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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 09:59:55
It's hilarious seeing people get extremely angry about "Elite guaranteeing a card" when that's not true at all. Will you get a card eventually? Yeah absolutely, it just takes time. I waited 8 months on the list to get my 3080 FTW but ultimately worth it to pay $815 all in for a card that some people are paying $2500 on eBay for. Anyway, I got an email for a 3060 XC Gaming GPU and just wanted to report in my date/time in case it's needed to update the queue. I'll be selling this to my friend who I convinced to build a PC instead of buying a pre-built with a good CPU/GPU but otherwise trash components only to have him get stuck unable to buy a new GPU. I had to find him a used 1060 to get him by until now. He'll be pretty happy and I'll feel validated for strongly pushing the "build it yourself" position. 12G-P5-3657-KR 2/26/2021 1:30:51 PM PT Yes Once again, EVGA comes through with the only way to get an MSRP GPU without camping out for 12+ hours at a Microcenter/Best Buy or getting insanely lucky trying to beat bots at the F5 game or "winning" a Newegg shuffle and overpaying for add-on components that they can't sell without making a bundle out of it.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 10:17:05
Blacksunshine81 It's hilarious seeing people get extremely angry about "Elite guaranteeing a card" when that's not true at all. Will you get a card eventually? Yeah absolutely, it just takes time. I waited 8 months on the list to get my 3080 FTW but ultimately worth it to pay $815 all in for a card that some people are paying $2500 on eBay for. Well seeing how easy it is to get elite status, costing nothing but time, anyone that doesn't take advantage of the program then wants to cry about it after the fact I have no sympathy for. I spent a few weeks watching the twitch EVGA streams to get my free elite status then after fighting with the website got a 3080 Ti FTW3 slot at 7:42. I may see a notification this coming week or next. Much like me taking a road trip to the nearest Micro Center to snag an Asus Crosshair 8 Dark Hero plus a 5900X. Nothing that anyone couldn't do to buy hardware but chose not to. It's really simple. If they choose not to then obviously it wasn't that important to them so I don't have any cares to give for those who just want everything in life handed to them on a silver platter.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 10:31:07
Duranage It says I will not get my 3080 Ti for 3 months and I was 7:43.
I highly doubt that. From the Friday drop they were already up to 7:41 and 30 seconds ish. Yes it will slow down as more people started to be able to get in. I've got a 7:42 notify and I'm figuring next week or the week after. Three months is a bit pessimistic IMO.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 10:33:16
Sagermand im thinking that they will produce more 3080ti than 3080 because it is much expensive and nvidia want money.. so hopefully more drops coming..
This all depends on the quality of the chips coming from Samsung. The ones that almost made it to 3090 quality but just missed turn into Tis. The ones that cannot pass Ti muster become 3080s.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 10:40:05
Hi guys..A new future owner of a 3080ti or 3090 at terrenal prize..Its crazy to pay 1400€ for a 3080 or 1799-1999€ for a 3080 ti, or 2500€ for a 3090.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 10:41:01
azurexlancerGPU market has gotten way out of hand with scalping. You would think with the silicon shortage like the shortage on toilet paper and sanitizer during the Covid crisis Ebay and Amazon would do better. I mean eBay straight banned sanitizer from being sold to quote “Prevent scalping during a global crisis.” The silicon shortage is a global crisis. Apples and oranges comparison big time. Last I checked getting or not getting a GPU never hit the level of life or death struggles... azurexlancerI mean you have manufacturing plants closing down/ idling with people losing there jobs because they can’t make the cars run without the chip!! If you followed that story you would have realized the car companies did that to themselves. During the crisis when car demand was down the car manufacturers didn't foresee the car demand coming back in force like it did. So they cut back on the demand of computer chips for their cars trying to cut corners on outgoing bills. Then the demand shot right back up and the car manufacturers got caught with their pants down.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 10:46:32
Sagermand im thinking that they will produce more 3080ti than 3080 because it is much expensive and nvidia want money.. so hopefully more drops coming..
This all depends on the quality of the chips coming from Samsung. The ones that almost made it to 3090 quality but just missed turn into Tis. The ones that cannot pass Ti muster become 3080s.
This. 3080 Ti's basically need the same yield as a 3090. They won't eat into the 3080 supply. There are actually rumours out there (not sure I believe them) that they aren't going to with 90's anymore.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 11:37:58
emath89This. 3080 Ti's basically need the same yield as a 3090. They won't eat into the 3080 supply. Partially correct. Yes they will need to almost be 3090 quality but no it will eat into 3080 supply. Before the Ti was dropped all of those chips that didn't pass 3090 quality became 3080s. Now the ones that pass Ti muster but not 3090 will become Tis and not 3080. So for a very generic example. Say there were 30 chips. 10 passed 3090 muster and 20 didn't. Before the Ti drop that would mean 10 3090s and 20 3080s. Now lets take those same numbers and divide it even farther. 10 passed 3090 muster, 5 passed Ti muster. Then you have the same 10 3090s, now 5 Tis, and the rest, 15, going to 3080s. Adding additional SKUs is a zero sum game if extra wafers aren't made.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 11:52:33
emath89This. 3080 Ti's basically need the same yield as a 3090. They won't eat into the 3080 supply. Partially correct. Yes they will need to almost be 3090 quality but no it will eat into 3080 supply. Before the Ti was dropped all of those chips that didn't pass 3090 quality became 3080s. Now the ones that pass Ti muster but not 3090 will become Tis and not 3080. So for a very generic example. Say there were 30 chips. 10 passed 3090 muster and 20 didn't. Before the Ti drop that would mean 10 3090s and 20 3080s. Now lets take those same numbers and divide it even farther. 10 passed 3090 muster, 5 passed Ti muster. Then you have the same 10 3090s, now 5 Tis, and the rest, 15, going to 3080s. Adding additional SKUs is a zero sum game if extra wafers aren't made.
