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You read that correctly. Afterburner as a member of this EVGA community (Not that happy go lucky MOD weirdo  ) (And oh yeah... I am talking in the third person  ) Has issued an APB....... The first member to Present to all of us in this thread... You ready? I said... Are you ready????? . . . . . . The most BR Worthy post they have read in the month of September so far that has NOT gotten the BR it deserves.... Will also get a BR. That's right. It is time to show all the new members and those that have forgotten exactly what a BR worthy post looks like. And since we as MODs can not see everything (Like that sick doll in Toy Story the movie) we need your help.... And to reward you for that effort, you will earn a BR. A few ground rules.... - I am bring this challenge to be for the better of the forums not for any bashing or analyzing. If you disagree with it, please feel free to PM me and not clutter up this thread.
- The post must be a fairly detailed post without any hint of violating any of our TOS.
- The post has had to of truly helped the person resolve the issue.
- Hot Deals, MODs Rigs and Post counts are not an option for this particular thread.
- Please know I will deny the ones that do not qualify, but explain why (reasonably)
- The post must be clear to everyone that it is actually BR worthy to win, but please feel free to post ones you're not clear about. After all that is the whole idea of this thread
. - Your own post can WIN!!!
- Anyone that already received a BR for a thread/post that was brought to our attention in this thread... Will only get the one BR from this point on (10-16-2010). No longer will the person who has received a BR in this thread for bring to our attention a person who deserves a BR in another thread. New person presenting anyone deserving of a BR for the first time= BR for that person.
- For clarity... If Afterburner posted in this thread a BR worthy suggestion on Delirious and it was awarded, Afterburner also got a BR for bring it to this thread. However if Afterburner finds another BR worthy thread and we award a BR to Delirious again, Afterburner will not get a second BR. Now... If Afterburner brings a BR worthy post for Tweaked and it is honored, then Afterburner will not get another BR in this thread either because he already has received one for Delirious....
- This is no not discourage BR's. The intent on this rule is simple. There is no way only five or six members offer BR worthy posts. What about the other Thousands?
- All rules subject to change because Stone Cold Said So...
So BRING IT! P.S. I am choosing to do this on my own. I had no outer or inner influence and no other MOD was injured in development of this experiment  . I simply see to much confusion in regards to BR's and feel a lighthearted fun idea to spark things up into a positive direction is a good idea to try. So here is your chance to leave the ugliness behind and step up to the plate.
post edited by Afterburner - 2010/10/17 08:17:30
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:08:10
It's about time you're giving them for good reasons! 
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger" Affiliate Code XZUMV9TJW5 Associate Code: 7PM43CU71IB2IAP education may be expensive but wait until you get the bill for ignorance A wise man once said that we can't make anyone feel or do anything. We can throw things into the wind, but it's up to each person to decide how they want to react, where they want to stand when things fall.
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:12:26
Double post. See below AB
post edited by JoeZipp - 2010/09/21 21:17:01
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:15:04
JoeZipp This poor kid was freaking out and many of us tried to help but this post kind of rolled all the advice (including what I gave him) into one place.
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:21:10
Don't forget to protect your investment click on the picture below to register your new product and give me credit!
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:22:18
How aboutgetting a BR for the effort of being the first =EGC= Member to reach level 50, Top point scorer, CG kills/percentage on BF BC2? Show me some love....
T hose who abuse power, are nothing but scumbags! The challenge of power is how to use it and not abuse it. The abuse of power that seems to create the most unhappiness is when a person uses personal power to get ahead without regards to the welfare of others, people are obsessed with it. You can take a nice person and turn them into a slob, into an insane being, craving power, destroying anything that stands in their way. Affiliate Code: 3T15O1S07G
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:22:24
JoeZipp JoeZipp This poor kid was freaking out and many of us tried to help but this post kind of rolled all the advice (including what I gave him) into one place. This is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo close.. Only one Personal issue I have with it. He states quote "I also work on carpet and I don't have an anti-static bracelet."/quote.... All I can say to that is....  .... If that sentence had not been in there IMHO it was the winner! Excellent Zip... lets see what else you have up your sleeve
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:28:33
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:30:38
Man AB your tough ! I missed that one line. Not to pat myself but here's what I told him. EDIT: too late ! the winner does deserve a BR though.
