Helpful ReplyThinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 "Classified" [EDIT: I Upgraded]

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/20 20:12:55 (permalink)
Thanks guys. It's definitely going to be hard trying to figure out, and what decisions to make. I don't want to wait too long for 2 reasons. 1) Two of my current four memory sticks have gone bad in a short period of time of each other. Could be my current P67 board. Could be that it was time for the ram to go bad. IDK. 2) The best time to be is when these holidays are coming up to get the best deals.
I just noticed the i7 5930k went down another $100. It's now $399 at Microcenter. It's 60 miles away, but I'm debating whether or not to drive down there tomorrow.       http://www.microcenter.com/product/437204/Core_i7-5930K_35_GHz_LGA_2011-V3_Processor     (10+ in stock)

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/20 20:55:57 (permalink)
Im not cutting on your choice. But last experience my Friend bought Dominator Series and I bought the XMS-3 modules for the X-58 boards and my cheaper memory ran faster than his Dominator Series. This is probably what I would buy(http://www.microcenter.com/product/441583/32GB_4_x_8GB_DDR4-2666_(PC4-21300)_CL16_Quad_Channel_Desktop_Memory_Module_Kit) let me know how it works for you the whole assembly been thinking of going with the 5820 K  myself due to pricing, when the price comes down would  go with the 5960 X due to compatibility of the socket.

But those timings are higher, and don't look as pretty as the ones I like.     

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 00:37:51 (permalink)
Thanks guys. It's definitely going to be hard trying to figure out, and what decisions to make. I don't want to wait too long for 2 reasons. 1) Two of my current four memory sticks have gone bad in a short period of time of each other. Could be my current P67 board. Could be that it was time for the ram to go bad. IDK. 2) The best time to be is when these holidays are coming up to get the best deals.
I just noticed the i7 5930k went down another $100. It's now $399 at Microcenter. It's 60 miles away, but I'm debating whether or not to drive down there tomorrow.       http://www.microcenter.com/product/437204/Core_i7-5930K_35_GHz_LGA_2011-V3_Processor     (10+ in stock)

Good lord, I will pay for your gas to get there... Go get the cpu, lol. That is a really good price and barely makes it more than the 6700k for the z170..
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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 00:41:27 (permalink)
Thanks guys. It's definitely going to be hard trying to figure out, and what decisions to make. I don't want to wait too long for 2 reasons. 1) Two of my current four memory sticks have gone bad in a short period of time of each other. Could be my current P67 board. Could be that it was time for the ram to go bad. IDK. 2) The best time to be is when these holidays are coming up to get the best deals.
I just noticed the i7 5930k went down another $100. It's now $399 at Microcenter. It's 60 miles away, but I'm debating whether or not to drive down there tomorrow.       http://www.microcenter.com/product/437204/Core_i7-5930K_35_GHz_LGA_2011-V3_Processor     (10+ in stock)

Good lord, I will pay for your gas to get there... Go get the cpu, lol. That is a really good price and barely makes it more than the 6700k for the z170..

I wonder if Fry's will price match it? Fry's is only 17 miles away.

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 00:55:47 (permalink)
That's i7-5930K is 20 more than I could pay, I was crazy to miss that, you should buy.
OK I saved and on 5820K but you will not find better option. For such price i7 with 6 cores it's absolutely stupid to look something else.
That price is good even if stay like that after Intel launch Broadwell-E. Because you save 200$ for 10% difference. 
Better don't look memory at all before you decide for board. 
This kit is good, DS, probably Hynix...and no 18 number involved in latency, real 16-16-16-36 1.2V 
Everything faster is 1.35V...

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 00:59:52 (permalink)
That's i7-5930K is 20 more than I could pay, I was crazy to miss that, you should buy.
OK I saved and on 5820K but you will not find better option. For such price i7 with 6 cores it's absolutely stupid to look something else.
That price is good even if stay like that after Intel launch Broadwell-E. Because you save 200$ for 10% difference. 
Better don't look memory at all before you decide for board. 
This kit is good, DS, probably Hynix...and no 18 number involved in latency, real 16-16-16-36 1.2V 
Everything faster is 1.35V...

