Hello, I have a 2080 XC Ultra that has recently in the past two days started to give me LED problems and a weird power percentage issue in X1 as well. I have taken this card apart multiple times and every time it worked just fine, but randomly the LED's stopped working. It is in my daily rig: 9600k, EVGA Z370 MATX. I have re-flashed the BIOS, and have DDU'ed and reinstalled all drivers and X1 as well. I have also tried to update the MCU but it throws a device not recognized error when I try to do so.. It also has the power slider greyed out when I open X1 and can not be adjusted. It just started doing that as well when I re flashed the BIOS. I use all links provided by EVGA techs here on the forums, both for flash tool for the BIOS, and for the attempted MCU update. Didn't want to use nvflash just to eliminate that variable. Running out of ideas here..
Really don't want to RMA, as that's a pain lol. But if it comes down to it..
Pictures of LED's not on, Power slider issue in X1, current BIOS and driver, and Device error when trying to update MCU