post edited by JoeZipp - 2010/09/21 21:32:52
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:35:19
JoeZipp Man AB your tough ! I missed that one line. Not to pat myself but here's what I told him. EDIT: too late ! the winner does deserve a BR though. See now that is cool! Very good... A little light for a BR on it's own merit, but those kinds of threads add up in our minds as MODs and can result in a BR later. This is why you may see one in a post just like it... Three or four of these in a small window of time if you catch my "wink wink". It is all about helping, not arguing And who said to stop? Can't you read the fine print????
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:48:10
Afterburner atfrico How aboutgetting a BR for the effort of being the first =EGC= Member to reach level 50, Top point scorer, CG kills/percentage on BF BC2? Show me some love.... All I can say is.....
T hose who abuse power, are nothing but scumbags! The challenge of power is how to use it and not abuse it. The abuse of power that seems to create the most unhappiness is when a person uses personal power to get ahead without regards to the welfare of others, people are obsessed with it. You can take a nice person and turn them into a slob, into an insane being, craving power, destroying anything that stands in their way. Affiliate Code: 3T15O1S07G
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:49:55
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 21:58:18
JoeZipp Steve went way out of his way to help this new member. I know I was impressed. WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now to clarify.. I do realize that this is actually close to not being a BR simply because all Steve did was copy and paste the info. How ever he did go into more detail, and it did help the person. That said. Not all MODs would agree that this is BR worthy. If I did see htis again, I would not reward a BR.. Here is an example of that.... ( Link)
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 22:12:53
Id like to abstain any posts people try to use of mine if they can even find a helpful post of mine anyway >.> <.< -.-
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 22:21:06
Nex_Lupus Id like to abstain any posts people try to use of mine if they can even find a helpful post of mine anyway >.> <.< -.-
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 22:34:08
Thank you for the kind consideration AB. I'm trying to show informative posts but also reflect the helpful spirit of out members. I was looking for something Falcon did on ssd's, and came upon this instead. Seems to have helped several people and Falcon was involved a bit too. I know I learned something for the next build.
post edited by JoeZipp - 2010/09/21 22:35:43
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/21 23:54:45
Is it possible for one to receive more than one BR on a thread??? I am still actively helping this member after MANY hours....sticking with assisting him until all is well with his system....shouldn't that count for something extra? EDIT: I could have just left him hanging after I got my BR...but, I'm not the kind to do that.
post edited by jeffreyham - 2010/09/21 23:59:37
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/22 00:01:55
EDIT: I think this post deserves a BR. It is incredibly helpful in it's simplicity, IMO Tweaked My recommendation would be to completely disassemble the cards, and use 90% Isopropyl alcohol and a clean tooth brush and scrub all the residue off. Then take a blow dryer and thoroughly dry the entire card paying special attention to the gaps beneath caps and IC's. Then let it completely dry for several days. I have used this method several times and it has never failed me. All of the water damaged parts are still functioning. from THIS thread.
post edited by msmith5150 - 2010/09/22 01:17:10
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/22 02:27:58
I wonder if anybody thought I helped anybody? Im not looking to get a BR, Id just like to know if my knowledge is helping anybody, if not what can I do to help more :3 Nice thread here btw.
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/22 05:12:51
^^^ do more. EDIT: I also do not think it should take 5 paragraphs worth of writing to be BR worthy.
post edited by kram36 - 2010/09/22 05:14:21
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/22 06:03:44
JoeZipp Thank you for the kind consideration AB. I'm trying to show informative posts but also reflect the helpful spirit of out members. I was looking for something Falcon did on ssd's, and came upon this instead. Seems to have helped several people and Falcon was involved a bit too. I know I learned something for the next build. One sentence answers will not get BR's that often at all. good find though!