But this one has better timings:  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233709&cm_re=CMD32GX4M4A2666C15-_-20-233-709-_-Product

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 01:11:13 (permalink)
That's same kit as mine only DS, bigger 4x8GB. 
He will probably work on 15-15-15 1T because I keep on that latency. 
But look price, you pay 70$ for look. Inside is same as in LPX only look best on market and you see from 5m silver modules and white LED.
Only package cost 3-4x more than other kits. 
post edited by Vlada011 - 2015/11/21 01:14:01

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 01:19:56 (permalink)
I always liked Corsair. I like the kit still, and the lifetime warranty. I want to be happy with the purchase, and that Corsair kit I want will make me happy.      =)

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 01:31:34 (permalink)
I have 10-15% better and faster kit in house and I still keep CORSAIR Dominator Platinum in PC because look.
That kit is QVL for most motherboards. 
They really look cool and package is premium every module is in own plastic container, in two nice foams and inside a nice quality cardbox.
You can install and later if you sell to someone nicely back in package and they are protected nicely.
Modules are heavier than others because nice heatsink. CORSAIR sell and little Light Bars in different color.
I think they are compatible and with Dynamic Display as Domiantor GT but I'm not sure, maybe is that only connection with CORSAIR Link for monitoring temperature and voltage.
post edited by Vlada011 - 2015/11/21 01:41:23

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 13:01:48 (permalink)
Maybe the price could go down even more on that CPU with Black Friday coming up?

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 13:09:13 (permalink)
I would like to add that 64Gig memory is not too much If one uses a RamDisk.
Black Ops 3 / Advanced Warfare are up to 10 Gig Memory / 60 Gig drive space!
That i7 5820K is a very Good choice, with only one GPU.
Was < than $300 at Microcenter.
Especially with new Hardware coming up.
The DDR4 timing is more important to adjust than " High Speed " Kits.
Third Tier timing.

E760 Classified 3 / i7 980X / GTX 780 Classified HC
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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 13:43:36 (permalink)
Maybe the price could go down even more on that CPU with Black Friday coming up?

Possibly.  From my experiences, Black Friday Week (Tbh), including "Cyber Monday" all had the same prices in most of the products I had looked at over the years.  If you're that tight on grabbing a deal, waiting till Cyber Monday might be a good idea but a high probability that it could be out of stock or just grab w/e you need when its on sale or massive deal during the black friday week.

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 16:00:22 (permalink)
Maybe the price could go down even more on that CPU with Black Friday coming up?

Possibly.  From my experiences, Black Friday Week (Tbh), including "Cyber Monday" all had the same prices in most of the products I had looked at over the years.  If you're that tight on grabbing a deal, waiting till Cyber Monday might be a good idea but a high probability that it could be out of stock or just grab w/e you need when its on sale or massive deal during the black friday week.

Well I decided to wait. I figure my last CPU I only paid $219.99. This next CPU is almost twice as expensive. I still need to buy Ram sticks yet. Let's see if the 5930k goes down to $299. Because even the current $399 is too much. So this is my decision.

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/21 16:20:54 (permalink)
I'm surprised it even went down that much prior to the week of Thanksgiving.  I'd be shocked if it went that much lower.  Regardless, grab it all next week.  You should be good and I'm sure your savings will be great.

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/22 03:44:49 (permalink)
I doubt price will go down any more.
And for 399$ probably people will buy soon.
i7-5820K was 299$ now is 320-330$.
You should think good because maybe you will miss good chance for upgrade, maybe not.
399$ is good price for i7-5930K, don't forget when discount of other things start more people will look and they will buy for 399$.
That's new i7-6700K on Newegg, and fail of everybody who didn't look in CPU with 15MB Cache 40 PCI-E lanes, 6 core and Quad Channel compare to 8MB Cache, 16 PCI-E lanes, 4 core and Dual Channel, for same money. 
Most of them didn't even look and pay attention on Extreme, they follow Z chipset and pay more at the end.
With i7-5930K you don't need even Gen 3 chipset, you have enough lanes from CPU for anything you need.
Anyway he have more lanes than Skylake and Z170 together.
post edited by Vlada011 - 2015/11/22 03:50:32

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/22 08:08:37 (permalink)
If it was not so far to drive to Dallas from where I live I would go get the 5930k for $399.00. By time I figure gas and time into it it would be just as well to buy at Newegg for $459.00. However, there is still a weeks worth of deals to come out so I'm going to wait and watch. 

