one person's GPU will provide the same actual performance at say 410w that another persons GPU will provide at say 430w due to silicon quality differences.
In the old days a 'tight' CPU would either provide 95% max clocks at super low core voltage but NOT achieve max over-clocks no matter what the core voltage was and a 'loose' CPU would hit those super high clocks but also would need a ton of voltage relatively speaking at lower voltages and that was merely a byproduct of the silicon 'quality'.
Secondly the most GPU demanding game I play is The Division 2 at 3840x1600 max settings and I personally on the stock BIOS see the best results at less than max pwr limit. I use afterburner and have PWR limit set to 104% and see consistently higher GPU clocks relative to 110% PWR limits manually set in afterburner. Also anecdotally in afterburner after a 1+ hour gaming session the max PWR % reported in afterburner is 121% actual vs 104% requested and that was 448w or something like that. Happened about a week ago & didn't think to screen shot it at the time. My point is there's way more going on in software or BIOS than just a simple slider & the card will do its own thing and optimize so I am wondering if maxing the PWR slider is actually hampering in game performance for y'all...

Interesting information! Kinda makes me wonder if OC is dead. Reason why I say that is:

New AMD CPUs, you try to do stuff like turn on PBO + set a +200mhz boost clock limit = somehow lower scores in Cinebench vs “leaving it alone/at stock”

These GPUs also might function the same way

Maybe because nowadays there’s hard coded stuff for boosting like thermal headroom and whatnot, these cards act like they’re afraid of their own power! Haha
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