2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 20:36:42 (permalink)
Your flow is backwards through the block, it should be in at the port by the back plane then out at the port closest to the power plugs
Look at the picture, with the way you have it the flow is over the VRM sections then trying to force its way to the center of the GPU portion

Edit Note:
They do state this on page of of the PDF for that block -

You can use any opening as an inlet/outlet port. Do not forget to
plug the remaining two opening with enclosed EK-Plug G1/4 or

Perhaps that is outdated? By looking at the above picture of the product optimal cooling looks like the inlet should be having the flow over the GPU portion first

But which is the inlet it doesn’t say doesn’t say how it should be plumbed honestly what it use to say was either port could be used as the inlet or outlet
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 20:40:53 (permalink)
I had looked at the PDF listed on this page - https://www.ekwb.com/shop/ek-vector-rtx-2080-ti-copper-plexi
Page 8 is where I got the part I quoted.
It says you can use either port but looking at the layout in the picture I linked to me it looks like the best cooling will have the inlet flowing fresh cool water directly into the center of the GPU then flowing out towards the edges then over the VRMS.
Anyone else big into water cooling have any thoughts on this?
For science / testing are you able to swap it and test again?
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 20:44:31 (permalink)
I had looked at the PDF listed on this page - https://www.ekwb.com/shop/ek-vector-rtx-2080-ti-copper-plexi
Page 8 is where I got the part I quoted.
It says you can use either port but looking at the layout in the picture I linked to me it looks like the best cooling will have the inlet flowing fresh cool water directly into the center of the GPU then flowing out towards the edges then over the VRMS.
Anyone else big into water cooling have any thoughts on this?
For science / testing are you able to swap it and test again?

What are your temps at idle on a cold boot with the 1080ti mine were 27c and doing the firestrike stress test it would get to 45c
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 20:52:13 (permalink)
Cold boot idle is relative to ambient, but I can tell you it never gets over 40c under load. I have information on the GPU overclock in that thread I linked. Current CPU is running @4.8 all cores with HT off, GPU still stays under 40c with OC pushing 2025-2050mhz depending on load and MEM reported at 1539mhyz in GPUZ.
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 20:55:18 (permalink)
You may be right I have my 1080ti here with fluid in the block and I have all the ports plugged and seems like more fluid is going over the chip the way you say instead of the way I have it both work either way but it also looks like it flows more like that. If so they need to put that in the manual I really don’t want to take this back apart lol

But I also really can’t see that it matters the gpu is covered both ways
post edited by kba1980 - 2018/10/05 20:57:30
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 21:04:18 (permalink)
Yea but...
Doing all of this for the optimal and then not getting things %100..
Also what paste are you using?
I just finally broke down and paid for the full package to run the Fire strike stress test to see where things currently are, I had just been using the free benchmark.
And yes I still have the system laying on the table and not put into the case yet
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 21:08:50 (permalink)
Yea but...
Doing all of this for the optimal and then not getting things %100..
Also what paste are you using?
I just finally broke down and paid for the full package to run the Fire strike stress test to see where things currently are, I had just been using the free benchmark.
And yes I still have the system laying on the table and not put into the case yet

I am running thermal grizzly same as on 1080ti
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 21:11:28 (permalink)
I just finally broke down and paid for the full package to run the Fire strike stress test to see where things currently are, I had just been using the free benchmark.

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 21:15:13 (permalink)
Not to step on any ones feet, let's try correcting a few things.

Loop order does not matter as long as the pump is being fed by the reservoir for one.  The loop's fluid will reach an equilibrium state, meaning it will normalize say after 30 mins of load so it don't matter which way you position things in your loop.  You might knock a few degrees at best if you went CPU first and than GPUs since CPU's are more sensitive but other than that, if you have sufficient air flow and direction (Your's looks fine.), enough heat surface aka rad as well as 1.0-1.5 GPM, you're pretty much set.
As far as your flow direction on the GPU block, it's fine.  It goes from one side, flows through the block and exits the other.  Doesn't matter which side you do this with as long as the ins/outs aren't on the same side which isn't the case here.  On EK CPU blocks on the other hand, they usually do have designated INs and OUTs which will take a performance hit if not configured properly.
Your temps don't look horribly wrong and you should be hitting diminishing returns with that much rad x2 360s (?) on a CPU and GPU only loop.
I personally would never use or recommend color fluids but that's a whole other subject.  My motto is reputed clear premixed fluid, color tubing and RGBs for colors and contrast but hey, to each their own.

