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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/30 18:02:34 (permalink)

Porpoise Hork
i can pretty much guarantee you that this plan is already in place should the need to protect human race from being obliterated should arise.

Your faith in out government(s) is astounding.

many european governments are working together gathering dna samples from hundreds of thousands of people.
i cant remember the name for the place but there is a facility above the arctic circle that is a dna reposityor for the vast majority of plants alive today. there are projects going on all over the planet to collect dna samples from as many plant and animal species as possible.  
the u.s. has multiple bases like chyenne mountain that can withstand direct nuclear strikes that are self sustaining for decades if need be, So yes we have them already and  if we have them its a safe bet that many of the other major governments have the very same deep bunkers as well. 
its not as far as we know a global unified effort for a "noha's ark" but i wouldnt be surpeised if there is colaboration amungst the major goverments on somehting like this.
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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/30 18:30:47 (permalink)

GM needed wanted and got a bailout. 

There, I fixed it for you. What GM needed, is to die or get it's act together on it's own. The bailout was criminal.

Agreed 120%

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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/30 18:38:58 (permalink)

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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/30 22:19:48 (permalink)
I totally agree with you, this country has a very lack on educational system, and they still cutting budgets on it, well next generation will be dumber, people worry to much on doing they drugs and mass up they brains, that is all is important for the yang people, I sadly see no future on human kind if things will not change.

The space program was eliminated from the National Budget because americans dont care about education anymore.
Stupify the nation, call it a free country, enslave the people to a flasehood of lies and religious domination.
Theres only one problem with that, there will still be intellectuals who choose to learn.

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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/30 22:27:25 (permalink)
What people fail to also understand is NASA is a part of the US education system. Those that seek to prop up other entitlement programs seem to forget that NASA is also a part of those in the academic and aerospace manufacturing realm. America as a whole is eroding from the inside because people believe that things like manufacturing and science are taking money away from food stamp programs. I think a lot of people need to get their heads screwed back on straight and realize that without technology and manufacturing, the US is nothing but a gutted corpse cast off from what is left of the 20th century industrial age. China seems to understand what we don't want to see right now. Self-interest of politicians and tree-huggers are going to regulate this county into a huge gaping hole of nothingness.
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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/30 22:33:03 (permalink)
NASA will be only doing space exploration beyond low earth orbit. We actually have a heavy-lift launch vehicle in the works. Private companies will handle all LEO flight when they get their act together.
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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/30 22:43:57 (permalink)

The space program was eliminated from the National Budget because americans dont care about education anymore.
Stupify the nation, call it a free country, enslave the people to a flasehood of lies and religious domination.
Theres only one problem with that, there will still be intellectuals who choose to learn.

Ok lets set something straight. The american space program and NASA is still here, they are not going away! They have ended the 30 year run of the space shuttle, because it is getting to old and costly, and there is currently no replacement avalible. Secondly, NASA and the united states is saving the billions a year that they would be spending on the space shuttle program to fund the multi billion dollar ship that will be sent to MARS and the planet size astriod named CERES which is in the belt between mars and jupiter. PLEASE for the love of all things science read the NASA website and get your facts right.
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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/30 23:01:10 (permalink)

The space program is a joke
Just a big waste of money
I don't know about anyone else but I could get  rat's butt about what's in space and how it was moved if we can't get to it

I'm sorry, but that is the wrong attitude.  If everyone thought like that, then there would be no USA.
"Do you think anything is out there? (talking about the ocean)
I don't care, I'm good where I am.
Yeah, screw it, I bet you would fall off the earth anyways."
Without people always wanting to know what's out there or how things work, we would be living in a whole different world.  One I would not want to live in.
I for one am all for exploration and finding new facts/worlds.  I wish we could get planet crackers like in Dead Space and mine other planets for more material.  Also the world we live on is finite, there is only so many people we will be able to fit on it.  Would be great to find a new planet that is habitable and then finding a way to make the transportation faster.