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/22 08:16:25 (permalink)
For 150$ you driver from Macedonia through whole Serbia, from South to North.
Here when you say something is 40-50km, that's far nobody want to go so far. My town have citizens as half country, other cities are even smaller. Capital of Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Macedonia and Slovenia together is smaller than Belgrade or close to Belgrade. One state in USA is as whole Balkan.

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/22 08:30:53 (permalink)
Yeah, Texas is big. Back when the speed limit was 55mph, we went to Brownsville to go fishing and it took us 14hrs driving time. We were pulling a boat though. Would tank me 2+ hours to get to Dallas Microcenter.
post edited by delta7 - 2015/11/22 08:40:48

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/22 09:18:44 (permalink)
If it was not so far to drive to Dallas from where I live I would go get the 5930k for $399.00. By time I figure gas and time into it it would be just as well to buy at Newegg for $459.00. However, there is still a weeks worth of deals to come out so I'm going to wait and watch. 

$459 at Newegg right now is tempting...  The extra $125 off the regular price really helps with my budget.

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/22 09:44:42 (permalink)
If it was not so far to drive to Dallas from where I live I would go get the 5930k for $399.00. By time I figure gas and time into it it would be just as well to buy at Newegg for $459.00. However, there is still a weeks worth of deals to come out so I'm going to wait and watch. 

$459 at Newegg right now is tempting...  The extra $125 off the regular price really helps with my budget.

That money saved is a nice AIO 120.2 cooler.

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/26 20:56:46 (permalink)
Ok. So I decided to get the Evga X99 Classified. If the Dark version comes out within 3 months after purchase, I'll do the step up. If not, I'm not going to sweat it. LOL. I'm going to Microcenter tomorrow, and get that 5930k CPU. I'm going to get the Corsair memory at either Amazon, or Newegg. They are both $299 right now. I'm leaning more towards Amazon. Anyway, I'm glad I finally made a decision, and will build it after I get the parts.   

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/27 05:19:06 (permalink)
Ok. So I decided to get the Evga X99 Classified. If the Dark version comes out within 3 months after purchase, I'll do the step up. If not, I'm not going to sweat it. LOL. I'm going to Microcenter tomorrow, and get that 5930k CPU. I'm going to get the Corsair memory at either Amazon, or Newegg. They are both $299 right now. I'm leaning more towards Amazon. Anyway, I'm glad I finally made a decision, and will build it after I get the parts.   

I wish you nice PC and to serve you well. 
That will be amazing build.
Did you check QVL List for X99 Classified? Some 32GB kits are QVL...
2400MHz C14  (CMD32GX4M4A2400C14)
2666MHz C15  (CMD32GX4M4A2666C15)
2800MHz C16  (CMD32GX4M4A2666C16)

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/27 06:19:24 (permalink)
I'll probably go with the C15 kit.

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/27 07:07:25 (permalink)
I'll probably go with the C15 kit.

I think he is best and it's not hard to manually set all timings on 15.
You have and overclocked GTX980 4GB, very nice setup. Probably and you think that X99 is better build than Z170.

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/27 10:36:20 (permalink)
After seeing that EVGA has the X99 Classy on sale for the price of the FTW, and Newegg's sale on the 5930K, I couldn't resist...
Here's what I just purchased:
CPU (5930K) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117403
Ram (G.Skill 2400) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231830
Mobo (EVGA X99 Classy) - http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=151-HE-E999-KR

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/27 11:01:13 (permalink)
After seeing that EVGA has the X99 Classy on sale for the price of the FTW, and Newegg's sale on the 5930K, I couldn't resist...
Here's what I just purchased:
CPU (5930K) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117403
Ram (G.Skill 2400) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231830
Mobo (EVGA X99 Classy) - http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=151-HE-E999-KR