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/22 06:09:34
jeffreyham Is it possible for one to receive more than one BR on a thread??? I am still actively helping this member after MANY hours....sticking with assisting him until all is well with his system....shouldn't that count for something extra? EDIT: I could have just left him hanging after I got my BR...but, I'm not the kind to do that. This is a very good question. I remember this thread. Just so you know..... You may have received the BR in one of the earlier posts... But you Earned it by sticking it out, following through and helping the OP out. Could you or a person earn more than one in a post? sure of course. But the spirit of the BR in not about giving one for every single good post. The spirit is rewarding those that kind of go above and beyond so to speak. Because it happens, and that needs to be recognized some how. Otherwise if we gave them out for simple things all the time... We do not have nor would have anything to give for those above and beyond post(s) like the ones you did there.
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/22 06:13:43
msmith5150 EDIT: I think this post deserves a BR. It is incredibly helpful in it's simplicity, IMO Tweaked My recommendation would be to completely disassemble the cards, and use 90% Isopropyl alcohol and a clean tooth brush and scrub all the residue off. Then take a blow dryer and thoroughly dry the entire card paying special attention to the gaps beneath caps and IC's. Then let it completely dry for several days. I have used this method several times and it has never failed me. All of the water damaged parts are still functioning. from THIS thread. Once members become MODs.... Getting a BR almost never happens again. Even if we do get one I think Shane has to be the one to give it. And he is a lot like Mr. Scrooge with those  ... But really to be a MOD we pretty much have been gong above and beyond for a while and frankly getting BR's was nice, but being able to help the community on a larger scale is reward enough
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/22 06:51:17
i had nightmares with BRs last night :P
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/22 12:10:09
So how has everybody been doing looking through the forums searching for BR Worthy Posts? if you find them Post them here with the links ... we would like to see AB busi for a few hours
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/22 13:41:32
Afterburner jeffreyham Is it possible for one to receive more than one BR on a thread??? I am still actively helping this member after MANY hours....sticking with assisting him until all is well with his system....shouldn't that count for something extra? EDIT: I could have just left him hanging after I got my BR...but, I'm not the kind to do that. This is a very good question. I remember this thread. Just so you know..... You may have received the BR in one of the earlier posts... But you Earned it by sticking it out, following through and helping the OP out. Could you or a person earn more than one in a post? sure of course. But the spirit of the BR in not about giving one for every single good post. The spirit is rewarding those that kind of go above and beyond so to speak. Because it happens, and that needs to be recognized some how. Otherwise if we gave them out for simple things all the time... We do not have nor would have anything to give for those above and beyond post(s) like the ones you did there. Actually, I earned the BR early too.......long before the "sticking it out" even started.....I feel that I have "gone above and beyond" and I will continue to do so....2nd BR or not. Thank you.
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Re:Afterburner has put out an APB...
2010/09/22 14:17:47
(permalink) Falcon definitely deserves a blue ribbon for going above (giving his number and walking him through it) and beyond to help solve mrcairo's problem. boredgunner was very knowledgable about psu's and I think most people who read this learned something because I sure did and will be using his advice for my next build;m=578677&mpage=1 I normally wouldnt do this but I believe adam2013 and myself earned a blue ribbon in helping kaitounala solve his problem and giving a lot of good information. It ended up being a simple fix but I dont think we left a stone unturned in trying to solve it and trying to help him even after it was solved another one where boredgunner helps someone else out with a power supply question and even after sigep gets a new power supply he continues to help him and push him to make everything perfect I know jedi95 already got a blue ribbon for the program but I believe he deserves a lot more than 1 for all the work hes put in, the amount of people who can fold bc of his program and all the support he does for the people who use his program. He is an outstanding contributor to our efforts to pass the horde and thats why I believe he should get a bunch of blue ribbons because if the questions posted were new posts he would be up for a blue ribbon everytime with his answers Woooo Whooo You popped your BR cherry!!!
post edited by Afterburner - 2010/09/22 16:04:57
If you see a blue ribbon worthy post post it here;m=587606&mpage=1 #1 I7 860 @3.8; 8 GB @1800; EVGA P55 FTW 200; 3x EVGA 470 #2 I7 860 @3.7; 8 GB @1800; EVGA P55 FTW 200; 2x5870 #3 I7 950 ; 6GB @1600; EVGA X58 FTW3; Evga 470 Unhappyelf- "Dam you internet anonymity you failed me again"