Yes, but you're ignoring (or underestimating) the part where the 80 Ti needs(for all intents and purposes) an identical chip to a 90. The odds of a chip not being enough for a 90, but being enough for an 80 Ti are basically non-existent. In your example the 20 that didn't make it as 3090's wouldn't make it as 80 Ti's either. The only supply the 80 Ti really stands to eat into is the 3090, which sucked to begin with. Hence the rumours that they're going to stop putting out 90's and focus solely on 80 Ti's (again, not sure I buy that, but it's out there). I realize my first post was worded poorly though, I shouldn't have said "This." with regards to your quoted post.
post edited by emath89 - 2021/06/13 13:17:15
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 12:15:26
Where is the EU list then or does not that list exist?
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 12:28:07
ShredderZX Where is the EU list then or does not that list exist?
There's a link to the EU queue in the first post.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 13:38:37
emath89 Yes, but you're ignoring (or underestimating) the part where the 80 Ti needs(for all intents and purposes) an identical chip to a 90. The odds of a chip not being enough for a 90, but being enough for an 80 Ti are basically non-existent. In your example the 20 that didn't make it as 3090's wouldn't make it as 80 Ti's either. The only supply the 80 Ti really stands to eat into is the 3090, which sucked to begin with. Hence the rumours that they're going to stop putting out 90's and focus solely on 80 Ti's (again, not sure I buy that, but it's out there). I realize my first post was worded poorly though, I shouldn't have said "This." with regards to your quoted post. Your idea only holds true (Ti will not eat into 3080 numbers) if the chips are all grabbed from 3090 capable stock. If even one of the chips isn't 3090 capable but would be for a Ti then your premise doesn't work. Since we don't have any data on the quality of chips coming out of Samsung this is all guess work. The one thing I would say which leans to them not getting rid of the 3090 in favor of the Ti is why bother to disable a small part of a perfectly fine 3090 chip if the 3090 isn't going to be around to compare it to? That is adding time in the cycle thus cost to the manufacturer. It certainly isn't that they care that much about not pissing off one consumer over another as they've been playing that game with Titan and Ti gaming performance for generations now. If they planned on getting rid of the 90 forever and they are using 3090 chips it makes more business sense to leave the chips as-is and make more money off of them.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 14:12:58
Stubbies Your idea only holds true (Ti will not eat into 3080 numbers) if the chips are all grabbed from 3090 capable stock. If even one of the chips isn't 3090 capable but would be for a Ti then your premise doesn't work.
My premise is that the 90 and 80 Ti chips are identical for all intents and purposes and as such you won't see any kind of a noticeable effect on 3080 stock. The idea that it doesn't hold true if even a single chip that isn't 3090 capable, but is 80 Ti capable exists is kind of ridiculous. 1 chip out of say 10,000, you don't think that's negligible in terms of it's effect on 3080 stock?
post edited by emath89 - 2021/06/13 14:15:20
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 14:25:50
I am almost certain they were stockpiling chips for Ti since the very start of the 30 series. In fact, I'm willing to bet they are also stockpiling chips for the 3080 Super to sell later on at the $999 price gap. Why sell higher quality chips at a lower price when you can release them later at a higher price? There is an overall semiconductor shortage, but binning and withholding stock is exacerbating the problem.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 16:06:48
Duranage It says I will not get my 3080 Ti for 3 months and I was 7:43.
I highly doubt that. From the Friday drop they were already up to 7:41 and 30 seconds ish. Yes it will slow down as more people started to be able to get in. I've got a 7:42 notify and I'm figuring next week or the week after. Three months is a bit pessimistic IMO.
Not for my SKU. I'm in the queue for the HC.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 16:08:02
myt529 I am almost certain they were stockpiling chips for Ti since the very start of the 30 series. In fact, I'm willing to bet they are also stockpiling chips for the 3080 Super to sell later on at the $999 price gap. Why sell higher quality chips at a lower price when you can release them later at a higher price? There is an overall semiconductor shortage, but binning and withholding stock is exacerbating the problem.