The only primary issue here is most likely the software and OC settings.  Try not using auto for OCing the CPU since auto tends to push more voltage than needed on a OC.  Manually configuring it is usually the way to go.  

As far as GPU OCing, I think it's a bit early till the drivers mature more, etc but that is up to you. 
post edited by GTXJackBauer - 2018/10/05 21:19:05

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 21:23:14 (permalink)
Not to step on any ones feet, let's try correcting a few things.

Loop order does not matter as long as the pump is being fed by the reservoir for one.  The loop's fluid will reach an equilibrium state, meaning it will normalize say after 30 mins of load so it don't matter which way you position things in your loop.  You might knock a few degrees at best if you went CPU first and than GPUs since CPU's are more sensitive but other than that, if you have sufficient air flow and direction (Your's looks fine.), enough heat surface aka rad as well as 1.0-1.5 GPM, you're pretty much set.
As far as your flow direction on the GPU block, it's fine.  It goes from one side, flows through the block and exits the other.  Doesn't matter which side you do this with as long as the ins/outs aren't on the same side which isn't the case here.  On EK CPU blocks on the other hand, they usually do have designated INs and OUTs which will take a performance hit if not configured properly.
Your temps don't look horribly wrong and you should be hitting diminishing returns with that much rad x2 360s (?) on a CPU and GPU only loop.
I personally would never use or recommend color fluids but that's a whole other subject.  My motto is reputed clear premixed fluid, color tubing and RGBs for colors and contrast but hey, to each their own.

The only primary issue here is most likely the software and OC settings.  Try not using auto for OCing the CPU since auto tends to push more voltage than needed on a OC.  Manually configuring it is usually the way to go.  

As far as GPU OCing, I think it's a bit early till the drivers mature more, etc but that is up to you. 

I do agree for the most part that loop order doesn't matter but for the individual blocks I think the direction can impact temps, to what extent I cannot say. In this cast it will be for kba1980 to decide if he wants to investigate the optimal setup for his block.
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 21:38:51 (permalink)
I just finally broke down and paid for the full package to run the Fire strike stress test to see where things currently are, I had just been using the free benchmark.

About Time

Anyway - the stress test
Ran the default stress test for fire strike - (taken from HWiNFO64) start GPU temp 26c, spike 41c average 40c, with an average of 275w and 2025mhz.
I have moved in the past 2 weeks and this is the first I have ran any tests since. Was out in the cooler garage before but in the house now,, YAY I am no allowed to be indoors
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 22:02:18 (permalink)
Personally, I do not think anything is wrong. I also had a 1080ti under water, and load temps were 39c. Now, with my 2080ti, load temps are 46-51c, running at 2077mhz.
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 22:47:58 (permalink)
Not to step on any ones feet, let's try correcting a few things.

Loop order does not matter as long as the pump is being fed by the reservoir for one.  The loop's fluid will reach an equilibrium state, meaning it will normalize say after 30 mins of load so it don't matter which way you position things in your loop.  You might knock a few degrees at best if you went CPU first and than GPUs since CPU's are more sensitive but other than that, if you have sufficient air flow and direction (Your's looks fine.), enough heat surface aka rad as well as 1.0-1.5 GPM, you're pretty much set.
As far as your flow direction on the GPU block, it's fine.  It goes from one side, flows through the block and exits the other.  Doesn't matter which side you do this with as long as the ins/outs aren't on the same side which isn't the case here.  On EK CPU blocks on the other hand, they usually do have designated INs and OUTs which will take a performance hit if not configured properly.
Your temps don't look horribly wrong and you should be hitting diminishing returns with that much rad x2 360s (?) on a CPU and GPU only loop.
I personally would never use or recommend color fluids but that's a whole other subject.  My motto is reputed clear premixed fluid, color tubing and RGBs for colors and contrast but hey, to each their own.

