A open letter to Nvidia -rant-

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2011/07/27 10:59:12 (permalink)
As I wait for Nvidia's latest driver, I cannot but hope that it will do SOMETHING about terrible current state of the "Nvidia driver mess"...
As a Nvidia user since the Geforce 256 days, the current state of Nvidia drivers is flat out crap.
I am EXTREMELY tired of having to swap between (3) different driversets just to run 2 games and benchmark/test with.
I do NOT like paying $1200 for $200 worth of cards, then find myself in driver hell with unsupported, buggy and defective driversets.
You either start doing your JOB with these drivers, stop catering to developers and get your different driver/hardware design teams on the same page... What is your PROBLEM!
Your driver division is full of retarded idiots, half of whom cant read DX11 specs and the other half flunked out of computers 101.. Its time to FIRE everyone in the DX11 office management and start over.
*and -please- fire the people responsible for the communication between the hardware design teams and the driver development teams. Might not be a bad idea to fire the hardware/driver sim management either... 
As I waited for release today, it became clear Nvidia's driver division is run by total idiots!
-->Someone "forgot" to add in the latest SLI profiles for BF3 into the driver that was set for release this morning.
Thats just the stupidest thing I have ever heard. People need to LOSE THEIR JOBS because of stupid stuff like that... now of course they will shove it in and bust something somewhere else, because it wasnt in the testing cycle.. more of the same, more of the same, more of the same crap.
No wonder the drivers are a mess
Nvidia, get your act together...
-->This next driverset had better be THE BEST THING EVER and not a STEAMING PILE
*maybe its time Nvidia went back to "this game is unsupported by your currently installed Nvidia driverset"
"please consult your games developer for a patch"
...at least that would be honest. I grow tired of Nvidia lies, mis-management and low computer IQ's 
-rant in progress- 
post edited by maniacvvv - 2011/07/27 13:48:13


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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 11:05:59 (permalink)
    Bummer about the BF3 mess up.
    Luckily i dont play that game
    But this is nothing new, Nvidia has been releasing screwed up drivers since day 1 , and shows no sign of ever changing.
    Its par for the course and to be expected from them
    What about using a custom profile ... 

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 11:13:05 (permalink)
    Oh, I have copy(s) of the developer driverset(s) with the proper profile. I have had them for over 8 weeks....
    And not just the ones were talking about, I have the "other" set too... 
    I guess nobody at Nvidia bothered to walk across the hall and share it.
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2011/07/27 13:49:20

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 11:13:11 (permalink)
    somebody needs a hug..

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 11:22:01 (permalink)
    No, some people at Nvidia need a baseball bat up the side of their heads
    You just have to ask, is there a chalkboard -anywhere- at Nvidia with a list of games/issues/fixes/Dev lines and a pipeline to integrate them as the driver lines more forward?
    I dont think so...
    People need to start getting FIRED if they cannot do their jobs -period-
    Last I heard, their are PLENTY of smart folks who are looking for jobs....  Its time to FIRE the known retards and bring in some new blood.
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2011/07/27 13:49:54

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 11:23:11 (permalink)
    I think someone over there needs to be their 'gamer QA' person so that things like this do not happen often like they are.
    I'll volunteer for that position...if they ever have one.


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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 11:29:06 (permalink)
    Did you post this in the Nvidia forums as well?

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 11:37:48 (permalink)

    Did you post this in the Nvidia forums as well?

    In case you hadnt noticed, nobody from hardware design or the driver development teams reads a darn thing that gets posted.
    Manuel G. is the most overworked, underpaid and unsupported person working at Nvidia.
    He doesnt have access to anybody, he is a mouth piece... sometimes he learns more about things from the users of those fourms than he does from Nvidia itself....
    Like I said, Nvidia management has been filled with the ranks of retarded idiots... 

    post edited by maniacvvv - 2011/07/27 13:54:29

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 11:43:03 (permalink)

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 11:46:41 (permalink)


    Nice link
    The person who gathers that information and passes it on to the hardware and driver teams...
    They havent been doing their job
    This isnt about novice user reports, its about signed released driver sets that break previously released games. The issues are known, its the retards that cant do their jobs and fix the issues that is the current problem at Nvidia, that and "honesty" from Nvidia about what the problems are. 

