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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:02:16
6/15/2021 9:07:20 AM PTNo 12G-P5-3959-KR 6/15/2021 9:07:20 AM PT No Feeling hopeful about this one. Fingers crossed.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:08:03
Dude I had so many damn errors and timeouts I'm so mad.... I finally got in at 10:13 pt and I'm very upset... I went for a kingpin hc and maybe I'll get my chance for one in 2024 when there are 2 new product lines to buy instead....
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:28:44
Slayer6x so many ppl i see saying how they have scored several cards and how ppl just need to be there early and get good.. starting to think evga makes numbers up and plays favorites. we will never know but when majority still have zero and a fair sized group is collecting several there is something fishy going on here. i almost trust a scalper more at this point. at least i know they are screwing me
I last purchased an EVGA product about 5 years ago. They had no reason to favour me, and the people in the queues can easily screenshot their results in my notify and post it to social media. That would easily prove their actions and earn then a huge backlash from gamers and press. That hasn't happened because it hasn't happened.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:30:50
well this is pretty awsome
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:30:59
Burton311 I see so many bummed people about not getting a good time on the HC cards but how many realistically would switch their entire setup to custom watercooled to run it.... thats why i didnt throw my name in. Why waste a spot for the people that need it. I bet 90% dont who queued up
I know. I am literally sitting here with a box full of EKWB parts, waiting on the card to begin the build. It's all I am missing.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:33:08
Slayer6x thank you for reaffirming me how much this is a joke.. bots most likely take over half the cards anyways
Hopefully that means we will be seeing less of you in the future. I really hate interacting with these idiots who do not seem to understand logic or reason. I just have a hard time just letting them spread their conspiracies, or bad mouthing others because they are angry and need to justify why they failed at something rather than accept responsibility.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:33:32
I'm already running a custom loop. Just need to replace the 1080ti.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:34:30
its their system but for a lot of ppl it doesn't seem legit.. when several are preaching how others just need to get good and be faster, or that they have gotten cards pretty much every launch this year while countless others were there the same time and still haze zero.. it sure makes it look a little rigged.. and its not like they are transparent.. ppl here literally rely on others to report their emails.. does that sound super efficient or trusting to you
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:41:17
Slayer6x its their system but for a lot of ppl it doesn't seem legit.. when several are preaching how others just need to get good and be faster, or that they have gotten cards pretty much every launch this year while countless others were there the same time and still haze zero.. it sure makes it look a little rigged.. and its not like they are transparent.. ppl here literally rely on others to report their emails.. does that sound super efficient or trusting to you
I have yet to see someone on these forums tell someone that they personally lack something for getting into a queue at a good time. Even if they did, you need to look at them for what they are, a troll trying to bait you to feel negative and engage them further. Don't engage them further. Sometimes you may not be sure, but once you come to the conclusion that interactions with this person only result in negative outcomes or feelings, then you need to just step away from them. Do not feed the trolls, they are always hungry and do not accept reason, logic, or evidence. A corporation will run into problems more often than not by being transparent in a situation where supply does not meet demand. It also makes them look financially weak if they are unable to maintain supply in these situations. If they gave more details, they would be attacked for not being better. If they do not give details, they can be attacked for doing what almost every industry standard does, which is not provide details. Corporations look weak if their numbers look weak, that affects their ability to remain competitive.
post edited by Duranage - 2021/06/15 14:42:58
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:44:39
well their numbers are looking pretty weak right now regardless sad when new egg is pumping cards out in masses with their prebuilt even some exclusively evga gear mostly. wild how many order they fill outside the que. i get they have contracts and obligations but did they ever stop and think maybe they should give elite members hope when there really isnt any. scalpers at this point are more honest than this entire industry and that and hard to say
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:46:16
enewt I track the non-mainstream cards...i.e., the Kingpin cards. I don't think tracking registrations for the other cards; KPE registrants are much more likely to regularly frequent these forums....
I can't even use Element for the Kingpin HC, as it still hasn't cleared all the people from the previous queue which have already been fulfilled. It can be seen because they have no updated any information for people receiving a card after 11 seconds, despite reports. I appreciate the site, but it needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:48:48
Slayer, have you been to a car lot lately? Its hard to produce anything right now. If vehicle manufacturers who stand to make much more than 3000 bucks have a hard time finding chips, we don't stand a chance. Dont get me wrong, I completely understand your frustration but in what business model is not producing a product so we cant buy it a good model? Think about it
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:50:07
Slayer6x well their numbers are looking pretty weak right now regardless sad when new egg is pumping cards out in masses with their prebuilt even some exclusively evga gear mostly. wild how many order they fill outside the que. i get they have contracts and obligations but did they ever stop and think maybe they should give elite members hope when there really isnt any. scalpers at this point are more honest than this entire industry and that and hard to say
The queue is their hope, they easily could have just let the bots and non-elites get in. They didn't. Non-elites literally have no hope. I had a 980 Ti, which just can not keep up with the games today. I now have a 3070 Ti, and in a queue with what I believe to be decent times for the 3080 Ti XC3 HC, the 3080 Ti FTW3 HC(not as decent but respectful timing), and the Kingpin HC. I at least now have hope of getting one of the cards that I actually need in order to run my business effectively. I also now have a card to play games with until I get one of those cards and make the switch. Also as for their numbers looking weak, all GPU manufacturers numbers are weak right now. At least the numbers can not be compared due to the lack of their publicity.