The only primary issue here is most likely the software and OC settings.  Try not using auto for OCing the CPU since auto tends to push more voltage than needed on a OC.  Manually configuring it is usually the way to go.  

As far as GPU OCing, I think it's a bit early till the drivers mature more, etc but that is up to you. 

Agree on all that!
No one asked what his room temps are?
My 1080ti runs on its own loop with a 360 fat rad from ek. Cpu also has its own loop and 360 fat ek rad.  I like it this way best cause the cpu blocks can be quite restrictive. You'll never catch me having colored coolant again.. done it in the past years ago.. big mess.
Anyways I room temp in the basement is like around 68-72F. And my idle temp of my single 1080ti ftw3 overclocked is around 20C. Load temps between 32-35C.
I also agree the cooler water should hit the die of the GPU first and i'd reverse it. Would imagine the water pressure would be way higher also hitting the GPU first and not the other way around.. the downward force against the GPU would be different the right way.
Why wait.. if you wait like 10-12 months and do a flush of the system and then swap it.. imagine how pissed ya be if you drop 5-10C! That would be enough to raise your overclock and overall bench score.

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/05 23:50:06 (permalink)
Well I have switched it can’t get the (removed) air out at this point and time the flow indicator want even move I have never had this happen before I have turned it upside down and shook it all around and it want come out lol.
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post edited by Cool GTX - 2018/10/06 08:11:22
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 00:03:26 (permalink)
what pump are you using and what speed?
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 00:10:34 (permalink)
what pump are you using and what speed?

D5 and I have tried it at every speed lol air want come out I don’t know what’s going on I have even cracked the drain valve when pump is running still can’t get it out.
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 00:18:41 (permalink)
what pump are you using and what speed?

D5 and I have tried it at every speed lol air want come out I don’t know what’s going on I have even cracked the drain valve when pump is running still can’t get it out.

Let it sit with the pump on and system off over night?
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 00:20:16 (permalink)
I thought about that but I mean it’s barely even flowing I am worried it may damage the pump
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 05:22:58 (permalink)
Well I have switched it can’t get the (removed) air out at this point and time the flow indicator want even move I have never had this happen before I have turned it upside down and shook it all around and it want come out lol.

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During the bleeding process, it takes time to bleed out all the air out of the loop.  I did my annual drain and refill, actually it was passed the point but with a new batch of fluid a month or two ago.  I just yesterday, had to refill my reservoir since my liquid levels got a bit low, meaning my loop had bled more air out of the loop to the reservoir.  It can take days, weeks if not months to get the loop bled out.  Just have to be patient and keep an eye on fluid levels in the reservoir and just refill when needed.  
Try running the pump at a higher speed, making sure you don't intake any air in the process if the fluid runs too low.  You will only damage the pump if it starts to run dry.
post edited by Cool GTX - 2018/10/06 08:12:10

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 06:51:05 (permalink)
Well I have switched it can’t get the (removed) air out at this point and time the flow indicator want even move I have never had this happen before I have turned it upside down and shook it all around and it want come out lol.

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Can you verify the pumps RPM's with the PWM cable?
Have you checked that your blocks aren't clogged up and restricting flow? My EK blocks like to get clogged up where the jet plate and fins are.
With my loop setup I drain the res and disco the line next to my pump and then I BLOW into the loop to drain the remaining coolant but sometimes this can also give me an idea as to restrictions and clogging.
I had a similar issue when I saw a guy using paper towel as plugs to stop the dripping while working on his loop... I learned the hard way to NEVER USE ANYTHING THAT CAN GET IN AND CLOG UP THE LOOP!
After a complete disassembly and cleaning of my loop and blocks I was able to restore proper flow.
Probably not your issue but worth checking...
post edited by herocrusher - 2018/10/06 09:17:01

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 06:58:11 (permalink)
Another Trick to Restore the Water Flow in a Custom Loop is to Reverse the Water Flow in the Loop.
Then after about 10 Minutes Change it Back to your Normal Flow Direction.
Do this while in the Bios and not booted to an OS, or use an outside Power Source for your Pump.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2018/10/06 10:04:57

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 09:00:26 (permalink)
Hmm. Pictures?