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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/30 23:26:35 (permalink)

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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/30 23:38:12 (permalink)
We did we start out with a space program at all?  The Soviet threat.  Why did we continue?  Enough people believed it was worth it.  What's happening now?  Space program is a scapegoat to our economic woes, yet we don't criticize our military expenditure, where cutting just 10% would save our space programs and still maintain our lead in the world.  Threats are all the reason anyone looks up anymore, whether celestial impacts or environmental issues.  We're not racing into space anymore, Americans have the biggest presense already, there is no political threat.
There is of course a scientific and exploratory reason to stay, but does it pay the bills?  Not really, which is part of the reason it is easily scapegoated.  It's a money drain, the rate that benefits come to average citizens takes decades. 
I would like to know exactly what is wrong with privatizing the space program.
There was a time when ideas were paid for by dreamers and those ideas made our word.  But then the business industry took over and only ideas that make money are paid for, everything else is ignored.  If you get enough fans of those 'do what works' ideas, no one care about any real progress...at least in my experiences these fans inflate negligible improvement as revolutionary. 
Look what happened to aeronautics, are we supposed to cheerlead increases in range and decreases in fuel burn?  I don't and see it as an excuse of an improvement, but the industry loves it because it makes money with the least risk and investment.  I have nothing against the privatization of space, I'm just worried the same thing that happened to airplanes will happen to spaceships where things don't change yet everyone makes a big deal about it, that thinking outside the box or daring to dream just gets you stares.  
In a way, it is already happening, a majority of private space companies aren't going to the Moon, Mars or anywhere else.  Earth satellites and the prospect of a space-SUV make money, nothing else does because space is vast, return on investment is slim. 
You've heard the phrase "no market" or "no demand"?  It is a known fact that when the current demand and what that demand is willing to pay doesn't add up to the costs of providing to that demand, no company will budge until it is worth their investment.   Put it this way, USPS has to by law deliver mail to any postal address in the US, even if you live in a marshland in the middle of nowhere.  UPS and FedEx came into existence to provide most customers with faster delivery and more options than USPS-- but they won't deliver to "out in the middle of nowhere" folks for the reason that there is 'no demand'.  Not enough live out in the middle of no where demand alternative carrier options.
NASA does what it does similar to USPS, but there is no gaurantee whatsoever that a private space organization will do what NASA has done unless they see benefit.  This is probably my only issue with the idea of private space industries.
BTW, the reason computer technology progressed the way it has is because it was made personal, so each person could use the benefits of microprocessors.  If you want to credit privatization for making it personal, that's fine; now come up with a way of making space personal and beneficial for the average person.  It took a long time for airplanes...but there wasn't an aviation government agency way back in the day.   Ironically, NASA is that agency because it stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, people just assume it is a space only thing...and yes it annoys me.
Summing it up, it is not that I disagree with privatization, rather the lack of risk-taking companies influences my confidence level.
post edited by lehpron - 2011/08/31 00:07:55

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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 00:11:11 (permalink)
The biggest reasons to stay in space and to continue moving out; Yes getting to other planets is nice, and yes there are also alot of asteroids and moons to mine, but most of all, the innovation in doing so has led to thousands of products and technological breakthroughs that never would have happened. Sunglasses, came from NASA, memoryfoam beds, yep NASA, teflon, reflective insulating aluminum blankets that you find in survival gearaswell as equipment used in deep sea diving and fire fighting, all with the help of NASA.
It is because of the lack of risk taking business, and the fact that only profitable ideas are explored is why organizations like NASA are so important, yes its expensive and yes people will die, but in the long run will have done something with our lives, and in doing so, million/billions will have new technology because of it.
Going into space and getting to other planets that we can live on, and stopping asteroids from hitting earth, can not be done in a single bound, it can only be done through trial. Just flying to an astroid in our system, will give us experience (how to land on an astroid (Armageddon) and then how to blow one up. all will help for when the time comes and as for needing more space for our civilization, we cant go "well frank looks like we are out of room" we need to find a planet, learn how to get there in a decent amount of time(100 years in a hyperbaric coffin is not my first choice) and then live and sustain life there. This all starts with exploring what we have here, in our solar system, and it can only been down with co-operation. NASA is not dead, the government and NASA both feel that in order to pay for a mission of such magnitude as MARS, the ISS and satallite area's of NASA would need to be privatized. (now astronauts will get tim hortons in space, and maybe a stake and shake, with greyhound doing the trasportation.) 
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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 03:20:21 (permalink)
And for all of those that talk about we who we should just survive the aftermath of a astroid, I have one thing to tell you. If the day ever comes, the goverments of the world will not tell anyone, they will hurd all the ppl with PH.d's into a little cave, and fill the big caves with billionairs and politians. and on the surface the only two things that will survive will be bacteria and chuck noris.
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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 03:22:23 (permalink)
I just want to see us find some kind of life out there or make it possible for the average joe to go to space

I was made a cannibal to fix problems like you

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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 06:52:02 (permalink)
I have a NASA employee in my family i will get his input.