    post edited by maniacvvv - 2011/07/27 11:53:31

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 11:54:35 (permalink)
    275.39 are internal driver for us that contain fixes for BF3 to prevent the crashes, we thought these fixes were included in 275.50 but unfortunately weren't, hence all the crashes people are seeing. The workaround in the thread FatalRequiem posted should work, though is a bit cumbersome.
    30 mins ago
    The next public Nvidia driver will contain the proper SLI profile for bf3.exe

    Sorry everyone. Looks like it is pushed back one more day. And yes, it will contain SLI profiles for Battlefield 3 Alpha.
    And please calm down a bit. You're complaining about a game in ALPHA state not even a BETA. Some folks might find your use of the 'R' word a bit offensive...
    Edit 2 here's a link to the discussion on the Nvidia forum
    post edited by HeavyHemi - 2011/07/27 11:58:59

    EVGA X99 FTWK / i7 6850K @ 4.5ghz / RTX 3080Ti FTW Ultra / 32GB Corsair LPX 3600mhz / Samsung 850Pro 256GB / Be Quiet BN516 Straight Power 12-1000w 80 Plus Platinum / Window 10 Pro
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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 11:57:54 (permalink)
    Did you post this in the Nvidia forums as well?


    In case you hadnt noticed, nobody from hardware design or the driver development teams reads a darn thing that gets posted.

    Man G. is the most overworked, underpaid and unsupported person working at Nvidia.
    He doesnt have access to anybody, he is a mouth piece... sometimes he learns more about things from the users of those fourms than he does from Nvidia itself....

    Like I said, Nvidia has been filled with the ranks of retarded idiots... 

    Why would I notice?, I am not exactly tracking statistical matter on the subject of what Nvidia does and doesn't check on their own forum.    It just seems like if your gonna rant about Nvidia you should rant directly to them as well, but whatever works best for you. Either way it works out the same to me, rant away!

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 12:00:27 (permalink)
    ranting "in progress"
    I just felt like a good vomiting this morning after the news of Nvidia's latest management breakdown...
    Its time to start walking around the office and pinkslip some $120,000 a year retards, and tell them they have one hour to clean out their desk and get off the property
    failure is FAILURE 
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2011/07/27 12:03:41

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 12:03:12 (permalink)
    Way to go Nvidia making priority fixes for a game in Alpha state that most people cannot even play. Any ways OP. The grass is no greener on the other side. This is just how pc gaming will always be. This is one reason why the consoles sell so much. Pick up and play with not having to worry about things like this. I can be patient but really. It is annoying. That is why I would never go sli or buy a super expensive video card. Its like having to sit at idle while being worked on constantly until they get things stable. Just about when they do. Here comes a new top of the line card. Rinse, recycle and repeat.

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 12:12:02 (permalink)


    275.39 are internal driver for us that contain fixes for BF3 to prevent the crashes, we thought these fixes were included in 275.50 but unfortunately weren't, hence all the crashes people are seeing. The workaround in the thread FatalRequiem posted should work, though is a bit cumbersome.
    30 mins ago
    The next public Nvidia driver will contain the proper SLI profile for bf3.exe

    Sorry everyone. Looks like it is pushed back one more day. And yes, it will contain SLI profiles for Battlefield 3 Alpha.

    And please calm down a bit. You're complaining about a game in ALPHA state not even a BETA. Some folks might find your use of the 'R' word a bit offensive...

    Edit 2 here's a link to the discussion on the Nvidia forum


    Complaining? I'm furious!!
    Since when is the marketing department at Nvidia get the balls to take their best DX11 teams and do a patch for Crysis2, because Crytek cant be bothered to hire anyone who isnt a DX10 cross platform tard?
    Since when did Nvidia's driver team management decide that it could get away with DX11 loading issues with a trick that makes their own hardware devices fail... and nobody seems to care?
    Its called "management failure" and "a complete lack of concern for the end customer"
    *remember, gone are the days of the Nvidia testing floor. Now its a big hulking hardware/driver sim and either it put out the correct data showing these failures or it didnt...
    -either- way, its a 100% management failure, by not informing of the issues or not getting proper testing results from their sim. 

    post edited by maniacvvv - 2011/07/27 12:27:14

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 12:49:55 (permalink)



    275.39 are internal driver for us that contain fixes for BF3 to prevent the crashes, we thought these fixes were included in 275.50 but unfortunately weren't, hence all the crashes people are seeing. The workaround in the thread FatalRequiem posted should work, though is a bit cumbersome.
    30 mins ago
    The next public Nvidia driver will contain the proper SLI profile for bf3.exe

    Sorry everyone. Looks like it is pushed back one more day. And yes, it will contain SLI profiles for Battlefield 3 Alpha.