Make sure that your fittings don't have too long of threads causing them to block the passages where they enter the waterblock.

I am also confused because on the previous page you said that the loop is not the problem and the flow is good. What changed?
post edited by ty_ger07 - 2018/10/06 09:04:16

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 09:21:30 (permalink)
What changed is I changed the inlet and outlet going into the gpu and now it’s all (removed) up I have messed with this piece of (removed) for 15 hours straight and have done everything in my power to make this flow changed pumps let it run for hours let it sit for hours nothing same thing I don’t understand this computer is basically brand new every part of it mono block has only been run a couple of months and that’s very littler gpu block is new reservoir is new radiators are new and they were flushed I don’t what’s going on ever since I switched the inlet and outlets I have no flow. They were backwards on the 1080ti bit my temps were good and flow was good now nothing!
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post edited by Cool GTX - 2018/10/06 09:37:07
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 09:23:45 (permalink)
What changed is I changed the inlet and outlet going into the gpu and now it’s all (removed) up I have messed with this piece of (removed) for 15 hours straight and have done everything in my power to make this flow changed pumps let it run for hours let it sit for hours nothing same thing I don’t understand this computer is basically brand new every part of it mono block has only been run a couple of months and that’s very littler gpu block is new reservoir is new radiators are new and they were flushed I don’t what’s going on ever since I switched the inlet and outlets I have no flow. They were backwards on the 1080ti bit my temps were good and flow was good now nothing!

edit Cool GTX - TOS issue addressed

Have you tried to restore flow by switching it back to the way it was ?
post edited by Cool GTX - 2018/10/06 09:37:43

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 09:27:51 (permalink)
(removed) I am tired of working on this (removed) it’s not like it’s easy to revert back when using hard tubing (removed) got a beast computer and can’t even use it and to top it off just spent $1500 on a new card and waterblock for basically no reason lol.
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post edited by Cool GTX - 2018/10/06 09:41:47
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 09:28:32 (permalink)
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post edited by Cool GTX - 2018/10/06 09:42:56

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 09:44:05 (permalink)

Make sure that your fittings don't have too long of threads causing them to block the passages where they enter the waterblock.


The Flow direction can be limited to work in only 1 direction with some items.
My CPU blocks (EK)  have a defined input & output side to the flow. -- [ as mentioned in post 39 ]
Double check your hardware; make sure you have not reversed the flow on an item that does Not allow the flow to be reversed
post edited by Cool GTX - 2018/10/06 10:09:22

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 10:01:55 (permalink)
Yeah might be a clog. Usually in the CPU block since there so restrictive already. Dont take much gunk build up to clog. Happends when one uses colored fluids.

How I bleed.. always power removed from everything but the pump. Atx connector jumped so i can turn it on with the normal switch on the psu.

Turn it on for a few secs to a min. Turn it off and tilt the case and watch for air release usually from the CPU block and hopefully return to the res. Repeat over and over and over.

Usually a good spot to put a bubble catch is on the return line before the rad. Using a T or Y connector before the return on the rad is where you can catch alot of air bubbles.

I've always using soft tubing. Would love to do hard tubing one of these days.

Impossible to remove all the air. Usually sign of slow flow. Blockage.

My guess is the CPU block.

Did you take the CPU block apart last time when you swapped GPU cards to rinse it out good?

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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 10:13:52 (permalink)
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Re: 2080ti under water reaches 51 degrees 2018/10/06 10:21:07 (permalink)
+1 on the clogged CPU block....
When he reversed the flow on the GPU block it probably flushed all the gunk right out into the already restrictive CPU block.
Recommend cleaning out blocks reassemble and flush, flush, flush, with distilled... ESPECIALLY ON A NEW LOOP!
I flushed my rads at the sink before installing but they still had gunk in them and ended up needing flushed with the pump!
Good luck man.. you will figure it out and your baby will be in its full glory! I have no doubt.
post edited by herocrusher - 2018/10/06 10:24:29

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