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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 07:32:55 (permalink)
To me there is a single reason for space exploration, that is to be more than we are.  As humans we are the only truely intelligent species on this planet, and as such we owe it to ourselves to make efforts to expand our existence.  We are more than dumb apes who have nothing better to do than rotting our minds swilling beer and watching Ophra.   We have the ability to understand why we exist and what place we hold in the universe.  To not undertake the quest for such knowledge is an utter waste of our existence. 

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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 08:06:33 (permalink)
Now granted the Mothership will be coming back to us here next year to see how we have done, we just need to sit tight and buy a bunch of beer and wait for the parents to come back and kick our ass for trashing the "house" LOL
Really looking forward to this getting launched, since its been in "production" for a LONG time

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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 08:41:31 (permalink)


The space program was eliminated from the National Budget because americans dont care about education anymore.
Stupify the nation, call it a free country, enslave the people to a flasehood of lies and religious domination.
Theres only one problem with that, there will still be intellectuals who choose to learn.


The reason behind the declining governmental NASA budget is due to economic factors, not those of religious or educational reasons. Typically when you have a starving family at home, you tend not to invest in the stock market in order to hopefully get monetary gains "sometime" down the road.

While I agree that we should increase funding for agencies like NASA, the reality of the matter is that until the national/global economy recovers, there will be little to no political or popular support for agencies and expenditures seen as "superfluous".
Compared to the military budget, NASA and Education expendatures are basically a rounding error.


I would like to know exactly what is wrong with privatizing the space program.

If you look throughout history since the beginning of the industrial revolution, privatized companies, economies, and agencies have made leaps and bounds in terms of progress and innovation. If anything the stagnant state in which government agencies such as NASA lend credence to the push towards the privatization of space exploration and research.

For those of you who doubt this, how many of you think that we would be using better equipment right now if only the government was in charge of developing and implementing new computer technology?


Actually you need to back up a step and realize who exactly did all the research that enabled most of the technology that we are using right now. Basically the entire US populous paid for the R&D, which in turn was handed over to private industry to enrich less than 1% of the population. This would be in contrast to making it openly available to all said citizens who funded said projects equally. We wouldn't be where we are right now if it wasn't for the US government projects and we would probably be paying less overall for each service individually. This isn't any different than lets say apple patenting a technology that a grad student invented while working off of a federal grant. Total garbage.
post edited by phades - 2011/08/31 08:49:52
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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 09:14:08 (permalink)

What people fail to also understand is NASA is a part of the US education system. Those that seek to prop up other entitlement programs seem to forget that NASA is also a part of those in the academic and aerospace manufacturing realm. America as a whole is eroding from the inside because people believe that things like manufacturing and science are taking money away from food stamp programs. I think a lot of people need to get their heads screwed back on straight and realize that without technology and manufacturing, the US is nothing but a gutted corpse cast off from what is left of the 20th century industrial age. China seems to understand what we don't want to see right now. Self-interest of politicians and tree-huggers are going to regulate this county into a huge gaping hole of nothingness.

+1 to all of your posts in this thread!
NASA is tied to congressional spending.  We simply cannot afford to explore space anymore.  It has zero to do with religion, or some vast conspiracy.  In the US as of right now.  48% of Americans pay no taxes.  That leaves 52% of Americans (of which the top 5% *aka the rich* pay over half of that amount) to foot the bill for everything.  This includes (or did include NASA), not to mention all the numerous entitlement programs, corporate bail-outs, the over 2 million civil employees of our government, and of course my all time favorite...foreign aid. 
We as US citizens need to wake up!  Our government isn't meant to be an employer, grocery store, auto manufacturer, or give us cell phones.  Government produces no goods, and barely does any services.  We as a nation are teetering on the brink of insolvency...We are entwined in MASSIVE DEBT.  Most of which of we owe to the Chinese.  Sooner of later they will stop buying our debt and want to collect.  What will we pay them with?  Our Monopoly money
I'm sad to see our space program die a slow death too.  It's sad that we as Americans are more interested in what's going on with the Kardashians than what Mars is like.  