post edited by Duranage - 2021/06/15 14:51:26
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 14:58:46
bro literally any one that takes a hr or two can become a elite.. its literally the most basic thing to get in.. i think others like myself notice this and realize that this isn't quite as elite as one would think and when some elites pile cards and others have zero it makes me question if they are effectively stopping bots or scalpers.. when they got rid of real elite requirements it took away not just non elite members hope.. but elite members as well
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 15:02:52
I do agree with you on that slayer, elite should be a reward for loyalty and not spamming the forums or watching twitch.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 15:04:51
Slayer6x bro literally any one that takes a hr or two can become a elite.. its literally the most basic thing to get in.. i think others like myself notice this and realize that this isn't quite as elite as one would think and when some elites pile cards and others have zero it makes me question if they are effectively stopping bots or scalpers.. when they got rid of real elite requirements it took away not just non elite members hope.. but elite members as well
I was not happy with the changes to Elite status, but mostly because I already had it and it just increases competition. However not having elite status has still effectively removed a large amount of people from getting a card. Which directly benefits me. It is something at least, and a lot more than just a lottery system including all the bots/scalpers who don't even go through that effort to get elite status.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 15:09:49
you don't think bots infiltrate evgas servers? or scalpers?.. if they aren't transparent about position in que, stock quantities and things like that what make you think the would admit they cant stop bot or scalpers? they already allow 1 card per sku... that def isn't a limit of one per household
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 15:18:47
Slayer6x you don't think bots infiltrate evgas servers? or scalpers?.. if they aren't transparent about position in que, stock quantities and things like that what make you think the would admit they cant stop bot or scalpers? they already allow 1 card per sku... that def isn't a limit of one per household
I never claimed that bots/scalpers are not getting into the queue. I absolutely think they are, but their odds given the elite status requirement, are lowered. You are starting to go back to my comment about not accepting reason or logic. Scalpers/bots are a problem in every industry and I have not seen a single corporation solve it, even the richest ones in the world.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 15:24:07
Slayer6x you don't think bots infiltrate evgas servers? or scalpers?.. if they aren't transparent about position in que, stock quantities and things like that what make you think the would admit they cant stop bot or scalpers? they already allow 1 card per sku... that def isn't a limit of one per household
lmao what distributor has ever been fully transparent about stock levels or individual backorder positions? why do they need to be?
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 15:34:32
how many other companies decided to roll out this type of program? none. yeah that's true but when you see how shady the new egg shuffle is and for some reason several have gotten more than 1 card from this que and many others still have zero despite the fact they showed up the same time. when ppl see those things why would we think evga was doing anything different than new egg. this a just as much chance as new egg.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 15:38:11
24G-P5-3999-KR 6/15/2021 10:30:07 AM PT No
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 15:38:44
Slayer6x how many other companies decided to roll out this type of program? none. yeah that's true but when you see how shady the new egg shuffle is and for some reason several have gotten more than 1 card from this que and many others still have zero despite the fact they showed up the same time. when ppl see those things why would we think evga was doing anything different than new egg. this a just as much chance as new egg.
I'm going to have to take my advice which I gave you earlier. Trolls refuse to understand reason, to believe logic, or to look at evidence. I unfortunately failed to realise that you are playing the long game when it comes to Trolls. As such I am going to stop feeding the Troll and back away slowly.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 16:03:52
call me a troll if you want that's fine. you allowed to do so. however i have been here most the day just to see more and more roll in and find themselves let down again. it sucks bad enough getting let down from the crappier companies.. getting let down by your favorite just seems to sting more. guess I'm just tired of all companies rolling out half assed programs. new egg is just as bad. shop blt.. amazon.. I'm not defending any manufacturer or distributors. the fact they as a industry are unable to get a handle on their products is pretty concerning. again evga and all are guilty. but i gotta admit atleast some slight chances to win arent crushed by a site over load
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 16:08:15
I suggest you take a break Slayer6x. Go for a walk, watch a movie, spend time with friends.
Honestly, you made your point the first several posts. Now you’re becoming a nuisance.
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 16:11:37
I'm not making new thread I'm responding. sorry if that's a inconvenience for you. seems to be a trend
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 16:29:57
Do you need a hug Slayer6x?
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 17:36:30
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 18:24:43
Where the hell are the 3080 TI XC3 HC drops at?? The one queue I did okay on they don't send any emails LOL
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 18:50:12
DEADheadGamingYT Where the hell are the 3080 TI XC3 HC drops at?? The one queue I did okay on they don't send any emails LOL
Where are drops at all 🤔
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Re: EVGA Queue Summary
2021/06/15 19:00:45
DEADheadGamingYT Where the hell are the 3080 TI XC3 HC drops at?? The one queue I did okay on they don't send any emails LOL
Where are drops at all 🤔
That too is a fantastic question! Maybe we'll see some big fat drops tomorrow.