A open letter to Nvidia -rant-

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Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 07:39:05 (permalink)
Whatever you say about their products (and the fact that supporting Alpha builds is something that very few developers do seriously):
Have you ever considered that posting your "Open Letter" on a semi-private forum for gamers is honestly going to do jack diddly in the way of effecting their software development?
Also, have you ever considered applying for a job there? Software devs get paid a lot, and you seem to know what you're talking about, and it will probably give you options to staying up for 24 hours straight during the work week to wait for drivers to play an Alpha testing version of a game.

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Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 09:34:37 (permalink)
Some forum members have posted complaints about this thread. Keep the posting professional or we'll have to lock it down.

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Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 12:42:53 (permalink)
drivers have always and will always be buggy.  to the OP if you actually had the foggiest of clues on what it takes to write the tens of thousands of lines of code for a basic driver you might be a tad more understanding of the task at hand to produce drivers for an ever changing industry. its not like they have one or two guys sitting there for a few hours a day working on it.  there are teams of programmers working together trying to produce the work.  Now take the fact that these codes are produced by people and that mistakes can and do happen, you sometimes get bugs in a driver.  Now after they have what they think is a working version they test it but it is impossible to create every possible scenario that the gamers might encounter with the limited manpower so sometimes a glich in the code slips past.  if you find said issue report it so the programmers are made aware of it. now if its a single glitch that they cannot replicate then its unlikely it will be addressed.  but if they get repeated reports of a problem and can replicate it well then they can isolate the issue and fix it.
so the moral of this..
use the driver report bugs as you cross them and learn to cope.
getting all pissed off does absolutely nothing to help your situation.
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Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 15:11:40 (permalink)
Porpoise Hork

drivers have always and will always be buggy.  to the OP if you actually had the foggiest of clues on what it takes to write the tens of thousands of lines of code for a basic driver you might be a tad more understanding of the task at hand to produce drivers for an ever changing industry. its not like they have one or two guys sitting there for a few hours a day working on it.  there are teams of programmers working together trying to produce the work.  Now take the fact that these codes are produced by people and that mistakes can and do happen, you sometimes get bugs in a driver.  Now after they have what they think is a working version they test it but it is impossible to create every possible scenario that the gamers might encounter with the limited manpower so sometimes a glich in the code slips past.  if you find said issue report it so the programmers are made aware of it. now if its a single glitch that they cannot replicate then its unlikely it will be addressed.  but if they get repeated reports of a problem and can replicate it well then they can isolate the issue and fix it.

so the moral of this..

use the driver report bugs as you cross them and learn to cope.

getting all pissed off does absolutely nothing to help your situation.

+1 This is much nicer than what I was going to write so, I'll go with it.

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Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 15:33:13 (permalink)
Hey before you rage at them, can you even code drivers? Granted, the drivers haven't been the best lately but I haven't had problems with them at all. Now the comment about pricing was unjustified IMO. Do you think AMD/ATI is doing any better? Not really, unless you want maybe 1GB more for your dual GPU Card.
How long you've been using Nvidia cards doesn't really justify a rant. BTW As heavy hemi said, cut the R word. Just because someones not doing their job so great, doesn't mean they deserve that.
That would be unjustified.
Anyway summery to the story for me, If you can't do it better, don't rant about it. Unless you post a working driver up here for everyone to use, I won't take this seriously at all.

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Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 16:32:23 (permalink)
hehe, thanks for this thread. It's made me chuckle a bit.
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Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 20:07:27 (permalink)
Wow and that's all I can say at this point... Well maybe some heads should roll for the incompetence....

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Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/29 06:45:17 (permalink)
lol I hear you dude... been a nvidia user for quite some time cant really ever say I had a stable driver and it all functions liek it should.
Keep up the good work bro, thx for the help ;)
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Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/29 13:55:56 (permalink)
Oh... drivers, who needs them... WE DO NVIDIA! Thanks you, have a pleasant day.
Johnny Quest
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Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/08/05 15:21:43 (permalink)
it has every thing to do with the 500 series cards my man,and everyone who spent half a grand would like some answers to why they are pumping out ATI drivers for us 500 series owners...i never had a prob till this 275.XX steaming pile of bloatware,,updater this fix and that fix...reverted back to 266.58 and have never looked back..and WON'T,,,because of the bad due diligence by Nvidia...and yes it affects my 580 sc...so what i am trying to say is alot of 500 series owners have had probs with the latest ATI drivers pumped out by Nvidia..and as the OP said enough already ,i didn't  go to ATI just for this particular reason crummy driver support. but it looks like we got it anyways...and to those complaining about this thread...you have to empathize with people sometimes..look at his sig...the man spends alot on GPU"S.he deserves answers...not lunacy..

This post has nothing to do with the 500 series directly. I'll move it to general discussion for now provided that the thread stays within the terms of service.

NVIDIA has several places on its website to list driver complaints and issues as well as their own forums

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Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/08/07 05:58:29 (permalink)
i got suspended for ranting i guess,,,,you have more pull than i do...but i totally agree with you ...its become a joke


As I wait for Nvidia's latest driver, I cannot but hope that it will do SOMETHING about terrible current state of the "Nvidia driver mess"...

As a Nvidia user since the Geforce 256 days, the current state of Nvidia drivers is flat out crap.

I am EXTREMELY tired of having to swap between (3) different driversets just to run 2 games and benchmark/test with.

I do NOT like paying $1200 for $200 worth of cards, then find myself in driver hell with unsupported, buggy and defective driversets.

You either start doing your JOB with these drivers, stop catering to developers and get your different driver/hardware design teams on the same page... What is your PROBLEM!
Your driver division is full of retarded idiots, half of whom cant read DX11 specs and the other half flunked out of computers 101.. Its time to FIRE everyone in the DX11 office management and start over.
*and -please- fire the people responsible for the communication between the hardware design teams and the driver development teams. Might not be a bad idea to fire the hardware/driver sim management either... 

As I waited for release today, it became clear Nvidia's driver division is run by total idiots!
-->Someone "forgot" to add in the latest SLI profiles for BF3 into the driver that was set for release this morning.

Thats just the stupidest thing I have ever heard. People need to LOSE THEIR JOBS because of stupid stuff like that... now of course they will shove it in and bust something somewhere else, because it wasnt in the testing cycle.. more of the same, more of the same, more of the same crap.

No wonder the drivers are a mess

Nvidia, get your act together...

-->This next driverset had better be THE BEST THING EVER and not a STEAMING PILE

*maybe its time Nvidia went back to "this game is unsupported by your currently installed Nvidia driverset"
"please consult your games developer for a patch"
...at least that would be honest. I grow tired of Nvidia lies, mis-management and low computer IQ's 

-rant in progress- 

Asus Rampage II Extreme////EVGA GTX 580 SC////Corsair HX 1050 ////12gb,Corsair Dominator- 1600mhz//// OCZ Vertex 2 240G SSD////300gb Velocoraptor////2- 640gb Western Digital black////Nextar HD docking station////Intel i7 965 Extreme at 4.0////Logitech Z5500 5.1 THX////Razer Death Adder left hand////Razer Black Widow Ultimate keyboard////Swiftech MCP655////EK-D5-Xtop 2,Fesser Dual Rad////,Koolance cpu 350 water block//// Bitspower Silver Compression Ftngs.////Danger Den Delrin fillport////Primoflex Pro LRT clear////Swiftech MCRES micro rev.2////Thermaltake Armour E-ATX////Asus VG236H 23" 3D////Monster Power HTS3600 MKII clean power stage 3v.2.1 filtering////Windows 7 Professional 64bit////Sore Wallet////
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