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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 09:36:38 (permalink)


The space program is a joke
Just a big waste of money
I don't know about anyone else but I could get  rat's butt about what's in space and how it was moved if we can't get to it

I'm sorry, but that is the wrong attitude.  If everyone thought like that, then there would be no USA.
"Do you think anything is out there? (talking about the ocean)
I don't care, I'm good where I am.
Yeah, screw it, I bet you would fall off the earth anyways."

Without people always wanting to know what's out there or how things work, we would be living in a whole different world.  One I would not want to live in.

I for one am all for exploration and finding new facts/worlds.  I wish we could get planet crackers like in Dead Space and mine other planets for more material.  Also the world we live on is finite, there is only so many people we will be able to fit on it.  Would be great to find a new planet that is habitable and then finding a way to make the transportation faster.

I 200% agree whit you!!!!
That is the spirit that everyone should have, instead of thinking about end of the world, falling angels, demons and all this stupidity non sense *********,, exploring, knowing & learning as much as we can on ours short life, and is thanks for people with grate minds and spirit to experiment and see how thinks really are that we living today in a technological world, were we are able to cure, or find cures, make objects that make human work easier and easier, ect ect.
I'm a very curios person my self, and I like to read scientific material, and even experiment things my self, I think everyone should have the same spirit to research everyday who we are, were we really came from (I don't think we are originally from this planet) and for me NASA is essential, we should know more about universe and how things are standing out there, we may find the key for a even better future, like you said even a habitable planet, more advantage in state of mind and technologically civilizations that may help us understand a lot of ? we have, or new resource (metal, gas, oil, ect) because as you know fossil fuel is running out, and sadly we depend so much on it, so don't you think we should explore and even look for new resources?
+ over population problem, that is why economy will be worse and worse, because overpopulation, and sadly the resources are limited for such # of people, and there is still people out there that don't understand this, and still giving to birth a lot of baby, look the china, so much overpopulation (china gov fix the problem by forcing couples to have no more than 1 baby for family).
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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 18:29:01 (permalink)

GM needed wanted and got a bailout. 

There, I fixed it for you. What GM needed, is to die or get it's act together on it's own. The bailout was criminal.

I concur and like your thinking Brad.
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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 18:38:02 (permalink)
well, privatization will happen. that's a fact. the question is only when. as soon as someone figures how to get mining gear up to an asteroid then get what is extracted safely back to earth, space flight will be routine. there is more resources floating around up there then there is down here on the planet and that's allot of incentive for industry to get up there.
  I remember reading somewhere they found a star that was made up of diamond.. talk about one hell of a ring

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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 18:39:04 (permalink)

Where'd Mercedes Benz come from?


Didn't know they had partnerships with them, or why they would anyways.  10/12/2007, no wonder GM plummeted soon after. 

I will either find a way, or make one.
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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 18:48:23 (permalink)

well, privatization will happen. that's a fact. the question is only when. as soon as someone figures how to get mining gear up to an asteroid then get what is extracted safely back to earth, space flight will be routine. there is more resources floating around up there then there is down here on the planet and that's allot of incentive for industry to get up there.

I remember reading somewhere they found a star that was made up of diamond.. talk about one hell of a ring

The #1 stumbling block is getting enough out of Earth's gravity well to do things self sufficient away from Earth. The dependency of Earth to push space program is problematic at best. It's simply too hard to boost what is needed out of Earth's influence of gravity. This is the true reason why the Moon is attractive. If there could be self-sufficiency on the Moon, it would be much less problematic to hop to places like Mars simply because you don't need as much propellant to boost something away from the Moon. Resources from the moon could be dropped to Earth significantly easier than boosting from the Earth to the Moon.
That speaks nothing of political and commercial willpower that is needed to overcome issues though. Earth's gravity is just as much a impediment to space progress as politicians are. A lot of the problem I see is that there is little clear vision when it comes to spaceflight right now. It's either regurgitated 60's vision or just a random defense that we should be there -- the how is just as important as the why though. I don't think anyone has the how worked out properly enough to make the proper sale to the general population though. I'd like to see the private sector at least attempt to address things in a well thought out manner or else it's going to be a really hard sale.
post edited by Brad_Hawthorne - 2011/08/31 18:54:45
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Re:What ever happened to the Space Program? 2011/08/31 18:59:46 (permalink)
That is why any major spacecraft would have to be built in space, and any ship building or construction/mining equipment would need to be aswell. a larger space station, refineries, and manufaction plants to follow. put that on the moon and you can build anything you need up there. And with all of that, first step is the ISS, now making it bigger, and putting manufacturing on it.(made in space)
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