A nice stack of Aquacomputer lovelyness

Some Alphacool BP clone pass thru's....damn sight cheaper!

If you want your Aquaero to run multiple fans then this is a must,Aquaero Waterblock.
Tidy machining as you expect.

Aqualis res,pump mount version.

Pump top to match...D5 version.

I did say i was going dual loop right?

Those pump rings are going red for sure!

So....I have my 12/10 E22 ultraclear but im waiting for c47's to tidy it all up and im swapping out the blocks for MIPS Iceforce CPU blocks.
Im running a lot of the tube under the midplate and using pass-thrus,im bending all the mobo tubing tho,expect a detailed method and plans for the jigs and formers that i will be using shortly.
post edited by B NEGATIVE - 2013/05/01 12:06:46