This! I think they specifically held back creating 3080s where they could because they got so little (comparatively) for a 3080 vs 3090. If yields are pretty good, they would normally still make 3080s to maximize sales, but they didn't need to with the high prices and demand. And now they get to sell 3080 Tis and take a cut of the scalper profit. At some point I wonder too if a 3080 Ti may be more profitable as well, at least for the 3rd party card makers. Since they take half the GDDR6X memory that could be a decent cost savings plus they may be able to use less of a cooling solution since it can be one-sided. AMD allowed the third party card markers to jack up their prices a long time ago, the 3080 Ti is a way that NVidia can do the same. I don't necessarily like what is happening but it is good business and normal economics... just like it will be normal economics when miners start exiting and the used market is flooded with 3060s, 3070s, and 3080s.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 16:14:07
All they have to do is go back to the old warranty system. The one that is not transferable and tied to the purchase, from an authorized seller, and not the card. This would drop sales from scalpers.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 20:14:47
It won't drop the sales for scalpers.
There is no supply, people are buying cards for such exorbitant prices over MSRP because of that. A lack of a warranty isn't going to keep enough people who NEED a card, from buying a new card without a warranty.
Not that I don't support the warranty being changed. It's just a pointless measure.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 21:41:22
chrisdglong All they have to do is go back to the old warranty system. The one that is not transferable and tied to the purchase, from an authorized seller, and not the card. This would drop sales from scalpers.
No it wouldn't. Zotac cards don't transfer the warranty and they also sell out like hot cakes. It would literally do nothing.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/13 21:43:16
chrisdglong All they have to do is go back to the old warranty system. The one that is not transferable and tied to the purchase, from an authorized seller, and not the card. This would drop sales from scalpers.
No it wouldn't. Zotac cards don't transfer the warranty and they also sell out like hot cakes. It would literally do nothing.
yep it would just end up screwing random evga fans who buy a gpu but can't get it threw a retailer. evga is pretty much the only company who lets them transfer but every gpu thats put out still sales and instantly sales at retail prices
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/14 07:29:19
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/14 07:34:46
Thanks so much for the update enewt.
I don't suppose there's any word on 3080ti drops this week?
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/14 07:41:02
shweazel Just got my notify! 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:41:26 AM PT Yes
You signed up for notifications at 7:41 and got the email? Well when am I going to get it? I signed up at 6:49
My associate code: LKJ9U0W30RBNRV7
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/14 07:49:20
shweazel Just got my notify! 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:41:26 AM PT Yes
You signed up for notifications at 7:41 and got the email? Well when am I going to get it? I signed up at 6:49
Go look at your notifies and paste here
post edited by phroze - 2021/06/14 07:57:45
Case: Lian Li O11 Dynamic XLMobo: Asrock X570 TaichiCPU: Ryzen 5900xGPU: EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 UltraRAM: Crucial Ballistix OC to 3800 16 18 18 1:1PSU: EVGA SuperNova G2 1600wCooling: Custom hardline loop: optimus blocks, primochill stuff, lian li stuff, HW Labs 60mm radiators, custom stuff
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/14 08:20:51
shweazel Just got my notify! 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:41:26 AM PT Yes
You signed up for notifications at 7:41 and got the email? Well when am I going to get it? I signed up at 6:49
Did you sign up on 6/3 or 6/4? You should have already received purchase notification if you signed up at 6:49 pacific time on 6/3. I am at 8:03 :(
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/14 09:34:57
shardspider Thanks so much for the update enewt.
I don't suppose there's any word on 3080ti drops this week?
I think we will get some either today or tomorrow, but it will likely not be as big a drop as happened Friday afternoon. Could be as small as a straggler drop.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/14 09:43:27
These back to back 1:28 movements on the 3969 have me really hopeful. I'm currently 1:53 out from the last drop. If they keep the same pace, I could have a card by next week! That, and it'd also be nice to not have to decide whether or not to jump on a 3967 if that queue started moving faster. Last thing I want to do is have an extra card to sell and feed the scalping machine.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/14 09:43:34
shardspider Thanks so much for the update enewt.
I don't suppose there's any word on 3080ti drops this week?
I think we will get some either today or tomorrow, but it will likely not be as big a drop as happened Friday afternoon. Could be as small as a straggler drop.
considering how optimistic you tend to be I don’t like the sound of that lol. Maybe the z590 boards will come in and hold me over a little longer.
10900K EVGA Z590 FTW 1000W G5 EK AIO Elite 360 1TB WD_Black SN750 Lian Li O11 Dynamic 12G-P5-3968-KR 6/3/2021 8:02:05 AM PT No 12G-P5-3967-KR 6/3/2021 7:44:09 AM PT Yes
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/14 10:12:25
shardspider Thanks so much for the update enewt.
I don't suppose there's any word on 3080ti drops this week?
I think we will get some either today or tomorrow, but it will likely not be as big a drop as happened Friday afternoon. Could be as small as a straggler drop.
It'll be close for me either way coz I'm less than a minute out. So fingers crossed my watch will come to close 😉 Grateful for all your help here enewt!
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/14 10:19:03
im just hoping to see some movement on the 3080 ftw or 3080 ftw hybrid. im so close to both those cards!