WOW nice upgrade!
Who say we need to upgrade in first months, better when people recognize such good offer to upgrade.
Xtreme platform could be fun for 4-5 years. 
My first plan last year was to find cheaper i7-5960X and upgrade on X99 Classified and GSkill Ripjaws.
But many things change from then... I can't forget how I missed i7-5960X AAAAAAAAA!!! For 500 EURO! Ahhh...
That would be amazing build... I have feeling that I would reach some high clock as on Z77 FTW with i7-3770K.
post edited by Vlada011 - 2015/11/27 11:03:19

i7-5820K 4.5GHz/RVE10-EK Monoblock/Dominator Platinum 2666/ASUS GTX1080Ti Poseidon/SBZxR /Samsung 970 EVO PLus 1TB/850 EVO 1TB /EVGA 1200P2/Lian Li PC-O11WXC/EK XRES D5 Revo 100 Glass/Coolstream PE360-Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM x3

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/27 11:09:46 (permalink)
After seeing that EVGA has the X99 Classy on sale for the price of the FTW, and Newegg's sale on the 5930K, I couldn't resist...
Here's what I just purchased:
CPU (5930K) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117403
Ram (G.Skill 2400) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231830
Mobo (EVGA X99 Classy) - http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=151-HE-E999-KR

WOW nice upgrade!
Who say we need to upgrade in first months, better when people recognize such good offer to upgrade.
Xtreme platform could be fun for 4-5 years. 
My first plan last year was to find cheaper i7-5960X and upgrade on X99 Classified and GSkill Ripjaws.
But many things change from then... I can't forget how I missed i7-5960X AAAAAAAAA!!! For 500 EURO! Ahhh...
That would be amazing build... I have feeling that I would reach some high clock as on Z77 FTW with i7-3770K.

Thanks Vlada, I just couldn't pass these deals up...
And like Xray said in one of his recent posts, if the X99 Dark comes out within 90 days, I may look at stepping up depending on the features etc...

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/27 11:10:19 (permalink)
Ok. So I decided to get the Evga X99 Classified. If the Dark version comes out within 3 months after purchase, I'll do the step up. If not, I'm not going to sweat it. LOL. I'm going to Microcenter tomorrow, and get that 5930k CPU. I'm going to get the Corsair memory at either Amazon, or Newegg. They are both $299 right now. I'm leaning more towards Amazon. Anyway, I'm glad I finally made a decision, and will build it after I get the parts.   

Just to throw this out there, if you haven't already been to Micro Center check if they have the Corsair Ram in stock. I've had them price match Newegg multiple times without any problems. Then you don't have to wait or pay shipping. But you would unfortunately have to pay taxes.
After seeing that EVGA has the X99 Classy on sale for the price of the FTW, and Newegg's sale on the 5930K, I couldn't resist...
Here's what I just purchased:
CPU (5930K) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117403
Ram (G.Skill 2400) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231830
Mobo (EVGA X99 Classy) - http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=151-HE-E999-KR

The Classy for $299 is a pretty good buy. If I was in the market for an X99 board I would have jumped all over that deal. Congrats on the upgrade.

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/27 11:15:33 (permalink)
Ok. So I decided to get the Evga X99 Classified. If the Dark version comes out within 3 months after purchase, I'll do the step up. If not, I'm not going to sweat it. LOL. I'm going to Microcenter tomorrow, and get that 5930k CPU. I'm going to get the Corsair memory at either Amazon, or Newegg. They are both $299 right now. I'm leaning more towards Amazon. Anyway, I'm glad I finally made a decision, and will build it after I get the parts.   

Just to throw this out there, if you haven't already been to Micro Center check if they have the Corsair Ram in stock. I've had them price match Newegg multiple times without any problems. Then you don't have to wait or pay shipping. But you would unfortunately have to pay taxes.
After seeing that EVGA has the X99 Classy on sale for the price of the FTW, and Newegg's sale on the 5930K, I couldn't resist...
Here's what I just purchased:
CPU (5930K) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117403
Ram (G.Skill 2400) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231830
Mobo (EVGA X99 Classy) - http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=151-HE-E999-KR

The Classy for $299 is a pretty good buy. If I was in the market for an X99 board I would have jumped all over that deal. Congrats on the upgrade.

Thanks.  And that's exactly what I thought about the Classy price at $299.

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Re: Thinking about upgrading to the Evga X99 (Classified) 2015/11/27 13:00:23 (permalink)
Wow, pretty good deals guys.  Grats on the buy bdary. 

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