    And please calm down a bit. You're complaining about a game in ALPHA state not even a BETA. Some folks might find your use of the 'R' word a bit offensive...

    Edit 2 here's a link to the discussion on the Nvidia forum


    Complaining? I'm furious!!

    Since when is the marketing department at Nvidia get the balls to take their best DX11 teams and do a patch for Crysis2, because Crytek cant be bothered to hire anyone who isnt a DX10 cross platform tard?

    Since when did Nvidia's driver team management decide that it could get away with DX11 loading issues with a trick that makes their own hardware devices fail... and nobody seems to care?

    Its called "management failure" and "a complete lack of concern for the end customer"

    *remember, gone are the days of the Nvidia testing floor. Now its a big hulking hardware/driver sim and either it put out the correct data showing these failures or it didnt...
    -either- way, its a 100% management failure, by not informing of the issues or not getting proper testing results from their sim. 

    So...you're angry at Nvidia for not fixing Cryteks issue? I don't get it. Which DX loading issue and which game? Is this the same one that ATI had to work around? Is that a driver issue or a game issue? Last I looked, there is a quite detailed list of driver bugs and issues released with each driver. Did that stop?
    Just to make you chuckle.... Nvidia driver team after getting pink slips from maniacvvv

    post edited by HeavyHemi - 2011/07/27 12:56:57

    EVGA X99 FTWK / i7 6850K @ 4.5ghz / RTX 3080Ti FTW Ultra / 32GB Corsair LPX 3600mhz / Samsung 850Pro 256GB / Be Quiet BN516 Straight Power 12-1000w 80 Plus Platinum / Window 10 Pro
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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 13:01:23 (permalink)
    No, its the same as its ever been... just even worse now.
    "were sorry, due to the 521st management failure this year you will continue to experience serious and severe issues"
    "the game that sold 25,000 copies is supported perfectly by your Nvidia hardware and drivers, the game that sold 50,000,000 is unsupported at this time" 
    "please excuse us, but we are too busy shoveling money to care about you"
    "dont let the door hit you on your way to ATI, since we graphics card maker management all sniff the same glue in the morning, we know you wont be happy there either"
    "your $600 videocard is performing as expected" " but we're sorry, your driver has failed"
    "we fail to give a damn"
    Yeah, been there and done that.. will be doing it again tomarrow I'm sure.
    failure is FAILURE
    I'm really looking forward to tomarrows testing of the newset Nvidia driverset...
    --->what new bundled wonders and driver/hardware failures can I expect?
    It a given that Nvidia doesnt even know.... it up to us users to find out the hard way 
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2011/07/27 13:17:25

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 13:03:13 (permalink)




    275.39 are internal driver for us that contain fixes for BF3 to prevent the crashes, we thought these fixes were included in 275.50 but unfortunately weren't, hence all the crashes people are seeing. The workaround in the thread FatalRequiem posted should work, though is a bit cumbersome.
    30 mins ago
    The next public Nvidia driver will contain the proper SLI profile for bf3.exe

    Sorry everyone. Looks like it is pushed back one more day. And yes, it will contain SLI profiles for Battlefield 3 Alpha.

    And please calm down a bit. You're complaining about a game in ALPHA state not even a BETA. Some folks might find your use of the 'R' word a bit offensive...

    Edit 2 here's a link to the discussion on the Nvidia forum


    Complaining? I'm furious!!

    Since when is the marketing department at Nvidia get the balls to take their best DX11 teams and do a patch for Crysis2, because Crytek cant be bothered to hire anyone who isnt a DX10 cross platform tard?

    Since when did Nvidia's driver team management decide that it could get away with DX11 loading issues with a trick that makes their own hardware devices fail... and nobody seems to care?

    Its called "management failure" and "a complete lack of concern for the end customer"

    *remember, gone are the days of the Nvidia testing floor. Now its a big hulking hardware/driver sim and either it put out the correct data showing these failures or it didnt...
    -either- way, its a 100% management failure, by not informing of the issues or not getting proper testing results from their sim. 

    So...you're angry at Nvidia for not fixing Cryteks issue? I don't get it. Which DX loading issue and which game? Is this the same one that ATI had to work around? Is that a driver issue or a game issue? Last I looked, there is a quite detailed list of driver bugs and issues released with each driver. Did that stop?

    Just to make you chuckle.... Nvidia driver team after getting pink slips from maniacvvv

    You forgot to add the two big security guys telling him to get up, stop crying and leave the property "RIGHT NOW!"
    Of course he will just go home and play on his XBox till the wife gets home. He will probably get a job at ATI 
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2011/07/27 13:13:00

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 13:22:08 (permalink)
    OK, Im barfed out...
    I think I'll just get my Keplers for free, and not get so upset.... its being a paying customer that gets to me the most.
    If its free, I wont complain as much

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 13:27:54 (permalink)
    One more...ha ha....

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/27 13:28:55 (permalink)

    Thanks bro, you just made my day
    *see you tomarrow in the testing posts
    Maybe i'll hold off on the 12 cups of coffee while I'm waiting.... didnt do me any favors today. 
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2011/07/27 13:33:39

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 00:13:39 (permalink)
    This post has nothing to do with the 500 series directly. I'll move it to general discussion for now provided that the thread stays within the terms of service.
    NVIDIA has several places on its website to list driver complaints and issues as well as their own forums
    post edited by rjohnson11 - 2011/07/28 00:16:23

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 01:07:54 (permalink)
    My recommendation to everyone for quite a while has been: Install 270.61

    My Systems: i7 3770K Rig with GTX570  |  AMD FX-8350 CPU Folding Rig  |  AMD FX-8350 CPU Folding Rig  |  Dual Xeon 2.66GHz Mac Pro With GTX550Ti  |  i3 Laptop  |  Core2Duo Laptop   Atom Dual Core 1.6GHz Netbook  |  Atom Single core 1.6GHz Netbook
    All running Linux. (Most running my own customization, "Longcat OS")  One HDD with Win7 on it just for games that won't run under WINE.
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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 02:07:54 (permalink)
    Nvidia 280.19 BETA
    http://www.geforce.com/Drivers/Results/34729  Win7 64bit

    32 Bit http://www.geforce.com/Drivers/Results/34728

    Windows XP

    64 Bit http://www.geforce.com/Drivers/Results/34727
    32 Bit http://www.geforce.com/Drivers/Results/34726
    post edited by maniacvvv - 2011/07/28 02:16:06

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 02:19:25 (permalink)

    Nvidia 280.19 BETA

    http://www.geforce.com/Drivers/Results/34729  Win7 64bit

    32 Bit http://www.geforce.com/Drivers/Results/34728

    Windows XP

    64 Bit http://www.geforce.com/Drivers/Results/34727
    32 Bit http://www.geforce.com/Drivers/Results/34726

    Funny how the Nvidia updater doesn't pick up on these even after I set it to download beta drivers


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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 02:32:58 (permalink)
    I have been up for over 24hrs waiting for these...
    I am completly spent and half dead, they are on my desktop and I am going to bed.
    -->No way I'm installing these right now in my condition.

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 05:54:27 (permalink)
    The only issue I have had with Nvidea's drivers is the fact that all of the ones except for what was on the disc that came with my gtx590 all will downclock my card while folding.  I had a GTX590 folding 5k ppd while my 295s crancked out 14+k PPD.  that was a fustrating mess and still I have issues with SLi on it.  I had to revert back to the driver disc that came with the card to get my ppd numbers back to the normal 26k ppd.   You would think Nvidea would have been more involved with folding@home and other apps like that to have included something in the new drivers to prevent downclocking.
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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 06:23:28 (permalink)
    I agree that there have been some issues with recent WHQL drivers from Nvidia and i'm not sure what's going on. I would not want these people fired but they need to stop releasing drivers as WHQL if they still have a considerable amount of bugs. I'm still using 266.58 since newer versions cause too many problems.

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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 06:50:12 (permalink)
    For those with downclocking issues with F@H, reply to this thread.

    Intel Core i5-3570K @ 4.5 GHz 1.38v    
    Corsair Hydro Series H100i Water Cooler
    SLI MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G 
    G.Skill Sniper 16GB DDR3 1866
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    Re:A open letter to Nvidia -rant- 2011/07/28 07:24:47 (permalink)
    Nvidia called and they asked if you wanted some cheese with that whine... lol... Seriously, hope they cater to your needs bro. Some people need your testing reviews.
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